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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I think he said she was signed for three but they were talking about more. Or maybe because of her popularity, who I think is still greater than Laurel's. I have no idea what they were thinking but it makes sense not to kill her in the finale. They wanted everything to go happy, happy, at the start of season 3 and then everything falls apart and they couldn't do that if Sara had just been killed.
  2. I'm sure they'll notice it . But whether they call out the EPs on it in public is another question. It's one of the those things where they probably thougth "Hey, we've got all these villains and heroes, let's to the TCA panel about them" and thought no one would question anything about it. Hopefully enough people have commented and tweeted the EPs about it that they know that's not going to happen.
  3. Diggle did say "tell her before it's too late" because she doesn't want to be alone. It just seems strange that Oliver wouldn't fight for her when he seems to be willing to fight for everything else. He even broke up Laurel and Tommy, and Tommy was his best friend.
  4. My city sends a couple of tough TV critics to the TCAs, and if they're not asking tough questions, they're still doing tough analyses of the show. Natalie Abrams got some questions about why there are so few women on the panel, so did Laurel Brown and Matt Mitovich, as well as tweets to MG, so even if the questions about the lack of women don't get asked in the interviews themselves, the EPs are going to know they're out there.
  5. I doubt Felicity and Oliver will be in a relationship when Oliver gets back, this is MG after all, but there are more organic ways to keep them apart (e.g. Felicity not willing to let herself be entirely open because he could die on her too) than having Felicity suddenly decide to date Ray. Dating Ray so soon would also taint Felicity's mourning for Oliver while he's gone, assuming it's going to be "epic". Besides, Diggle already told Oliver that if he really wanted Felicity to be happy, he'd be in a relationship with her himself.
  6. One of the problems for me with Laurel has been her (at times overwhelming) self-absorption. She assumes Oliver wants to marry her (denying evidence of his cheating), she takes her picture to the boat so he would have company, she thinks Oliver cheated with Sara because he wanted to break them up (maybe, but maybe he just liked having fun with Sara), she turns down Tommy's CNRI fundraiser because he only wants to get into her pants, she makes Sara's return all about herself, she only talks to Oliver, not Diggle or Felicity who she ignores unless she wants something from them, all the way up beating up guys because it makes her feel better and refusing to tell her father about Sara because she doesn't want to lose him. If she developed a motivation of empathy, if like Oliver or Ray, she became, a crimefighter to save the city, or like Roy or Sara to protect those too weak to protect themselves, I could see that as a redemption arc.
  7. I don't think this has been posted here already. I usually like Laura Hurley's thoughts on Arrow, and I think she nails a number of things in Arrow: 10 Things That Need To Happen Next, including giving agency to Thea, telling Quentin, and integrating Laurel as the Black Canary. My favorite suggesting is limiting the superpowers on the show so that Oliver can stay the star of his own story. Also TV Event That Lived Up to the Hype The Flash/Arrow crossover
  8. Just to touch base a little, at this point that's not Ray. He pulled back from kissing her, said he hadn't wanted it to be platonic between them, and is clearly still hung up on his dead fiance. He's even trying to save the city for Anna. It's like with Barry, who loves Iris. Felicity was smart enough to know that no good would come of them trying to make a go of it, and Barry is even more compatible with her than Ray is. At this point Ray is still more in his relationship with Anna than he is open to a real one with Felicity. I'd find it hard to forgive her, and she's my favorite character on the show. ( I think it would spoil Olicity for me because I'd never trust her feelings again. I hate the idea that much.) I think people deserve second chances to make things right when they realize they've made a mistake, and I'd find it even harder to deny one to someone I loved. That makes sense to me. But I still think it more likely that he kissed her on the forehead because it was like a benediction rather than something sexual. ETA: Thinking some more about it, I think that's the thing that would be most likely to make me give up on the show, not InstaCanary, who I could work around, but if Oliver came back and said "I died thinking of you. I realize I made a terrible mistake and I want us to be together" and Felicity were to reply "You had your chance and you blew it. If you want, you can try to prove to me what you're willing to do while I date and make out with Ray." I don't think I could ever like Felicity again if she did that.
  9. I've said it before, but I hope now that Ray's suit is out in the open, they move him into interacting more with the rest of the cast, hopefully through Felicity connecting Ray to Team Arrow. It will mean less screen time for Felicity but they will need to develop the character more if they're seriously thinking of giving ATOM his own spin-off, and Brandon Routh is too big a name to leave as a stall ship love interest. Presumably that's why he's going to be at the TCAs, to talk about his upcoming arc as he comes out of the closet ... I mean boardroom. I kind of think he does have to tell her -- it feels wimpy for The Arrow to just sit back and let his girl get into a relationship with another guy without telling her he's going to fight for her, especially after what he's just gone through which hopefully clarified things for him. Not to mention, it's leaving an awful lot to chance. What if she doesn't realize the depth of his feelings for her and falls for the other guy thinking Oliver's feelings are platonic? To me, that's the key as to why she isn't going to move on to Ray. She was fine kissing him and trying to move on while she thought that Oliver regretted kissing her, now she knows that he loves her so they're going to have to come up with another reason as to why she would start dating Ray. Not to mention, with Ray still thinking his fiance would be the last woman he kissed, that's got Rebound Relationship all over it, and I'd hope Felicity is smart enough to let Ray move on before she gets involved with him.
  10. At $740,000 (down from the list price of $759,000, well done). it seems like a fairly reasonable price for something in that area. (I don't know Palm Springs prices, I know you couldn't get something that size in my area for that price, and certainly not in Vancouver, which has the priciest marked in Canada.) It looks like it's got a fair amount of entertainment space, which seems like something SA would want. It's pretty ugly, maybe Cassandra wants a project to do while she's home with Mavi, especially if she can supervise it from Vancouver and doesn't have to live through the renovations. The worst to me are the two outdoor pool, what with the drought situation in southern California and all.
  11. It's funny how fashions in actors change. (Personally I loved the heroines of the screwball comedies, a persona Marion Davies invented.) I don't think he was going to be Violet's endgame, she would go back to her ex-husband eventually. He was just planned to be a longer term love interest than he got. I agree he was too good for Violet. But then, I think Malcolm Merlyn would be too good for Violet, but more in line with what she deserved.
  12. Yes, the press get spoilers and they eke them out bit by bit. I don't know if they get money or if promotion is tied in with their contracts. I imagine someone like Victor Garber would cost a lot but I can't imagine they would have to pay Dominic Purcell a lot. And why even include him when they've got Wentworth Miller? Also noteworthy is that the actress who plays Stoat's sister is not there while the guy is. It seems to me that the regulars on the show would have doing p.r. in their contracts (you know, EBR, Willa Holland, Danielle Panabaker) so it wouldn't cost the studio anything to include them also they might have to pay the guest stars extra. Which just makes it even more ridiculous to have guest stars there and not regulars.
  13. Hopefully MG got a number of tweets about the lack of women on the panel. It's ridiculous that Robbie Amell is there, not to mention Dominic Purcell who is a 'C' level actor and hasn't been on the show yet but Danielle Panabaker and Candace Patton aren't. If EBR is on the plane, probably Willa Holland is going down too so they'll be available for a last minute addition. Let's see if David Ramsey is right and the EPs listen to social media.
  14. PB has said that Quentin is a blue collar guy who is having trouble adjusting to his new administrative desk job (because he still sees himself as a beat cop?) He cares deeply, about his family and about the law and his city but he has trouble putting his feelings into words, and when he does, they're short and succinct (e.g. telling Laurel the Queen kid has been doing better since he's come back; telling Arrow that he's the closest thing he's got to a partner these days says volumes about how his feelings about the Hood have changed). One of my favorite Quentin moments was Tommy greeting him "How are you, sir?" and Quentin replying "Proficient with firearms." One of the saddest was how badly he misread Dinah and though they could get back together. When he's really sad or hurt, he seeks refuge in his work. He's a soldier like Diggle, but in different terms. In terms of writing Lance's voice, I think The Man Under The Hood does a good job.
  15. I'm assuming that there is no Thea or Felicity there because they're shooting an outside action scene. We don't really have many spoilers beyond 311 do we? We know Slade returns in 314 and Oliver is in Starling City seeing Laurel and Tommy, and 315 is Nanda Parbat (Malcolm flashbacks and young Nyssa?) which is probably what they are shooting today, and they teased a Suicide Squad episode but beyond that, nothing and no specific spoilers for any of the main characters, right? Even Ray's stops at the description for 311. If Laurel reaches her comic book destiny and it's Thea who doesn't, I will be crying foul because Thea is the one who started training intensively almost a year ago. You also need a separate license in Canada for a motorcycle. But why would ADA Laurel Lance car? If the cops pull her over in her black leathers on a motorcycle, the lack of a valid driver's permit is the last thing she should be worrying about. As for how did she learn to ride? Magic, the same way she got so good at fighting. The Laurel Lance we see in flashbacks would have preened showing off on the back of billionair Oliver Queen's bike but I can't see her making the move to learn how to drive one herself.
  16. Even if Barry weren't hung up on Iris, I think he would take one look at Felicity and Oliver and run far, far away from asking Felicity out because he'd know he was bound to get hurt. I know Ray has Crazy Eyes and few boundaries and all, but is he really that bad? (Taking the devil's advocate position here.) Yes, it was a dirty trick to use Felicity's hacking skills to get QC from Oliver but like Oliver, he did it with the best motive, to make Starling City a good place again and save the city. (And unlike Oliver, there have been no bodies piling up yet.) He took Felicity out of her minimum wage retail job and her previous EA job and gave her a position in line with her abilities, a VP-ship and probably a large bump in pay. He has a habit of pinging her phone when he wants to talk to her but Oliver also gets into a snit when he wants Felicity and she's not there for him. He also gives her lots of time off whenever she wants it, and unlike Oliver actually notices when she's upset and listens to her. Apart from the impulsivity and lack of boundaries (but he's got nothing on Sheldon Cooper in that regard), Ray is not a bad catch. The worst thing about him is that he's still in love with his dead fiance, which IMO beats being in love with your former girlfriend who is now with your best friend.
  17. She did try with Oliver and he did push her away. It made sense that she would be open to someone else at that point. But if (when) he comes back and is no longer pushing her away, saying "Make it happen with me now", why shut away her feelings for him and start a relationship with Oliver-lite? We will have to agree to disagree on this aspect.
  18. So everyone in the pictures will be there. I understand why they might want to keep EBR away if they are pimping the BC arc but the idea that Matt Nable is worth going to the TCAs but EBR and WH aren't burns.
  19. Especially if they all stand around her talking about what to do next.
  20. But Felicity's already had an adult-type relationship with Cooper; she's had experience. And isn't the judgement always that it's okay for the guy to have lots of previous sexual relationships but not the gal so much? I think Felicity's heart is either involved or it's not. If it's not, sure, she should date Ray to see what it feels like if she wants. But if her heart is involved, if it's already lost to Oliver (and I think it is) even though she doesn't trust him enough to be in a relationship with him right now, I don't see why she would date Ray much less sleep with him. And she must know that her dating Ray would hurt Oliver and feel like punishing him for not committing to her earlier. I don't see Felicity as that kind of lacking empathy, vindictive person. (Someone else, yes, but not her.) Felicity is not the kind of person who needs a man to make herself feel worthwhile. As she said she's "chronically single", and she turned down a relationship with Barry, presumably because of her feelings for Oliver. So if her heart is tied up with Oliver, why would she be dating Ray? AK said that they wanted to give Felicity a choice so that Oliver wouldn't be her default relationship but given what happened in the last episode, to paraphrase Oliver, there is no choice right now. Hopefully this will all be moot in a couple of months.
  21. Also helps it being a comedy because actors on those shows get paid a lot more. Will they be there with their own stories, or will they be there to prop Laurel and Ray? MG probably thinks it doesn't matter, as long as they're on screen, even if they have barely anything to say as in 2B, he'll still consider them on the show.
  22. Has anyone seen that movie? I wanted to watch it because I'm an Amanda Tapping fan and then I saw a trailer and it looked awful. Chulack took over when Wells stepped down and there were two awful seasons where nothing made sense. The show was just nearing the end of its contract and getting ready to fold when David Zabel took over and pulled another 3 or 4 seasons out of it.
  23. We're partially agreeing. Felicity has all sorts of reasons for not jumping into a relationship with Oliver and I can completely understand if she doesn't. But I can't buy that she loves him if she jumps into a relationship with Ray right now. And if she does it because Ray is so much like Oliver but not as messed up, then that's messed up too.
  24. I agree, there were lots of problems with Jen but Mark's long hours were always a problem as was his refusal to take on his share of family responsibilities, something that was repeated in his marriage with Elizabeth. He was great as a mentor to younger doctors and in contrast very passive-aggressive in his marriages. It suffered a lot from "we must keep the OTP couple apart" syndrome. You could almost set you watch by it. Things got better when David Zabel took over from John Wells but I think the problem of actors' egos remained. (Eriq La Salle didn't want his character in a relationship with a white woman, Noah Wyle was in and out and I suspect tanked Carter's addiction arc.) John Wells had no idea what to do with Elizabeth after Anthony Edwards left and he let Alex Kingston go, Twice. I liked Elizabeth in her early years with Benton and I wish she had stayed. I watched Private Practice, I know I saw Violet's boytoy paramedic, but for the life of me, I don't remember Stephen Amell as anything other than eyecandy. Maybe it's because I disliked Violet and her narcissism so much. I love doctor shows but I can't watch them because the medicine and characterization is so crappy. (House, PP and Saving Hope, I'm looking at you.) Perception was great but it's been cancelled. Right now, I think Remedy is the best, with Enrico Colantino (Keith Mars) but I think it's only shown in Canada at the moment.
  25. Since I wouldn't be surprised if DR is there just in case because they are considering a Suicide Squad spin-off.
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