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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Of course he was dating. He hadn't been told he was selected for the show yet, so why wouldn't he be?
  2. Having been in "toxic" relationships as a reason to not be on this show isn't valid. What about the relationship Karen had with the guy who had a child with another woman - that's not toxic? And no one was saying that she should have been disqualified. Karen seemed way more broken and dysfunctional from that than ChristinA did. And many of us said that she wasn't ready, but she was on and told Miles, who chose to wait her out. We'll see how long lasts. ChristinA is seriously broken and in need of long term therapy, but I think Karen is, too. If they pre-disqualified people with prior bad relationships, they would have no one left in the pool to choose their participants. I think that having Amani and Woody as neighbors is going to be a real support for both Miles and Karen. I see what people are saying about Henry and I do wish he had spoken up earlier, but he had probably already figured that she would lie about it anyway. He wasn't attracted to her at the altar and her personality at the wedding didn't help. I remember when he was trying to talk to her and she kept interrupting about losing an earring. Plus, she didn't even remember his name. Game over. And, he was gentleman enough to not jump her, as she kept telling everyone she wanted. I think Henry will be just fine. ChristinA, not so much. She is so insecure about herself that she chooses to settle for being a "kept" woman with a man she will never have a real relationship with, so unless she is ready to do real work, she will just find another situation like that. I wonder if they will get an annulment like Michael and Meka from last year since CristinA lied about so much of her background. I think that if Olivia told the experts that she didn't want kids and Brett said he did, that could also be grounds for an annulment.
  3. Yes. They said that they were both meeting each other's needs and that they had sex.
  4. I think that is what the show decided. But, the viewers aren't buying it this time. He may be annoying, but is no Brandon or Michael from last season. Plus, many of us have found ChristinA, Karen, or Olivia to be just as, if not more, unlikeable.
  5. Maybe Miles was too busy making up for lost time with Karen and didn't want to leave his house?
  6. I felt like the experts were giving Olivia big clues that a lot of the problem was HER. She couldn't tell Brett what she wanted, other than whatever he said or did, was wrong. She at least admitted that she could have been more physical, but she wouldn't have trusted that, either. Brett would have been a tough one to be in a relationship with, but she was just too rigid in her opinions and too cold when she was with him. She seemed like she is much nicer and sweeter (and even smiles) when she is with anyone else. I had read the spoilers that were out even before the first show and knew that Karen and Miles would stay together. I kept waiting to see why since she is so horrible and condescending to him, but I guess whatever happed the last few weeks is something we will never see. I am curious to see them at the reunion show and I have serious doubts that they will make it long term. She just is too shut off for him, or for anyone, actually. There is no warmth to her at all, and she is probably the least likable person I have seen on the few seasons of this goofy show I have watched (started with Dallas). I hope Miles doesn't stay just so he can be married like Woody. I don't know how much before the show Bennett got his tattoo, but it didn't look like any fresh tattoo I have ever seen. It definitely didn't look like it was done professionally. But, I hope they will be fine and he doesn't have to return to his tiny house with no bathroom.'
  7. I am soooooo glad to see that this is going to be televised. I was worried we wouldn't get to see it. This show is the one I am the most curious about.
  8. Was he cooking Stefano's "essence" in an Instant Pot?????
  9. I still think both Bennett and Amelia signed up as a "why not?" and a chance for a new experience. And they both got way more than they had anticipated and found their soul mates. They are going to be fine. Production antics.
  10. Of course it's not, but I was just staying that there IS a place where grammar and punctuation are important. Obviously, not for reality TV, but I do wonder if these people can just "turn on" correct grammar. I don't think so. My point was that how people present themselves makes an impression - positive or negative. I think she said she was living in a BnB when she first got there, so maybe that is where they went through her drawers?
  11. Well, in the real world, at least in my professional occupation, it is much more than an observation. I managed a team and one woman, who was 50, had terrible grammar. While I couldn't start correcting her, I did have to edit her work before it went to our customer and I never allowed her to give a formal presentation, as it would reflect on our team/department. So maybe not a character flaw, but definitely more than an observation. Regarding the Karen/Miles spoiler above, that is just MEAN of her to
  12. I was surprised to see how few people were wearing masks in many of the scenes, and, as others have said, no social distancing. Was "put me in my place" the production phrase of the week? WTF???? Both Karen and ChristinA said that same thing. That just infuriates me that they would want to be "less than" their partner. Poor Miles wants an equal partner. He does not want to work in an educational setting all day and then come home and be in charge at home, too. I detest ChristinA, but I almost think that Karen is the worst person they have had. There is no light, no energy within her at all - she comes across with a very flat affect and sucks the joy out of every scene she is in. Even with her friends. ChristinA is, at least, entertaining to watch. She needs serious counseling - for herself! I love Henry. I wonder how long they had been sleeping in separate rooms? I think the editing monkeys messed with Bennett and Amelia. Maybe she just signed up for a fun adventure, but so did Bennett. They both went in with a "why not?" attitude and both got far more than they ever expected. I am, however, totally over the kid's costumes and that disgusting sleep dress. I cannot imagine how hot and stinky Amelia must be if she truly sleeps in those costumes. I think they will be fine. So, next week is D-Day. I sure hope we will get to see the reunion show, since they filmed one in August. I am not sure when they will show it since they are going 24/7 stupid holiday movies at the end of the month. It seems that this has been a very long season.
  13. Maybe one of them stayed in the room that was supposed to be for Olivia and Brett?
  14. Yes - that is why they had to do this asinine 2-week filler story. They wanted the Halloween episode to be on the right day.
  15. I really should move this, but if we are talking about Dallas' Dave and Amber - it did NOT happen that way. She said yes first on D Day and and then he said no, which humiliated her. Maybe there was another Dave?
  16. I liked him, too, and saw Amber's ridiculous insecurity as their main problem. I missed the first hour and didn't care enough to watch it again - did they explain why Karen was not meeting with the girls and why Woody was not with the guys? Thanks.
  17. I keep trying to give Karen the benefit of the doubt and hope that there is more to her than we see, but I really don't think that is the case. She IS cold and condescending towards a sweet, kind, loving man and it hurts me for Miles and that is not the result of editing. This season has been pretty blah. Think there are some nice people on the show and some I could be friends with (if circumstances were real). I would like to know Amani, but don't think I would enjoy being around Woody; I think both Amelia and Bennett would be fun to be with; Miles, but not Karen; Henry, but NOT ChristinA; and neither Olivia or Brett. I can't believe that after all this quarantine time, they are still saying that there are 2 more weeks until D Day. I hope we do get to see the Reunion show. D-Day is pretty uneventful, it is the 3 months after story I want to hear.
  18. Yes, I thought Dr P was very clear and so was Karen, as she constantly referenced HER feelings and HER thoughts. She just wanted to make Miles know what SHE was feeling and expecting.
  19. I know we have spoilers for next week, but does anyone know if they will be pre-empting the show for the Supreme Court hearings?
  20. MAYBE. . . 1) Charlie is Tripp's silent partner trying to help him take down Titan? 2) Ben is going to think about killing himself with the gun since they are figuring that Ciara is dead and someone will talk him out of it? Hope?
  21. Wasn't she the one who figured out that it wasn't Eve who threw Jenn off the balcony?
  22. @JapMo, how is this any different from Brett having to make all the sacrificing - no kids, move from your home, and be willing to reallocate your spending money? The problem here was that there were too many major fundamental differences that NEITHER of them wanted to compromise on.
  23. Did anyone else hear ChristinA complain about Henry going to the store every day and not even thinking about buying her some $^^&*( flowers???? WHY would he buy her anything? He detests her. And it was HIS birthday that she forgot. Like she forgot his name at their wedding. I really like Henry and think that if she had been even a little bit kind to him, he may have overlooked those red flags that we all thought were suspicious. I am totally team Henry. I pretty much FF through Bennett and Amelia. They are sweet and will be fine, but then they throw the 1 sheet comment in there. Also, he will go with her to VA full time, I am willing to bet. We didn't see Miles storm out, so maybe next week. I am so glad that Karen is not getting her way as much, even with Dr. P. She gives him NOTHING and he doesn't ask for much - just to say she even likes him. That would make his day. Not a Karen fan at all and Miles deserves much better. I still don't know what was going on with the DMs and Woody because I still can't understand him. He talks too low and mumbly and just figure it was a no big deal story and they would be fine. Just get the puppy. I don't think Olivia cared about Brett after the first week and she is just sad that her happy ever after dream didn't come true and is probably embarrassed. Brett and his cat and house will be fine. He will find someone (or, after this show, someone will find him).
  24. I am going with a 90% chance of being right. The writers really are so predictable.
  25. That article, as are most of them, was just speculation. Just the same as we do when we see characters coming back. At least they aren't trying to say that Tripp has a secret twin.
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