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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I thought Brandon was a little too aggressive grabbing a hunk of cake and he looked like he wanted to slam that into her face. That seemed to me to be the only time he had any energy. He does NOT like her!
  2. How producer engineered was it for Jessica and Mindy to "run into each other" in the same bathroom so they could scream and hug? One of them even mentioned being upstairs or downstairs, so wasn't there a bathroom on that floor? So stupid - especially since these are the two women I can't tell apart. But, I did like the dresses. It sure looks like there is a lot of drama coming and no one seems immune to it. My prediction for wedding night bliss is 3/5 will go for it. I think we already saw Katie and Derek in the afterglow. (I think it's Derek - haven't learned them all yet) I think we need to create a MAFS BINGO card with the phrases we just can't get enough of - My wife, My husband, Leap of Faith, The Experts, Our Journey, etc.
  3. Is that a real spoiler about Adrienne/Bonnie coming back to get Will released, or just speculation?
  4. Is there another thread where we can discuss past characters and storylines? When I come here, I look forward to reading about things that are going to happen, not discussions about things that happened a LONG time ago. Maybe there could be another category? Just a thought. . .
  5. The fact is that NONE of what we want or what we don't like is going to change since the show is not currently filming and they have already filmed enough to last until the Olympics. So, it's done. And, it's horrible!
  6. So, today, January 7, Lani told JJ she needs his help with something and she doesn't tell him about Gabi and the app until January 14?????
  7. I would guess that a lot of the serious financial, values, etc. conversations might happen once they decide they will stay together after the 8 weeks. I think, unless they are horrible, most of the couples will agree to make it that far. The real marriage doesn't start until that phase is over. Even if someone would be technically their spouse, they might not want to get into the real personal things like that until they build some trust. That, however, doesn't stop them from having sex!
  8. I am really surprised that these articles are coming out. But, maybe it is a way to make us think it didn't work (which it doesn't sound good) and then surprise us. But, I agree - she may be happy, but I bet he isn't thrilled at the altar.
  9. That article was interesting. I am surprised the participants could talk about the experience. She sure looked gorgeous in her wedding gown. It sounds like they did not make it, but we will have to wait.
  10. I think Katie and Derek (not sure if he is the right one) get married because we saw their wedding pictures in the article about the new couples, so unless they took pictures ahead of the actual wedding, they do get married. I also think that she should not be in this show at this time. She is getting married to make the ex jealous and/or to hurry up and make a baby. She is way too immature and is in no way even close to being ready to be a therapist!!!! I also think twin sister (Jesse?) is getting married because she is behind her twin and wants to catch up. This is another Amber from last time who was so desperate for the fairy tale. I do hope that this one is not as needy and doormatty.
  11. Maybe that is how this story will end - they will find the chip in Hope's neck and then somehow knock out SteveaNO and find his, too. Maybe they should make all Salem residents line up for body scans and see how many chips are in use.
  12. Yes, those recruitment short takes were funny. Besides the cilantro quote, did anyone catch the guy who worships the devil?
  13. By the end of the show I was yelling at the TV, "OMG, Katie, SHUT UP!!!" So, she is totally annoying and I do hope we don't have to hear all about her ex the entire time. She is way too immature to be married and she must have been a therapist for about 5 minutes. She is barely old enough to have done any real work outside of college. And they are matching her with a Mama's Boy? Well, I remember thinking that Bobby Dodd might have been too immature, and he turned out great. I can't tell the other women, except for Taylor, apart yet. And why did they have to pick another woman who needed to be married because her identical twin sister was and she felt left out? Did they learn nothing from last season's Amber??? As others have said, the men seem more grounded, and I am guessing that most of them were recruited. Not sure about this season, but if they make Katie the focus, then I'm out. I do think Brandon will be happy when he sees Taylor, especially on the honeymoon. She can rock a bikini! Are they all getting married at the same hotel?
  14. Since Rolf is in hiding, maybe he is planning ahead and made copies of Stefano's "essence" and is busy implanting it in Stefan, so when he comes back we have a battle of the fake Stefanos? Who else is coming back?
  15. Perfectly stated, @DaphneCat. I also find the nun stuff, including Lani saying, "God, I hate her" to be offensive and (I like your word choice) reprehensible. And I am not Catholic. I know many people were offended when Marlena was possessed, but I thought that was funny. This is not.
  16. That spoiler about Evan being John and Marlena's surprise kid HAS to just be a stupid joke. I do like thinking that he is David's father, although wouldn't he just be able to establish paternity and take him? I think we will find out something sneaky about him just as Will gets released so they can get rid of a bad guy and reunite Will and Sonny. If Evan is a good guy, and Sonny has to break his heart as Will comes back, that leaves no one for Evan, so they will just make him bad. I can see how the men have kids they don't know about but I don't see them making Marlena oblivious again to the fact that she and John had a kid. I put that rumor on the not true list that had Hope and Ben getting together. Even if it was Gina and Ben - not going to happen.
  17. @Silver Raven, I am not sure who hug it, but Mickey's ornament was there. So were Hope's and Bo's but I didn't see Ciara's (Hope and Ciara should have been there!).
  18. I didn't realize that John was going to be gone for any great period of time, so there would be no reason for Marlena to go. I got the impression that it would be a quick trip to see Paul and then he would be right back. Characters have often gone to Chicago and back in the some day. Also, I thought it was very strange the way John kept touching, stroking, massaging Abe during their visit. I just don't think this is the real John - he is acting weird. Too animated and almost hyper. Unless Drake is just happy to still be employed, he just seems off to me.
  19. I so agree, @CanaryFan98. Deborah Adair was the Kate I liked and even though she has been played by this actress FAR longer than she was by DA, I never liked her as Kate. I thought I was the only one who even remembered the first Kate! This Kate character is tacky, vile, cruel, back-stabbing and a liar with absolutely no redeeming values - OK, she loves her grandson, but that's not enough. I hate her and her stupid hair and nails.
  20. I wish we could have StevaNO kidnap Hattie to turn her into his Queen of the Night and both of them would disappear!
  21. Yes, Kate will, but I had thought that Steve had better taste. Oh well.
  22. The scenes between Gabi and Chad today seemed like a word-for-word repetition of the initial scenes between Gabi and Stefan. So, how long before these "enemies" have some hate sex? Maybe they will team up against Kristen? (Should someone remind the psycho that she is NOT a true DiMera in that she was adopted and has no real DiMera blood so she needs to stop acting like she is the rightful heir?) Also, JJ needed to be in a real room where he would be restrained and monitored while he goes through detox and withdrawal, and certainly not left alone with the town blabbermouth. He could have harmed himself or her and no one was there.
  23. I agree that this has been a decent season and am glad that all coaches were included. I think it will come down to Jake or Katy. I think Rose has a good voice, but she was a little too screaming to me. You don't have to go full scream to show you have a strong voice. That said, her voice is good and strong, but I don't think it is unique. Katy is good and will probably win. I really like Jake, though, and hope he wins. The duet with Kelly was beautiful, and his other songs were perfect. My preferred order would be Jake for the win, Katy, Rose, and then Ricky. He just didn't connect with me for some reason.
  24. Yes, Sarah definitely should have told Eric that she was pregnant. But, once Nicole knew, I don't believe in the "it was not her secret to tell" theory. If you are in a committed relationship with someone and find out something that he should know, her loyalty should have been with Eric and NOT Sarah. It was Nicole's choice to, once again, protect herself.
  25. I think that picture of Kate and Steve is the final straw for me. Kate is the most vile, disgusting character and this was going too far. I will continue to read summaries, but my eyes can't unsee that!!!
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