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Everything posted by Kdawg82

  1. The over dramatic acting & proclaiming things in front of the camera that other episodes sadly just show us with barely any notice of the camera was jarring.
  2. I once dated someone JUST like Cole. It's like watching that person on screen. My ex had bi-polar as he later turned out telling me. He lived JUST LIKE Cole. Sloppy & chaotic dwelling. Acted the same way which I found abusive towards me. We casually dated (not that serious really) & his mother got me alone once & says "oh how's he been doing lately? Yeah I know he's got his issues but love is love." I was like ohhh yikes, red flag. We weren't even saying "love." Very weird time in my life. He needed meds & wasn't on any because no job, no insurance, etc. But I understand and stand with Zanab. She tried to have a tough handle on him but she was shattered and trying to preserve herself.
  3. I actually LOVE Alexis' dress. That top part is so nice. The color & shine! It's a "yes" for me. I have nothing else.
  4. Wow! Wow, wow, wow! I was hoping the circle would be closed for me and...it WAS! Loved this show. Will miss it now. Amazing acting range for DG & SC. I need something more like this show for when I've got down time.
  5. Love love love love love Nancy's family! These people are so real. Cameras be damned! Wow!! Nancy is so sweet. She deserves better than Bartise. Before he laid eyes on Raven, their scenes at the resort had me smiling. Literally, I was laying in bed with the flu, smiling. Then, Raven happened and Bartise showed his ass. Nancy is gorgeous. Also, I know many men who prefer her body not to mention attitude- over Raven's. Zanab is totally incompatible with Cole. She also though, deserves 100% better than what she's getting.
  6. Just here to say Cole is a gaslighting piece of sh**. He is also likely angry because he's closeted and struggles to remain so.
  7. Nevermind silence...*this* episode is golden!!! The evil hounds are getting called out 1000%. I hope Vyle sticks to her guns here. They're trying to take them all down as they're the LEAST popular at this point. But honestly, without them, who would fight? We'd need a new lighting rod.
  8. Umm does Erika realize that it's not a good time for her to be launching a business?? I mean...REALLY?!
  9. The thing about Mitch (I know someone of his exact type) is that his environmentalist ways will dictate every decision and once they become pregnant, all hell will break loose. The way he spoke about "fluoride in the water?...NO human being on earth EVER needs that...ever." So he must be distilling water in his "water tower." I did that a few years back on the recommendation of a self proclaimed health maven. Fastforward about 4 months and half of my fu**ing hair fell out! Now I know why Mitch is bald and looks sickly. Comes to find out, I read distilled water shouldn't be drunk exclusively for prolonged periods. It will soak essential minerals out of your system. Mitch will be like "oh pregnant? Don't take prenatals. Everything you need is in this spinach. No epidural, home water birth, c-section? -sacrilege!!! You know you're going to exclusively breast feed, right? And never ever under any circumstance will you use anything except CLOTH DIAPERS!" Krysten. Is. Screwed. Then raising the child-they aren't likely to ever agree to "team Mitch" levels. He has (as someone above mentioned) very specific lifestyle choices. They don't lend themselves to very much compromise. Have a child with someone so passionate about one way of thinking and you are stuck doing it their way. Any problems or health issues that happen to child will inevitably be Krysten's fault. This is no match.
  10. YES! I was just coming to mention this!!! Seriously! Kyle is a "real housewife." I personally never heard of her until this show (which I haven't always watched). Until his passing, my father-in-law thought it was Demi Moore on the show. I was like "wait...what?! Demi Moore is a RH?!" LoL Ritalin Rinna going around the house the morning after the ALEGED "Kathy breakdown" packing & saying how she's "still in shock" was beyond the pale.
  11. Can these more-than-grown adults STOP being "triggered" by everything?! I am triggered by the word "triggered." I'm triggered, MITCH, that I have to pay taxes. I'm triggered that my kids went to school and we're in a 24/7 state of viral infection, I'm triggered that I bought a fu**ing foreclosed house that I can now raise my family in where I've enhanced it, grown in it, love it, & I'm SOOOO fu**ing sorry that's the way the world is!!! Should've tossed my $ away on renting a house & paying a landlord for the rest of my life! You freaking tool! I have no freaking clue what the rest of the couples are even fighting about. They all seem triggered by marriage. They're on the WRONG SHOW, my friend! Wrong show!
  12. Miguel will eventually likely flip out. I think they're sort of cute now but he won't last very long on his fuse. Mitch is a weirdo. Sorry but he is. Did anyone cover why in the heck he was sporting a band-aid on his head during his wedding?!? I thought maybe he should have gotten an elegant hat or something with his tux if it was a medical emergency. If it wasn't a medical emergency, he could've used nu-skin or some makeup or a type of medicated powder on it. The way he showed up told me 1) he's not firing on all cylinders and 2) he doesn't have any respect for how his soon-to-be spouse will perceive him. I don't think Krysten is superficial 100%. I just think she's average-superficial if that makes sense. I agree we need to respect our environment. That's a no brainer. But if you live in a constant state of eying up microplastics that are surrounding you, you'll be triggered 24/7, living in depression. It is also up to the companies producing & packaging product to make a change. Mitch also looks physically unwell. Justin is very much built like a 12 year old boy so YES to whoever said that!! Next to him, Alexis looked like she had 2x the size head & all parts. If not his extreme height & caring personality, it would be non-starter. Nate is SO IMMATURE. The most mature thing he did was agree to post-nup with grace & understanding. Also he seems the guy that's over the woman once they've consumated.
  13. EXACTLY!! How can Erika say "alleged victims?" They got a lawyer. YOUR HUSBAND! It was his job to believe them, defend them, & convince the courts that they are indeed victims. So "alleged victims" doesn't work here. Unfortunately GK was successful in proving they are victims. Sooo??
  14. Yes. "Olivia's date" is a "handsome man." Read: He can keep his tongue inside his mouth naturally. WE GET IT, SHEP. There is no prince charming. No snow white. No cinderella. You're a miserable cynic who will never marry. You hate people. You hate yourself. D-list fame has exacerbated your loathesome nature. You're Dorian Gray. Maybe worse. Good bye. Get off our screens and enjoy your "mailbox money." You care for no one and no one cares for you. BYE!
  15. Ohh Ayan and the childhood story was awful. As much as I'm not her biggest fan, I felt so badly for her and glad she overcame her childhood trauma. I'm glad she maintains a sense of humor. Sometimes I think when she's acting stuck up or mean, I almost can't even take it seriously because I think she is either kidding or "fake it til you make it" type faux confidence. She seems a bit insecure in life and sometimes she has to make crude or rude comments to appear a certain way. I hope this torture of innocent children ends. No excuse.
  16. Caroline Brooks= wow! I really like this lady. Talking about her son...talking about her marriage ending & the reconcilliation. 🥲 Not to mention she's gorgeous. She deserves that crown. Get it, girl!! Chanel seemed all but alone in her coming after Stanbury. She quieted down a bit after the "minions" comment/ fight. Stanbury seems more tamed since her "Ladies of London" days. I'm still totally perplexed by the Sergio relationship but if it works for them then who is anyone to judge. I feel like he's an airhead though. Seems like a stereotypical "boy toy." But he seems to be obsessed with Caroline so good for her.
  17. First off, beginning the episode with the coven talking about the others' "mean girl behavior." This was just too much. Ugh Mauricio. Please just stop with this guy. That hat at dinner! OH JEEZE! Vyle's need to kiss him on the lips every time they see each other is beyond the pale. Does anyone believe this guy doesn't have a stash of 25 year olds that he's hooking up with for years or at least "massage parlors" he frequents? He and Vyle seem to be equally as big of a*&holes so I guess they fit. The earrings thing- I get that giving them up can imply guilt. The prosecution (plaintiffs?) can definitely twist any gesture as such. BUT it can either dangle off your ear or buy 2 homes for victim families (for example). Erika talking about the life she "used to live" nonstop is disturbing. "Private jets," "been to Aspen many times- on private jets." (Last episode)🙄 Bags & coats she can "bring out right now." This is an easy way to slip into insanity. She must get infuriated thinking of all the sex work she did with Tom to get those items. Why is Sutton so frail?! She needs to get some physical therapy or something to get moving faster. Not gonna lie, edibles and loungewear looked like fun on some level but not my speed. I'm a red wine girl.
  18. Fixed that for the authors of that article. When you're an asshole, you act like it towards everyone and at all times. Camera pointed towards the individual is rarely an antidote for an asshole attitude.
  19. I'm no Magda fan but I have disliked Aesha from her first season & she's the same obnoxious person still only with arrogance of her "chief" position. Her voice, to me, is like nails on a chalkboard. She may be good at her job but managing people isn't her strong suit. Ryan needs to go. I don't even understand the conflict between him & Aesha except personality types clash. He's got those black eyes though & he doesn't seem on the up & up if you know what I mean. Culver & Brittini (love it but) I'm afraid Brit has been friend zoned by every guy she's been connected with. Love her nose ring on her but notice she removed in front of guests. It suits her & gives her personality. Even my husband thinks she's the hottest chick on the boat. She shouldn't have called her Bosun a "bitch" though. Love Culver's "Crocodile Dun-Culver." Glad to see all excited about the boat/croc tour. Captain being hands on is so amazing. Taking out trash...I'd be furious too if I were him. Not his job . They should have had the ship looking 💯٪ before night out .
  20. Diana not only sticking tongue out of mouth every 2 seconds but also started rubbing her nose! Wow! I think Garcelle and Sutton are realizing they don't belong to this group Because it's obvious they (the coven that's all EXCEPT Garcelle, Sutton & Crystal) are demon posessed humans & toxic to say the least. They need to get away. Far & fast. Kathy also seems quite out of place.
  21. Yes Erika did sound more average (less nasally) in the home tour. It's pretty crazy to have the home you once lived in, decorated, made your own to be picked apart piece-by‐piece to be liquidated. I have no sympathy under the circumstances but still. It's like breaking down the set after a movie you were in. None of this was real...just an illusion. I'll also never get over what a catfish Erika is. She looks NOTHING like herself without makeup. She actually looks like those women who prey on rich older men. Gives me vibes of LPBW Matt Roloff's new fiance or whatever she is.
  22. Garcelle= the only normal housewife out of all of them on any housewives show. The remainder of the charity dinner Dorit hosted was just insane with Garcelle wondering what the hell universe she is in. I don't know about any of you but I like Crystal's husband and he also seems like a normal person in an abnormal series. I don't know why Crystal feels like "the group" is pushing her to get well. They are probably thinking ED's are #bodygoals. Sorry but look who you're dealing with here. Cathy walking in and having to ask for a cracker or something was gold! I'm not a great host meanhwile my husband is like Harry Hamlin. But, if someone had to ask me for a cracker because she's hungry, I'd immediately run to the fridge and begin whipping up a sandwich or cook up some pasta and chicken cutlet or ANYTHING. Opening a basket they just got was like cringe 😟 A half hearted attempt to feed a guest. Presenting Kyle with roller skates was just so obviously planned and she was OF COURSE a rollerskating pro and "always won." Really man. Get over yourself, Kyle. The bar at one of these parties is the most important thing probably besides Lipsa's product samples. Why was it sub-par?! Who *were* those women behind the bar that were supposedly NOT bar tenders but they were getting condescended to by Lipsa. It would seem then that "not having real lemons" would not be their problem? Confusion. I can't stand Erika. Once again, Bravo, get her off my screen.
  23. Sara is just a hard pass for me. She DID instruct and advise (unsolicited) Caroline about parenting and I didn't appreciate it. She is obnoxious. She didn't own up to any of what she said. I couldn't get over it unless she admitted her inappropriate advisement and interjection. Stanbury is still dead inside.
  24. Redeemed for now: Kobe & Guillermo. Both still have questionable taste in women. I didn't want to see Kobe's undies. Kobe def got the concrete testing job from his new father- in- law's connections in civil engineering. But hey it is what it is & as long as he's an honest hard- working man, it's looking good 👍🏻 . Guillermo is cute & somehow yes, I do believe he's comfortable with himself & how much of a man he is. The rest are exactly the immature buffoons they seemed to be all season. & Shaeda, blink twice if you're in this marriage against your will. Holy smokes!
  25. It looks like Antonia got plastic surgery for her 17th bday. Doesn't even appear to be the same child! So crazy. This world is upside down y'all.
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