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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Please keep the comments coming because I won't watch that ridiculous mean girl Jamie Otis.
  2. Interesting that the title is SHE loves me/not. In most of these cases, HE loves me not would be more appropriate.
  3. If Deonna is pregnant to the point that it is noticeable, there is no way she would be on the Unfiltered show before Decision day. They would want to save that for the Reunion like they did with Bobby and Danielle.
  4. I don't know why so many people think that Greg and Deonna only had sex once. We kind of saw that they did on his birthday, but no one knows how often they have been intimate since then. Remember, people lie! Remember last season while Kate was wah-whaing the whole time that her husband wouldn't have sex with her and it turns out that they had been the whole time. The couples lie, the producers lie and I think Greg and Deonna, probably more than any of the other couples, do keep a lot to themselves. And, as someone upthread said, Deonna seems much happier, so maybe that includes letting herself feel loved.
  5. Did anyone notice that Iris drove their car to the retreat? Not judging, just noticing.
  6. Again, why is ERIC trying to make a deal with the DA? He isn't a lawyer, he isn't Kristen's lawyer and he has no business doing that. Same with all the people going into talk to Kristen before she was finally taken to her holding cell. Eric could have (wish he would have) strangled her and no one was there. So stupid.
  7. OMG - Hope does look she is in Princess Gina mode - please tell me that she is not going to try to do an accent again???? And, OK, now I can see the Hope/Ben rumors. Real Hope wouldn't do that, but "not Hope" would. Jordan just got out of Bayview - maybe Hope should take that bed. Really - they (Ron) can't think of anything for her to do other than go crazy because she doesn't have a man?
  8. Yes, I am "old" but I remember the days when you were shocked to actually see one of your teachers in the grocery store! So, while the fact that Amber does have tattoos and does not always speak grammatically correct bothers me, the problem I have with her expressing her very personal feelings and needs so that her middle school students can see them makes me uncomfortable. As a former teacher, I still believe that for many young students, teachers are role models and can provide guidance and motivation for them. Even the other people (Iris, Greg, Keith) who may work with young people have been no where close to as pathetic and needy as Amber has been. As annoying as Iris is, I would rather see someone who is virgin working with kids than someone desperate for any man exclaim that she needs sex every day. But, I also don't believe that students need to know that much about their teachers and while it has been mentioned that kids don't watch this show, I am sure that Amber's students are this season. I wonder if she is still Mrs. whatever his name is or if she is Ms.? Guessing that since the show has not shown the finale, everyone is still acting like they are still married.
  9. @gonecrackers, maybe a little of both. I am still unhappy that she is teaching in middle school and that her students are able to watch her struggles, her stating that she needs sex every day, her sad desperation, questionable fashion choices (someone needs to throw away that aqua romper she wears on Unfiltered) and really encourage her to get into some serious therapy. I am sorry that she has abandonment issues, but at some point, she needs to take responsibility for herself and not blame her mother. Deal with it and be the grown up. And have some self respect. At least she has some good friends, like Raven, who can help. If her friends are good people, she has to see that she must be good, too.
  10. For me, Iris earned a point for saying that she saw the spark in Amber has been dimmed by the way Matt is treating her. I wish she would have said it to Amber instead of the TH. But, then she lost the point by referring to herself in the third person again. I continue to hope that Greg and Deonna make it. As to her baby voice - the minute they got to the cabin she was speaking in that tone. Maybe that is how she shows she is happy or excited, but it WAS annoying and is not her usual tone. So, Iris is seeing that Keith is not good at communicating with her or expressing his feelings. Maybe that's because when he does try, she shuts him down with a face or some snippy remark? Keith is not stupid. He is checked out and I now think maybe even Iris will say no at D-Day. She doesn't understand why, so she will be shocked that he isn't into her, but still, they are a NO. I HOPE that Amber says no and if it looks like she is told about Matt and another woman, I think she may have the gumption to end it (even tho he will, but I want her to have a little dignity and say no herself). Jamie and Big Red continue to frustrate me. I hope they both say NO but I have a feeling they will both say yes, for some really disturbing reason. Either way, I still don't care. At all.
  11. Thanks for the spoiler. I was hoping that Eve just disappeared and we wouldn't have to see her again, but alas, no. Can you imagine Julie's thoughts when she wakes up with 1) a DiMera heart and 2) learns that Gabi was the one who saved her????
  12. We see very little of their regular days - just when the cameras are on them. We don't see anyone at work, thank goodness, so we have no idea how Elizabeth and her father are handling this (also very happy NOT to see). Since I think that Matt is the only one without a real job, we don't see him all day, either, so no one knows what/who he does. From the limited amount of couple interaction we see, I think we all see that Jamie and Big Red are not good together. Period. We don't even know if they spend any time with their "spouses" when the cameras aren't on, as we suspect that Matt and Amber spend very little time together off camera. I am just glad we don't have too many more episodes to watch, and although I said it last season, I think I am done. The more production and bad edits for drama, the less interesting this is to me.
  13. If Jordan is coming back, maybe the "not Phillip" guy will be the daddy?
  14. Can someone please explain to me the title of the discussion - it's been broughten??? I am assuming that one of the girls said this at one point? But it hurts my head! Thank you!
  15. I agree with many of you who think that Keith will call it quits on Decision Day and Iris will be totally shocked! She has no idea that he has checked out and she thinks she is doing a great job of being open and flexible. She will be blindsided. Amber, at least, knows Matt isn't husband material (at least not HER husband). So she may say she wants to stay, but he will bail and she won't be devastated - just disappointed. I still think both Greg and Deonna will say yes. I have a feeling that both Jamie and Big Red may say yes, but it won't last. For some reason, they seem to think that they have to make this marriage work.
  16. I wonder (just my speculation) if Kristen is going to challenge Chad for the soul of DiMera Enterprises (or whatever it is)? Since Chad is actually Stefano's son, right? Not sure how they will get Kate out, but we'll see. And, while they do love to redeem terrible characters, I won't buy a Kristen redemption ever. Yes, she used to not be so awful, but since the writers can only write for one dimensional characters, her one dimension is pure evil and hatred. Xander and Gabi would be a very attractive couple, but he will be pining for the idiot Sarah, now that Eric will be looking for Nicole. Brady might be interesting, for a while. There is no way they would put her with Jack, once they got rid of Eve. Although, it seems that the writers kind of were forced to bring him back to appease fans, so maybe they will keep putting him with anyone other than Jennifer as a way to get back at those who wanted him. She's been with Eli and JJ, and if they want to put her back with the high school love that was made up, I don't have a problem with Gabi and Chad, especially since I loathe Abby (even more when she is played by Kate Mansi - entirely too smug and entitled).
  17. So, according to a recent cast photo, yes, Eve and Stefan were gone, but Kristen (or at least Stacy H) were STILL in there as being on contract. Anyone know why???? I can't see them keeping Kristan around and Susan is an occasional guest, at best. And since both JJ and Haley are in that photo, I wonder when it was taken. If they just stopped filming in June, it might be just a little outdated. Maybe Stefan leaves with Vivian and maybe it will be like it was with Leo - perhaps she lied about Stefan being Stefano's son, so there is no reason for him to be there? Those timelines seem to work since "Vivian" is supposed to be back in September. Does anyone know who they will pair Gabi up with once Stefan leaves?
  18. If anyone saw the actual previews for next week (I HATE that they go right into that stupid new show without even a commercial!), can you please share? Thanks! Even though we know that the teases are usually no indication of what actually happens, I would be interested in hearing about them.
  19. @SerenityNow721, aren't Jamie and Elizabeth proof of that? OK, and Amber.
  20. I have said this a few episodes back and nothing has changed. This season is soooooo boring, because nothing has changed from maybe week 2 and we know where each of them will end up. Amber and Matt - She is STILL pathetically desperate and he is STILL uninterested and checked out - They SHOULD and WILL SPLIT. Iris and Keith - she is even more annoying and immature and he is STILL being patient and respectful, but he has checked out and she STILL doesn't have a clue about how immature and annoying she is. I think she will be surprised, but they SHOULD and WILL SPLIT. And is she that good of an actress or just that stupid that she felt really proud of herself for sharing that asinine "secret?" Big Red and Jamie - STILL toxic and nasty. For some reason they seem to think they are in love, but they are both seriously in need of therapy. They SHOULD SPLIT, but if they stay together because they are just that stupid, no one gives a damn. Just don't hurt the dogs. Deonna and Greg - slowly learning about each other. The are the only ones with a chance. They SHOULD and WILL STAY TOGETHER. (Now, by the time we get to the reunion show, if Deonna is still hiding behind the walls, he might be ready to end it, but I don't think so).
  21. Thanks so much for the comments. It doesn't start here for another hour and now I won't have to wait to hear the big secret. I do want to see Keith's face, though!
  22. It just seems that they ALL stay married at D-Day now, even though many of them say they want a divorce at the Reunion, so I am just assuming they are getting paid for staying together at Decision Day, which really doesn't seem to be that anymore. And, yes, I know there are couples who know right way, but most of them stay married.
  23. I still think that most of the couples will stay "married" on D-Day and then split at the reunion. It's 3 more months of pay and they really don't have to live together.
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