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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Okay, I can buy that Felicity needs someone who is just her own other than Ray (cough, cough) although Roy doesn't have anyone, and Quentin has a fair bit with Oliver and the occasional phone call with Felicity. But other than giving Felicity advice on her relationship with Oliver, which I think would get boring fast, what is there for Donna to do? They've already done going gaga over baby Sara.
  2. I don't think they're going to do anything about Felicity's dad this season, there's too much going on and if he is a major player, he'll need more time than they have left in the season. Donna returns in ep 18 and they'll be setting up the finale after that. And once she's told Felicity who her dad is, what is there for her to do?
  3. I like Mama Smoak and while I'm not in favor of extending her into another storyline for Laurel, she's limited in what she can do in Felicity's storyline. I can't think of anything interesting for her to do other than give Felicity advice on Oliver and that's only going to interest even me for about two minutes. There's a lot of room for comic gold with Quentin, though. And it would give the poor man something to do beyond prop Laurel's ascension. I thought that was amazingly encouraging. "Oliver had relationships with both Laurel and Sara in the past but he's not that Oliver any more. It's in the past. He's a different man because of who he's become through knowing Felicity." That' pretty much says it on the line as much as anyone can. All bets are off season 5+ but it seems pretty clear for now.
  4. It could be something as simple that everything they had planned for Laurel for the show's run fail and they didn't know what else to to with her so they started throwing spaghetti at the wall.
  5. I think he does that because people always ask the same thing, about Oliver/Felicity, about Felicity/Diggle, maybe about Laurel and Oliver. This is a way of being able to extend what he spoils. Yeah, they really do. I'm hoping for some lightness again as they set up the big finale stuff. I want Donna and Quentin to meet over police business and then Quentin figure out she's Felicity's mother and go :"Wow".
  6. I don't see it as stalkery so much as impulsive behaviour. He wanted to talk to her to explain, she made herself unavailable so he went looking for her. It's impulsive and inappropriate but not stalking in the sense of "I want to get you and keep you." (Yes, I live with ADHD people.) In a TV world where Sheldon Cooper sets the bar for weird behaviour, I can see what the writers were going for.
  7. There are a lot of good rebuttals to it, calm and logical. And mentioning that Stephen's AN ACTOR. Those people really need to step away from their computers. I think MG is doing okay on tumblr. Two that I particularly like are Emily's superpower and He must get a lot of hate tweets because he's always saying 'thank you' to people who say anything nice.
  8. I'm so happy for them, cast and crew. A huge validation for the show's-verse. Bonus, it's Sara's Black Canary, not Laurel. LOL at the warning "Cartoon violence. 10+"
  9. I'm not Ray Palmer's biggest fan but I wouldn't wish him on Laurel. She's pretty much the most selfish person on Arrow, including Moira and Malcolm and Ray, while creepy at times, is kind and generous. Who else would give Felicity that much time off when she's just starting her job? Selfish people need to marry other selfish people; it keeps them in check. With a generous person, they just ride rough shod over them and end up making both parties miserable, one because he's always trying to please a person who can never be completely pleased, and the other because her affection eventually turns to contempt. I've seen it happen too often. ========================== I was thinking of what happens when Oliver returns and specifically what they're going to do to stall Oliver and Felicity getting together. I like the idea of Felicity, after she's showed how happy she is to have him back (as opposed to throwing glasses of wine), to be the one to say she can't do it because losing him hurt too much. It has a number of nice parallels between them -- Oliver was hurt physically in the duel; Felicity was hurt emotionally. Oliver spent the first part of the season thinking he can't have a relationship with Felicity because of what he does, Felicity now thinking she can't have a relationship with him because what he does means she could lose him again. It gives Oliver the chance to truly think about whether he should push for a relationship or will he hurt her too much if he does and things go bad. Then Diggle or some event can convince him that yes, they need to be together and he can set about winning her. It also means that Oliver can work to get to have a relationship with Felicity without the ickiness of her dating Ray at the same time.
  10. The answers are in the spoiler thread. He doesn't really say anything other than he's not going to answer because he'll get into trouble, or he's making Laurel earn her superhero status (eyeroll) but it's the potential because you can get into a lot more trouble on tumblr than on twitter.
  11. It makes sense to give them part of the episode working as if Oliver is going to come back and then DRAHMAH! as Malcolm tells them he's dead. Whole new game new week as they try to deal with having him gone.
  12. I don't know, it's kind of interesting to see a trainwreck.
  13. The best example I've seen of inadvertently damning with faint praise. The thing that puts me off Downton Abbey is how in love Fellowes is with Mary, and how he can't ever cut Edith a break. It makes the show unpleasant to watch, to see Mary getting all the men (Matthew and then three suitors) and the money while Edith is consistently left alone love-wise and dependent on others while Mary gets to even tell her father what they're doing. The snide remarks Robert and Mary make again and again just makes it that more unpleasant. No Edith isn't perfect but she deserves to be measured by the same yardstick as Mary is and that the show still refuses to do it makes me turn it off when I try to watch.
  14. Yes. The "Thea loves him" excuse is out now that Oliver knows Merlyn used her to kill Sara. Way to kill the show if Oliver is all woobie over Felicity while Laurel takes down Malcolm.
  15. He goes to Felicity's apartment, she has a heart attack on seeing him and boom! ship stalled some more. Speculation was that she had a clause in her contract that they had to pay her megabucks is they took her off the show before the contract was over.
  16. That's Guggenheim's amazingly edgy writing that keeps them together even though they're apart. [/sarcasm] Nope, it's just speculation. The standard CW contract is 3 years, which most of the cast signed for (e.g. CH's and EBR's ends at the end of next season because they started a season late). We know that SA signed for 6 but that makes sense because he's the show title character. The other thing is, if KC's contract weren't three years, why the big rush to make her BC? It would have worked better to take this year having her a lawyer who helps the team with Sara dropping in occasionally (and making Laurel better liked), and then kill Sara next season to justify Laurel taking up her mask.
  17. Just guessing, but I think they will have a big Malcolm arc and he will die at the end of the season, unless they're so in love with John Barrowman they want to keep him. He's expensive and there's limited storytelling with him if they want to keep Slade and Ra's around. I hope Quentin doesn't die because I like him and because they need someone with connections to the law and the police. Laurel could have done it but she's going off book now.
  18. Bless SA, he's still supporting Olicity. Kresiburg at TV Line makes me feel somewhat better. If his heart is on the other side of his chest, then wouldn't he be okay himself without the need for a long lost twin? Assuming that KC's contract was for 3 seasons and not 6 like SAs, I wonder what they will do with her next season. Given how unpopular Laurel is, will they resign her at the same salary, which means they would need to use her as much? Or will they take some of her money and use it on actors like Brandon Routh.
  19. The thing about the "openly gay" is that those are the actors, not the characters. Isn't diversity on a TV show about who the characters are, not the actors? Gay actors have been hired since .... actors were first hired. There are only two openly gay characters on the shows, Nyssa and the captain on The Flash, neither of whom were there. So no points for that. The thing for me is, he knew it was going to be a problem from the time the panel was announced (I can't be the only person who tweeted him) and yet he did nothing. Easy fix? Put an extra chair up there and take Katrina Law along, who is filming with Barrowman anyway. The fact that this never occurred to him, nor did Nyssa when he talked about costumed women on the show, speaks volumes. LOL that half the comments on David Ramsey's picture are 'Where is EBR?' Guess we just proved that social media doesn't affect the EPs after all, David. Now that's something I'd tune in for.
  20. I haven't been watching lately but it seems like they found a good way do deal with Sarah Shahi's pregnancy.
  21. When KC said that Laurel was going to be the Black Canary even before the pilot was filmed, I thought yeah, but sometimes second thoughts are better, especially when the character is tanking. The problem with that is that these guys are TV producers and they need to have an audience for their next show. Killing Felicity so that Oliver could be with Laurel would infuriate a substantial portion of the audience, who would then not watch the next show Guggenheim and possibly Kreisburg and Berlanti got on TV. People may like angst, but what they really love is a happy ending. David Shore pissed off a lot of the audience with the last seasons of House, and he's never got another show on the air since.
  22. Emily getting ready for the Golden Globe party! http://instagram.com/p/xvc2rJE5KE/
  23. Could Ray have martial arts? He couldn't save his fiance, but neither Oliver nor Sara could fight a mirakuru soldier. I'd laugh if it came out that Ray had extensive martial arts training, while Laurel became the Black Canary with just her boxing lessons.
  24. Looks like Ray isn't in the Arrow cave after all. I changed my vote, if Laurel is there and no Felicity, then I'm not interested. IMO, they've already done it. Oliver went to tell Felicity how he feels, he saw her kissing Ray, he walked away. It served it's purpose, Oliver didn't get together with Felicity before he had to leave. But there's a Best Before date on using Ray for Olicity angst and using him to delay Olicity again would be milking that past the point where it's good storytelling. Also, I need something to tune if for if they're going to do Laurel Canary from now on.
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