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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I can't see them bothering to tease that someone like Leah, Stephanie etc is possibly coming back. Either they are or they aren't and they'd announce it if they agreed. The whole "we're trying to get someone back" is about someone bigger they're pursuing. Out of those characters who aren't dead and would fit, I think Addison is a likely bet. She knows the pre S4 regulars and obviously Amelia was close to her on PP and it would be a big deal. Unless they want one of the dead characters back for a dream sequence or flashbacks but that seems unlikely and they better have learned the lesson from the DeadDenny situation.
  2. Way to be committal there SA. we knew they worked together in at least the first episode but it's still unclear if that extends much beyond it or all the time. I just think it will be weird of BS is constantly there with these two brothers on their last mission/road trip. Not to mention the anti chemistry. As for the humour, could go either way. If he's constantly cracking jokes then no, but a gallows humour is pretty appropriate and a way of coping with what's happening.
  3. I can't remember really and don't have the time to search but he find the prison arc hard work/isolating in a different way than normal? And this is the last chance to hype up the show so no surprise he's going to go full out. Whilst I'm sure COIE is going to be insane, hopefully in a great way, in other seasons SA has said that about episodes that turn out to be quite mediocre, in my opinion at least.
  4. Well, it might be how Rene and Dinah screwed things up so bad Eden Corp/Galaxy One took over everything. 😉 Plus as I said, it's probably not just those characters.
  5. Makes sense for Anatoly to be one of the guest stars to do a final bow and a season 5 tribute at ep 5. MG seems to be working on a secret project for DC that he's excited about. No indication if it's TV/Movies/Comics but I'm not sure he'd call a Legacies spin off "torturous not to talk about" so if it's TV it might be the other project they mentioned at the TCAs.
  6. If Caitlin had gone evil because she was an ex/was rejected by Barry that would have cemented Snowbarry in the minds of viewers/fans/critics etc as a thing way more than 1000 drunk karaoke scenes ever could have. Same with her dying after being an ex. I do wish they'd gone full on villain with KF though, without any romantic trauma. But the writers want to have it both ways. I can't believe they didn't in a season about family and legacy, well I can but those scenes should almost literally write themselves.
  7. 8.04 is "Present Tense" right? Makes sense for it to be focused on how the others are doing who aren't on the multiverse adventure or FFs. Also allegedly, the time frame EBR was rumoured to be visiting the set.
  8. So if this is true, I wonder if MP saying they were looking at another DC property was a cover up for this or both are in development? Canadagraphs doesn't seem happy about it (but when does he ever if it involves Felicity or Olicity? Remember the wedding photo meltdown?) so they've both clearly heard some info, but whether it's accurate or not is a different matter. I would try that spin off (what happens in S8 dependent I guess) but I'm surprised they wouldn't go with something with a cleaner slate and less controversial, unless Mia's becoming a different code name or joining up with a different DC hero because I can see why they'd want to use KM if possible. I hope it's not Siren/a Laurel because I'm not looking forward to any sort of team up, which has never worked for me with those two from S1, especially if she does end up joining them over multiple eps, but we shall see.
  9. It sounds so obviously like it's supposed to be Oliver and Diggle, I'm inclined to say it has to be someone else or in a very different context. Isn't Tommy's character allegedly going to be the Dark Archer? That wouldn't match up It could be when he's under cover on Earth!Whichever. Not sure I can picture him saying it to BS though.
  10. Now, that I can say never should have been cut as it links in to several things in this episode and is a good moment of character building as well, though it always is these moments that go. Oliver has verbalised *in canon* as much as his parents loved him, as long as he didn't publicly embarrass him they would let him make as many messes as he wants and sweep it away with money. It would have been even better if he'd ever referenced Moira trying to literally sweep away William's entire existence as well. If he'd been forced to actually grow up in response to that, he might never have got on the Gambit. A lot of their parenting majorly didn't help Oliver in the long run, even without the Emiko storyline. Wanting better for his son, Felicity pointing out 14 is difficult enough for regular kids....
  11. Could be, but even then I'd personally specify Laurel in the question since SA doesn't say anything about Laurel in relation to Oliver's relationships if he can help it. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter. I think this is a good way of looking at it. Being stuck emotionally, even though outwardly you appear to have your life together works for the character as presented on screen, though I don't think that's what they were going for. She did have a hell of a lot to cope with over those 5 years and a lot of reasons to have that pain and anger there when Oliver came back and Sara didn't and then when Sara came back. But to play it well and have their OTP have any chance they needed an actress who could play layers and also had chemistry with SA. Oops. I couldn't take any of Laurel or Oliver's "you know me better than anyone, know you in my bones etc" seriously because no she really didn't. She even gets very self righteous about Oliver never telling her he's The Arrow in S4 as part of her rant when soulless!Sara has just nearly killed Thea. It's why I don't and never did take Laurel's entry into the foundry as this huge moment that was going to shake up the whole show and lead to GA/BC as some did, despite her "private" pep talk. Because it wasn't handled very differently to how other main characters found out. Don't get me started on "always saw the best in me." She probably was supposed to have but the show never backed that up with Flashbacks, even in S1. Any pushing to "see the best" was about wanting him to follow her 5 year plan so they could be the next big power couple of Starling City. And that meant ignoring the reality of who Oliver actually was. Which was a giant douche canoe she should have dropped years ago. Poor Tommy was always going to loose in this triangle, Oliver was always going to be figuratively in bed with them.
  12. Definitely within his wheelhouse for interest personally (for him) and inline with moving on from Arrow but staying where his fans might follow him. Starz can be a mixed bag quality wise but this is interesting. Before Glow I wouldn't have thought a wrestling TV show would be something I would watch, even for actors I like but I will check this out. I'm not surprised he didn't go back to trying to break in to movies (or at least try longer) since it's been a mixed bag of success (very mixed) and this is something his name could get greenlit and is only 8 episodes as opposed to 22-24. And I guess it's a strike whilst the iron and interest is hot thing.
  13. It is weirdly phrased, especially with the "who do you think The Arrow" not Oliver is in love with. I'm just having a hard time with anyone thinking he's going to come up with anyone but Felicity there. If I personally wanted a different answer I'd ask something like "apart from Felicity who was Oliver in love with?" or "you're favourite non Olicity romance?" or to ensure a Laurel answer (if I wanted one) "What was your favourite part of the Lauriver relationship and how do you think they could have worked out?"
  14. Like @Chaser said I kind of think they must have expected/wanted a Felicity response. If you're enough of a fan to go to a con, you must have seen that he hasn't deviated from this answer for years now. Like even if COIE actually did mess this up (just a hypothetical) his answer would still be the same. If you wanted a positive BC response, wouldn't you say it differently? Both TVLine and TVGuide seem to be getting their Olicity on lately. I'd like to be paid for messing around with filters and calling it work.
  15. Yeah that was great. I didn't know Jack Davenport was going to be in this so it was nice to see him again as well. Whenever a female character asks a male character "have you done any writing today?" on any TV show or movie they might as well just hand them a stick of dynamite, it would save time.
  16. Seinfeld and LOST type things are the two kinds of finales that I don't think Arrow would do well, regardless of how people liked the originals or not. Guess he's kind of pushing the "controversial finales" thing still. It may have no baring on how Arrow's is though. Not really surprising that the last two episodes are just a wrap up of loose ends and things that have changed since COIE.
  17. They could have done, but if she really is leaving I guess they decided to cut their losses on an unpopular character like they did with the Hawks. They're already rebooting Zari this season and maybe a soft reboot of Sara with powers (if they change her much at all). I think she's an easy character to cut, very tied in with the magic storyline and now that's (kind of) over with, if they need to ease the budget for other new characters (sigh) then she's an obvious one. And maybe they weren't as interested in the character as the several storylines they gave her right off the bat would have suggested. That phone cover is really cute. Very curious about nu!Zari.
  18. Hopefully we will see WH on set and not a stand in or alternative actress for a version of Thea. She could be one of the people Oliver has closure with in the first few eps. Hopefully it's the one that actually is his sister. Emily could just be visiting the set because we knew she was home in Vancouver. It seems a bit early for her to be filming anything even if she has agreed to come back (which is obviously far from certain.)
  19. Not surprising since the ratings were pretty poor and it's an expensive show apparently. Still sad though. I think there's a chance it ends up somewhere else but doesn't DCU have problems of its own without rescuing other properties at the moment?
  20. I really enjoyed this and I wasn't expecting to. I only watched for Lucy Liu and Ginnifer Goodwin but it was great. I really liked all three main women's stories, although I'm least interested in the 2019 open marriage, which is surprising because I've wanted to see more poly and unconventional relationships on TV as opposed to love triangles and cheating, although given the title of the show it's all going to go horribly wrong. I can see Beth Ann going completely off the deep end because as she said, she has made her life 100% about her husband and has also gone through loosing a child. Lucy Lui was great as the 80s socialite with a gay/bi husband and a soon to be toyboy. I liked her look of complete incredulity that other women might not want to hear about how fabulous her life was when theirs was falling apart.
  21. Well if makes you feel any better they also deleted this pretty crucial scene for Curtis talking about his feelings on why he wants to leave in his last episode as a regular: https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/arrow-season-seven-exclusive-deleted-scene-star-city-slayer
  22. Thanks. It's really cute but I can see why it would be one of the ones cut for time. Sigh. Nice to see it on the DVD though.
  23. Geez, Jax I want to like you and be invested in your story but you make it so hard. Stop making every single little thing that goes on about you. At least Xander agrees with me about her yelling secrets she knows nothing about in public places. Even if he had wanted to recruit her for his agency so what? Pilar seems like someone they might want. I get that her parents' death is still very raw but it's not her personal right to scream/steal a ship/go on a heist every time she *thinks* some is doing something related to it. Not even interested in her secret past/fate of humanity plot device. And yeah that glowing wormhole that took them to wherever should be more on Jax and Xander's minds at least. Especially because it's linked to Jax's parents death. Even if they can't afford to show it more than in the pilot and finale, at least talk about it. That would give them some scenes that aren't Jax yelling at him for doing his job, and she doesn't even know half of what we know.
  24. I'm a little apprehensive about this damn final scene and what it might be and we've only heard vague statements about it. 😉 That said, I don't *think* it will change the whole outcome of the show from what had already been roughly mapped out. MG talks about leaving things open to change and he's glad because it meant he left himself open to writing this but it really isn't only his call. I guess it could end up grander in scope or more ambiguous but I don't think (for example) Oliver was going to have happy ending A in Paradise Dimension with Felicity and now B, he's reset his life to pre Gambit but as a better guy, even though that was the kind of thing I was panicking about a couple of days ago. 😉 At least I hope not. Only a couple of episodes? Well JJ's not going to be Connor's main storyline this season then. Let's hope they don't waste CB like so many other good actors.
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