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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I think they have enough people to take turns being arrested and then released to get through the summer and then they will figure out who actually did it, and by then, as always, we won't care.
  2. I have NO idea why they are insisting on doing this to us, and I am guessing that no one will actually watch, but if anyone does, I am sure I will enjoy the comments.
  3. I sure wish that they wouldn't let the Sami character come and go as she pleases if they are going to make that statement about others. That really puts the EJ character in a. bind. Lucas, too, although they ruined him so there is no other person for Sami except EJ. Until she leaves again.
  4. I am going to add Sarah to the Abby suspect list. They have mentioned the side effects of the drug a few times, so I think they are building up to that. Which will have Xander trying to cover for her and he will admit to it, but he will be innocent.
  5. I wish those two people on that video would have just let Ryan talk and not mumble so much or go off on private tangents. with so much loud laughing at things that weren't funny. It was hard to watch, but I wanted to see and hear Ryan. Plus, all the swipes of the scenes were distracting. I also wish we could have seen Ryan telling Alyssa off. But, I did find it interesting that Ryan said that he made the flight reservations, and it didn't sound like it was producer arranged (maybe he got reimbursed). And that he stated that all the production drama about the dating app on his season would have been cleared up in one conversation, but he accepted the fact that this was a show for dramatic effect. I still like him and am sorry it didn't work with Brett, but that wasn't a good match for either of them. I kind of think that Ryan would be easier to find a match than Brett would be.
  6. LOL - he does look exactly like Woody. Poor little baby.
  7. Not to forget donating all of your organs after you die. Did they ever say why Jack is still alive after he "died" when the elevator crashed down?
  8. There was one talking head with Alyssa where her hair was straight and not so messy looking and she actually looked pretty nice. But, then she spoke. I think she and mean girl Jasmeana will be besties. Katina will go back to her other friends and stay a married woman (although I hope not), but I don't think she and Jas will stay connected, especially with Alyssa. One negative person is enough.
  9. I agree. I was kind of interested to see how she would do with Chris, but once she got there, she had "that face" and didn't really look like she was capable of having a nice time.
  10. Well, if Leo is killed, then I can see the long list of suspects. Not so much for Abby. And it is sounding like Sarah will be having some sleepwalking complications and Xander will go to jail for her, so I am guessing that there will be someone wearing a Gwen mask at some point.
  11. Chris' new girlfriend seems a little too quirky to me. She was dressed like that in another picture I have seen of her where she is sitting on his shoulders, so maybe it was the same day and they went to an art thing? Who is the other guy? I hope Chris is happy. The other guys really seem to like him.
  12. First - we got new emojis, but no sad face. Interesting. Second - I agree with everyone who said there was too much Alyssa. WAY too much. And, poor Ryan. I still like him, and he did not deserve to be reprimanded for being disloyal (what???) and, of course, disrespectful, to his online chat buddy who had already envisioned her life on his ranch, complete with a closet for her cowboy boots. I am sorry that he didn't get to go to the retreat. He might have had some fun. I was happy to see that Chris brought a date, even if it was Olivia. She did seem uncomfortable, which is understandable, and it looks like they aren't dating at this time. I TRIED to count how many times Alyssa said"like" but I ran out of paper. She is so unlikeable and I do love that even if she was "promised" that she would be presented in a good light, she still managed to show her true self. And wearing her "I'm a Good Person" shirt was just stupid. Again, no she is not. I am so glad Michael tried to say what he had to say, even though he got shut down by Jasmeana. She is just so horrible, and obviously has been reading SM since she made a reference to her 'attitude' and laughed. I continue to dislike the spoiled and mumbly Noi. I do not understand what Steve sees in her, but, at least she seemed to have dropped the 3 kids and living apart fake drama. Although, if Steve is in an apartment, can they do renovations and why would they? If he owned it, he would refer to it as his condo, not his apartment, so that was bizarre. She does not seem to be close to any of the other women, although there were some fakey hugs. Of all the shirts they had to choose from, I liked the shirt Mark picked to wear on his date. She did seem nice and normal and passed his test about cat allergies. I hope they go out again. I do think that Lindsey meant her apologies this time. She seemed very sad to have seen the show and her behavior. Maybe this was actually a good experience for her to have to face what her actions did to people. I hope she does well in California. You can only joke about no one liking you for so long. It has to hurt. It seemed like Katina may have found her voice with O. If she has been stuck with just him all this time, of course, she misses her friends. Good for her. I hope he doesn't try to track her or just kind of show up where she is. He strikes me as that type. Still not a fan. I saw that there is yet another show next week and was wondering what it was about, but I am done with this season and these people, so I won't be watching. They are determined to drag this out until the next season is ready to start. Thanks for all the fun and snark this season.
  13. Another 40 minutes before it is on here. Worth watching?
  14. Another rumor/speculation I read is that Sarah will still have issues from the drug and will end up sleepwalking. So, it is speculated that, while sleepwalking, SHE will kill Abby and Xander will want to cover for her. But, we already have one false confession story going on (and it is SO engaging - NOT), so I hope that isn't true. I would be fine if Sarah would just leave forever.
  15. Although I am not a big fan of the Abby character, there are SO many others who could die and have so many more suspects. I would be fine with any of the others mentioned in the article. And if it turns out that the rumors about Abby are true, then I hope it was a plan to frame someone and that she is not really dead. Or, my favorite story would be that the killed person is Gwen, wearing an Abigail mask and maybe even is killed by Leo or Ava, although I don't know why Ava would want Abby to die. And, Abigail is off somewhere and will come back when she has her baby.
  16. Thanks for the spoilers. I wonder how much of that we will see this week or if that all happened after they filmed that show. So glad to know that Chris and Ryan are safe. And, especially happy to think that Katina saw the light.
  17. LOL - some people (like me) still see Chris K when they see "Roman" so I am not sure how anyone will see RSW as a new character. And I also see that they are trying to bring Stefan back since Jake seems to have been a big bust as a character. That could be why Kristen wants to see him. Maybe give him all of Stefan's memories, which I am sure are sitting in a vial somewhere, and send him back to Salem?
  18. But, we don't usually have ALL of that every single day! Plus, on Days we also have recovered from death, masks to make you looks and sound alike anyone else, crazy mad scientists, demonic possession, and frequent amnesia. Ron C has taken the entire Soaps 101 book and put them all in one episode.
  19. And we're still not done yet! Next week we see the Where are they Now? episode, because we can't be away from these people for a week. It did look a little interesting that they showed was it Chris with Olivia? And also, Ryan with Alyssa, but I hope they just met and then went their separate ways. If it is possible, Alyssa looked even worse last night than she did during the show. She is NOT attractive, and she is NOT a good person. Still dabbing away at non-existent tears. What a loser. Kevin F couldn't have been any farther up O's ass if he tried. And, no, I don't believe his changed man story for a second. I am still not feeling the love from Katina, either. She is pretty well resigned to let him do all the talking. It was interesting that they all told Lindsey to apologize and she just couldn't do it. I would be fine if I NEVER see her again. I am so glad that Michael graduated from kindergarten. Jasmeana is horrible. I feel so sorry for the little kids in her class. She has zero warmth at all. I think he will be fine with a caring person (and after he gets rid of that beard). Noi is still pretty stupid and unable to form a coherent thought. She got much better than she deserved. Watching the experts glare at Alyssa was fun. And I think Pastor Cal even did a few eye rolls. But, that gave us less time with Chris, who I think is a good guy. Of course Alyssa couldn't talk about how their values were different. She never got past his face and didn't even attempt to have a real conversation with him. And, she doesn't know what her values are, either. Just that she is a good person, so she must have good values. I will try to attempt to watch the show next week. Then, I hope we get a break before San Diego. I will skip all the pre-wedding matching shows and may tune in when the weddings start. See anyone next week???
  20. LOL - after some back and forth - here is the thread for tonight's show. (Just in case anyone is watching.)
  21. Well, once Sarah remembers who she is, she might be able to go back to work. Let's see. . . Marlena was recently possessed, Sarah was recently a 5 year-old, Tripp was also momentarily possessed and dead, GREAT staff! And Kayla never met a HIPAA rule she followed.
  22. I don't know if Ryan has seen the show, but he did say that he knew Alyssa, or had met her, and she is nice. No, she is not!
  23. No - that's what I thought the first time I saw this rumor. It is actually Ryan from Brett and Ryan. I thought he was a good guy with a bad match.
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