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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. So, we'll have Baby Melanie and Baby Sarah both on the show????? That's too much.
  2. I am still hoping that it will be Gwen who will be the next summer murder victim we were promised. But, if it is her, then I hope they catch the killer so we don't have to pretend to care and wonder who did it.
  3. If she was that upset by his finances, then don't you think SHE would have divorced HIM? And, yes, she is extremely tacky and immature to put it all on SM, which was a sticking point that he (rightfully) couldn't get past.
  4. LOL - so are they going to end up telling us that Kristen found a body, slapped on an Abby mask, and had it buried without anyone noticing it wasn't her face???? And, I agree that Sarah being the killer is just another red herring. They won't arrest the real killer until the end of the summer, by which time no one will care (if anyone still does.) In the meantime they will arrest several more people. They still have Gwen, Leo, Lucas, and who else to go? Xander will confess if they decide to arrest Sarah, so there will be that to look forward to as well.
  5. When I made the original comment about KA's weight when she was younger, I was just remembering how I felt when I saw that story and, to me, she looked heavy to be a competitive ice skater. I was just comparing her to the ice skaters of that time. I don't remember how old I was, but that was a LONG time ago and is she appeared at that weight today, I would probably have thought she looked fine. Regardless, she is still beautiful.
  6. I don't know if it is true about him ragging on her about her weight, but she USED to be pretty chunky when she was much younger. I remember when she was ice skating and she looked much larger than she is now (which is way over in the other direction to me).
  7. I read T-Boz was coming back, so there must be some others. I wonder if they are including Viv sitting in her sad cell?
  8. Actually, I think she WAS a big part. Now, her character is irrelevant and actually disruptive to any story. They cater to her when she is there and make her stories all the same with her over-the-top behavior (Sami's, not Allison's) and she really doesn't fit into any of the stories anymore. Her kids are either grown or never seen and the back and forth between Lucas and EJ was over (for me) a long time ago. The way they write for characters and storylines, it makes sense for the actors to find other work in the meantime since they are featured for a short time and then off for weeks, so if they could make it work to be on-and-off, then that's great. But, there are now so many who want that, and I totally understand how to would be impossible to schedule, especially with their ridiculous taping schedule.
  9. Is Jan done for now, since she won't be found in the water? She will most likely be on the run and come back at some unfortunate time. So, in the meantime, will Shelle get back together and raise the baby? I guess just until it is time for Orpheus/Evan to drop the big news. ETA - since this baby doesn't have anything to do with Shawn or Belle, why are we supposed to care? I wonder if the stupid writers have a plan for what Orpheus plans to do?
  10. So there were actual weddings last night? All of them? I might try to find it to FF through. Or, just wait until next week since they will repeat a lot. Thanks for your comments. I feel as though I DID see it. I read a news feed thing from People that had Lindsey from last season giving her predictions. I want all of those past participants to GO AWAY NOW. I do not care what she thinks.
  11. I will be checking back to see if anything happens tonight or if it is the start of the filler-paloozi with a new season.
  12. I just read some soap magazine speculation (sorry, I don't remember which one) that said they think Phillip came back and was the murderer. Something about Abby getting too close to the whole story where Brady was framed by Phillip for his "death" so he came back and made sure she couldn't expose him.
  13. I don't believe for one minute that Kristen will stay in jail/prison. Maybe they just brought her back to add to the list of possible murderers. Re: Eli and Lani leaving. I read an interview where LA was not happy with his farewell story and that he was hoping to just stay off and on as he was, but we saw where ReRon said he wanted to get rid of all these people they had to work around their schedules. I do hope that goes for Sami, too, but that's OT. Anyway, he did not like his exit story at all, but Sal LOVED it - of course she did - it was all about HER. She said it was her favorite story of her whole time there. whatever. I am glad she is gone.
  14. Interesting that it sounds like the wedding is blown up on Wednesday and yet, on Friday, Kate doesn't like Lucas' plan. I wonder if the confession Lucas makes to Will on Monday is what happens on Wednesday and Will makes the announcement? Or, Lucas tells Will that he doesn't remember the night Abigail was killed. And, maybe his plan that Kate doesn't like is that he goes to tell the police he might have done it. either way, it does sound like Sami will find out that Lucas kidnapped her and framed EJ.
  15. No, it was Ryan (from Brett and Ryan). Apparently, he read Allyssa the riot act but we didn't get to see that part. I still like him. Henry was with ChristinA in New Orleans, I think. Just so I don't have to watch any of it - which Amber was there? Blonde from Dallas or the needy teacher with the basketball cheater?
  16. Wow - my TV listing had this all be about the new group, so I didn't watch. It sounds like they went back and brought in lots of former people. I am disgusted to see that Steve and Noi are still together but not living together. Steve is fully capable of getting a real wife. Noi is not capable of being in a relationship. Amber and Iris???? Thankfully, there doesn't appear to be any mentions of Paige or Hailey. I recorded this, so I may watch but Lindsey and Mark again? Why?????
  17. I am thinking that this was a cutesy "wink" from Ron to the viewers so that we would be surprised with the true daddy. Which most people weren't. Maybe Jan and Evan/Christian got together when they were supposed to be in the arts and crafts room making mugs?
  18. Lucas - a good guy??? He kidnapped Sami and framed someone else. He kept her away from her family so no one would tell her and he continues to lie to her. I am not a fan of Sami's, but they have ruined Lucas and he is not a good guy anymore. And then to have him start drinking again? Nope. He is ruined for me. He WAS good but boring, but not now.
  19. Well, I do hope it is true about the paternity, but then what happens to the baby? Jan, Evan, Orpheus are all still supposed to be in jail, right? And, how long until everyone else finds out about this? Obviously, Orpheus will want something from Jan to keep it a secret. I truly hate that they keep bringing these people back. who is going to want to raise that child? Ship him off to the daughter who is raising David? I liked my theory that the baby was really Belle's and Shawn's and Jan just ended up being the surrogate.
  20. My problem with this is that every year, these people think that they are giving Santa a list of what they want and if it isn't on their list, they get upset that they didn't get what they asked for. I haven't started watching this season yet, but, so far, it sounds like the same old thing. People who have not been successful in finding relationships thinking that they should "get" what they asked for and nothing less (or more). The pool of selections is limited by the fact that all of these people want to be reality TV stars, and if maybe they get a spouse, that's fine. But, especially the last few years, I don't think that is the goal.
  21. I didn't watch the show, but read the list of winners. I thought it was a joke that the only award they won was for Best Writing. For real????
  22. They did that with Myrla and Gil and look how that turned out!
  23. With all the requests Jan has had to practice with baby Bo, it is making me nervous that Jan will end up baby napping the infant in case she doesn't get to keep baby Bo. Also, a reference to Phillip today? We have enough people - don't bring anyone else back!!!
  24. I am glad that they are getting rid of Lani. But, since he has another job to go to, I wonder if they will end up bringing her back at some point. I hope they don't kill his character and then have her come back with the twins. But, she adds nothing to the show.
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