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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. LOL - if that blurb about Michael was copied verbatim, he needed a copy editor - Lead to the creation of the Education app 15% solutions which is aimed to help High Students with learning disabilities by receiving free tutoring services and creating lessons plans based off their individual disability. Michael is also a Bringing the Lessons Home Ambassador for the I hope he meant he works with HIGH SCHOOL students, but who knows? That could be a whole different game. Also, I hope the person who prepares the lesson plans based ON the students' individual disabilities doesn't write them for grammar lessons. And there was abundant weird capitalization and punctuation. That alone makes me doubt his educational expertise.
  2. I was on vacation for the past week and half and have one question. Is it now public knowledge that everyone knows that Steve is now Stevano? Or do they think he is still Steve? Thanks!
  3. @Captain Asshat, I think the comment was referring to Mindy's very bad veneers. Many people think they are going to have prettier teeth, but they come out way too large and I refer to them as cow teeth. She could have smaller ones made. These are NOT her real teeth. Veneers are covers that go over the teeth.
  4. LOL @oceanblue, no one was watching then because it never happened! They made up some stupid story about Maggie having had a baby when she was young and then gave her up for adoption. I don't remember if she had a relationship with or was raped by a farm hand. That's right up there with her magical egg baby Daniel.
  5. I hadn't heard that Camila was leaving. Now that she is going to get to save the day, once again, by saving Mickey, I wonder what she would ask for if she knew who the parents really are? I am sure she would try to negotiate a DiMera deal. Ha ha, it will be too late and all she will get is her freedom from prosecution.
  6. Why does Gabi get to be God in all of these stories? She had to be the one to give Stefan's heart to Julie and now she gets to have people beg and plead for her to donate her own bone marrow. That is a little too much power for her to hold over everyone's head. When will the baby switch story be revealed? I am tired of waiting! NOT that I want Psycho Kristen to have a child but I want to see how they are going to handle Sarah's reaction to what Xander did.
  7. I like the idea of doing a CM prequel. Since Mindhunter is on terminal hold now, they could focus on getting those famous bad guys. And I did not like the fact that since the finale ended up being about Garcia, Morgan did not make an appearance. He has been on before and he should have done this one.
  8. @Silver Bells, the woman in the video discussing the show that was posted a page or two back (or even on this page above) has long white talons. I didn't notice them at first, either, but when it was pointed out, it is very visible. I listened to some of the video, but they were a little too bland for me. Kind of liked that Auntie better, but I only watched one video.
  9. @Rafael, the reason Vic wanted the baby switch to give Sarah the live baby was because of Maggie. He figured she never would have been able to handle it if she knew that not only did she kill Adrienne, but she also caused the death of her own granddaughter. Now, we know that all is not what it seems, but Vic's primary and actually, only, reason was to protect Maggie. And, it didn't hurt that it would be a way to break up Kristen and Brady, but that was just a bonus.
  10. A lot of people knew about Hattie pretending to be Marlena because they watch the show with closed captioning and it even says Hattie as Marlena. I bet the show wasn't too happy with that little detail being leaked - not that many of us hadn't figured it out anyway. I hope that once Marlena gets home safely, Hattie will decide that Salem is too dangerous and leave.
  11. I THINK that Kate is either hiding the real Marlena or she is going to Prague to find John.
  12. Maybe Katie was insisting that Derek had to give her the shot so that they both knew that he could do it if there was an emergency? I am sure that Katie has been handling this herself forever.
  13. I happened to see some of the Couples Couch last night and was surprised to see Jamie and Big Red. I thought they split? She did look decent. I was just surprised to see them. Bobby and Danielle look like they are the same person - they just blend into each other. He is still adorable. And it was nice to see Keith and Kristine, too. Can totally do without Jamie and her husband. So, that's how this show works - they just show them watching the show from their bed or wherever and just put in their comments? They don't get together and have a discussion? That's just stupid! Will try harder not to catch any of it next time.
  14. @AussieBabe, can you share any of the stories of the people you know who applied? Did they say why they were not accepted (probably not)? Thanks.
  15. @AussieBabe, that's interesting that they are looking for brides. Does that mean they have all the men? Or do they have to wait to have all the women and then go and find/recruit the guys? Sounds like this ship has run its course.
  16. I thought most of the dresses were pretty, although they didn't all fit right. I didn't mind Katies 2-piece dress because she is tiny and very young. The hair, though, was pretty bad. It is the same thing now at the award shows - the dresses are elaborate, but their hair just hangs there. I guess that is the trend, but it's really not attractive and looks lazy.
  17. Also, @Neurochick, they only have to go with what the contestants tell them and we have seen how many times, once they are on the show, they will say something that is the opposite of what they told the producers/experts. As others have mentioned, they are casting a reality show, not looking to match people with a true love. I think many of us are still hoping that it will work out for some of them, but, it is just a stupid, highly scripted, reality show.
  18. I am not going to jump on Zach for wanting some time alone to wash his face, brush his teeth, etc. Depending on how long he has been single, and now he has this other person permanently attached to him, he needs some breathing room. Last time when Amber just popped up on Matt and demanded that he share all of his time with her was very telling. I know that being single myself, when I travel with friends, I always have to have my own room - too much togetherness, even if I love the people I am traveling with. I am not saying Zach is perfect - he obviously didn't help Mindy with her luggage, and maybe he could have asked her if she wanted to use the bathroom first, etc., but I will just wait for it to play out more. Which, we know it will!
  19. Just seeing happy, giddy, giggling Kristin in bed and happy with Brady was enough to almost make me sick. She is a horrible person and I do not want her to be happy and giggly. That was awful. Plus it just showed how much older than Brady she looks.
  20. Supposedly, the actual show will still be on network and not the streaming app for, at least, the next season once negotiations are done. I don't care about the other nonsense like the Last Blast, etc. To be honest, this show is losing viewers for free - I can't imagine anyone wanting to pay for this. ETA: LOL - thanks, @boes! I guess it would have worked either way!!!
  21. @humbleopinion, I am going to guess that even though the show hints at Zach cheating, Mindy will get the bad edit for giving him a reason to cheat. I just wonder why the season is having so many spoilers come out this early. People have done interviews, plus what has been posted on social media. I question if these are fake and are only to keep us watching? Although, now we are down 2 couple we know won't make it, and I think we can add a couple more to that list that just seem headed that way. The only couple with a possibility seems to be Austin and Jessica.
  22. So, instead of taking Gabi's phone so it could have the app disabled or, for crying out loud - TELL ELI, he just played around and tried to guess Gabi's passwords so that she can walk back in and see what he is doing and put him on alert??? JJ is (was) smarter the that.
  23. I didn't see that preview, but I hope Mindy handles that comment better than Kate did. We do NOT need to see a replay of that crap! Are those previews for next week or just sometime during the season?
  24. Those titles mean nothing! Remember when last season's Beth's said Account Manager and she didn't even have a job???
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