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Everything posted by Quof

  1. Remember when Mykelti was going to be a fashion designer?? 🤣🤣
  2. Surely some sleuth has got the deets on Amos? Who is he, who are his people, what does he do for a living, how did the meet .... It didn't take us 24 hours to uncover all the info on David Wooley.
  3. We should start a thread devoted to Speaking Brownish (Brownese?) "Taken back" instead of "taken aback" "A pit in my stomach" instead "a feeling in the pit of my stomach"
  4. Doesn't he have 2 jobs? Perhaps he only gets part-time hours at each, or maybe he works far more than 40 hours per week, both for the money and just because he doesn't have much of a social life, and wants to cut back to a normal full time schedule when Sheila arrives.
  5. When Ysabel would complain that a kid at school had been mean/unpleasant/whatever, Christine would tell her "Maybe that kid is going through something you don't know about, so you should just be kind in response."
  6. Frustration of contract - there are no sister wives, therefore it is impossible to have Sister Wives. Fellow lawyers here know I'm right. Although, technically F of C does require an intervening event that no one could have foreseen, and we all saw this coming.
  7. Can I say " 'Your' is both singular and plural. If you are referring to something that belongs to more than one person, you still say 'your'. Not 'you guyses' ". Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
  8. The Browns don't speak proper English either (neither vocabulary nor grammar, without even getting into issues of elocution). They all like to throw around big words and idioms incorrectly.
  9. If the prescription were expired, he wouldn't have been able to fill it at a pharmacy. What he really means is "I saw a doctor a long time ago, and got a prescription, which I filled as many times as I could. Then I started buying it on the street, because I wasn't prepared to comply with the terms of the suboxone program. So I had no prescription for the drugs I was carrying."
  10. Sister Wives quotes you use in real life This may be the funniest Reddit thread ever. I'm going to start saying "I have to go get Savanah" whenever I want to extricate myself from a conversation.
  11. Quof


    Presumably the child had spots in order for chicken pox to even cross their minds? So what were they?
  12. I was going to say "Christine's kids all have the letter Y randomly inserted in their names", but then I remembered Paedon. If ever a name cried out for a letter Y....
  13. A tip - weird names are Christine's, normal names are Janelle's.
  14. I have never seen Les Mis - despite being a big Broadway goer - but I will never set foot in a Mirvish theatre, even if the tickets were free.
  15. Update on the clothing saga - we're done. She has the items she is keeping, and one last pile of things to be returned. The point of using Amazon, along with the wide selection, was easy returns so she wouldn't even have to put things in a package and a courier would simply pick them up at her house. Other vendors don't do that. I buy myself a lot of basics from their Amazon Essentials brand, and like the quality. Let the record show, not a single thing she is keeping is the size she told me she wears. Her last remark "This was kind of fun". Kill me now.
  16. Again - rewatch - one time when all the adults were going away (when weren't they on a "vacation" somewhere?), there was discussion of whether Christine's kids could stay by themselves. I think Truely was going with Christine, and maybe Aspyn was going to be away too. Gwen asked to stay home, with Paedon in charge. Christine said "I won't leave you alone with Paedon". It may have been an issue of whether he was old enough for the responsibility, but it didn't sound that way.
  17. My mother does not like to shop, and is not good at it. She recently mentioned she wanted/needed new clothing. I asked about specific types of clothing and sizes, then ordered a number of items on Amazon to be sent directly to her, as her Christmas present. "Keep everything that fits and that you like." She is retired, and doesn't go out much, so her needs should be simple. We are now on Round 3 of "this doesn't fit right" and "I'm not sure if I like this", arranging returns (which Amazon picks up at her house, so she doesn't have to do anything but answer the door) and ordering new items. Send thoughts and prayers.
  18. Between this and ordering clothes from Amazon for my mother for Christmas, there is a very special place in Heaven for me.
  19. As part of my rewatch (brain turning to mush), I recall a scene from an early season in which several kids were pounding on each other, and Meri told them forcefully to knock it off because "You are all brothers and sisters for the rest of your lives". She didn't touch any child, or even move to separate them, but Janelle and Christine both freaked out and told her to stay in her lane.
  20. Maybe the state views it as a tourism advertisement.
  21. It's hard to be active at that weight. Maybe she was sexually passive.
  22. And A+ parenting from Sobyn telling her children on camera their father had signed away his parental rights. The oldest two were old enough to understand "your dad doesn't love you" I don't believe anything she says about her ex-husband, either.
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