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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Great - it sounds like tonight is going to be another meet up with friends and family to help them decide if they want to stay married. I do believe I can forego this week, too.
  2. We just saw him last week. As they like to rotate the characters, it is not uncommon to let a story play out, and then we don't see anyone connected with them for several weeks, which just adds to the frustration of this show. There is no mention of Rafe, Nicole, Craig, Nancy etc. Xander isn't going anywhere. Not that anyone is complaining, but Ciara and the baby haven't had much screen time lately, so the next couple of weeks will be possession and demon baby time.
  3. I am not sure who the 'he' is a reference to, but if you are asking about Olaj, then, yes, he has said he has ADHD. He told Katina's family that at the wedding.
  4. Because we have seen many rumors about Abby being killed and none about the actress leaving, I am thinking that her death will be staged and faked and somehow blamed on Gwen. Once they catch Gwen in a lie about it, they will be able to haul her away (for a day) and then Abby will be back. We have heard that Melissa Reeves won't be back for the funeral, and Jennifer will be played by Cady. I think now that it was just some same ol' Ron crap.
  5. Does anyone know if Allie will be there final devil or do we have more jumping to look forward to? If this story is going to continue through the summer, will AllieDevil take the baby and leave for a while, only for Ben to rush in with a golden halo and banish the evil?
  6. Sigh - it looks like next week is the usual separating to spend the night before D Day apart. Then, we don't even get D Day - we get ANOTHER asinine discussion show with "show favorites" talking about their thoughts. WHO CARES????? I sure hope Decision Day is over in 1 week and then they take 2 weeks for the reunion.
  7. I would not have recognized Lindsey, either. However, that said, was anything interesting actually said on the show? Lindsey often leaks out info that she probably shouldn't.
  8. Thanks, everyone. Again, just reading the posts so far helps me decide NOT to watch when it is on here in an hour. I really appreciate your comments. ETA: As I said in another post, in order for me to care about any of these people's pasts, I have to like and care about these people, which I do not.
  9. In looking at tonight's episode, it looks like it will be dealing with everyone's past. In order for me to care about anyone's past, I have to like them. Since I don't like ANY of them (except for maybe Steve), this will be 3 weeks in a row that I won't bother to watch. I think I am cured!!!! And with both OIaj and Lindsey on the Afterparty, I am skipping that, too. Hooray! Just your snarky comments on the show will be enough.
  10. I THINK that they will find out about the syringe so that they can get baby Sarah the antidote quickly. I don't see Xander ever forgiving Gwen, even if he doesn't find out. But, if he does agree to trust her again, then he deserves what he gets, and THAT is when Sarah will crash the wedding. Boring and predictable. And, I also believe that Gwen will be the one to kill Abby, so I hope that means she is gone forever and not hiding out somewhere with Kristen. I read that Leo will be around for a log time and has other stories going on, so I think he and Craig will get back together at some point (after Leo gets divorced), although I still see no need for Craig and/or Nancy to have come back.
  11. I agree - he is very difficult to watch and listen to. He got a little better after a really scary start. I think some of his examples were a little weird. Like when he was talking about not yelling at his kids to not put a coat hanger in a wall socket. Um, YES, you do need to yell NO at them if they do that. That is not the time to have a discussion with them. But, I think he was trying to explain the difference in how he was raised and how he wanted to raise his kids. It is still really hard to watch. I saw that James Franco is listed as a witness for him. Sorry, but, the only person stranger than Johnny Depp is James Franco. I just wonder what the jury is thinking, especially when he was referring to Penthouse #1 or number 4. It was nice that he didn't charge his friends (or hers) rent, but having several penthouse apartments just sitting there is not really anything the jury can relate to.
  12. Is anyone watching the disaster that is Johnny Depp testifying?
  13. I wonder if that means that Gwen will be the one to kill Abby for outing her misdeeds at the wedding? Either way, I am glad to see the character of Gwen disappear.
  14. In an article/interview with Dr. V, she said that counseling is available to anyone who asks for it, during or after the show. I am guessing that it is because Lifetime doesn't want to be sued or held liable. She said they can't make them take advantage of it, and that the "experts" meet with the participants at least 5 times per season. She didn't specify if that was 5 times across all three experts, or if each expert sees them 5 times.
  15. Because they always seem to "think" that opposites will bring out the balance in each other. How's that working for them so far??? ETA - I didn't think it would be worth watching, just based on the comments, so I didn't. I didn't miss a thing. I REALLY don't want Steve to say yes on D Day. Noi is a whiny, spoiled, immature, selfish brat. I think I said that last week. And the week before. And before that. Anyone who values social media attention more than a real relationship shows what is horrifying about so many young (and not so young) people today. I get so annoyed just seeing O and hearing his narcissistic and misogynistic comments make me want to throw something. I hope Katina realizes that she is better than to take that crap. Jasmeana and Michael are boring. Lindsey and Mark are exhausting and boring - same story, different location. This season has made it so easy to not even want to watch anymore. I know I say that every time, but considering I haven't watched half of this season, it is getting easier. I am sure I will watch the beginning of the next time, but if they continue selecting unlikeable people, which they seem to be doing, I am out. At least next week is the last Afterparty, so that means they are starting to wind down. Of course, that still means several weeks of stupid filler episodes. I am the most curious about the reunion, although I am not looking forward to the return of the Good Person.
  16. Keep the comments coming - even with just the few that are here, it is looking like it is not a show I need to see when it is on in three hours. Thanks!
  17. That HAS to be a typo. I am sure they mean Tripp and Chanel.
  18. Especially another unwanted baby (well, wanted by only one of the couple).
  19. They could still have had the cherry filling (but how was that supposed to reveal a gender), but they really should have had it in a Devil's Food cake at the least.
  20. Especially with her hubby and his resources.
  21. Well, there is no one left for either of them, so it seems likely. I like that one better than the Tripp and Nancy speculation. Not crazy about Nancy and Clyde. but again, who else is there? And, who actually wanted the Westons back in the first place? As for the weddings - so 3 characters no one really likes (many like Xander) get weddings. At least it will be one wedding that will, most likely, be ruined once poor Gwenny gets dumped. Even if Leo and Craig end up married, who cares? From the previews, it looks like more people are attending the doomed gender reveal party than would want to come to either of these weddings. Just, PLEASE, no Leo in a wedding dress!
  22. I still watch the marathons that are on almost daily, but, for me, once Derek and Hotch left, I never warmed up to any of the replacements. The middle seasons were the best to me with that group. I was thinking about getting Paramount + but I am not sure if I want to, especially without Spencer's character. I really liked the characters of Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss. That's it. There was way too much Garcia in it for me to enjoy. A little of that character goes a very long way, and they had too much focus on her. I will be interested in seeing how they bring JJ and Prentiss back and if Prentiss ended up with that guy or broke up. I kind of am interested in seeing the whole season = one case scenario. I liked how they were going to do that on Mindhunter, but that fell through. I will wait for more scoop.
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