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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. So the bandaid is finally off! Father! Fathers! Fathering! Good dad! Good dad! That was a lot. Having an Adam-Connor-Chelsea scene right before a Billy-Connor-Chelsea scene really shows how much the latter doesn’t measure up. Chelsea was right (can’t believe I’m typing this) in reminding Adam that him working for Newman always goes bad, but the silly man is not listening. For once, I liked what Victoria was wearing, but the stylists did Audra wrong with the sparkly 80s suit thing. Tucker was so turned on by Ashley telling him she owned him. 😂
  2. Yes, but he was wide awake looking straight at Ava. He’s a doctor at GH, probably knows the nurse from working there, he could’ve easily said he was fine talking to her, and asked to have her come in. It was weird the way it played out. Then again, the whole Nik murder aftermath is playing out weird.
  3. He’s living with his uncle now, at the hotel I think? He could easily stay with Laura or Alexis, this was just to manufacture additional drama.
  4. AP and GF were really good during the birthing scenes. Why would perfectly conscious Austin no want to talk with Ava? It’s not as if she was responsible for him getting hooked. On the other hand, it’s goingto make it hard for him to carry a body. I guess being the Mayor’s grandson allows you free passage to a crime scene, just so you can oggle your former girlfriend and your half-brother. Saw the ABC previews and we are back to regular (Carly, Michael, Willow) programming tomorrow. Sigh.
  5. So very satisfying to see Mac shoot Ryan instead of Jordan. I would’ve shot him again, just to be sure though. Why did they dress Liz in a garbage bag for a Valentine’s day wedding? Portia only had a “Just Married” sweater to wear? Eww.
  6. Didn’t the Global ep of today give the test results? Is Canada no longer a day later than the US? I’m a day behind Canadian watching On Demand, but after yesterday’s time waster, I thought I should find out the bad news right away. I say “bad news” because I’m not a fan of having Sally tied to either man. @PatsyandEddie - we’re sure the spoiler is not from one of the dreams/nightmares?
  7. I couldn’t stand the delay in seeing the test results before the dream sequences started, so I wasn’t going to waste even more time watching those so I skipped a lot (thank you Global On Demand!). The funniest part to me, was having Victor sit at the bar listening because that’s quite indicative of what life will be like no matter who the dad is. If the girl can’t see herself having an abortion, no matter how much I want that for the character, then I wish as @gingerella said, that there would be a 3rd daddy option. I know. I’m not getting nice things. 😞
  8. It sure took a long time for them to give Austin some help. In the end, he was useless throughout the whole upheaval, and “Nik’s body” is still rotting away, but apparently not smelling. Ava!! Don’t tell the bad man that you’re a murderer unless you kill him QUICKLY! It looks like you ran out of bullets - no sound came out. Sheesh, girl. I feel bad for the actress playing Trina who had to spend all those days in that tight fitting dress. It reminded me of a very uncomfortable bridesmaid dress I was forced to wear eons ago.
  9. She most certainly does. “You live in this town long enough…” 🤣 Like many of you, I can’t with the Cream Cheese plot and The Bengay Gang. It’s too bad, because I enjoy having older actors on screen, but this is playing on much too long. I also wasn’t a fan of sad death bed scenes, knowing full well they weren’t going to be seen alive within days so I skipped those. I tried to watch only on Fridays, but then I wouldn’t see the dénouement of the small cliffhangers and it made it hard to join in the comments here. Now I’m watching both Fridays and Mondays, but I skip through a lot. I don’t know when the decision to move to Peacock was made, but I would understand it 100% if it was made after seeing these storylines.
  10. I’m so annoyed at Adam for letting Kyle off the hook! Now you act like a well adjusted, forgiving human? Just because you didn’t really like your job? I never wanted him to go full torpedoes on someone more. Very disappointed. And what now, Adam? After playing Victor, asking for Victoria’s job, what will you do? Did you buy Tucker’s company? Please say yes! Very well done grown up talk between Lucy and Daniel - kudos to all involved!
  11. Caught up on yesterday’s show, then watched the last half of today’s- it was fun! Taggart and Trina - all the feels! 💕 If Austin gets hooked, it greatly increases the chances of Nik waking up. The hooker looked pregnant to me. Interesting.
  12. I was thinking about a similar scenario. 🤣
  13. From yesterday, I enjoyed the Valentine’s Day flashbacks. MTS looked breathtaking in the scene from their second (?) wedding. Wondering why they didn’t show flashbacks for Sharon and Nick though. I know the show is not looking to get them back together, but I still would’ve liked the walk down memory lane. I hope hotels don’t let just anyone into people’s room even if they say they’re married to them. Dark burgundy still shows sweat stains dude, but I hope Tucker is lying to Ashley about the state of his finances. If not, the character is too pathetic. Speaking of burgundy, Stark sure rocked that jacket. 🤩
  14. Watching today realizing that what’s boring is not the wedding, but the pacing. Again. The nanny is taking forever to skip town or even leave the bar while Dante and Sam discuss not having sex ad nauseum. A whole scene of her asking the drunk guy what time the train leaves? Why? Thinking I should start watching only the last 20-30 minutes of the show. Hot grandpa and his son have left. 😞 “All do respect to your life experience, young man”. 🤣 I don’t see why Trina wants to take down her mom in public, it’s not as if she hates Curtis or has a conflict filked relationship with her. On the plus side, Curtis’ dad performance was lovely and warmed my cold heart. Nina and Ava moving to the beat - I would’ve given a lot to see Nina and Ava cut a rug! 😁 Catching the bouquet? ”I’d rather crawl over broken glass.” 🤣
  15. No MEK, no Heather, no Gladys, but Ms. Wu is there. MB and LE comfortably seated but GF is just standing there. From what I can see of JE - she looks spectacular! 😍
  16. Glad I wasn’t the only one bored. It’s also hard to enjoy a wedding when you know it’s starting a countdown to the mariage imploding. Also, wasn’t Austin supposed to accompany Ava to the wedding? Did he bow out in order to take care of a non-dead Nik w/out telling her? Or is it a $/availability thing? Alternatively, it would’ve been a great time to get rid of the body, with everyone at the wedding, but no, we can’t have moving along plots. I like to see Vernee Watson on my screen so whatever they come up with to give her work, I’m for it but… I totally agree. At least make it “checking up on her”.
  17. The father-daughter anvils are falling heavy! 🤢
  18. So Carly is also hiding the fact that Britt died saving Joss. All this not to tell Sonny she slept with Dex? Did I miss Liesl telling her she got tested for a match? Spencer would make more head way calmly explaining to Trina and Cam that he thinks J&D are a couple than repeatedly yelling at Dex in public like a 4-yr old (no offence to 4-yr olds). The illusion fabric cleavage on Portia’s dress is so distracting in a bad way, even hot daddy couldn’t make me look away. FYI: because I kept flubbing their names I checked online and it’s “Terry” and “Liesl” (I think LIES, then add an L as in love, which is quite appropriate for soaps I find. 😁)
  19. I’m with you. Plus they are so detached from reality that anyone who has ever worked in a corporate office environment, will find them too ridiculous too enjoy. That’s where I am.
  20. I know GF and/or her stylist love to put her in pants and I would love to see her wear non-dowdy clothes more, but this time I thought it fit her role as officiant well. The bright blue and the necklace looked great on her too.
  21. I had totally forgotten about that! I thought it was because he was mob involved with cousin and unknown boss woman. Ah, this show.
  22. I don’t believe Austin is there to help Ava or sleep with her. That leaves revenge and/or financial gain. Another convoluted plot that will end in a wimper. Ava wearing a circa 1978 disco dress to a wedding is… a choice. NC needs a haircut with that tux but Marcus looks FINE. I hope we’ll get to see grandpa and son dressed up on Monday, but probably not with that cliffhanger.
  23. Genie looked so much better with just a bit of colour and a necklace, why they insist on keeping her in dowdy wear is beyond me. Wish she would get a more flattering haircut too, but apparently the legacy look is what she prefers. The top of Joss’ dress looked like she was ready for a burlesque routine - not good. Trina looks like she’s going to the prom. She’s petite, not a teenager show. Teri (Cassandra) looked fabulous though, red is our colour. 😍 What is that wedding dress atrocity! They’re just leaving Nik smelling, in the closet. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. The less I watch Martyr Willow, the better my blood pressure.
  24. I was trying to avoid listening to “the pitch”, but did Jill essentially say Sally’s life was a dumpster fire? Glass houses much, Jill. You know who can easily make you lose your dream Sally? Your belly baby! Aargh!! It is 100% Adam’s and Nick, with all his money and clout, will bow out no matter what he says. And you’ll still be stuck with the grandfather from hell.
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