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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. I was very disappointed in the last episode, for the reasons you all mentioned. I really enjoyed our interaction here, but the immaturity and lack of redeeming qualities of the new vicar is doing me in. I’m out.
  2. Thanks @bybrandy- I feel slightly better now. 😊
  3. I spent so much money buying and time watching and cheering this show... All I wanted was to not be gutted by an ending and I got this crap. I suffered through the maddening Matty character, the stupid Mexican cartel storyline and the constantly annoying pizza guy of Patton Oswalt - a genius my... For this. I can handle bad endings, but not the ones that leave me completely unwilling to watch previous seasons and purposefully screw with my feelings. There was no reason to have them marry (in an ugly dress and bad hair to boot) just to have them brutally separated à la whatever manpain action movie du jour. As many mentioned already, they had many options that wouldn’t have put the characters together, including having them separate sometime between the movie/books and season 4, this was just gratuitous. In the Media thread someone posted and interview with KB in which she warns of the dark aspect of the series (I appreciated the warning and took it to heart) but goes on to say (paraphrasing) that in these trying times, it’s good to have a character like VM righting wrongs and giving people hope. What a crock. More specific things I can’t get over: Veronica has lost all her compassion and empathy in spite of having many people who love and support her. Dick is not there to be Logan’s best man? Veronica gives the ring that Logan spent so much money on to the brat she’s known for what, two months!? Veronica and Logan come back from the wedding to get ready for their honeymoon and they park on the wrong side of the street? Keith is supposed to have state of the art care but it takes close to a month to find out his meds gave him dementia symptoms? Meanwhile robbing us of the best part of the K&V relationship? Veronica not taking the time to put herself in Weevil’s shoes and just yelling at him all the time. No Mac. It was lovely to see Wallace and Weevil though, and particularly Leo even if he felt a little too much like Schmidt in some scenes.
  4. I’m on episode 6 of the new series but I had to rewatch the movie before finishing. I really like the movie and how thy kept to the season 1 essence.
  5. I agree with everyone saying it was weird to have Veronica and Logan doing ecstasy. I was actually even surprised that V. would take a drink from a woman she hardly knew considering Her experience of being roofied. Happy to see Weevil and Francis Capra looking healthy.
  6. Big oops! Thank you. Also saw I typed Eric Cane instead of Eric Dane. No more posting tired again!
  7. Episode 3 was fine. I felt so bad for Georgie’s wife, but I can’t really understand why she wouldn’t tell her husband about what she’s going through. He doesn’t seem to type to blame her. Maybe she’s afraid he would get into trouble by beating the nasty man up? The new vicar swears up and down that this post is the most important thing to him but spends most of his time away from his parishioners. At least he was useful with the boy... And Leonard, poor Leonard losing his good friend. I feel so bad for him. I really hope they’re not building a suicide story for his character. And I don’t think his lover has his best interests at heart - why is he always at the vicarage?
  8. I was wondering who was the good looking man acting with Dick Casablancas. I thought “Magnus” looked like Eric Dane but from IMDb, it’s Josh Duhamel and it’s his only appearance in the series. Too bad - I wouldn’t have minded seeing scenes with him and Kristen. * Edited to correct the names my tired brain confused.
  9. As excited as I was about the new season, it took a while for me to start watching it and I’m not binging. Part of me wanted to leave the series in my memories. I will probably always love Logan, but the way they tried to make him look sexy in the movie and now, just doesn’t work for me. For me though, it wouldn’t be Veronica Mars without him. I had forgotten though how Veronica treats him like crap, which I’m sad to see coming from my all time favourite character. I do like the new police chief and the bar owner and was happy to see that Wallace grew up into a fine man with good life and an adorable son. Glad we’ll see him in more episodes.
  10. I didn’t realize Saturday’s PBS showing was of episodes 1-2 together. I find this an odd choice. I stopped watching after Violet told Sydney he drank too much. I see no reason why a young black American woman would fall for a pathetic, drunk, and promiscuous white vicar in the 1950s, even if she’s far from home. The accents annoyed me as well. I came back for episode 3. I love Leonard and used to enjoy Geordie, but I’m not a fan of the new vicar. Too similar to Sydney, yet too different, I don’t know. It almost feels like in the old American soaps when they would introduce a new actor: “the role of Sydney Chambers is now being played by...” And why remind us of him all the time as if he was dead? “Oh Sydney would have loved that, oh Sydney this, Sydney that. @12catcrazy, I hear you about bringing 2019 morals to the show, with regards to Violet, but also Leonard and the other characters in tonight’s show. Wouldn’t poor Leonard be run out of town back then if the house keeper had found out? Would he even risk kissing his lover in the parish house? I understood how Sydney could be understanding, but a cop like Geordie? Those were awful and cruel times for the LGBT population, the show just acts like everyone knew and it was all fine. Maybe I’m just being cranky.
  11. Season 6 has ended the way I wish it would have started.
  12. I did not pay as much attention as I should have. I echo everyone saying we knew the single mother was part of the murders when Morse asked her out, and she killed the brother in the factory, but the apparent suicide was a suicide? And who killed the father on the horse? And I agree with you @tootsie, I expected Bright’s wife to tell him she had had affairs or was leaving him for someone else, not that she had lung cancer. I didn’t even get her actually telling him. Is it another thing I missed?
  13. I don’t know if it was because I was tired, but the latest episode bored me. The sadness still lingers and I think Joan’s role is growing into something more substantial and I’m fine with that. The young girl was great in her role, but the scene where the young boy talks about Joan and Morse being is new parents felt ridiculous and forced. I think DS Jago is slowly warming to Morse and Thursday, but Box is a plague. I see enough of that type of plague in the real world, seeing it on TV ruining the day for my favourite characters galls me.
  14. Oh yes @Tardislass - I forgot to mention the 70s porn mustache in my post. Yuck. The article above wonders if we’ll see it again in Season 7 which means, I assume, we’re stuck with it for the whole of S06. 🤭
  15. More and more I have a love-hate relationship with this series. The acting is always superb, the stories are good but the characters and their relationship to each other are fantastic. The pain comes from the sad events that continually happen to the characters I love, Thursday and Morse, and in knowing that things will never get better for Morse. And Box is so damn disgusting. That comment to Joan at the station 🤮🤮🤮. Kudos to Simon Harrison on being such a believable douche. Yet, I cannot avoid watching. Damn you Good British TV.
  16. I know!! The “bad cop” actors are SO good. I just finished Season 3 and The Caddy absolutely drove me nuts!!! I thought the chase at the end was ridiculous though. As is everyone sleeping with each other - it gets worse with each new season.
  17. So enjoyed this last season, every episode was fun. Of all the Netflix made products, this one was my favourite. I’m puzzled though, what happened to the baby tracker the nurse was supposed to have put on Charlie at the hospital? Very much hoping for a fifth season.
  18. I watched all the Neil’s death episodes one after the other and I’m a sobbing mess. The KSJ tribute episode was more a celebration of his life, but damn. Damn life for giving so much pain to such a beautiful man. The text that DD read, through his tears, about his friend said so much. It was also nice to see a laughter scene with Jeanne Cooper. I watched Y&R diligently for decades before abandoning it and Neil was such a special character. You just expected him to always be there.
  19. Just finished Episode 1. I love Wendy Crewson so I really enjoyed watching her and I’m sad to see that it’s the only ep she’ll be in for the season (if the season is only 11 episodes). She did take over the ep though, so interested in seeing how the rest of the actresses fair with more screen time.
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