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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. PLEASE let them have not included Chris in this. Paige can go, I guess, and mope around about how she deserved better, and hang out with Haley, but if they allow Chris, who has ruined every event he has attended and has already said he is done, to attend, then the show is being disrespectful - to us!!!
  2. Nah, he would just finish it. No meat will go to waste.
  3. I don't think the issue is a lack of awareness with Haley. She OWNS the fact that she checks out, shuts down, and writes people off at first sight. Apparently, though, she just doesn't accept that those behaviors are unacceptable and immature, rude, and not in the least conducive to being in a relationship. Her own family told Jake that she was a tough nut to crack; her friends told him that she shuts down and to give her space, so these are KNOWN Haley behaviors. The problem is that she thinks that she is so awesome, that those behaviors are fine and anyone would be thrilled to be with her. She thinks she is justified in being rude because she has no chemistry with Jake, so he deserves nothing from her - and she has no sense of decency as a person. When Dr P told her that she was hurtful in her behaviors, she totally rejected that and was pissed that Dr P didn't support HER. Again, my main question is, "Why was she selected in the first place?" We saw all of these behaviors from the first day of the show, so I find it hard to believe that the "experts" missed it. She is not that good of an actress. Same with Chris and Ginny. Never should have been selected.
  4. need to add: On the rocks. I didn't see the whole show, but between what I did see and what I read, I did not miss much. Glad that Chris and Paige were not on. I wish they would also just skip anything with Horrible Haley and Jake, as well. They are also done and there is no reason to make them do those stupid activities, like the letter. Jake may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is a man who did want to find love on this show. He went in for the right reasons. She did it to have a date since all her friends were married. She is so cold and unfeeling, even if she didn't like him and there was no chemistry, but it is just so hurtful to watch how she treats him. Even when Dr. Pepper gave her some feedback, and Haley even said that when she isn't comfortable, she shuts down; when she doesn't like something she shuts down. Her parents said that at the wedding; her friends told her that before the wedding - why the hell was she selected? Wasn't she labeled the picky bride? Haley knows that about herself, but doesn't apologize for it or try to improve. She is one of the many people this season who should not have been selected. I don't know how that happens, except for the asinine idea (per Pastor Cal) that it is just for Drama. I think that it was really sweet of Jake to present his new wife with a nice piece of jewelry, showing his hope for an eternity together. Wasted on her. She deserves nothing. If you don't like your match, there are mature ways to handle it.
  5. Well, since no one has been able to contact Hope, Ciara should leave to go find her, just as Hope did to find Ciara. However, I have no idea how one starts to search the entire planet if they have no clues as to where the person is. I don't think Chanel will pull the pregnancy card - they already have Gwen pregnant with Chad/Stefano's baby. I can't see them having 2 babies. Between Lani and Eli's twins, baby in a blanket Henry, and Gwen's potential DiMera bundle, there is no room for a Xander baby. It will be part of a plot to get money from Paulina.
  6. Wasn't there a red herring scene a while back where ALL of the women were wearing red coats, including Ava and Nicole? People commented because they don't usually wear coats, plus it was an obvious sign of things to come - and here they are.
  7. To only agree to spend one weekend a month with a brand new husband, which must be pre-arranged, speaks volumes about Ginnny's desire to be in a committed relationship. The only thing she is committed to is drinking.
  8. So, just where is this stash of memory vaccines ready to go that everyone seems to know about? Shouldn't it be, I don't know, under legal or medical control????? Or destroyed?
  9. I wish Pastor Cal had been as honest to Clara's face as he was in the TH when he was aghast at her saying their marriage is a 10. are with Ryan. Once Pepper asked him if he has even asked Clara about how she feels, he seemed surprised to think he had never thought of that. Then when he asked, he only asked about how she felt about him taking it slow, not how she may feel rejected. I don't see this working out long term (unless they agree off camera that they will have an open marriage, if she keeps it quiet. Oh wait - that is not part of her skill set). I think the only time Haley has been honest this whole show was last night when she realized that the only reason she is pretending to hang on is because otherwise, that makes HER a failure, and we can't have that. I am sick of her fake tears and attitude, but she did look as pretty as I have seen her. Chris is despicable and disgusting. Paige, who I don't think is attractive, seems to have finally gotten the idea that it is not going to work. (Which makes that clip that she showed of Decision Day even more laughable.) I don't know how she was before all this, but she seems to be totally depressed with no affect at all. Her choice of clothes is horrible, but I guess she is trying to spotlight her assets. Unfortunately, her assets don't include dignity or personality. Brianna and Vinnie are boring. She is the only one of the brides I think is pretty. She is gorgeous, but the rest are average, at best. Not that that is a bad thing - makes them more normal! But, Brianna is exceptionally pretty. I hope they are able to get past her health issues to decide how to have a family. I agree with everyone that this info should have come out BEFORE the matching. Kids, religion, pets, etc. should all be strongly considered first. I didn't like how neither Erik or Ginny were honest about their relationship. They are both very unhappy and not about trivial matters. Yes, getting and being pregnant can be scary, but usually, the end result of having a baby is worth it, but not to Ginny. She can blame her upbringing as much as she wants, but until she accepts that the reason she doesn't want to get/be pregnant is because she would have to stop drinking, there will be no real resolution - either way. Erik can say he realizes that he cannot communicate or deliver a message the right way, but he does nothing to change it. He IS controlling and condescending. He desperately wants to be married and is going to keep trying to mold her into what a wife "should be," but she is not going to be easily molded. She was too young and immature to have been chosen in the first place. Plus, she's an alcoholic. I don't see them together long term, either. At least, happily.
  10. If they are both home owners and need to sell one or both, that will take some time. Or, if they are renting, they would have a lease to finish or buy out, so it may take some time to get to their together in one home budget. I am just impressed that they are saving $3,000 a month.
  11. Because they each have their homes and are now living in a provided apartment. Until they actually move in or buy a home, they still have to pay for their homes.
  12. And I still don't believe the big murder story will be over in two weeks. It takes that long for someone to answer the door! There are still way too many possible suspects who have not been questioned yet.
  13. I bought a portable CD player (like an old Walkman) and plug it in to my car. Or you could record a bunch and put them on a thumb drive and play in your car.
  14. What has been driving me crazy is that Clara continues to lament how she pleasures Ryan every night and he has yet to reciprocate. So, why does she keep doing it???? It's almost like Paige - keep doing the same thing over and over and hope all of a sudden he changes. So, I think she needs to stop and say they will wait until it its a good connection for both of them. That might even help her to finally actually feel an emotional connection. He can start with just taking his shirt off, for crying out loud!
  15. I think that scene of Decision Day may have been what Chris and Paige came in with, but there is no way they left without being forced into a decision and we know what it was. He really had Paige hoodwinked - right to the better end and made it look like she allowed him to speak for her. Hopefully, one of the "experts" guided Paige to the right decision and maybe she gets to dump him?
  16. I read the first 2 pages of comments before the show was on here, so I knew not to expect too much. And , fortunately, I even dozed off and on, so I missed anything that had to do with Paige and Chris, but I did see part of Paige's visit with her brother and sil. What I did happen to see a lot of was Erik and Ginny. I realized that I cannot understand a word she says. She talks so fast and mumbly and there was so much bleeping out of profanity, that I had no idea what she was saying. I did see that she may start strong when confronting Erik, but she caves and starts freaking out. She so needs treatment for her anxiety issues - AND she needs to not be around someone who can trigger them. Erik is a bully and all his talk about protecting her and being concerned for her is BS. I am really glad that she told him that they were NOT as OK as he keeps saying. Maybe she needs to write it all out and then read it to him, with a facilitator there to stop him from interrupting her and at least know that she said what she needed to say. I know, as a dog owner, that I would not want him disciplining my dog, especially if his isn't perfect. And, it was funny when she said she was out on a leasheless walk, but that is going to get her in trouble or Rocky hurt. I know she did that as a passive-aggressive FU to him. The yoga thing was weird. Ryan would get so far and then start laughing about something. Clara is not going to get anything anywhere until the cameras are gone. I still don't get why his shirt has never come off, though. That is weird. Production just really cast wrong people this time. I just saw when Vinnie rattled off a bunch of "dates" he wanted Brianna to take him on. He has expensive tastes for some those trips. I know that she is the breadwinner, but let's not abuse it. I didn't see anything with Chris or his mom, so yay!
  17. I am not sure who else did this, but she did assign it to Mindy and Zach when he wasn't "feeling attraction" to Mindy.
  18. I agree, @gonecrackers. She is on entirely too often. It's bad enough that they suck the air out of the main show, but this is too much.
  19. LOL, the dogs are what is going to make the episode watchable. But, I sure hope Chris and Paige don't have one.
  20. Well, maybe to her, "all in" was keeping up with her drinking behaviors. She has already said that her girlfriends can't, so maybe she was looking for a guy to keep her company, so she wouldn't have to crash on her male friend's couches?
  21. I just don't understand why this show continues to cast people in their early- to mid-20s. When they say they have tried everything find a partner, that's just nonsense. People that age should take some time to find themselves as adults and THEN find a partner. Look at how immature Virginia is, but maybe for her age, she's not? Look at Katie from a couple season ago. She was a spoiled, immature baby and had no business getting married. I think the minimum age should be 30. That does bring baggage, but also more life experience and the ability to interact and compromise more. Even as it is, we have people who have been "single" for many years (um, if they aren't married, they are single. If they haven't been in a relationship, say that. Everyone on this show is single and has been until they get married.)
  22. The new Lifetime show that will be on after MAFS is done - Unmatchables. Supposedly, they pick people who didn't make the cut to appear on MAFS, so they are going to help them be more I don't know, matchable? But one of the scenes showed Dr Viv trying to "teach" someone who doesn't know how to kiss and has this HUGE rubber lip thing. So horrible.
  23. When they were eating dinner, I was trying to see what he was eating. It could be that he only makes steak and eggs at home because it is easy for him to cook. Maybe he eats a more varied menu when he isn't cooking?
  24. I think the shocker of Paige and Chris saying they weren't sure was just a tease. We KNOW how it ends, so there is more, but it was pretty disgusting when he insisted that he spoke for them both and Paige weakly whispered she wasn't sure. She has either been totally brainwashed by him or is just plain weak and pathetic and does not have the mental capacity to make her own decision. That was pretty funny when Viv freaked out. I think they had a good read on Clara and Ryan and why he is holding back. I just don't get Ginny and Erik, either. She is so frustrated trying to communicate with him and shows just how unready she was for marriage. I do get it that she wouldn't want someone else disciplining her dog, though. Especially if he is heavy handed or mean. But, it looked like in that one scene, there were no drinks in view. I FF Briana and Vinnie. They are sweet and boring and will be together forever, I'm sure. I just don't care anymore about Haley and Jake. They are both done and it is hard to watch the animosity. They have gone past where they could have been friends. But, I hope we don't have to see Haley pretending to cry and say how much she did try anymore.
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