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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. I thought the same. Cyrus could lie about it being a religious (read cult) retreat or something. Nik though, why would he want to give Ava money when he could just terrorize her? I thought he was the one who had her kidnapped at the beginning, it would’ve made more sense than having him show everyone he was alive and do nothing. As much as I love JK, Cyrus’ Apology Tour got old fast. I do like how GF acts with him though. Valentin, the dufus, needs as much psychiatric help as Charlotte.
  2. I remember Tyler’s first scenes on GH and I can’t say that about many characters. He had great presence and his scenes with GF and SN were especially good. I started watching DOOL again when he was on as Stefan. I wanted success for him, it didn’t have to be as Nik. Heartbreaking. 💔
  3. She had the most chemistry with Steve Burton. They need to send her someplace where she could meet a new guy or explore her sexually with a new woman. Anything to shock the character back to health (I’ve loved LW for decades, I can’t help it.
  4. Yes, also weird that she just ran into her crush on “Sonny’s island”. I haven’t looked at spoilers but after months of Sasha torture porn the character just ups and leaves? All that for zero pay off? Sheesh. I second everything said about Michael and Martin - spineless idjits both of them.
  5. I watched all the week’s eps and I enjoyed a lot of what I saw. Curious as to why a whole bunch of characters left at the same time though. Chloe and Xander’s goodbyes were the best. Paul Telfer can really lay on the charm. Nicole looking absolutely gorgeous talking to Abe was lovely too. I also really like the casting of Holly as the actress played well off everyone and I can totally see her as Nicole’s. EJ with Susan were fun (I don’t usually like the character but can handle her small doses) and I’m curious about the guy(s?) who took her to London. I like Tamara Braun, I can’t help it, and she made Harris bearable. Not sure if GV wanted scenes with SB or vice versa, but they were a dud and I wish GV would shave his grandpa beard. I hope Xander inadvertently convinced Sloan to tell Eric the truth because I’m rooting for those two. And I don’t trust that Constantine fellow one bit.
  6. DOOL films 6 months ahead and I totally see him coming back (no spoilers, just a feeling). It felt very weird to me that Joss and Dex were playing detectives and looking for Ava when it should’ve been… pretty much anyone else. I watched a bit of the wedding and CW looked as always, fabulous, but I can’t stand MB being unshaven on such an occasion. With the scenes of Cyrus leaving the jail (JK clean shaven, looking mighty fine) being juxtaposed with the wedding cake scenes, I thought for a minutes that the cake was poisoned. It could’ve taken out a number of people I can live without, including, yes I have no heart, the kids. Now that would’ve shaken things up.
  7. I hope there’s a bigger plan too. I was very excited when I saw Sasha a the door Tuesday, then what I saw of the confrontation yesterday (I still skip 30-40 min of the show) was disappointing, as I felt Gladys’ contrition was flat (now I know why) but today made me turn the whole thing off. And yes, “the capital of the Western world”, my *ss.
  8. Although it was lovely to see all the pictures of Anna and her loved ones…why? Is Finola celebrating a GH anniversary? She was so emotional, which seems to happen often lately. As we’ve recently seen, we never know what goes on in actors’ lives, I hope all is ok. I only caught the second half so I didn’t realize Robert acted like such a douche. Sheesh. Not a fan of Drew in the least, but the previews included a view of his back in the shower and oh, my. I won’t be skipping that part tomorrow. 😉
  9. That’s what I thought at the beginning, but Liz said he was a great diagnostician so I don’t think that’s it which is too bad. I like Valentin better with Nina than Anna, but Come. On. Now both of them are lying to their significant other and sheltering a brat from well-deserved consequences. They keep making Nina dumb as a box of fake shoes and Valentin an immature dolt (apple - tree).
  10. I am heartbroken over the loss of Billy, and I only saw him on my screen. I can only imagine how deep the loss must feel to those who knew him and his mother, especially. I didn’t know about Roscoe’s suicide. I appreciated his work very much too. I think talking about these losses will hopefully open the eyes of more people as to the challenges so many of us experience.
  11. His passing is breaking my heart. He was such a light in all his scenes. Kept wanting to see him back on my screen no matter the show. Such a loss.
  12. Now that the Sasha torture porn is over, I’m back to watching. Loved the Tracy/Lucy scenes (so much history between the characters) and the Maxie/Brooklyn confrontation. The Nik plot makes no sense to me (for ex. why doesn’t Austin just tell Ava the truth if he’s willing to have Nik got to PC?) I’m wondering if they won’t kill the character for real this time. They have Spencer who can take over, even with a recast.
  13. After all the promos about Victor’s s funeral, I was deeply, deeply, deeply underwhelmed. I don’t understand the BTS contract shenanigans but seeing the B and C team (including old brunettes now fake blondes, a super tired Sonny and a most annoying Philip actor) instead of Bo, Hope, John, Marlena was jarring and the lawn chair birth cringing. Contrary to most here, I am not a Vivian “I love burying women alive” Alamain so no solace there. I do like the “no will” plot point but worry that it’ll peter out in some dumb way.
  14. All the optimism I had yesterday with Gladys talking to Nina, died today. I can’t believe Nina trusts her to handle this. It just looks like another thing Sonny won’t forgive. As much as I enjoy Anna/Dante/Robert and Tracy/Finn convos, I can’t with the psychiatrist from hell threatening Sasha and will go back to skipping the show for a bit. Sigh.
  15. I finished watching this week’s shows and thought it was a mixed bag. I really enjoyed Susan Rogers’ anniversary ep, especially the conversation between Maggie and Julie. But I hated yesterday’s episode SO MUCH. I hate that Sloan, Sarah and Nicole’s lives revolve around their reproductive organs and how Maggie dismissed the good reasons Sarah has for not wanting to be with Xander. Paul Telfer is everything, but his character borders on psychopath and he is a man who’ll go to great lengths to hurt others when he feels threaten. Not wanting a man like that around your child is not a flight of fancy and Maggie should understand this above the ridiculous “but he loooves you” schtick. And just when I start to see Melinda as something other than a mean caricature, they make her so desperate to keep her job she’ll do anything including hurting the only friend she may have and her new lover. Yuck. I also skip the Leo/Dmitri/Gwen scenes because I can’t get over the stupidity of the storyline. I like Dmitri though so it’s a shame. I do like the temporary Eric and wish he would take over the role because it was easier for me to feel for him. His scenes with Nicole were lovely. I’m also glad that some storylines moving along, I just don’t know how much I will enjoy them.
  16. I skip all the Sasha/Gladys/clinic scenes but I enjoyed Mac talking about him breaking in to see Dominique. I could 100% get behind Mac figuring things out and freeing Sasha instead of Cody. Sending the best of vibes to you @dubbel zout
  17. I really wanted to watch Trina’s scenes but couldn’t stomach the Dex actor. He is so bad. I do appreciate how the show is trying to have characters mixit up with new people, but that was painful.
  18. I agree. JK lost a lot of weight recently and his “seeing the light” suit hung sadly on his frame. I also wish they would do away with Ava’s Dynasty circa 1980 wardrobe. If an actor looks great in their on-screen clothes, I usually assume they own them (ex. Jane Elliott).
  19. With such a toxic work environment (since 2015???), I understand why most performances are less than stellar. Alarr should’ve been fired, a written warning is ridiculous at this point. I feel so bad for the actors and the crew. I really don’t feel like watching anymore.
  20. Just finished the last episode of S01. The court room ending was quite an Hallmark moment. 🤣 CMM is playing CMM. Sully is a very bitter and emotionally immature Luke. Then again, every character except for Frank (love Tom Jackson) and Edna seem to be less than emotionally mature. It was interesting to see Allan Hawco play an established surgeon and admitted *ss, instead of the fun loving sexy adventurous Jake Doyle (yes, I still miss that guy!) Maggie thankfully seems to have grown up a bit at the end but of course, there’s the soap plot twist. Why didn’t she also confront Sully about his money troubles? I love the atmosphere of the show though, like comfort food. Oh man, that was one sad cliffhanger ending.
  21. @boes and @disneyboy I couldn’t figure out how to quote posts from 2 separate pages but I wholeheartedly agree with your false mourning comments. The crying over Kayla, Marlena and Kate who we knew were alive forced me to take a break from watching the show and now with Abe, I just can’t. Truthfully, I can’t stand the kidnapped storyline because a healthcare worker taking advantage of a disabled person is not something I can stomach. It’s too bad though! because it features many Black actors on screen, which is something I haven’t seen in soaps since Generations. But then there’s also this.
  22. I hope Dmitri is bi so that him sleeping with Gwen twice would not have been a soul destroying chore. We’ve already had straight Talia sleeping with Channel through coercion and that was enough yuck for me. UO: I’m liking Leo in his quest to avoid seeing his friend be hurt. I don’t get why Kristen is so fine with Dmitri getting his inheritance. Isn’t it DiMera money or did I miss too much skipping half the shows?
  23. “Nothing about Michael and Willow is working. However, instead of paying attention to the outcry over how insulting their storyline has been (more on that later), the powers that be continue to place them at the forefront of everything. Read More: https://www.thelist.com/1330911/general-hospital-michael-willow-insufferable-couple/“ I love it!!
  24. Another World was my grandmother and my mom’s soap. I only started appreciating it in my 20s. It was everything you could want in a soap (except for Frankie’s unforgivable death.) I saw a bit of the 1992 episode and as some already mentioned, boy was it bittersweet. I’m not currently watching but I’m sorry I missed the Nikki/Adam scenes. They seemed to have been the only highlight.
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