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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I am pretty sure the dress is the same one she wore the last time she was on, because I remember that it was a lot of dress. But, Sher did look really nice I that color. So, since she was on 2 weeks in a row, wearing the same dress that we wouldn't be able NOT to notice, it would seem that they do film these on a different schedule.
  2. Oh good, I was asleep for that one. I saw Steve and Noi and body shots. Then I saw Katina slap O with that whip thing a couple times and they rain into the bedroom. I did not see anything with Mark and Lindsey or Michael and Jasmina (fortunately).
  3. Well, since O's wife can't stand Lindsey, it is interesting that they are sounding like they are friends. I was a little surprised to hear Alyssa's name again. And the fact that she hangs out at the building? I love it that the producers won't give her any camera time for that. I would much rather catch up with Chris. Maybe he talks with them, too. Who knows? I didn't see the whole show last night, and don't think I missed much. I agree that this show is for the cast, and not just outside people with their opinions, unless they are affiliated with the show. If we want to see that, and many do, we know where to find these other people. Lindsey is on too often, but we do always get scoop from her that we wouldn't otherwise know.
  4. I wasn't going to watch this episode because the sex games are just so gross to watch. As it turns out, I fell asleep a few times but did manage to see aNOIng pretend not to know what a shot thing was. (BTW, there was a review in People where Myrla gave her opinion of the couples, as if anyone cared, and she said that we all know HER opinion of that assigned activity.) And, I saw the end where O and Katina were whipping that toy around and ran into the bedroom. I did like how Viv kept calling him out. And we know that Katina has dealt with abusive relationships and was clearly reliving some that when he kept going on about how she wasn't a real woman, or whatever that crap was. It made me sad to see her so desperate to please him. I want better for her and he is not it. Mark and Lindsey just need to end it. He will never be good enough in bed to satisfy her and she will never stop letting everyone know how she is unsatisfied. But, Mark is also not a prize. As she mentioned on the Afterparty, and I will post in that thread, it is very obvious that Mark has trouble setting boundaries and saying no to people, especially women. He wants everyone to like him and doesn't care if he hurts the feelings of the woman he is supposed to be devoted to - his wife. Lindsey is never going to get the man she wants if she stays with Mark. If they stay together on D Day, it won't last. And it shouldn't. They are wrong for each other and I am not sure that either one of them will find a good match. I am just hoping that Jasmina's role in early childhood education is that she is in the front office doing enrollment or paperwork and NOT in a student-facing position. Especially with little kids - they need smiling, loving, interested teachers who will instill the joy of learning and being in school. NOT this cold, inflexible bitch. When she gave Michael permission to speak, I almost jumped out of bed to throw something at the TV. She is horrible. He is trying as hard as he can and will get no where. He was trying to discuss the journaling, as Viv assigned, but she was so mean about it. He may think he wants it to work, but he will breathe a sigh of relief when they are done.
  5. I forgot where I read it (Reality Tea, maybe), but it said that Steve picked Calah and they seem to still be together and Kurt picked Amanda, but they weren't together by the time the show aired and he is now talking to Carolyn. How very predictable.
  6. That's the best part about living on the west coast - by the time the show is on here, the comments have already been posted, so that saves me a lot of time and aggravation. But, then by the time I do watch it, I feel like my comments are late to the party.
  7. With the only 2 guests being O and Lindsey, Keisha will have her hands full. If she can manage these two, then she deserves an award. Jamie O wouldn't stand a chance.
  8. Well, is there a fountain in Horton Square? Or maybe there will be a big cake baked by the always absent bakery owners that they can fall into? And, despite what Nancy wants to think, Leo didn't do anything wrong if Craig made the first move. Actually, even if he did make the move. Craig was her husband and it was his choice. She has to face it - whether or not it is for Leo or someone else (hopefully), her husband is never coming back and it has nothing to do with her. I just really do not want to see Dr. Wesley participating in the next drag show that you know will be happening. ETA - replaced name of actor with characters name. Oops.
  9. I had mentioned earlier that I thought that Lindsey looked good, but I think it was more that the color was good on her. The dress was way too much and formal looking. I didn't like what either Jasmina or Noi were wearing. The colors J was wearing didn't work together (for me) and Noi's outfit was too bland. It's easy to see, now that Alyssa is gone, that Jasmina is getting the nasty edit, although I still think they couldn't edit things in there if they were never said. I believe that Jasmina is a cold, judgmental bitch and she makes me feel sorry for Michael, who is no prize, but he IS trying. O gets the edit he deserves. I don't believe he is playing a role - I think that he presents the way he is. I know that he had that "special phone call" moment on the Afterparty, but I don't think I would watch if he was an actual guest. Although, it might be fun to hear Keisha challenge some of his caveman thoughts. ETA - I will definitely NOT be watching next week. Sexy time show is always cringey for me. The two guests are Lindsey and O and a special guest comedian. Definite miss.
  10. I am SOOOOO glad you posted this because I heard the same thing. I was wondering if there was something wrong with my hearing. They were talking about being "vulnerable" and crying and that is what I swore he said. I didn't get violence out of it - just a desperate man who would fake emotions to get his WIFE to do something he wanted. It doesn't make him less creepy, but I wasn't ready to describe him as violent - yet. Now, if he really did say 'chair' it could be that the other guys didn't say anything because they were shocked or they did say something that we didn't see.
  11. I am sure that he did tell them. It is too much of who he is and he wouldn't have been able to help himself since he has no filter. Again, another "production selection." I still stand by my beliefs that the "experts" have no choice in who is selected. I believe they are just given the cast that was selected and they got to match them, the best they could. But, considering their back stories and personalities, none of these people would have been selected otherwise. They are all hot messes (well, maybe not Steve, but he doesn't really know how to blend his life with another person's) and were hired to create drama. And, at some point, the people will have to stop saying that they did not get what they asked for. No one will! And, again, if you know the kind of person you "WANT", and you haven't been with them yet, maybe you don't know.
  12. I read that while Steven's net worth is $10M, Kurt's is around $1M, which is not bad for a young man! I do like him with Amanda and they are always laughing and having fun. He doesn't laugh with Carolyn. I hope we just saw the editing and he chooses Amanda. Carolyn has way too many secrets and the fact that after all of his attempts, she shuts down any discussion is just ridiculous and he will never be happy with her - unless she decides that she wants him to be. There is only one part of him happy with Carolyn. I do hope he picks Amanda. That will be the only drama in this silly show. Steve seems like a good guy and I hope he picks the woman he will be happy with in his world. As has been mentioned, he adores Annie, but with her allergies, she would be miserable.
  13. They did that last season, too. I think it was Brett and Ryan? That must be in their tool bag o' fun and games. Next week it is the sexy time activities, which are gross to watch.
  14. Are people not watching or just putting comments in the show thread? Or maybe it was just nothing to comment on last night, other than Lindsey looked nice, Jasmina said that Katina doesn't always just sit there and let her ass husband talk to her like that, and I have no idea what Noi had to mumble about. Also, why is Lindsey back again next week? Enough. She did try to stick up for Katina and Jasmina snapped at her, again, looking for a fight. It's bad enough that Jasmina is offended by everything Michael says to her, but now she is offended FOR Katina, who was not even there. She is an awful, cold, woman.
  15. Well, to tell the truth, MARK (or the producers) picked the sushi place for Lindsey to show that he was listening to her and wanted something nice for her. I am guessing he thought he could have something like tempura or something not so wiggly. Since he doesn't eat sushi, she picked out food for him to start with - although I do think she picked the grossest things to start, which was mean. About 5 minutes into this show, I wanted to slap that Jasmina. Does she spend all day looking for ways that she has been offended? Poor Micheal, although he is boring, he is trying and she cuts him off every time. She is so cold and stern and is just waiting to be mad. At the end, I was glad that she moved closer to him and touched him, because I was afraid she wouldn't. But, to me, SHE is the one who is condescending and she speaks to him like a mean teacher. Then, at the pedicure place, she says they have fun and laugh all the time - what??? I would like to see her just smile, just once. Katina is a mess. For whatever reason, she keeps listening to that crap her prize of a husband is spewing. It was bad enough that he was talking about how he didn't want to have to teach her any life skills (um, she has been successful in her adult life so far, you idiot), but it sounds like he wanted to open a package and out walks a Stepford Barbie, ready to please her master. He is absolutely disgusting. I am glad that Jasmina mentioned on the Afterparty that Katina doesn't always just sit there and take it - she pushes back, but has to do that often. But, it also infuriated me that O keeps talking, not about expectations, but STANDARDS that she must meet in order to earn the right to be his wife. OMG. I am glad I didn't have anything to throw at the TV. Once they decide to have sex, I sure hope she does it the way he wants it or she will hear about that, too. Never mind him wanting to please her. And because she doesn't work out like he does, he calls her lazy? I wish I could be so lazy and have a body like hers. Speaking of sex, did you hear how Jasmina referred to her lack of attraction to Michael next week? Yikes! So, it's sex time next week. Since Noi and Steve have said I love you, I am guessing that they have had sex. And Mark and Lindsey, but I don't think anyone else has. Noi continues to aNOI me with her pouty, mumbly, baby voice and her lack of ability to have an adult conversation. Especially one that doesn't include the word 'cute.' She is so immature and Steve seems to me to be a normal, rational, mature adult. And he is stuck with a child bride. I spent a lot of time jumping to other shows - shopping channels, the news, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. because this was so unenjoyable. I still say that this is the most unlikeable group of people - and yet they are boring. O isn't boring, I guess, he is unlikeable and infuriating. Another vote for more Mr. Feeney. He's adorable.
  16. In the listing for the Afterparty tonight, it mentions that Steve tells Noi that he loves her for the first time. I guess he forgave her for going all SM on him.
  17. Maybe if Allie was the next person, that would at least force the devil to leave soon, because he would have died from boredom. On the other hand, maybe that would give Allie a personality?
  18. I don't know if this goes here or in comings-and-goings, but I will put it here. I read an interview with Greg R (Leo) who said he started filming last October and he is still there filming, so he is there for quite a while. I don't know if that makes people happy or disgusted, but even just reading the daily summaries, I find that he is best in small doses. Many months of him is not a small dose, but he is there now, and he did say that he is part if a different story arc now and what that means, like is he still with Craig or back with Will and Sonny stories?
  19. How flattering is that when your lover sees you as a father figure? EEEEWWWWW. I don't believe Leo for a second. He's trying to scam Craig and if he gets away with it, they have completely ruined the character of Craig.
  20. LOL - maybe Tripp can put some color back in Nancy's hair and she can get rid of the gray monstrosity that lives on her head.
  21. One of the soap mag speculation (I HOPE) was that Tripp and Nancy were going to meet at the pub while drowning their sorrows and end up hooking up. I know there aren't many men around for Nancy, but Tripp????? Poor Chloe - her classy dad with Leo and her mom is suddenly a cougar with Trippy.
  22. I am hoping that the wig is just a temporary prop until she divorces Craig and gets a glamour make-over. I am not sure who they will pair her with, but you know that Days can't have a single woman. LOL - TR, perhaps?
  23. Don't forget Taylor, from Taylor and Brandon. She was totally on this show for her followers and posted as much as she could.
  24. I kept hoping against hope that the Leo tidbit was a joke, and Craig's new love would be a classy guy. I am afraid not. That makes Craig seem very stupid, which he never was. I don't know how long he and Nancy will be in Salem, but I see no need for either of them.
  25. I was hoping that next week's twist would either be 1) two girls are eliminated since no one went home this week or 2) the girls pick who gets sent home. I think it will be tricky for girls to pick Kurt when they know that he is too dumb to escape from whatever hold Carolyn has on him. And, if he doesn't pick her, it's obvious that Amanda is right up there. Even his family understands that is a huge weakness of his. I just wish he would have listened to his mother! I am glad that Carolyn at least mentioned that she had a son, so maybe his parents could tell him that he is not ready for an instant family. They really needed to have found someone who is not so obvious. Steve has his favorites, but seems open to most of them. I didn't see who he was talking about when he said they had nothing common next week, so that will be an easy elimination. And I still think that Kurt has money, too.
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