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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Her tribute at the Nurse’s Ball seemed heartfelt, but a last minute addition. I wonder if the show knew. Glad the actress got some in-person kudos though. Her character was foundational in the show in the 1980s-90s, and in spite of her storylines becoming more and more superficial and Carly propping, JZ always showed up to do the work. RIP.
  2. It was great to see Réal Andrews on screen and his character make sense. Ace was totally enthralled by TA’s nail polish. It helped me swallow the “they’re a family now” anvil. I didn’t understand Tracy’s chat with Drew. The SEC being after Carly/Sonny instead of Drew? Poor Nina. Poor Ned.
  3. Show didn’t get into it, but I assume it’s because he thinks Ned called the SEC on him, still. It was a needlessly violent act.
  4. From the previews, tomorrow should be much better but today, except for Robert’s scenes, and a bit of Tracy, it went from bad to worse. There was SO much Carly and Drew propping. I had to mute my beloved Liesl as she was going on and on about him being a hero. The hero, Madam, was Laura. F*cking. Spencer. And then anyone who was there, including Ace, before Drew. I assume this is so Nina won’t think of telling her she’s the SEC leak. Then we have Brook Lynn and Olivia yell at Ned for the whole show, ending in Drew punching him without a shred of evidence he was the leak. And as a bonus, we get to watch Willow puking. All the strokes! P.S. I can’t see the spoiler of @PatsyandEddie
  5. True, and WTFD stories are so overdone. I don’t want another tragedy for Nicole and I don’t want to see her tied to Eric forever. Lose-lose-lose proposition here. I also would’ve loved a menopause story for Nicole, but only if it included good information. Yes the average age of menopause is 51, but perimenopause can start a decade earlier. Many women suffer in silence over some many things during that time, a little information sharing especially linked to a woman as gorgeous as AZ, defying the stereotype that post-meno women are dowdy old hags, would’ve been appreciated. I’m skipping the Talia/Sloan’s brother storyline because I’m not in the mood for any type of intimate partner violence. It’s too bad, because I really like the actress’ work so far.
  6. I unmuted too and lived to regret it. No one is talking about how dumb Anna was for risking an 80% chance of getting infected (20% chance she would be immune) so that whiny Valentin wouldn’t die alone? Had it been Robin being infected, I would totally understand the action, but not for Valentin. Romeo and Juliet they are not. Aargh! Have to admit I got confused about the whole plot and had no idea where the antidote Holly brought was at that point. She was trying to concentrate and he kept blabbing on…
  7. I really enjoyed Lexi’s work in her scenes and I’m sorry to see her go. When I went to get further info, it was clear to me that she’s not leaving for some big project, she was replaced. https://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/comings-and-goings/670707/why-did-lexi-ainsworth-leave-kristina/ What a weird time for a recast like this, during the writers’ strike when we are very possibly a month away from re-runs.
  8. Due to life events beyond my control, the last years left me plenty of time to cling to watching soaps to avoid my reality. I followed every US-based soap with the exception of B&B and the UK’s Coronation Street. As of now, I’m down to a bit of DOOL (the worst storyline is finally over and I don’t despise any of the characters) and GH (will see Friday if it got better because it’s ridiculous now, the pacing is horrendous and I hate a whole family of front burner characters). Writers have moved so far away from stories I enjoyed watching, new characters are as thin as paper, old characters have morphed into ghosts of themselves and when there are decent characters (Coronation), the stories are way too dark for my taste. I’m here now, because this is the most fun board of all the shows, but the more I stay away from watching, the less I’ll understand the jokes and the thought of leaving sucks. Damn you, shows!
  9. I fixated on the absence of hats, but they would’ve messed everyone’s hair, I guess. Yes! I had high hopes but they were crushed today. Everything is taking FOREVER and the sets and stuff look cheap and pathetic. For the first time since I started watching again 5yrs ago, I checked the weekly spoilers to see how long this never ending storyline could be going on. I’ll skip watching for a bit, but will keep following the comments here.
  10. 100% this. I loved the soapiness of the reunion being broken by Bo being shot - well done. Then, what?! Is Hope staying? Or will she leave with Bo taking him to a hospital in Switzerland? (I remember a time when that exit storyline was quite popular.) If Hope stays and Bo is alive/comatose after that loving reunion, she can’t be partnered with anyone, so pretty useless as a character. Regarding trip, I think he needs a Sloan to his Eric type pairing. Maybe Talia? Or a May-December with Trask?
  11. Well, today was VERY underwhelming. Yes. You didn’t miss anything and can jump back in easily. We’ve had altogether maybe 10 min of Tracy.
  12. My internet was down for half the show - apparently a blessing. It was nice of Victor to provide his hostages with coats 🙄. Not a fan of NC’s current acting choices, but oh well. I muted everything about the wedding but it looked like the bride (are we supposed to think she has a wig on? That was a lot of hair) was wearing a ready for the bedroom negligee, her bridal party was dressed for a summer outing and the groom’s side, for a funeral the men didn’t bother to shave to attend. Not even MW and CW could save the day. And who is styling MW right now because her hair looked dry and black roots were showing and her earrings didn’t go with her blouse.
  13. Another all talk, no action day. Oh, Nina. You are self-sabotaging and I hate to watch it. Especially after that (dare I say) cute saccharine scene with Sonny. So. Much. Kissing. It made me flashback to MB playing Nico w/ Cicely on AMC. Have they started to put makeup on Willow again? She’s looking healthier every day (sigh). I can’t believe they’re telling Tracy that they’ve done all they could to save Willow, when their donor search didn’t go much beyond asking two people “do you know anyone who’d like to give their bone marrow?”
  14. So. Much. Talking. And. No. Action. “I will bring Tina home”. Yep, make it all about you Curtis. I would’ve trusted Portia to do a better job, but no one is telling her anything. I was fine with the Diane/Robert pairing (anything to see those blue eyes sparkle) but now all I see are the actress’ mannerisms and no chemistry, so happy to see Holly back. That was a quick in and out with BlondEthan and a lot of work just to reintroduced Tracy but I’ll take it, show. ”It looks like the Easter Bunny threw up…” 🤣 Molly: “I’ll never be able to have children!” Endometriosis is no laughing matter, but I hate the fact that the show is once again reducing a female character to her fertility. We’re still on the “no cancer treatment to save the baby” Willow story, and now this.
  15. Loved Nina’s comments to Carly today, “You can leave now.” Heck yeah. Spencer is so young. It wasn’t a time for a speech to impress your GF, kid. It was a time to impress Victor and save her butt. Late grovelling didn’t cut it. Come on Liesl, you’re our only hope.
  16. I was hoping Trina would be able to free Liesl to help her out. Oh, well. Love collicky Ace driving the staff and Victor crazy. Welcome back, adorable scene-stealer! 😍 Carly being jealous that Nina and Ava are friends - here for that too, but skipped most of their scenes because, Carly. Not a fan of self-sacrificing Nina, especially not over Willow/Michael. Also annoyed by meek/anxious Esmé. I understand her being super worried about her son, but something about her discussions with Austin, Liz, and Laura rings false in a way that’s not “my memory is back”. Weird. The conversation between Laura and Curtis was excruciating. All that time wasted to come up with “Drew will save us”. Yuck.
  17. I’ve been taking a break away from the “faking death” storyline, but still reading your great comments. Following @Js Nana being kind enough to let us know about a twist without spoiling us too early, I wanted to watch the ep in question. I’m Canadian, so I usually watch the day ahead episodes on demand on the correct CBS day, but I got confused (it really doesn’t take much nowadays) and watched the ep ending in Summer being super nasty to Diane in jail, instead of the good one. (I had enjoyed the actress’ work but her character has turned into the spoiled brat for hell - yuck!) I then came back here, spoiled myself (no, I’m not drunk, why do you ask?), then ffwd the previous ep to finally see what was what. The whole experience was pretty painful, but because of your continuous great commenting and the recent events on screen, I may go back to watching semi-daily. Shallow comment: I know many of you hate MD’s hair (I do too) but I’m mostly annoyed by Cricket’s. It’s a throwback from the past and does not suit her in any way. They finally gave Nikki a great cut & colour but now there’s a new head of hair to suffer through… Sigh…
  18. She looked fabulously fierce with that bob. I miss it too. Yes, the beekeeper outfit didn’t help. And NewEthan is way underwhelming so far too. The show couldn’t do Huntington so they moved to ALS. I’m not looking forward to this because although I have enjoyed Gregory Harrison in many roles, he does “beach bum” or similar type roles way better than granddad professor. It also reminds me very much of Michael Zaslow who was a titan on Guiding Light and was offered a role on OLTL late in his ALS journey (IIRC to help him keep his health insurance). It is a vicous and cruel disease and I’d rather not see it playing out on GH even if it is as ridiculously done as the current cancer story. Lastly, when it comes to actors from other mediums moving to soaps, I’m fervently #TeamJeffKober.
  19. I know why it got started and comments explained the probable reasons why the choice was made - it doesn’t change my discomfort.
  20. I take your point, @sunnyface. I don’t know if KS is discussed more here but I know social media has not been kind to her in general. I love discussing fashion and makeup choices the show makes for its cast, but going on about a person’s features (yes, even eyebrows) or the continuous comments about the size of a baby, do make me uncomfortable. But as you say, it’s a minor gripe compared to the fun interactions we have here.
  21. I might’ve missed something, but has Victor disowned Nik in any way? If not, he’s just satisfied that he left town and didn’t look for him to be part of his Evil Plan? GF looks good in the B&W with matching earrings, but I wish they didn’t put her in an immense shirt with huge white flowers. OMG, Maxie! The new hair and makeup look is fabulous! 😍
  22. Put them in her purse or throw them overboard? They’re really just a symbol of the rest of my argument.
  23. With all this Willow/Michael, it’s a chore to watch today’s ep in real time. I like how Finola is acting as recovering from major surgery. Too often actors are way too spry. Victor really is off his rocker. I could’ve lived a happy life without ever hearing again the word “pathogen”. Trina still in a ball gown and high heels, not even taking off her hearings, is a bad choice by the show. I hate how “dainty” they keep making her look instead of practical.
  24. I feel like we’re back to a holding pattern with nothing much happening today and no Ace sighting. We couldn’t even see Victor telling Liesl what his plan for her is. Too bad she doesn’t know that Victor’s “loins” are no longer active; that could’ve made for even more fun banter. 😜
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