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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. There will be Oliver, just in flashbacks. But I agree, I'm not looking forward to those episodes. I thought she was referring to Corto Maltese, where Felicity is trying to juggle calls from Team Arrow and Laurel with her work at QC. I'm not that worried about Laurel taking Felicity's place in the lair because she really couldn't. Beyond not knowing the tech, Felicity unites people and Laurel divides them But I hope that once Felicity has helped Ray with his suit and he's joined the battle in ep 311, she integrates him into the Team Arrow world (saves time working only one comm), and then Ray can have scenes with other people and so can she. Then they can all be a big team, and Oliver has to deal with how everyone has moved on when he gets back.
  2. Maybe she was going for a Veronica Lake effect, She does look tired and not at her best though.
  3. I think that Nyssa was Sara's True Love (she was Nyssa's according to Katrina Law) but Sara had been kind of in love with Oliver since she met at the party, before Laurel had her grounded and got together with Oliver herself. It's too bad they didn't explore the Sara/Oliver relationship properly in 2B rather than just use it to stall Olicity.
  4. Oops. Still seems like a good idea to me to limit the number of episodes a season. Canadian shows usually have 13, British shows have even fewer.
  5. ITA with BkWurm1 about Oliver suggesting an apartment as a practicality and Sara seeing his reaction as the end of her hopes for a relationship with him. (As a side question, it was really sweet seeing him kiss her in bed in the morning. I wonder if we'll ever get a scene with Felicity like that.) I think Sara took a lot of responsibility for sleeping with her sister's boyfriend, in present day she always felt that she deserved to be punish and didn't deserve any good things. I think she would have tried to make amends with Laurel but Laurel shut her out. I don't think anything happens in a vacuum though, and Sara didn't make the decision to go on the boat with Oliver until Laurel threw a hissy fit at her when she suggested that Oliver wasn't ready for the plans and timeline Laurel had made for them (living together, engagement, marriage).
  6. ABC has started limiting their shows (OUaT, AoS) and putting in short-term shows in between (Galavant, Agent Carter). If the Arrowverse EPs are so set on spin-offs, they should start consider doing that. Even SA said he'd like a 17 ep Arrow and a Suicide Squad mini-series.
  7. Greg Berlanti takes responsibility The article goes on to talk about diversity and that while David Ramsey was the only black panelist, there were three gay white guys (plus Berlanti). (Me: they're not gay on the show so does that really count?)
  8. There hasn't been any comment that Oliver/Felicity is OTP but she's the woman he thought of as he was dying, and she's the only one he's said 'I love you 'to, not to mention she was referred to as his light a number of times whereas Laurel is darkness. It's hard to switch permanently from that, no matter what idiocy they may put in there in the meantime. I remember I stopped watching ER in season 9 and Castle in season 4 because I hated the pairings and wasn't interested in anything else on the show. I'd hate to do that for Arrow now..
  9. Agreed, He'd be kind of pointless on Arrow with his superpowers, or rather he'd take care of all of bad guys on his own and make Oliver unnecessary.
  10. It just occurred to me, if KC is saying that Laurel becomes her sister, isn't that an acknowledgement that Sara was the better character? I hope you're right that it's killed the buzz for the upcoming storylines (ironic that Colton H was one of only two people who didn't get asked a question), because they deserve all the flack they get. Massive publicity fail, and so easily prevented if they had really paid attention to all the social media they profess to.
  11. All of this seems wildly out of character for Felicity, including throwing Oliver a melodramatic scene as soon as he gets back from being dead. Incidentally, if he's in 312, and he's in that shot in 310, doesn't that make SA's statement that Oliver will be missing in 2 episodes wrong? The Revenge of The Canary. Or Die Schwarz Kanarischen if it's being set to music.
  12. I really think an Oliver/Laurel relationship this season would be if not a show-killer, something that would turn a lot of people off. It's bad enough that Sara died and Laurel's becoming the Black Canary; to have her take Oliver too from Felicity who is a fan-favorite (and even if she is dating Ray at the time, Laurel would still be taking Oliver from her) would rebound badly on Laurel's character. Besides, what would it gain them in terms of storytelling other than Comics! Felicity makes the show lighter, which it badly needs this season, she makes Oliver a more interesting character, and does the show really need more of Laurel on screen on top of her BC arc? I think it would be even harder to pull truth out of Oliver than it was for Worf to pull it out of Beckett on Castle.
  13. It was a stupid question to start with because of course they didn't bring on Felicity to be Oliver's love interest. Laurier failed and the SA/EBR chemistry fell into their laps and they went with it. Guggenheim doesn't say what will stall them (and really, everyone and their dog expects to have to wait till May sweeps for them to get together). The assumption that it's Ray is based on AK's comments in the summer and the pedantic storytelling that's been going on this season. I really think Laurel as a romantic partner is not going to happen this season, making her BC and putting her in a relationship with Oliver while Felicity is background noise would hurt the show. Yeah, it's really disappointing that at a time they can take real risks, they're retreating into the same old thing that was old decades ago. Can we swap MG for his wife? On the plus side, EBR is getting some good scenes, which will help her in her career.
  14. It depends what aspect you love. If you love the people putting on Hallowe'en costumes and beating each other up, then you're their kind of fan! So rejecting Oliver because she doesn't want to experience the pain of losing him, she will choose another guy who is going to put on a costume and risk getting himself killed every time. Excuse me while I hit my head against the wall for a moment.
  15. It's not only that they didn't think their female characters are interesting, when they found out that people were upset about the make-up of the panel, they still didn't put more women on. Apparently fans don't matter unless the ratings drop, and now that they've been renewed, not even then.
  16. I don't have any faith in the intelligence of the EPs any more but if they were smart, they would be giving fans Olicity if they want them to swallow the Laurel.Canary stuff. That's a line by the writer of the article, not a direct quote from Guggenheim. That's all the hope I have to hold on to.
  17. I wonder if Diggle is going to get a costume soon. Both SA and DR have hinted at it. But even if Felicity or Caitlin don't wear a costume (and IMO they do), how about Nyssa? Like Malcolm, she wear the LoA garb.
  18. The thing is, they could have changed it when they saw how upset people were. They could even have changed it at the last minute by adding an extra chair for Emily. But they chose not to, so all the denials and protestations about social media means nothing.
  19. Truly, most of the male reviews of the show find Felicity hot and she's a part of the reason they watch. How stupid not to have EBR there, when she was in town anyway.
  20. It's idiotic. And even if it was a CW decision, after the twitterverse bombarded them with tweets about it, they should have done something. And changing the title form heroes and villains to costumed heroes and villains doesn't count. So they're saying "We're not a network for teen girls any more, we're one for teen boys.:" Ergo she's excited to become a second rate Sara. I'd have more respect for her if she could put together her own, consistent character instead of just being happy she gets to put on the mask and beat people up.
  21. It's hard to believe that he thinks seeing Sara in flashback is just as good as having her alive in present day, but maybe he does.
  22. And this: It's not just about Laurel, she's right about a number of things that need to happen next on Arrow, like Team Arrow stepping up. But I think she really nails the problems with Laurel.
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