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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. That look Ace was giving Spencer was all: “what mess did you get me into, sucker?” 🤣 Nina turning “dark side” was great. Ambrose, that was super careless, dude. Ooh, Trina - good sleuthing job?
  2. Oh Valentin, you’ve been useless for too long. Take that pity party on the road.
  3. From the Press Club thread, Helena is coming back. I’m guessing Austin and cousin might work for her, as they often referred to a “she” being their boss? It would explain why they would want to keep Nik alive. They seem a little low brow for her, but good help being hard to find…
  4. Back again… Why is the show dressing Wendy up in a tiny Barbie style summer dress but Johnny is wearing two layers of lumberjack wear? It wasn’t a good look. At least Tripp was in a one layer lumberjack outfit. Li’s lavender sweater was very fetching, however. Kayla is also in lumberjack wear but she’s been kidnapped, so I’ll allow it. It’s also a nice change from a hospital gown, a hospital coat or the multiple horrific a-line dresses the show has put her in. Hope is back in curly hair - yeah! Wish she would be paired with another less stiff actor however. I am enjoying CEO Maggie though, especially when she yells at Alex. And OMG! PR playing Shane Donovan! 🤣 Good cliffhanger. Maybe eventually, DOOL/Beyond Salem will merge into something fun?
  5. I’m catching up, watching every other episode. I enjoyed the Stefan/Trask/Nicole scene. I like what they’re doing with the Trask character. It’s a nice change from her vindictive/bitter scenes. The actress can do a lot more. I also liked the scenes between the baker/doctor and her sister cop. The actresses are good and it’s nice to see new characters without them having tons of old baggage from being on the show forever (ex. Brady). I was watching the Trip/Paulina scenes. The actors seemed to enjoy being in the scene together ans I was hoping that they would rub their acting style off of each other, i.e., one toning it way down and the other playing livelier. Sadly, I think it’ll only happen in my head. Lastly for now, SB would die of a heart attack on the spot rather than go there, but I saw sparks between Andrew and Harris. 😜
  6. Uncle was fine with his bodyguard taking a big chunk of time to be a Magic Wand, so I don’t think he saw his life as being on the line much that night. 😉 Also, if Spencer was truly worried he should’ve told Dex to come clean to Sonny about the drink or he would go and tell him himself. Pretty sure if Dex had said “boss, I needed a shot before stripping for charity”, he would’ve understood. 😛 Spencer yelling at Dex in public did nothing to protect Sonny.
  7. Jordan was shown hiding behind her hands at some point, but it seemed more like the actress’ reaction than the character’s. JZ looked surprised and emotional during the “Nurse Bobbie” tribute. Maybe it was truly a surprise for the actress. ”Your hair hasn’t been really red in… 100 years!” 🤣 Someone should’ve explained the concept of “panty lines” to the Wands. I think there was just one thong in the bunch.
  8. Gladys was a terrible person at the beginning and she’s back to being a terrible person. It’s too bad, because I liked her as a grey character. NC is great at playing entitled and arrogant, but it’s often over the top because he punches down. With his baby rabies, it combines to make him a very annoying character right now. Speaking of annoying characters, Lucy you nitwit!! “A boa, really?” 🤣 Ah! I haven’t laughed at a Sonny joke in a decade. 😂 The Magic Wands were a bit less cringe than anticipated and the audience reactions were great. Strangely, the Dex actor moved better than expected (it would make sense that the character would want to drink a few before that! 😂). The Cody actor (now I understand why he looked so orange lately) seemed to hold his stomach in (I feel bad, clearly he was uncomfortable doing this). TJ should’ve headlined that performance though, because Tajh was fabulous (fanning myself).
  9. I did not know Danielle Ponder before today - wow! I’m now a fan. And great dress on Nurse Deanna - love the colour and sleeves.
  10. I know fans in the US will see this ep pre-empted so I just want to say: Finola is a dancer, that dress needed slits, damn it!! (It might’ve made up for mini-piano.) Love the colour of Molly’s dress and what I saw of it looked nice. And TJ is allowed to sign and dance, anywhere, anytime. 💕
  11. I am so sorry I put out this horrific storyline in the universe because Phyllis isn’t really dead and every involved character, is acting like an idiot. I’ll keep reading your fun posts preverts, but I’m taking a break from watching the weirdness unfold.
  12. Of all the similar dresses, I loved Portia’s the best for the colour and lack of spaghetti straps. I watched Y&R’s 50th show and learned that sequin armpit burns are a thing, so happy for the Trina and Nina actresses who avoided this. Again though, I find stylists let TA down again with another prom type dress. RH’s beard made him look like a hobo who didn’t even bother to shower before putting on his nice tux. He’s definitely a ball and chain to Ava. The carpet interviews were too cringe for me.
  13. I’ve been trying to get into the DOOL/Beyond Salem new show and I’m having a hard time. I think the clothing has improved - yeah! I don’t mind a different Bo, and a livelier Hope but I can’t stand Ciara/Ben. I like Eric/Sloan now that they’re doing other things than have sex 24hrs/day. The new doctor/pastry maker is a good new young actress, but the geriatric “action heroes” and Stephanie/Chad, are hard to watch. I just can’t find a character I want to root for, or a storyline I’m interested in. Everything is either repetitive or ridiculous. I love escapism, but not to the point of ridiculousness. I’ll give the show a few more weeks to see.
  14. “You can really see the spark”. Oh, Audra. You big fat liar. The Tucker/Ashley scenes were too long and ad-libby for me… until the kisses. They were lovely and even made my cold dead heart skip a beat. 💕 Still, TSJ - go get a shave and some new clothes. You look like a divorced dad, circa 1985. Is the Stark actor playing fake worry for Phyllis or is he just bad? I hope for the former and fear the latter…
  15. Very much enjoyed the Esmé/Ava conversation. It looked to me like Maura almost started gushing at the baby, then remembered her character. 😂 Ace was really laying on thick too, with that adorable pout. Maura’s face looks more gaunt than usual. For people in the know, is it her makeup or did the actress get a more permanent change? Still in the shallow pool, I appreciate the way stylists are dressing the Felicia and Lucy characters in casual, yet attractive looking clothing. Lynn Herring has had that fabulous healthy looking body for decades and, as a woman whose clothing size has grown every couple of years over the same amount of time, I bow down in respect.
  16. “I liked you a lot better when you weren’t talking.” could be used for So. Many. Characters. For instance, I muted the Devon/Hilary convo and just revelled in how beautiful Mishael Morgan is. Phyllis appeared even more drugged today. Wonder if the mariage is so they can’t be forced to testify against each other down the line? Or maybe Stark’s mark is Phyllis and not Diane? My head hurts…
  17. Canadian here, thanking you very much for hiding spoilers. I had to take a break from watching because I don’t need to add more bleakness to my life right now. After checking in here, I see I’ll need to wait a few more months to see if things lighten up. Sigh…
  18. Is Phyllis being drugged? Maybe by Diane? Or Stark? Or both? I’m just trying to understand , even for nemesis soap standards, even for Phyllis, this completely over the top desperate and unhinged behaviour. Applause 👏🏻 It’s nice to see new party people every day. Hilary Amanda looked gorgeous. I’m curious to see if her dress was the same shade as the Elena or Sharon dresses.
  19. I wasn’t expecting much from Yvette Nicole Brown’s cameo, but I think she did a great job with the well written words and gave the Epiphany character her one shining moment. Everything else was about another character (Liz, Sonny, Willow, etc.) The fireworks were fun. Same. She also got to say a full on “stubborn son of a…”. 😁 Haven’t been a Liz fan for decades so her maybe getting promoted after being an accomplice to kidnapping, because of a letter from Epiphany, is too much for me. (I’m assuming that Leslie Charleson was not present in person due to health issues, which saddens me.) Not sure if it was streaming provider or ABC issues, but the last scenes kept freezing on me while the sound was fine so I heard Sonya’s singing but didn’t see her. I’m think it’s from a past Nurse’s Ball? Or was it all flashbacks?
  20. Tricia Cast looks great and I really enjoyed the fun walk down memory lane with Jill and Cricket. But why no flashback scenes with the same actresses? Did they delete everything? The only flashback was to a scene with Sally and Adam from what, 2 months ago? Diane is the tough love Phyllis needs. Unfortunately, I’m 100% sure we’ll get victim Phyllis instead.
  21. So “bad news” women should not get to keep their children, unless their Carly. Got it. It’s sad the Cam is not remaining. He could’ve been instrumental in making Spencer palatable in dealing with Esmé. Raging Victor loving Spencer is not for me. CANNOT with obsessive Lucy. Scotty’s speech for Cam. 🤣 I could get behind a Robert-Diane investigating duo. They seem more on the ball than Anna and Valentin. ”She’s probably having the time of her life” referring to Epiphany when we know the actress has passed, is very cruel dialogue. Glad there’s an in memoriam episode.
  22. “Sequins burn under the armpits” is a sentence I did not expect to hear. 🤣 ”You don’t want to take your shirt off, go be a roofer.” Agree! The ball masks took a month to make? They have 9 people working on costumes, so much stuff in inventory and yet we see such ugly things. 🤔 No Sally, no Adam, no Elena, too much Victor, Chelsea, Billy, Nate. Won’t mention the two detested characters here (N&P) because I don’t mind them. Peter Bergman sure is a crier. 😂 They gave Jeanne Cooper’s dressing room to Amelia. Mmm… The Kristoff St-John stuff was nice, he is definitely still missed by many cast members.
  23. Lenz was very young when she acted opposite PAS, around 18 maybe. She talked about that first work experience on the podcast she shares with other OTH stars, and it wasn’t necessarily comfortable for her to be doing love/sex scenes with a much older man at that age. Looking at the GL and ATWT casts, there were so many amazingly talented actors, I still miss both shows very much. Looking forward to Monday’s Cam/Esmé scenes.
  24. Is Phyllis planning to fake her death and frame Diane? The character has been so obsessed and unhinged for so many months, I can’t follow her actions at all. I think the show knows they have a good thing going with Susan Walters and wouldn’t kill Diane, but who knows. I wish they would’ve done something else with Stark then tying him to Phyllis. He could’ve been an interesting character.
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