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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. In the REAL world, no way would Melinda be able to prosecute Kristen, since she has a personal bias and would have had to recuse herself. I hope that Kristen is thrown in jail and never seen again. Maybe they could use that as a cause for appeal, though. For me, the only "shocker" would be if they had a story I was interested in. I haven't watched since Sami name back, and reading spoilers and summaries are all I need these days.
  2. I would have said something like, "Pastor Cal, isn't that WHY people go on a reality show?" And, yes, Karen is definitely in need of some serious therapy.
  3. LOL - you guys are great! Sounds like I can miss the whole first half. (I LOVE that we don't get the show until long after you do on the east coast.)
  4. I am going to be out for a while and will miss the first half hour. It sounds like I am not going to bother to record it to see if I miss anything!
  5. I wonder if Miles could set up a meeting with Keith from last season so they can talk about how they were matched with beautiful women who are too emotionally immature to talk about sex.
  6. Wow - that spoiler for November sure assumes that people will still be watching. Not me! My Sami-free summer is extending indefinitely and nothing is making me regret that. Not one bit. But, I will still keep reading!
  7. Somehow, I have a feeling that Miles' calendar joke is going to be the topic of Unfiltered and he is going to get the blame instead of Karen, who needs to lighten up.
  8. Maybe, when Gabi left so suddenly, Chad just assumed squatter's rights and now he "owns" the house?
  9. There is an article in the Spoilers' forum where Karen attempts to clarify her meaning of "masculinity" and says that her words were edited (really - how could that happen??)
  10. This has to be one of the worst cast seasons I have seen. They never should have selected Karen with all her baggage. She is horrible and condescending to sweet Miles. Her "I don't feel safe" comment over and over is just ridiculous. She has never gotten over his age and is just plain awful. I don't even want her to relax and let herself be happy. She tells him that he needs to tell her what HE wants and he does (sex or to be intimate with his wife) and she attacks him for that or gives that standard "it will come in time" response to everything with that smirk on her face. RUN, MILES! And, I agree that grocery shopping can be a date. Or part of one when you come home and cook together. When Miles was telling Karen what he wanted for dinner, she looked like she was going to disagree with what he chose, but then said that she could cook that. Like he should be grateful. UGH. Olivia, have you ever smiled - ever? I know you are miserable with your chosen husband, but at least give up on trying to make something work. You don't like him, anyway, so just get through the next few weeks. A swamp tour would not have been my choice of a fun date, either. I wonder if production assigns everything or if they get a choice? If it is assigned, they clearly don't like this pair! Amelia seemed to be able to design her own fun. I guess the other wives didn't want to? ChristinA is another one who should not have been selected. And, yes, she could have given him a quick kiss if she wanted to during their golf or dance lesson. It wouldn't have gotten any farther because he really is not attracted to her or even like her, but he certainly is NOT going to take the lead. We are now 3 weeks into the marriage. I assume people are back at work, so where are they getting all this time for these little trips and activities? I hope the scene for next week is as it was shown when ChristinA asked Henry if he saw them together.
  11. ChristinA, STOP saying LIKE!!!!!!!! I feel so bad for Woody that Amani is being so cautious when he just told her he loves her.
  12. Well, @Silver Bells, since ChristinA has said that all of her expectations and ideas about relationships come from TV and movies, she has definite ideas of rules and roles, starting with her husband coming home every day bringing her flowers and kissing her madly. She needs to watch Lifetime movies that feature abusive, creepy husbands and step away from the Hallmark channel.
  13. Just watched that video. 1) WTH would she stop her meds two weeks before she is getting married, not knowing the effect it would have on her??? 2) ADD is not that big of a deal to be ashamed of or to get worried about people knowing about the meds. I don't think I believe her. ETA - just saw @gonecrackers' comment. Oh well - great minds. . .
  14. OMG - are they still insisting that Henry needs to be aggressive???? I wrote that the first time they used that word. NO, you do not want an aggressive person as a partner. What is wrong with them? Assertive, initiating, perhaps, but NOT AGGRESSIVE! (The show doesn't start here for another 3 hours, so I just read this board to see if it is worth watching).
  15. And will stand up and take charge of his child, assuming the baby is his, which I am.
  16. At least when Olivia and Brett have a conversation, they are both speaking and asking questions like normal people do. For example, when Brett mentioned blowing, Olivia answered that she loved bowling and that lead Brett to ask her what her bowling team's name would be - like a real conversation. ChristinA is interviewing Henry, not talking to or with him. He clearly doesn't (that we have seen) give her much to work with and doesn't seem to bounce off her questions to him to ask what her thoughts are, so I can understand her frustration. Plus, the dopey music the show plays to highlight the awkwardness doesn't help. But the way they keep the camera on ChristinA when she is obviously embarrassed and makes goofy faces isn't really necessary.
  17. @Silver Bells, don't apologize! I was seriously thanking you for your comments. I always read this board before the show starts so I know if I want to even watch it. I watched part of the last half last night, and between the endless commercials and the fake producer games and lack of anything actually really happening, this seems to be a very long drawn out season. Having two hours to fill is just too much time for them to have to come up with interesting things. Which is sad, considering they have 5 couples and they can't come up with anything better than what we are shown. From what I did see, it is so obvious that the producers hate ChristinA. I understand that she is completely frustrated by her spouse, but I think her personality and expectations have a lot to do with it. I wonder who she would have been happy with? And the comments to the producers really show who she is. I like Henry and believe him when she said she never thanked him for the dinners. I can't imagine how quiet they must have been with no one there tom make them talk! I am glad that Miles' sister told Karen that her brother was being genuine so Karen can cross that off her list of excuses and stop waiting for him to be a jerk. I hope that she does lighten up and get real with herself and Miles. I don't want to see Miles end up in a relationship where he is constantly courting his wife, who seems to give so little of herself. I couldn't believe I when Karen said they hadn't even kissed yet. That is crazy! Poor Miles. That little peck at the party doesn't count and is just sad that she had to be dared to kiss her husband. I agree with those of you who say that Bennett will go anywhere Amelia has to move. He is in it for the duration and she is his wife. Too bad that his little friend didn't let him know her feelings before he got married, because she is not going to get him. And, I am sure that Bennett has no clue she has those feelings. It looked genuinely happy at the Woody/Amani party and that's great. His friends seemed to be shocked that he went from party boy to husband so quickly, but they saw the change. I wonder if they will have that half-way part in this show to see if anyone wants out. What did they call it last season - recommitment?
  18. Thanks, @Silver Bells. It doesn't start here for another hour, so I won't worry if I don't catch this week.
  19. Well, remember that she is basing this marriage on TV and movie marriages, so she can't understand why her husband isn't eagerly trying to have sex with her. Poor Henry - can you imagine how rude she would be if they did???
  20. That was my thought, too - since Jack and Jen get a story and Gwen is supposed to be bonding with Abifail, it makes sense. That said, I am then thinking that Gwen is the one who drugged "her sister" since Abby got the princess life and Gwen got nada. And it would make sense to go after her husband, not that Chad is such a prize. It sounds like a Lifetime movie - Gwen will be the nanny to Abifail's kids, and will try to turn them and Chad into her perfect little family. I haven't watched for a while (having Sami back cemented it for me), but it is getting hard to even read about these stories! And having Ava come back and Tripp and Jake being involved with the mob is just too too much.
  21. I just read on soapdirt.com that Michael and Meka from last season actually just got the first MAFS annulment! Michael claimed that he had never seen the show and that he was set up for failure and the judge actually granted an annulment. Good for Meka. She said she didn't care one way or the other (annulment or divorce) - she just wanted OUT! ETA: They also, according to the article, JUST filmed the reunion show. There was speculation that having the additional time due to the quarantine helped make some decisions.
  22. Well, since Tripp is back and supposedly has mob storylines that also include Jake, you may get your wish!
  23. I also remember hearing that Brett has a government IT position. If that is the case, then his salary is most likely much less than he could get in the private sector, but he may be in it for the long term benefits and retirement income. If you get into a government position early enough, you can work for 20 years, be able to get full benefits, retire from the gov't and then work for much more money as a contractor or in the private sector.
  24. I kind of thought is was going to turn out to be Eve as a way of trying the drug she planned to use on Ben. I wonder if that is a story they "forgot" they left open? Just like the fact that there were 3 babies born that same night in the nursery when they did the Mickey baby swap. And we don't know who did all those things to Ciara's dress and ring.
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