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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Why are they making Tracy too dumb to know there might’ve been cameras in the pool area? Chase was looking at Nina funny - does he find out she’s the anonymous tipper? Why are the characters of Austin and Ava so unbelievably boring in spite of being played by powerhouse soap actors?
  2. Today is part 2 of the ungrateful dumb children and Carly being the voice of reason (in the context of GH making a mob boss a hero for the past +20yrs, not something I would advocate for in real life). From the way LW acted the scenes, I hope I saw in Carly’s eyes the realization that she created absolute entitled monsters who would still be fine with Sonny the criminal if he had remained married to their mom, AND she works to make things right. Then I could go back to liking the character. Has GH lost all the old footage because now’s a great time for flashbacks to former Head Nurses and Liz’ medical family. Finally a mention that Carly and Drew are guilty. Shut up, Olivia.
  3. With the writers’ strike, I’m wondering if we’ll see more wordless sex scenes. The gorgeous actors looked super uncomfortable and it lacked sexy. Will the waiter pawn the ring or propose to his GF? Inquiring minds want to know.
  4. Phyllis is taking everyone down, isn’t she? What an emotionally immature narcissistic… character. Glad we could at least hear some truths coming out of Kyle’s mouth. Summer appears brainwashed and Daniel looks like he’s been taken hostage. Good acting choices considering the storyline. The competing weddings situation is so childish. I skipped the Cameron/Sharon dialogue because the whole thing is gross. When was the last time we saw a fun storyline or events on this show? The Mariah & Tessa wedding? I don’t count the Jack & Diane stuff because I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. I’m desperate for romance, unexpected pairings, laughter from semi-comedic performances. Anything, but this.
  5. This. There’s no way Ava couldn’t hold her own against her. Are they waiting for a special casting for the big bad Austin/Mason mob boss, because the delay is ridiculous. Also another bad Ava hair day and new ugly earrings - my girl deserves better. Michael is such an idiot, he made Carly look great today. She was quite right about the consequences of a mafia turf war. She also mentioned Jason twice and I’m starting to think someone’s coming back. (He’s on DOOL now, but they shoot 6 months ahead). Speaking of idiots - see Spencer go again. Trina deserves better. Happy to see Portia’s brother back. The actors seemed to have a nice little improv moment there with the football stuff. He looked good with Jordan, but I thought she also had chemistry with Chase. A nice change from his interactions with Brooklyn. Lastly - Jane Elliott always rocks.
  6. I really like the burgundy dress and necklace Sharon has been wearing over the last two days. I have to mention it because I see many horror outfits on this show. Like the leopard dress Ashley is wearing and the Christmas tinsel green top Chelsea has on. WTH? Yes, Ashley, the first place a house arrest person goes to after cutting off her ankle bracelet, is a restaurant everyone she knows frequents every day. I hate her being dumbed down and “so happy” Phyllis is alive. 100% behind Tucker’s advice of letting it go. But she won’t. This whole “we hate Diane” schtick would’ve worked better if she had been shown to really be a horrible in this timeline. Right now the 3 witches look way too delusional for me to care.
  7. The actor was on the Soap Opera Digest podcast recently and didn’t give any details but he said the character was just a bad guy and wouldn’t be involved in a redemption story. I hope that means he dies a brutal death but since that’s already happened to Ashland (killed by Nick) and Stark (killed by Phyllis), I don’t see him being killed off by Sharon or Faith, but maybe I’m being too generous to the writers. Also, he didn’t run into Sally in the park for nothing. I’m not a fan of the Adam/Sally/baby thing (to say the least) but Adam would be a better match against Cameron than Nick. Ditto. I just wish she wouldn’t be paired back w/ Nick. I don’t hate him the way many do here (no judgment), but I never see him as a good addition to any storyline outside of support for Sharon and his kids.
  8. The Soap Opera Digest podcast interviewed Billy Warlock, former AJ. I say interviewed lightly, because once he got started, he just told fun stories chronologically. 😁 He was a ski instructor and manager for many years, now retired on a golf course in Colorado. https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/icymi-billy-warlock-guests-on-digests-podcast/
  9. I would LOVE this SO MUCH. “It wasn’t exactly the work of Hercule Poirot.” 🤣 But Tony, aren’t all your siblings ex-cons? Why did the wardrobe dept pick the crocodile sausage look for Kristen? That dress looked SO uncomfortable, it’s all I could think about. Also, the bronzed plunging neckline for Nicole for a hospital appointment? And for Sloan visiting her ailing brother? Yuck. I do like the characters working together though and I hope it’s the beginning of a supportive friendship and not treachery.
  10. I enjoy many things about DOOL but then the show lazily reuses the ‘3 dangerous criminals go free’ plot and I’m annoyed to no end. Also, two sets of psychopaths have been let free, but poor Lucas is still in jail (!) As for the Dimeras, I will always have room in my heart for ´married into it’ Anna and I don’t mind Dmitri and Megan because they’re new to me, but Kristen and Stefan should be gone, gone, gone. I also have no use for the current versions of Chad (what is up with that arm tattoo that looks done with a marker?) or EJ.
  11. I missed the Cameron days. Was he always so… rugged? This is the fourth older known actor (five if you count the first Ashland) the show has hired and has done nothing with, so I won’t hold my breath that the streak will be changing. Forgot to mention yesterday that CK looked absolutely gorgeous rocking the new hairdo. Today, it was a little tamer. Sally being so clueless about how her pregnancy will change her life is not cute; it’s idiotic.
  12. I’m watching but skipping a lot, like the P. scenes and the awkward new spouse family event. I was distracted by Summer and Daniel wearing the same exact brown. It doesn’t take much. 😂 Chase wants to buy Sharon FIVE bottles of champagne? That’s my kind of guy! 🥂 But… why? Another “why” - I hope Tucker being Ashley’s lap dog is a con and he’s planning to take over something, anything, because I cannot buy him being blinded by love by her.
  13. I had excruciating period pain for 7 yrs before the pill, but no endo. On my bad days, I often had soaps on background. Maybe there’s a link there? It’s horrific to me that 40 yrs later, then pill is still the only “best way” offered by the medical system, to avoid life altering period pain. On topic: I thought KMansi meshed well with her mom and her sister, and so far I like her in the role. I’m just not interested in the story. Shallow on topic: again I ask, what is up with Ava’s look? The hair, the earrings - quite unflattering.
  14. I think EJ loves Nicole as much as he loved Belle. Not enough to drop them at the fist sight of Sami, or maybe even someone else he fancies in the moment. Business shenanigans is the only thing they’ve been written as having in common. Nicole should know it’s not going to be three times the charm. I hope she does, even if the kid’s his.
  15. I have temporary access to the W Network and tried to watch the show live for the first time in eons. I started late and bailed early. The terrible overacting and screeching on the roof did me in. Even Sloan and Trask although good, seem to lay it on too thick also. I’m wondering if there was a general notice to the actors to go more “Beyond Salem” in their acting choices. Nicole and EJ were blah and his marriage proposal was as romantic as pavement. Yuck. I need more Anna.
  16. Also, were they using condoms? Because as we all know, pregnancy is not the only thing that can result from your partner having non-protected sex.
  17. That’s a fantastic idea! They could be very hot “working” together.
  18. I’m almost up to date, only missing today’s show. I hate Nicole’s pregnancy storyline w/ the strength of a 1000 suns. I don’t want her near Eric now that he’s gotten more interesting with Sloan and I wish EJ left (with Chad). He reminds me more of Jake the mechanic, than a dangerous DiMera. DF’s ridiculous new haircut doesn’t help. They can offer the actor a better suited role, or not. I like Dmitri and his mom, as long as they don’t go too over the top with them à la Kristen. I surprisingly liked the banter between Steve and Harris and would enjoy seeing them together more often. It’s the more natural I’ve seen SB so far and if he must be on, then I prefer not to cringe watch his scenes.
  19. This is so heartbreaking. Elizabeth Hubbard paid for years for a Long-Term Care policy which had an “elimination” period of 90 days so she never got access to appropriate funds in her last days. Exclusive: Famous Soap Opera Star's Family Shares Frustration Over Long-Term Care Policy https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/investigations/nbc-ct-responds/exclusive-famous-soap-opera-stars-family-shares-frustration-over-long-term-care-policy/3032493/ Insurers have no heart.
  20. I’ve checked back in for the Daniel revelation. I really like Diane’s “house arrest” top, it’s a good change from her constantly similar dresses. At least now, Phyllis can’t hold “you faked your death” over her, every day. I know!!! She’s like a run of the mill DA who’s just looking to make a name for themselves, when she knows everyone involved, who’s likely to lie (Phyllis!!!) and who isn’t (Michael, Daniel). I guess this storyline is for no history viewers.
  21. I appreciated the short memorial to Jackie Zeman around min 45 of the show. That is all.
  22. Yes, I’m also just cluing in on how ridiculous it is to name a beauty products company “Deception”. No wonder they’re always in trouble.
  23. “I don’t have wrinkles; I have character”. - Tracy Quartermaine 👏🏻👏🏻 Corporate espionage? I can’t even remember what beauty stuff ELQ has. Whatever… Sofia Mattsson looks so gorgeous. I hope they’re not setting her character up for a fall. Let her go on a prolonged cruise, show. That woman has suffered enough. Such good scenes with Trina and Taggart. I enjoy TA’s work with her screen mom and dad the best. Although I’m happy to see the baby rabies coming down a notch, I didn’t appreciate Spencer being so cool to Trina.
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