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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Jason, all day, every day. Not sure he would’ve even slept with her the night Sonny came back. (Would’ve depended BTS shenanigans maybe.) You lasted a whole 25 min longer than me. 😁 Sadly, many people in Sasha’s and other similar situations have to take all prescribe medication or be labelled “non compliant” and suffer terrible consequences. I hope the show is not going to go there but I suspect that as @YaddaYadda said, torture porn it will be, which is why I can’t continue watching this.
  2. I missed yesterday’s Austin/Ava kiss (replaying it I saw RH’s arm and that’s about it) so I was surprised today started with them having had sex. RH looked buff and everything so I’m not sure why we didn’t see more of the action and avoid a few Carlys sex scenes (did I just answer my question?) I don’t understand why the show had A/A sleep together and hope it wasn’t a baby making event (yes, Ava is probably post menopausal but it hasn’t stopped other soaps and I no longer expect reality from GH). AP is great in scenes with the babies and NAC. We talk a lot about the Chavez’ great future, but she’s bound to have one too.
  3. I feel bad for everyone who had their Sprina hopes crushed. It used to be super couples were propped up by fans and the writers/producers happily jumped on that bandwaggon. Now, the concept of super couples is essentially dead. This has good points, like creating more possibilities and not saddling actors with the same partner forever no matter what happens BTS, etc. But it also means the rooting is very temporary. I stopped being into Sprina during Sydney’s last scenes because Spencer was being, as always, a damn jerk and I thought Trina deserved better. Nothing that I’m seeing on screen now has changed my opinion. NAC might have good presence and play his role well, but it has never been enough for me to overcome the writing of his character. Also, very shallowly, Tabyanna looks so small in the shots next to NAC who bulked up lately, it always takes me out of their scenes. Better production could make it work, but that’s not GH. I really want Trina to get own storylines and a decent love interest and not just be a pawn in the Cassadine/Corinthos universe. Yes, I know, I’m hoping for too much. Sigh…
  4. I’m always happy to watch Jeff Kober. We can only hope. Drew was way more interesting as Victor’s prisoner than anything else he’s done. Maybe the beard will even make a comeback.
  5. I was interested in seeing where the conversation between Sharon and Adam was going (are they looking to pair them up again?) but when Sharon said something like “when they asked you to choose between Sally and the baby, I was surprised you chose Sally!!!???” I just couldn’t. I don’t know why this dumpster fire of a storyline is emotionally hitting me so hard for all the wrong reasons, but I need another long break. I also hated that Phyllis is making me skip scenes with Michael and Summer is making me skip scenes with Chance. And why is Nick still wearing the gross polo sewer shirt?? Aargh.
  6. “That was brutal.” Yes Eddie, it certainly was. 😝 How about Olivia goes out of town, instead of you? Interesting that they showed a picture of Lois… JE has to be wearing her own clothes because that red 2-piece top thing was fabulous.
  7. Stuff happened on the show, and ED’s hair got finally revamped but I was just lost in TSJ’s well landscaped fit chest. Tucker keeps being the voice of reason which makes me think he’s snowing Ashley in and ever so slightly pushing to do stupid things she will later regret.
  8. I thought that at the end, Laura had convinced her not to go with her?
  9. Gosh, yes. Wrote it twice too. 😂 Maybe it’s my subconscious saying out loud that these should be scenes with Nick, not Spencer.
  10. Ace coughing before entering the room with Esmé and interrupt Trina and Nick Spencer was hilarious. Esmé looking to put the moves on Nick Spencer, was not. So Ned’s new love interest will be… Nina? I can enjoy that drama. I missed the scenes where Anna met with the new WSB Director, but I remember posters mentioning that FH was very emotional in them. I watched her today and she, GF, and KW all had tears in their eyes. I’m hoping it’s not due to illness or being let go from the show. It was just… odd.
  11. I really like that the show is giving the Trask character and the actress more to play with. I paused my DOOL viewing many times over the years, were her daughter and/or husband ever seen on screen? But yes, that was ridiculous even if well acted. I really liked her rant about the poisoned biscuits landing her in the hospital and how much worse they would’ve affected an older or immune compromised person. I don’t know the actress playing Abe’s kidnapper and I can’t bring myself to watch someone taking advantage of a sick person even knowing it’ll be alright in the end (no spoilers, I just figure). I didn’t clue in to this, good to know.
  12. I muted most of it for the same reason. They moved to “if I picked our daughter she might not even have made it” but Sally still hasn’t internalized that she would be DEAD and I have no time for that. I have had tons of compassion for people who have gone through a similar loss IRL, but what I’m seeing on screen is making me want to shake Sally until she gets a clue. At least she’s not moving in with Nick. I sadly saw no chemistry between Adam and Audra, which is probably because he’s being made into such a sad sack. No a fan of the show shopping Audra to the highest bidder either. Tucker, Nate, Kyle, Adam, Kyle again (in previews). Even the fun ones (Adam and Tucker) are too pathetic right now.
  13. I muted the Carly/Drew scenes because I have enough crap to deal with IRL without adding fictional one. I really don’t understand why we got day 2 (?) of a confrontation between Tracy and Chase’s dad. Speaking of Chase, tone down the Ned envy there buddy. Speaking of toning it down, Nina, you’re so desperate to be liked that you’re trying to win Dex over. Sad girl, very sad.
  14. Where is Liesl? Did they let go of the actress at the same time they did Kin Shriner? I miss her on my screen. And yes, every breath Willow takes should be accompanied by a thank you to Liesl and no one else. The argument between Alexis and Tracy had me thinking Eddie Maine might want to be involved with Alexis. I loved Ned and Alexis during their first go around but missed the second time around.
  15. The beginning of the tribute episode wasn’t great, but it got better. The Sole Writer is making Victoria and Ashley unbearable and mean in a way I’ve never seen them before. Not sure if it’s to create sympathy for Nick and Billy or just to make the show more “gritty”, but I’m not a fan of that work. He was the nicest very rich man I’ve ever seen and he clearly loved his family and supported his kids even when they did horrible things. His portrayer was also well liked and he was done a nasty when they fired him. The flashbacks made me tear up, especially the ones as Tracy looks at a picture on her phone and with Jack and Ashley talking with no sound and supposedly making up. Won’t happen and shouldn’t happen until she turns a new less vindictive leaf, but it made for a nice moment.
  16. What really bothers me the most with this Adam/Sally storyline is that in 2023, no hospital doctor would ask any family member or healthcare power of attorney holder to “choose between the mother and the child”. This might’ve been done up to the 60s (maybe?) but at some point, decades ago, the life of the mother stopped being seen as expendable and it ranks that Y&R made it a prominent plot point.
  17. Yes, parents are now allowed to see and hold the lost child and pictures can be taken. Language has also been modernized to avoid blame which is why I cringed when Nikki said “Sally lost the baby” as if the tragedy was all her fault. Why didn’t Nick let Victoria go to voice mail? Plot point, I know. She’s moving into sociopath territory now. I like that Adam went to Sharon. She’s the only character who can offer him some solace until Sally stops scapegoating him. Oh Adam, I’m trying to defend you, but it’s all about your pain in constantly visiting Sally.
  18. I had shallow comments in my mind as I watched the last episodes of the week like, what is up with Victoria’s eyeliner? I know the trend is to “move it up” to show a younger look, but dam. And why did Cameron change into his nicest shirt before entering a sewer, but I have to go deeper. I cannot get around the misogyny of the entirety of the Sally pregnancy storyline. The writers treated her like a child, with no agency, not one thought about her pregnancy choices, being tossed like a pinball between Nick and Adam being paternalistic jerks, not telling her about the dangerous situation with Cameron and then, have be a victim to the ultimate unrealistic 1950s type choice a man has to make between her and the baby? As much as I appreciated the work both MG and CH did (they were fabulous), I am livid. I appreciate all your comments about the possibilities of the baby being safely delivered and how the laws in the US are around situations like these and it makes it even worse. At least Sharon got to stab a bastard (also great work by SC and LA). This. 👏🏻
  19. I thought Kate going on and on about how Eric and Sloan should jump into parenthood super creepy and gross. She doesn’t know a thing about their relationship and a child would bind them together forever. Baby rabies strikes a most unlikely character. I could understand a “seize the day” pep talk about getting into a romantic relationship or getting married, but it would have been just as ridiculous if she had sat a their table and told them they needed to walk down the aisle asap. Megan is now over the top (you could see SB use is “Carly, come down” moves from GH on her), but I still like Dmitri. And I guess Kristen is getting a redemption ark? Gotta give props to SH for making me believe her compassion towards EJ. I could see them scheme together.
  20. I liked Chase’s mother as a reporter. Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a soft spot for Kim Delaney, but if there was a choice to be made, I would’ve kept her on over Gregory Harrison. I had forgotten she was playing the Jackie Templeton legacy character so also easy to mix her in things.
  21. I know Eddie Maine is not a favourite, but if it means he gets a new love interest and tosses Olivia to the curb, I don’t care if it’s a recycled Sonny Something Falls plot, I’m all for it. Of course with our luck, he’ll fall for Gladys then go back to Olivia. Still, a girl’s gotta have hope.
  22. You are not alone. I hate this storyline too. We may be seated at a very small table, however.
  23. Oh my, where to start… Adam and Sally were adorable together but… This. I still can’t get over the ease with which a mogul’s granddaughter gets kidnapped, even after everyone knew a violent felon was roaming around. I’m ok with seeing only a picture of Faith tied up, but will not have the heart to watch her or Sharon being threatened Cameron. I like Daniel and Lily, it was refreshing to see them having a calm grownup conversation after suffering the Jack&Diane / Ashley&Tucker pairings. In the very shallow pool, I wish CF would cut his beard off. The pretty should be shown. And yes, MG’s cheekbones do call to me, why do you ask? 🤩 I’m also reading all your comments about actors wearing the same clothing for a week on screen and I keep wondering if the show has them dry cleaned every night or if the cost cutting measures are nixing that too. 🤔
  24. Réal Andrews did some fantastic work today. It was also the best work I’ve seen Tanisha Harper do on the show - kudos! They should have more scenes together. Shallow comment: I really liked Carly’s outfit and earrings. Now that I got the nice things out of the way, Lisa LoCicero was horrible as hysterical Olivia and her claiming she believed Ned when he swore he wasn’t the leak, was beyond grating. I cannot stand Olivia, I think I now hate the character more than Carly. Sasha’s psychiatrist being a gambler who knows Gladys does not bode well for her. 😞
  25. The show didn’t seem to know what to do with Nik outside of his relationship to Ava. He barely interacted with Victor even though there was a good storyline there. Not sure if it was due to wanting to prop up the Spencer actor or BTS stuff, but I agree that having the character come back now, just to mess with the boring Austin-Ava pairing, would be a waste. I’m sure if the role was meatier they could get a new decent actor to play him.
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