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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. @rebel2u, I used to have a sign with that saying in my office. I love it!!!
  2. Current and previewed kidnap victims: Ciara Claire Gwen Sarah (?) And, yet another wedding disaster. I can picture the scripts with the last character's names scratched put and replaced with the next round. So so so very stupid and lazy.
  3. It would be really great for Ginny to fly around the world (or even the country) as Erik's wife. But, somewhere in the back of my mind, I just think that her constant state of inebriation could be a problem for Erik's reputation. I don't think he is thinking of this, but I would be afraid to let someone like that out in public around my professional colleagues. I do hope that we don't have as much focus on Paige and Chris, and if she really does say (again) that she's done, that she will be. They can just show up separately for filming.
  4. I agree and I have heard that many psychiatric practices limit the number if truly narcissists they will work with because they suck the life out of the therapist and are so difficult to see any progress. That would be straight up narcissist, and not taking into account anything like bi-polar disorder. Clara keeps saying that they have been getting closer in some levels of intimacy, but since she hasn't seen him without a shirt, I am not sure how intimate they have been. Maybe he has some horrible scar that he is self-conscious about? I don't want to go back and rewatch anything, but didn't they have any scenes at the pool on their honeymoon?
  5. I don't usually watch Unfiltered because I don't like the host. But, is Paige on every single time???? I am so sick of both of them sucking up so much air time. I do, at this point, think that all three of them are in on this. Otherwise, there is no way Paige would have been allowed to go to a meeting with there being no intermediary from the show there to facilitate that mess. If Chris is playing a part of a script, he is doing a great job. I happen to think that he is just being Chris. I don't know what Paige's game is, but she cannot be that desperate and clinging to a "marriage" less than 2 weeks old. I really am done with Ginny and Erik. She came home still drunk and just seemed so distracted and uninterested in being there. So, she chose to ONLY invite her male friends and no female ones? I bet she was in her glory - all men and her. Erick is a fool and she isn't even very pretty. And he was totally right that her dog feeds into her energy and gets hyper when she does.S ave the dog!!! I was surprised when Clara announced to everyone that she hadn't even seen Ryan without a shirt and hope that she was just joking. I still like him and hope she gets some action soon or she will explode. And not in a good way. I really need Brianna to stop the laughing at every single thing she says. Oh, the other reason I don't like the Unfiltered show is that the purpose is to get other people to gossip about people who aren't there. How junior high school. And, as someone said, who are any of these people to give marriage advice to anyone else? I was disgusted hearing Paige saying how it takes time to grow the marriage - she is the LAST person to give advice. The only thing she needs to grow is a spine. It seemed like the show could have been about 12 minutes without the commercials. I still fell asleep and need to watch the end and the previews for next week. As long as Chris snd Paige are on, I will probably just record and watch the next day to fast forward. Terrible season. I might actually be able to mean it when I say (as I do every year) that I am done.
  6. I am so glad to see Nick Jonas back - I don't watch the seasons where Gwen is on. She is too annoying for me. Kelly is over the top, too, so many times I wait until the actual competition starts to avoid the begging and "joking" that has nothing to do with the singing. I think the coaches have to have some people on their teams who are not so good because they can afford to lose them or cut them when making choices. They will always pretend to be sorry when they do the matches, but you just know that many of these people will be sacrificial lambs. Still, I was surprised (was it Cam?) chose Blake over John.
  7. He has already stated that and that they didn't have his back.
  8. If the actress is really going on maternity leave, there is no reason she can't go "help her mom with Laura's estate."
  9. Saw a spoiler that said Theo is back the week of March 8, too. Maybe for the christening? I really don't like these drop-ins.
  10. I am still thinking it will be none of the Salem folks we know. I am still betting on Angelo.
  11. I think they were having the characters wear similar clothes (like Nicole and Belle wearing the same type of coat) or all the guys wearing black jackets because there will be a witness of some type, which will lead to pretty much everyone being arrested or brought in for questioning.
  12. I have decided that the Chris/Paige/fiancee (pregnant or not) players are ALL in on this story and it is totally scripted. I didn't think Paige was acting, but now I do. No way would a person with an iota of dignity allow herself to be treated like she has, and come back for more UNLESS she is being well-rewarded. (Even then, most people simply would not agree, but then most people don't go on reality tv). I am guessing that when Chris was whispering in her ear at the end, he wasn't saying that he was falling in love with her - he was saying, "Remember the money!"
  13. First, STOP THAT BABY VOICE, Brianna!!! She is a lovely woman and when she starts the squeaking, it is NOT cute or charming. I am hoping that the stuff between her and Vincent is just production thing. I don't know why he was so mad and why he keeps thinking she is being disrespectful. But, he does have to give her examples so that she is aware of specifics, other than him saying he shouldn't have to give examples. The situation didn't feel real to me. I don't believe he would have left unless directed to. Ginny (love it!) and Erik are a mess. She had already been gone for a night with her friends and they had been married less than a week. When people upthread were talking about their spouses doing an activity (bowling, hockey, etc.) to give them some time to themselves, that is great - but that is for the evening. Ginny didn't come home all night. Big difference. She is no where near ready for marriage. Erik does come across as a stern, lecturing father and their ages are not that far apart. She is very immature - period. And, I also don't believe she doesn't drink except for Thursdays thru Saturdays. She just does her drinking in bars those nights and consumes her alcohol at home the rest of the time. Paige continues to make me sad for her lack of self-esteem. I don't understand why she walked to the garage with him. I was sure he was going to wheel his luggage right back up to their apartment. The look on her face when he was whispering that crap made me sick. I sure hope that she is in on this story and she is not that desperate, but then I also don't understand why someone would want to go on national tv and come across as that loser. She lost the sympathy vote a long time ago. I don't for one minute believe that Pastor Cal didn't know the story before he got there - no way. He isn't that good of an actor and if true, then what is wrong with the production crew that they wouldn't have told the "experts" that there is a couple in serious need of their intervention? Glad that Cal said he did not want this "marriage" to continue.I know there is the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but why would Chris want people to see him this way and think it is a positive and that he will get some kind fame from it? Yes, he thinks he is a brilliant entrepreneur and player, but what does he think this show is going to do for him? I still like Ryan and still don't like the faces that Clara makes. She is so ready to jump him! Pastor Cal's definition of love was stupid, but I really hate that there is this "L-word" drama every stinking season. I hope they do make it. Once she stops oversharing, which will be hard for her, they could be a solid couple. So, the show puts these strangers together and marries them and then seems not to realize that all of these people, who could not find a spouse on their own, may have some baggage from past experiences? The analysis of Jacob wanting to be the real boyfriend is perfect. He is bringing up feelings from past relationships because he has them and has no history or trust with his new wife, so why wouldn't they come up? I am still not a fan of Haley and haven't like her since the matchmaking show. She is cold, I think she is conceited, and keeps to herself. How is a stranger (regardless of how weird he may be) supposed to cut through that? She doesn't talk, except to disapprove of everything he says or is proud of, and brings nothing to the relationship. Why would they have cast someone who says she is judgmental and shuts down early in a relationship and doesn't give the guy a chance? I do think Jake is trying and he is getting nowhere. Yes, he is odd, but I think he could have been weaned from his 80's obsession and been a decent husband if someone was willing to work with him. I feel bad for him that he got a real dud. I sure hope that next week is the end of the Chris/Paige debacle once we meet the ex (and I guess now the current) fiancee. Hmm, unless Chris is going to suggest a threesome? I do hope that the meeting of the three of them will be facilitated by someone and not just filmed for the show to see how they react.
  14. I just hope that this means they can stop pretending and be done. Paige can show up for group things, but if she even thinks that she will live with him, they need to have her committed to a long-term facility. Hold on to that anger, Paige, and DO NOT let Pastor Cal stop you! (I know, I know, it's already been filmed months ago!)
  15. Thanks, @ElectricBoogaloo for telling me who that Ashley is. No wonder I never heard if her. I didn't realize she was pregnant at first and just noticed her top half smashed into little girl dresses and it looked stupid. And you are all right about Brian Austin Green, but at least I had heard his name. I still think the judges must have gotten tips about who the performers are because their guesses were so outrageous, and again, who (over the age of 12) knows who Mackenzie is (unless you watched Dance Moms- I confess former guilty pleasure)?
  16. Chris keeps referring to his "ex," but does he say "ex-fiancee?" There were other rumors that it was another woman who he got pregnant, not his trophy model, who, I agree, did not look pregnant in the pic I saw of them. But, since she is going to be on in a couple off weeks, we shall see. If she made it up to get him back, she is worse than he is! I don't know why they say is is sad news for Paige. Anything that gets her away from him and out of this "marriage" is NOT sad.
  17. I am 68 and I remember several "Dates with Dad." He would take me to movies my mom didn't want to see (like James Bond, other spy movies), and he came to take me out to lunch when I was in college, and every year we had a standing date for the KU Track and Field day. So, it wasn't all the time, but it happened. It was lovely and I miss him so much.
  18. It's TV, but it's also, unfortunately, the social media culture where people feel compelled to be vicious, judgmental, and cruel. It makes me terribly sad to see that side of people, but it is what it has been allowed to become.
  19. Does anyone have any scoop on the Reunion show results? I haven't been able to find any info.
  20. Even if Paige was not told ahead of time about the possible baby, as soon as she was told on the honeymoon, we should have seen some of those discussions. They seem to be much freer now in showing discussions with production, so there should have been a scene with production, the experts, and Paige giving her all of her options. If we actually saw that and saw that she chose to stay, then it's on her. (Although those scenes could also be set up and manipulated, so never mind! I don't trust anything on this show!)
  21. There is another spoiler that says that Lani will introduce Abe to her aunt, so she is related on the mother's side, and will cause problems for Eli snd Lani, of course. So maybe they will hook her up with Abe? And also that her daughter will be a source of drama.
  22. Also sounds like Jackee will be Abe's sister (Lani's aunt). Too bad she will be family and not a potential love interest (unless she is his SIL somehow). I guess Belle is going to be busy lawyering for all the suspects in Charlie's death. Maybe she and Justin can take turns defending everyone.
  23. Re: Haley - right about everything said above. Plus, her family even told Jake that she is "a tough nut to crack" and she tends to shut down, but don't give up on her. So, this is typical Haley behavior. Jake doesn't need this garbage with someone he just met. She does seem conceited to me and that she thinks she is better than he is. The fact that she is bringing her friends on the honeymoon with them (via FaceTime) and not spending that time talking to her husband says that she has checked out (if she was ever checked in). Definitely not a fan of hers and I think he could have made a good partner (maybe), but not to her.
  24. Then wouldn't they have shown this? We just heard about it from Jake so we don't know what happened. If the producers tipped him off, then they wanted to create drams, and they would have shown it. I get that he was hurt, but I am still waiting to hear from others what happened. Like has been posted, Haley will be on Unfiltered this week. I don't care enough to watch it, but maybe it will come up.
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