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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I saw that they have filmed shows through January already, so I wonder when they were notified of this change. Like most of you, I thought they would stay as they were until the 2-year contract was over and then switch. As it is now, I wonder if they will get ready to announce Abby's killer on the last day on NBC and expect people to tune into Peacock for the reveal? I wonder if the soap magazines that do the daily summaries will continue? I haven't watched for two years now and can get enough from the summaries, so I would miss those. Not enough to pay for this, though.
  2. There may be more activity once the real drama starts. Lifetime is using so much filler and annoying activities, that many of us don't bother to watch until at least the honeymoon starts.
  3. So it looks like there will be a tug-of-war between Gabi and Eva both trying to convince the man that he Is the love of their lives. I wonder if "Stefan" has been in that bed all this time with a new heart? And who has been monitoring him and maintaining him all the time that Rolf was in jail?
  4. Sigh - I read a spoiler and it looks like Jan will be back. I am hoping just to grab that baby and leave again. Or, if they put her back in jail and Evan is gone, maybe Shawn and Belle will raise this child. Since they have never been able to keep her (or anyone) in jail, especially the really bad ones, it just gets boring knowing that she will be back. Vivian, on the other hand remains unseen in jail. I would prefer it if they just put the baby up for adoption so the innocent child could have a fresh start and Jan wouldn't come back to deal with Shawn and Belle. LOL - I saw a magazine article saying how great it is for Linsey Godfrey to "own" her age - she's 34, for crying out loud! What is there to "own?" I guess she was displaying her physique and saying that "this is 34." OK.
  5. I wonder when she did that? Hopefully, after D Day or maybe even after the Reunion.
  6. So, it's the middle of August and they are still trying to figure out who-dun-it. Glad that they are finally getting around to Leo. He sure had a nice, long vacation, didn't he? I read that he would have a big story this summer and that, yes, he is on contract. They are pretty much running out of summer for his big story, but I don't think he did the killing. I am still hoping it was Gwen, but since she appears so guilty, it's not her. I don't know what danger is coming up again or why Rex has to be there. I thought Ron said they weren't going to have people come and go because it was too hard to write around. Maybe characters like Rex, who aren't there all the time, are easier to schedule.
  7. Hmm. . . . Wonder what happens with them? And will he have the baby with him? Or, is this kind of implying that Jan is going to "disappear" him?
  8. So Paulina is going to be the newest Julie and get herself involved and give her opinion in every storyline now? She and Kate as friends makes me laugh - they both will lie and cheat to get what they want and neither can be trusted (although they always have a "good" reason for doing what they do). And why would Paulina tell Johnny that she was rooting for him - like that isn't going to come out at some point? Gabi is just going to fabricate a wedding certificate? Oh that's right - this is Salem.
  9. Maybe Alyssa will DM him to hook up when Krysten has had enough rejection. Then they can carry on about how they are such F'ing good people.
  10. Not a fan of Alexis or her wardrobe, but her PTA Mom attire did crack me up.
  11. Starting to see the sweet Miguel shell cracking - he isn't going to be anyone's sugar daddy! He also had some reactions to Lindy's constant (seemingly) long winded rambling that went nowhere. I still like him, not so much, her. (And neither of their siblings should ever be on again!) Morgan loves her some Morgan, doesn't she? So far, she is a bit too strong willed, although they like to refer to that as 'independent.' She talked way too much and wouldn't even give Binh a chance to finish his thoughts. Glad to see that his mama was smiling during the wedding. Alexis is just too much for me. And seeing her on the Afterparty and her PTA mom outfit was ridiculous. Justin seems too smitten too quickly. We have seen that happen every season and it usually doesn't work out well. I would rather have the stupid tooth brushing than the shower scene with Stacia and Nate. And Mitch is not the least bit attracted to his wife. She seemed a little too eager and is willing to ignore that fact. Not going to last. From next week's previews, NONE of these are going to work. Surprise - NOT.
  12. And if Jake comes back as Stefan, he will just be joined with Gabi. They really haven't had any idea what to do with her, since they tried to make her nice and that didn't take. To me, that's the same as Chloe. She serves no purpose and is boring and they have no idea what to do with her.
  13. When they have Gabi say that Stefan was the true love of her life, that pretty much drops the anvil that he will be back. Or Jake will be back with Stefan's essence, since that worked so well before.
  14. In case anyone is interested, there are some spoilers from MAFSFan about how many couples say yes on D Day. No names yet, just number. It's in the spoiler thread.
  15. I think these are back to 30 minute shows, even though the TV listings on my cable has it for an hour. I wonder if adding that hour-long new show about 5 guys moving into a woman's house makes this one too late. I also think that new show will be cancelled very soon. But, it will be hard to watch MAFS, turn away for an hour, and then come back for 30 minutes. I think I stayed awake for it, but don't remember anything useful. Other than Miguel regretting telling Lindy that he wasn't going to tell her that she was pretty because she already knows that. That was a mean and rude thing to say, but he said he heard himself saying it and knew it was not the right thing to say. Could be one reason he is still single?
  16. @Newmy, if you really are friends with Megan, can you tell us their status now?
  17. Also, he focused on it being HIS wedding day, not hers. I feel sorry for her and don't think it will last. He is horrible and because he believes in a purpose, that gives him the right to be arrogant and narcissistic. No, it doesn't.
  18. So far it has been on here for an hour and I don't really like Krysten. I agree that they should have done something with dad. Those wedding pictures will be horrible. Can anyone understand what Justin is saying? I don't have a clue, other than apparently he can only speak with half the sentence being bleeped out, which doesn't help me understand him. They seem like they like each other, but she keeps giving him the side eye after he says something and I don't know what he is saying. ETA - I got my couples wrong. The ones I can't understand are Alexis and Justin. I think I like Lindy and Miguel so far. But, I do NOT like Lindy's brother and I do not like that the families are grilling these new spouses before their partners even get to know each other. And Nate's "friend" Megan? Um, just no. She is going to be a problem.When they started talking I thought they had known each other since childhood, but just a year? Just no. Sigh, between the "like" and the bleeping out half of what these people (brides and grooms) say, it is going to be frustrating. I don't like Krysten overtalking when Mitch is trying to talk. But, he definitely doesn't feel attracted to him. What the hell is he complaining about her wedding dress for? I do not like him at all. ETA - it must be FREEZING there. That's too bad that they have to wear heavy coats over their wedding attire. I am just adding to this post since I saw the whole show now. I am not really liking any of these couples, other than Lindy and Miguel. The previews look like there will be the requisite drama soon, and that there last couple to get married (I don't remember their names) will certainly make up for lost time! I am disappointed that the language used by both men and women is requiring so much bleeping.
  19. She will most likely be the next one arrested, which means it wasn't her. But, yes, all signs are pointing to Sarah being next.
  20. I totally agree. I didn't really know why Matthew Morrison was a judge, but I know he has done a lot of musical theater. I cannot stand to see or listen to Jo Jo with a Bow Bow (that is the only way I will ever see her after watching Dance Moms). She is totally obnoxious and I do not get the way she dressed at all. tWitch is awesome and has been since the first time we met him. Leah Remini???
  21. It sounds like it will be Jake and then they can bring back the actor as Stefan, which was also speculated that they will do - yes, even though we all saw him die. They seem to be big on keeping the actors and just bringing them back as someone else.
  22. What struck me (first time watching this season) was that there was too much interplay/talking happening during the wedding. They kept responding to everything the other one said, and especially during the "what my 'friends' want you to know about. . ." segments. They can talk later, but, to me, it was distracting. I made it through most of the show, but did give up while that one (don't know names yet) was TRYING to tell her dad about the wedding. Um, did she think he might wonder what the cameras were doing there? She told him that she was getting married tomorrow (or was it that day?) and I am assuming he said no. I think I already don't like her. I thought Miguel looked cute. I didn't like his drug selling comment. I did learn that one of the brides has been proposed to three times before. Why haven't you guys mentioned that?😉 And, what does "A whole wife" even mean? I did like the mother with the longish gray hair. She was lovely and smart. Have we seen pets yet?
  23. So, we'll have Baby Melanie and Baby Sarah both on the show????? That's too much.
  24. I am still hoping that it will be Gwen who will be the next summer murder victim we were promised. But, if it is her, then I hope they catch the killer so we don't have to pretend to care and wonder who did it.
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