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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. I think it would be a great opportunity to offer the character a semi-reset like they did with Sonny. Joss could remain in her orbit (of course), but maybe bring someone new in it and get her to explore good work options, maybe offered by people she needs to grovel to. The actress is good. I wouldn’t mind seeing her do other things than the usual Carly train wreck.
  2. I don’t have a pic, but the sides are shaved super close to his head, leaving the top full. He was smiling more than usual though, so either the actor loves his new do, or he’s desperately trying to distract us from it. 🤣
  3. Show is not going to take one minute to have Sally imagine an option that doesn’t involve having this baby? She’s in obtuse denial, that’s how much she’s not into this, and Chloe mentions nothing else? I know the vitamins are to clue Nick in, but damn. I don’t remember Lily with Daniel much, but I don’t see any chemistry there now. The last thing a human should do, is barge in on someone who has had major mental illness issues and unload on them. What a ridiculous thing to show on screen. They should never have come anywhere close to that serious subject. Starting to think all the soap writers, etc. are raging narcissists.
  4. I enjoyed Liz’ convo with her son. Poor Cam fixating on Esme and not seeing the relationship for what it was. He needs his mom, even if she’s an accessory to kidnapping. And yes, Big Coward Carl. 10 to 1 Nina says something she doesn’t like and she backs out. Willow is tolerable unconscious, let’s leave her there. Guess Cody got a new haircut and beard trim for Sasha. Can’t see him as a help to her when Gladys’ crap hits the fan. He’ll lie and save himself and the girl (any girl, really) deserves better. Brooklyn/Chase, take 75. Too. Damn. Late.
  5. Why do I think Devon should’ve told Lily his intentions before going to Jill? Or at least talked to them together? You all think he did great so maybe I’m missing something? Oh Billy, you pathetic sad sack. ”You really are insufferable” - yes, Adam, yes! Rock bottom? He’s a grown man with a great job, a son he’s raising well with his mom and no substance abuse issues. He’s not on his knees begging you to love him anymore, is that it, you narcissistic pr*ck? I’m not even a fan of Adam, I just can’t stand Victor. I do like the new Nicky haircut though, that can stay.
  6. Pretty boring show today. Interesting that Gladys went to Sonny for… nothing at all? Willow. Willow. Willow. It’s been a while since I wanted a character to die so badly. The writing is not the actress’ friend, at all. I’m not looking forward to Nina being stuck with her as a daughter, way too limpy (before and after being diagnosed) and detached from reality.
  7. I’m realizing the Canadian episodes are behind by a lot more than a week. Yesterday was the arrival of Damon the dad and Christmas hasn’t even come yet. Daniel and his man-pain really are useless.
  8. Oh Ashley, you’ve been PLAYED. Admit it, already! I can’t with Nate’s limited brain power. And who wears a red bustier type dress in the office? Aargh!
  9. DOOL just had a no fuss, no muss abortion story so it’s not all soaps.
  10. I was also surprised that Carly spilled. This stalled story is now moving at warp speed for mysterious reasons - the MC departure, maybe? What was the name of the school Spencer and Esme went to? I heard “École internationale des xxx…” I can fill in the blanks with all kinds of things 😜, but I’m curious as to the name. I think Esme truly has lost her memory, and I think Spencer now believes so too, but it will be temporary.
  11. I recently had a rant on the Y&R board here, wanting a character to get an abortion. Current daytime dramas got rid of the romantic aspects of old soaps, yet are still firmly in the “every woman has to have a child” trope, that then disappears, yes. And one more, and one more… So many things can happen to us in a lifetime, restricting it to bearing kids in 2023 is unbelievably reductionary. I think the kids stories were also done better in the past, with Robin, also BJ (my heart still breaks), Mac taking care of Felicia’s kids, etc. In my memory, things really started going bad with Michael and then Spencer.
  12. Also, Liesl is not on staff and should not have been given access to any records in Britt’s office. I know it’s GH, but they get so many basic things ridiculously wrong. I take it the writers never worked in a big office/bureaucracy. I also see all of you saying how bad they’re getting the serious things like cancer stories wrong too, from your own experiences, and I feel for you very much.
  13. I hadn’t seen MB and CS in a scene before. I liked it. Victor being threatened by Sonny was funny and I think CS thought so too, from his facial reaction. 😂 MB seemed to up his game for the encounter as well. They’re really selling Nik up the river with everyone reading him the riot act. I enjoyed that immensely. I can see the character ending up in jail for a while, until a possible recast. I don’t get why Ava wants Wyndemere so much. What a costly albatros. Cold hard cash Ava, and/or diamonds, are way better. And it’s my turn say how ridiculous it is for hospital records to be handed to the family for them to look at. A records specialist would look at them, then return personal items to the family, not the other way around. Ah, that show! ”Do you know, how condescending you sound?” 🤣 It’s nice to see MEK back in a story instead of crying over Lucy and the scene pairing w/ AP is interesting. Esme needs better people around her. Michael and Willow crushingly disappointed after getting their hopes up? Today was a good show.
  14. I’m looking forward to a Heather vs Liesl showdown. Glad she has Scotty and Nina in her corner. Didn’t Heather go back out “hooking” on the night of Britt’s death after talking to Ryan? And then nothing? Weird pacing again.
  15. I agree 1000%. All the actors seem to be giving out “I can’t believe I’m stuck doing this job” energy. Why haven’t we seen more of Sally getting a good job? I really enjoyed the scenes with Jess Walton but if the actress wasn’t available, it all could’ve been done off-screen. The most incompetent people on soaps get jobs handed to them left and right, but she’s still struggling? I really don’t like the fact that she’s now financially dependent on a baby daddy, whoever he is. Career driven Sally should already have gotten a job, and an abortion. It happened on DOOL, it can happen here. I don’t want her to have or lose a baby because I don’t want to see how “the call of motherhood” changes the character, whom I’m starting to like less and less. I don’t need another “she was transformed for the better, by having a child” story in freaking 2023. The Diane, Phyllis and Billy characters are self-centered and who should’ve remained child-free/less. They didn’t, and look how that turned out! Vomit.
  16. But she didn’t know where Esme was when she went after Joss/Britt and the way she spoke to Ryan, she had been doing it a few times before too. My head hurts over a stupid soap plot. 🤣
  17. I think her tears at the end of the last scene were real and she was overcome with emotion, heartbreaking. The actor playing Brad, on the other hand, was simply terrible. I could handle him in a fun duo with Maxie though. As foreseen here by many, Heather is not the only hooker. Is Esme really the first one though? And how could Heather provide her with an alibi of some sort if she didn’t even know Esme’s whereabouts? Also, Heather is dressed very well for someone having spent tons of years in jail and no support system.
  18. What a terrible end for my favourite character. Didn’t Finn create an antidote to the hook poison that saved Diane? Shouldn’t Britt have known that? They made her into a sad quitter and I just can’t… Poor Liesl. This. She should’ve at least saved someone she loved or worthy wirthy of her sacrifice, in plain view of everyone knowing. Joss showing up to break Cam’s heart still reaking of after sex with the guy waiting for her outside? Vomit. Ava starting to tear Nik a new one though, a balm to my broken heart.
  19. I was raving in my head about how good the show was today, and then… nooooooo!!! Why couldn’t they just have Britt take care of pregnant Esme and deliver her baby? Too soon to the last delivery, I guess. Same. No comments on the hooker’s identity? Mmm.
  20. Starting to think Arianne hurt her arm for real, because they usually don’t keep slings on that long unless it’s for a plot point and it hid her lovely dress. I liked all the dresses at the wedding, except for the one SH had on. She’s in great shape, but I don’t think it did anything for her. Remington is getting better, but I feel nothing for Li. I suspect they’ll keep him and Kristen involved somehow. Meh. Happy New Year, everyone! 💫
  21. I’m finally up-to-date but missed the 1991 ep. Michael Damian does look rough and having a dyed beard didn’t help. You could see his son had more grey hairs! You would think male actors would know by now that grey can be sexy. I’ve known this since I saw Richard Gere in Internal Affairs, circa 1990. Case and point, Michael looked fabulous in his suit and new haircut! I hoped against hope that Sally’s test would come back negative and was, as always, bitterly disappointed (sigh). I always enjoy the Adam/Jack scenes and liked that A. is worried about Jack. I was enjoying the Diane character, but the constant fighting and ridiculous shenanigans are doing me in. Diane should’ve had her own storylines w/ Allie and whoever, a love interest and a job away from the Abbotts. It’s not as if the actress couldn’t be interesting on her own. Happy New Year everyone! 💫
  22. I’ve already said all I could say about yesterday’s ep, but would like to wish everyone here a fantastic New Year. Life challenges since the end of 2018 have shrunk my social circle to near non-existant levels so this board means a lot to me. Here’s to much better for all of us in 2023! 💫
  23. Looks like she was well liked by her peers on the show, and that’s lovely. I agree with everything you all said, from teasing us mercilessly with an Austin pairing, to the worry that she’ll get hooked. If so, it would be great to see Victor take her away to save her and leave a return possible. I think KT will be too popular to come back, but seeing Liesl lose her beloved daughter permanently would break my heart. I’m not even considering the Joss angle because… NO. JUST NO. Also, why is the hooker aiming to kill Trina, then abandoning the idea for no reason and moving to Josslyn? I totally blame Nik for Esme throwing herself off the parapet. She really thought he would kill her after the birth and Liz (uncharacteristically) wouldn’t move a finger to help her. Ryan and Heather finding out would be a good permanent exit for the character. Lastly, I really enjoyed the energy GF brought to her scenes today. Laura went all out to convince dufus he should stop being scared of Victor and got a sad sack response in return.
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