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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. But, don't forget Mr. Pillow that divided the bed, should anyone want to cross over into the other's space.
  2. @tribeca, just speculation about Zoey's baby, at this point.
  3. @bunnyblue, yes, Hope (who had to live with John and Marlena for over a year because she had no home) wheeled Steve out of the hospital (against the rules, but when has that hospital followed any of those?) and will be taking him home with her.
  4. I don't think they can let Hope and Steve actually be lovers because we all know that he is going to end up with Kayla and they won't want to leave Hope jilted. I agree that she has zero chemistry with anyone and really can't act at all, but someone loves her, so here she stays.
  5. Have there been any real spoilers about what most of us have already figured out, as soon as they said that Zoey was a mother? I hope they don't drag that out too much longer. I don't think that Rex is here very long - just long enough to talk some sense into Sarah and get her back home. So, once all babies are returned to their rightful parents, will Sarah forgive Xander? Maybe he will be the one to figure it out, although I am not sure why he is not in jail for kidnapping. Or maybe she will be pregnant with Xander's baby, although I am guessing that at some point, Sarah will have grief sex with Rex before he takes off. Because that's how she rolls.
  6. I think we will see that Chad is the one who has poisoned Abby. He is still too stoic, which may be just how he is acting, but I think there is still some mental manipulation going on. It will end up being something stupid and will be resolved in one episode, but I still think it's Chad. I have been watching this show off and on the whole time it has been on, but I don't have many memories of the Orpheus stories. I don't think it would have made any difference if they had left Evan being older than his sister, but I guess the writers didn't bother to learn that much - or care. And Hope really needs to get off her asinine apology tour. NO ONE CARES! Get a job!
  7. I don't think Brandon's "intended" bailed because of who they matched her with. I don't think they know anything about their partners until the wedding. I think I remembered a season where the couples each picked out wedding gifts for each other with a note telling them something, either about themselves or what they were excited about. They don't do that anymore, probably because they have added so many extra (and unnecessary) couples. But, I have no idea when/how Brandon found out about the substitution, but his friends sure seemed to know. Also, this season there sure are a lot of details and discussions about what happened on the show, such as Meka's interviews and what is on IG. I thought they were not allowed to discuss any of that, per their non-disclosure contracts. It looks like this group is just doing what they want - such rebels!
  8. Not to defend Zach, but since Derek and Katie split two weeks after D Day, she wasn't exactly still married when Zach may have called Katie to get together. The reunion was 5 months after D-Day and we don't know how long ago they did get together. And, even if they were still pretending to be married, Katie was obviously cheating so what difference did it make if she went out with Zach? She IS just that stupid and classless. I don't think that any of the women were particularly fond of her. Especially when she would just gripe and get up and walk out and make poor Derek leave the fun and chase after her. Nah, none of the women like her.
  9. I totally agree about Kristen not being allowed anywhere near a child. I wonder if Abby's hallucinations are going to lead to some time off getting "help" sInce they originally thought she didn't want to be on full-time? And now that she has signed a contract (WHY???), they can bring her back once they start shooting again? Lani needs to be charged with a crime in aiding and abetting a criminal if she lets Kristen go free and helps her find Sarah. Lani also needs serious therapy if all anyone has to do is mention losing a baby and she will break laws to help them. Let her go work in the pub since she has no business on a police force.
  10. Just a thought . . . if Jake the mechanic is really a totally different character and maybe just a nice guy, maybe he won't like Gabi's manipulations and her smug attitude and she will really have to "change" to win over this guy. At one point she was more likable. I just have no idea why they are trying to make Kristen work. She just doesn't and never will. I don't even think I would buy it if Eileen Davidson would be playing her. And I love all the Chabby hate. I read that although Kate Mansi was just on reoccurring status, she signed a full contract last month. That does not make me happy.
  11. @peachmangosteen, I think Kayla needs to be in that group. Her hair is cute kind of piecey, but she needs to take a brush to it!!
  12. I think Victor will want to name Kristen, but will have to deal with Brady threatening to tell what he knows about his part in the baby switch, or maybe threatening to tell Maggie and then Vic will fall in line. Hmmm, based on the article where "Brady" says the stabbing will have a long lasting effect, maybe they won't let Kristen and him keep Rachel (once they get her back) because he is dangerous? Ha ha. Kristen should NEVER be allowed near a child - even if it is hers.
  13. I don't think that Sarah can be charged with kidnapping since they never did anything legally, so technically, Sarah is the baby's mother. I am not sure why she is pretending to be Abby, though. So, the only apartment in all of Paris happens to belong to Chad and Abby??? How did she get the keys? And Kristen was wild and crazy, but she's changed, so is it new crazy? I liked Brady telling Victor off. He was exactly right and I hope that when Kristen stabs him (because she has changed), he won't get all mushy and forgive him. I imagine there will be a blackmail discussion like Vic can't name Kristen as the attacker (because she has changed) and Brady won't name Vic as being involved in the baby swap, which means Xander will take the fall. But, I also think that Sarah's baby is alive and was switched with Zoey's baby who must have died.
  14. I really thought/wished that Kevin should have gone after Taylor more. He clearly did not believe her story of that video, which she will never admit was wrong. I think he may have even rolled his eyes, but I guess he realized that she would never understand that she was wrong. Period. I hadn't read anything about the court or restraining orders, which is surprising with all the SM detectives. And, the fact that Taylor also had a restraining order issued, and was arrested at the same time means that she was just as guilty as he was. She totally picked that bar to initiate a scene. She knew exactly what to do to get Brandon started. I really liked Derek and was so glad that he made that little turtle squirm. I thought it was funny that Zach said he didn't remember who called who to set up drinks, but that makes sense. He didn't remember the last time he talked to Lindsey, either. I do hope that someday he realizes what he could have had with Mindy. And I hope she shuts him down. About that Where are they now show - is that different from the one they are shooting with the remote cameras that will also include Jessica and Austin? I really hope she stops with the nervous laugh, though. I am with the group who agrees that Kevin hit too hard at Michael, expecting him to explain Brandon. Not his job. And, yes, Michael didn't have to do his baby tantrum walk off, but I am glad Kevin followed him and confronted him. Also glad that Michael explained that he was not Brandon's representative. As easy as Kevin was on Taylor, he could have let up on Michael. And Meka - I got nothing. She looked pretty in that dress. Pink is her color. Won't be watching the Oz version and probably not the other clip shows that they are throwing together since the other shows are temporarily called off. So, if they started the NOLA shows and then had to stop, do the couples stay together in the meantime? That will give them longer than the 8 weeks and a whole lot less production interference, so if they do finish, that show will need an asterisk!
  15. I believe that Brandon was verbally abusive because we saw that. I do NOT believe for one minute that 1)the show forced her to remain in a situation where she was being physically harmed or 2)that she was stupid enough to do that. No matter what she signed, any lawyer could have sued Lifetime if they forced her to remain. She could have insisted that the only time they be together was during filming (which supposedly didn't happen as she stated they hung out a lot when the cameras weren't there and had that questionable video of "them" on the couch where we don't even know if that was Brandon).
  16. I really don't why Lauren Graham is on this show. I get that a lot of people like her, but she can't dance and can't sing and I don't like her character (we're not supposed to, I know), so whenever she is featured, I zone out. The dancing with Mo was funny, but I really did not like the choreography when Simon sang Mad World. I really hope that he and Zoey end up as friends because I don't like him (his character) for her. They are really screwing up Max because the Max we met at the beginning would have been there with Zoey at the end of her Dad. I haven't seen whether this show has been renewed, but it has to be so expensive to produce, that unless it is killing it with the ratings (and I don't think it is), I bet it will be one and done, which is such a shame. This type of show is truly appreciated by a smaller number of viewers, who are very vocal fans, but there aren't enough of us.
  17. I don't get how a participant can be sued if people know they are on this show. Don't they go to work and live their real lives? Didn't they have weddings with lots of people there? Is everyone each participant knows forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement? After all, these are supposed to be real marriages, so clearly they knew that Taylor was just on it for publicity because why would her followers be upset if she was married? And, if it was real, why would the producers care if they were upset? All of the couples are profiled in People magazine (and others) before the show starts. I am just not getting this.
  18. Maybe the DUIs showed up the day AFTER they completed their vetting - like it did with Mia of Mia and Tristan????
  19. Brandon may have been at the little gathering after the decision meetings, but it was the actual filmed Reunion he was not invited to (or uninvited), which takes place 90 days after D Day. I am really looking forward to that. I like how Kevin Frazier doesn't mess around or throw softballs. I can see Michael walking out.
  20. As much as I believe that there is no way on this planet that Michael should have been selected (recruited, no less), I did actually feel sorry for him. I do think he was blindsided when Meka, rightfully, said no. He did say that he understood that his behavior was the core of the problems, so I hope he meant that. Meka looked lovely.
  21. I have a horrible feeling that the mystery couple is Zach and Mindy. 😭
  22. Still not on yet - is Kevin Frazier hosting the reunion again? I hope so.
  23. From what I'm reading, @Empress1, it sounds like they need time for commercials. The first 3 were done the first hour.I wondered why they needed 2 hours for this. I hope the Reunion is next week.
  24. It's not on here for a couple more hours, but I always like to know whether or not it is worth it to watch. So, we're only half way in and three couples are done. Are they really going to take a full hour for the last 2 couples??
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