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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I just want to thank you all for providing such detailed comments. I missed last week's show and after reading all of these remarks, have no desire to actually see it. I will try to see tonight's show, but in case I fall asleep again, I know I can check back here tomorrow. Thanks!!!
  2. Wow - it is really interesting to see so many Eve fans on this forum. I hate seeing how she has been inserted into so many stories and see NOTHING enjoyable or positive about her. I don't know this actress from anything else, so I can't attest to that. As others have said it is a horrible character and I guess she plays it well, but I will fast forward or not watch a show if I read that she is featured in it. I know that many villains are people you love to hate; however I just hate her character and that she has to suck up so much time. The only one who is as annoying as she is is Sarah. I hope she loses Jack (although that is not necessarily any kind of punishment) and her job and has to go to jail and is off my screen. She SHOULD feel guilty for putting her own personal vendetta, which only shows up when it suits her, ahead of getting help for a disturbed girl, who for some reason, trusted her.
  3. The girls, at least to me, looked more like a team than they did with their individual movements, then all get in a line, then separate and do their own things and then back in the line they had been doing with Brady there. That said, I am not liking these ridiculous dark themes for these little girls to dance to. And that Mary Lou Retton wig???? That looked as bad as that meat suit that poor Chloe wore that time, thanks to Cathy! I was afraid the wig would fall off and she would get in trouble for that. And, yes, I agree that if Abby wants to be taken more seriously, she needs to get some decent wigs, or at least have the ones she is wearing cut to her head. Does she not realize that no one wears wigs out of the box without some cutting in? No matter how much or little she pays for them, they don't have to look like bad wigs. I am not familiar with the girl they are bringing back, but I think I am done. I don't know all of the mothers' names, but that one who wore the funeral hat and/or other hats is ridiculous.
  4. Yeah, it seemed pretty obvious that maybe not on their wedding night, but definitely on the first night of their honeymoon! The first 4, for sure, not sure when the third couple will.
  5. I agree that maybe Deonna would seem more into this if she would just let herself lighten up and play a little. Yes, Greg was just trying to flirt with her and she shut him down. In the previews we see that she tells him not to give her compliments. Poor guy. He can't win. As far as Amber and Matt go, I am wondering if the school board where Amber teaches will be happy to renew her contract to teach 8th grade once she has shared so much of her private life? Yes, they are technically married, but still, probably isn't the best role model for the students. I know times have changed, but can anyone imagine knowing/seeing that much of your middle school teacher???
  6. I am already tired of Deonna's attitude about how the word smitten is not in her vocabulary. Why not???? It's a fun word and idea. I don't give this even a tiny chance. I understand what people are saying about the Jasmine vibes. I DID like when Jamie asked his wife what her father calls her and then quickly said that he would call her Elizabeth. Good for him. He sees the need to try to make a distinction if their relationship has a chance. Also, it is extremely creepy that she has that much open need for sex and has had those discussions with her father. I cannot imagine what he will be thinking when he sees these shows - he may have a heart attack. And I don't think they have to worry about losing their family name - Elizabeth will not have a new name for long. Like most of you, also tired of the "virgin" element constantly in our faces. Other than that, she does seem to be comfortable being close to her husband and isn't as awkward getting in bed with him as I thought she might be. Amber and Matt are kind of boring to me. She is too anxious to be all over him, which is not bad, but she is pushing too hard too soon.
  7. Did anyone else see the clip from tonight's show where Jamie is meeting with Big Red's parents and nutcase father says that Jamie will never get Red's heart because it is and always will be his (dad's)? Jamie is already asking what kind of relationship this is between them. We say that the participants aren't vetted enough - do the "experts" ever meet the families???? This man is psycho!
  8. Like many of you, I am so not liking Elizabeth. I think a little of Amber goes a long way, too. I thought Iris was exquisite in her gown and she is just gorgeous. I hope that works for them. And Deonna (or the show) really needs to stop her repeating that she dated herself for 10 years. It is creepy.
  9. Thanks!!! I didn't understand the silly dance, which still looks to me like individuals until they all come to a line and then they do their own things again. They are not a team. Also, didn't like either of the solos - too much posing on the floor and not enough dancing. And, I didn't get the prison jumpsuits either. What happened to the covered ALDC warm up suits? I have a feeling I will be done very soon. These mothers all look the same and are horrible. And Abby has not mellowed a bit and is now throwing it in the kids' faces that children have cancer.
  10. I just can't believe that the writers, yet again, write up a story and have it move to a whimpering resolution after just one announcement and it has absolutely NO impact on the story. First, the built-up "shocker" about Melinda and Haley that had nothing to do with her citizenship status, so what was that about???? Then, after they build up this Lani is obsessed with the baby and gives up her job and her relationship, Rafe says one thing about her trying to make up for her lost baby and it's all, "you're right." There seemed like they were building to a Lifetime baby-snatching movie plot line and then - bam - it's over. What a huge waste of our time.
  11. Yeah, that was not a good plan to have Ben play the crazy strangler card if he is really trying to make us forget. I know he was just doing what he had to do to get info on Claire, but still, that he went there was poor, lazy writing.
  12. What is so stupid to me is that Xander had an exact replica of the folder, all forms and even the file naming convention all set in his backpack to switch out the autopsy report - how ridiculous!
  13. I agree that since we all know that Holly is fine and is just being taken away for giggles, it makes the storyline even more disgusting. I am already tired of Nicole's wailing. I can't think of one storyline I care about at this time, so it is back to Criminal Minds reruns for today, since I read a recap and have no interest in seeing another day of Dr. Wah Wah Horton. At least we don't have to see Gabi debase herself again, although I am sure that since the show is saying it is HER idea, then it is OK - it is not. Yep, done.
  14. This was the first time I had watched in years, but I love Adam and Queen so I checked it out. HORRIBLE! The one thing I was sure of, having not seen any of these contestants or know any of their back stories (and don't care), was that Wade and Alejandro were the worst of the worst and should be gone. What am I missing? Or, more like, what are those people voting for???? Also, not impressed with allowing/encouraging that child to sing that totally inappropriate song. Clearly his parents have convinced him that he is a special, special snowflake, and shall never hear the word no. I was appalled - why would they let a child sing a line about wishing he had never been born?
  15. I'll bet that the order that Rafe ignores will be something that she got from Ted, since she seems to be so stupid as to believe him. And, since the spoilers say that Hope will lose her job - YIPPEE! Is there any word as to the longevity of the Ted character or can we look forward to him leaving soon? Or at least by the end of August when so many are gone.
  16. I didn't like this new format at all and switched to Everybody Loves Raymond reruns half-way through last night. I didn't know/like any of the songs and many sounded terrible, even not knowing what it was supposed to sound like. So, what if every coach decided to pick the same team to challenge - could they do that? Or, were they told they had to each pick each other once during the evening? Confusing. They used this format but didn't tell any of the rules, like when they can use the Save or the Steal and how many does each coach get? And I really don't think that second chance thing is fair at all and whose team will that person be on? I adore John Legend and I think his singers will benefit. I am not sure why ANYONE picked Adam after his disgusting throw-his-contestant-with-talent under the bus to save his poor-little-girl-who-was too immature-to perform team member last season. Adding all of these saves and steals seems like it is going to prolong this season indefinitely and I am not feeling like I want to continue. I still like Blake, I like John and a little of Kelly goes a very long way. Adam lost me last season, although his pleas to vote for him, I mean his team, got old a long time ago.
  17. It did get ugly, and it looks like the social media that is coming out before it gets deleted is not any nicer.
  18. I don't have IG or Twitter accounts, so I do appreciate it when posters include some of the info - thanks! It seems like the couples from this year are being a little more open in what they are sharing after the fact. And maybe it's a bad picture of Luke and the woman above, but neither of them look too thrilled to be together.
  19. Wow - Jasmine and Mia? Mia looks beautiful in that pic, tho and I didn't even recognize that as her (it's amazing how just getting out of a blanket can help), but that brings what I took as some measure of class in Jasmine wwwwaaaayyyyy down. Looks like maybe SHE was in it just for possible fame?
  20. I am still surprised by the animosity towards Will on this board. I didn't see any of the seething anger or would NEVER think to describe him as being on the spectrum. Wow. I guess that is the purpose of this type of thing - we all bring what we are and what we have experienced into the interpretations of strangers' behavior and make all kinds of comments based on those perceptions. People have been vocal about so many of the couples this time. Has it been that way for all past seasons? Last season, there was the Mia/Tristan drama nonsense; Bobby and Danielle were boring; so were all the comments about Dave and Amber? If Kate and Luke hadn't been the drama focus this season, I think Will and Jasmine would have been the focal point, even more than AJ.
  21. I know that many people probably loved the Jennifer fire stunt and trapping Jack to relive their past, but I thought it was dumb. First, she either started a small fire or did something so that there was smoke in the hallway and rooms - that should be a crime. Second, HE DOESN'T WANT HER ANYMORE. OK, he doesn't remember their past life, but he doesn't seem to care. Now, she can be in trouble for kidnapping him and him getting hurt, although we know that means he will remember something. I have never been a big Jack fan, mostly because the stories they had for him were cartoony, but I know that many people did love them together. I hope they get what they are waiting for. For me, it has been dragged on for too long and I generally FF through any scene that involves Eve.
  22. Kind of sorry to hear about Kate's boyfriend situation, but she wasn't ready yet, IMO. She should focus on herself and her business, but I am glad that she had a positive dating experience. I do hope that she stays away from reality shows, although it might be fun to watch one with Kate and Jasmine trying again. Never mind - bad idea!!!!
  23. I was disappointed when Kate admitted to going over to Luke's after Decision Day and that he "put her to bed" because she was clearly too drunk to drive. The fact that she just credited that to it being Halloween was worrisome. I never agreed with Luke's assessments of her during their "marriage" but it appears that she may tend to over-indulge. I hope her new relationship (although I am not sure she was ready) is happier and healthier. I know that Luke is a total jerk, but to me, he really did look surprised that AJ said he didn't like him and even said that he was being helpful to him. I think that part of Luke's narcissism (yep, playing couch therapist) is that he can't read other people because they aren't important. So, he really may not have understood how his words and actions affected Kate or anyone else. For him to ever be able to get past that will require YEARS of therapy, and even then, it's iffy. And Jasmine looked gorgeous last night. I am not sure if Will was serious or not, but I could understand his wanting to date her and get to know each other in the real world without the unrealistic timeframes. Their values never would have meshed, and I am still glad that Will did not sleep with her until he was sure the relationship would last. I agree with most of you who felt that as long as Stephanie is so desperate and determined to stay married, she will put up with her baby husband. Did anyone catch the part where she said that SHE has taken him on many trips to different countries and he corrected her to say that THEY went on vacations. I just wonder where they have so much time off from their jobs to do all that traveling since they were also off to film MAFS.
  24. I agree that I think both couples are still together and the ones that were done are still done. No reconciliation for Jasmine and Will. Looking forward to Kate blasting Luke tonight.
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