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Everything posted by CrazyInAlabama

  1. Shopping cart case-Throwing a shopping cart at someone's car from across the aisle is an 'Act of God'? Nope, and that defendant is despicable. I thought you could revoke bond over the phone? OK, that's from watching reality TV shows, so probably not true. I love that in the bail case the bail got revoked, and because of the other warrant (or more likely warrants) d. got arrested. Sod case-I bet that awful woman sprinkled the sod once a day for 30 seconds tops, and then wonders why it doesn't green up.
  2. Maybe Jamal will end up on Best Bakers, or one of the other FN shows where there aren't gimmicks. I think Jamal would have won if he hadn't done fondant that was so thick. I wish in the finale they would give the contestants a lot more time, even two days, and no gimmicks except the theme.
  3. I hated whatever that was that Michelle created. I liked Lindsay's (spelling?) cake, and I know it was better than Jamal's, but I loved what he did too. It was so sweet to see Lindsay and Jamal celebrate her win, and boo on Michelle for standing there like a lump when Lindsay won. Even though you're unhappy you didn't win, you still don't stand there looking like you were robbed, when you simply weren't the best theme cake on that day. On the Gingerbread show, I really think Steve tries too hard to be a character, but I think his cake was the best at representing the theme, and his domino effect worked. I couldn't believe he got the gingerbread boat to float. The woman's domino effect was a total fail, and that was so sad. The other man's characters were fantastic, but his domino effect didn't work too well either, and the characters were the focus. I would love to see Steve and Jorge collaborate on one of the special team event competitions they have on Food Network sometimes, because I think they both have great talent in different areas.
  4. My guess is the big smile on Carmack is knowing that even though he's the LEO, the second that Shep is on that no one will notice him again after the camera moves. At least we don't see that awful woman in Nye (I think it was Nye, or was it Pinal Co.?) who was the convicted sex offender that refused to register, and they had her on Live PD three times. And I'm guessing Robert the woman beating jerk, is still in jail, because he hasn't been on in a while either, since his last major arrest.
  5. Dog Grooming Trauma Caught on Tape-Not so bad, the show blurred the ear infection picture. Woman given dog, vet says dog has too much hair in ear canal, but doesn't do anything about it, and idiot new owner doesn't ask. Idiot owner takes dog to groom, apparently groomer was taught by the Marquis de Sade. Dog groomer supposedly pulled ear hair (has to be done to prevent infections, but this bad should have been done at the vet's under sedation, the way it was later) but that's not shown, tell idiot owner that dog has ear infection, so she takes dog to another vet. Dog has a big time ear infection, needs sedation to check on ear drum rupture (didn't have this), and pulled all of the ear hair. Groomer shown on tape using high pressure hose on dog's ears, under the flap, and could easily have injured the ear drum, and hurt the dog severely. Grooming shop owner is an idiot, and claims nothing was wrong, and didn't bring groomer (bet the groomer is gone), and doesn't really seem to care either way. The dog owner gets the grooming price, and some for vet bills, but a lot was probably caused by the ear hair. JJ is right, the first vet that commented on ear hair and did nothing else was incompetent, but the owner not asking about the hair was stupid too. Broken Love, Broken Lease-The defendant claims there was no verbal or written agreement to pay the lease, so my guess is someone's been watching a lot of judge shows. Unpaid internship defendant paid nothing, but the plaintiff gets his back rent. Second new show today (I love sweeps month)- Innocent Young Black Man Threatened by Police to Confess-Cute kid claims another kid stole a classmate's phone, broke it, and the police were called about the phone theft. The d. kid said he did it, and the other kid struggled over the phone and it broke. The kid claims the police told him he'd go to jail if he didn't confess, but I thought a parent had to be present for interviews with minors? Strachtin (spelling, sorry kid) claims he's afraid of the other kid. The police contacted the defendant's parents, and the school never did. Plaintiff dad (phone owner's dad) wants $551 for phone, and defendant mom agreed to give $400 to the plaintiff. Either way the story was told, the d.'s mother said she would pay, the son was involved in the phone damage, and I wonder if Isaiah or whatever the other kid's name was even exists? The son can't even say what the other kid's last name is? I suspect that the kid found the phone, dropped it, and then made the story up to cover the damage, or 'borrowed' it and it got broken. A kid at school may need to phone to call for pick up or drop off, or emergencies, but they need a simple phone, not an iphone, or other expensive one. Judgment for the Plaintiff for $400. Botox- Defendant needs to stop using so much botox, her face doesn't even move. Unemployed D. wanted botox, so had p. co-sign for Care Credit. The p. is suing for a credit card bill, trampoline, and hotel bill. The problem with p. getting money for the Care Credit bill is that there is only an amount from the collection agency, and no explanation of who had the botox. The two women went on vacation, and the room was $350 total, so $175 each. Plaintiff says, "I was tired of her taking advantage of my generosity", what an idiot to let the woman talk you into co-signing, paying for hotel rooms, and a trampoline (notice I didn't say anything like tramp-oline) when she's unemployed. The plaintiff should have learned from this, but I bet she didn't. I don't think JJ gave the plaintiff any money, but I was trying to see if the defendant used so much botox that she can't blink.
  6. They also have other businesses they run, and I'm sure that they require full time supervision. There's the pet gift shop in the French Quarter (I think that's where it is), and there's the tavern too, and I'm sure that some of the family are heavily involved in running and managing the businesses.
  7. Many times the one on this show that comes fully furnished is the one they already own, but sometimes it's also a decoy and a model home. They do love to try to fake the viewers out on all of the House Hunters shows.
  8. In this morning's new case with the Pit Bull attack on a little kid-OK, so MM let that lying dog owner get away with lying to her, and continues with the case? When he called an obvious Pit a Border Collie, he should have lost on the spot. I'm hoping animal control and any landlord the defendant may have watched this, and go after him. She should have awarded $5,000, not $500. The fact the Pit Bull advocates will be up in arms, the dog is supposed to be dog aggressive, and instead nailed a passing 6 year old should tell the owner, and others that the dog is dangerous. I hate every time one of these stories comes up, the Pit Bull lovers say it wasn't a typical specimen of the breed, when a human aggressive dog should be put down. Anyone want to bet the dog is unneutered? I hope this idiot owner will get a clue before something happens to another kid, or his kid, but you know he won't. I bet that kid will be terrified of dog's his whole life, and buying him a stuffed dog is not going to change that. And buying him a dog is stupid, because I'm betting he'll get to watch that same Pit shred it within the first month, when the dog runs loose in the neighborhood. Phi Beta Krappa-Levin finally comes up with a good one, but I bet someone wrote it for him. Rutgers frat thrown off campus for booze violations, and then moved off campus, and eventually revoked their charter. Let me guess what really happened constantly at their parties? And how much booze and hazing happened. If you look at the list of suspended, and closed frat chapters at Rutgers, it's a long list. Plus another frat was caught spiking the punch for a party with the sorority that was their sister organization with Xanax. Rutgers, not as nice as they could have been. Graduated student, part of the frat, leased an off-campus frat house, and is suing for late payments, and the plaintiff's part of $30,000 in damages. And how the plaintiff thinks it's funny that they only found two remaining kegs left behind in the mess they made of the place, when the frat was finally closed by the national leadership is stupid. It was supposed to be a booze free frat, and I'm sure the drunken and drug fueled parties were epic. I hope the plaintiff's employer sees this, and knows exactly what they've hired. I also don't want to know what that stuff in the bathroom is. Another reason for me to never move within miles of a college campus, or a frat house, or be a landlord. The plaintiff works in residential real estate. D. says $3,600 plus, but the state max is $3,000, minus the security deposit. So the d. gets $1800+. The defendant will repair everything, and then rerent to a sorority. Bet he doesn't know some of them are just as bad as the frats. Tree trimming-Sotil Tree service was supposed to clear out bushes, brush, remove trees, and the defendant with held payment because they didn't grind stumps, and take away the larger (over 3" diameter) debris. Unless the contract (they actually have one) says remove tree debris, the snotty defendant is toast. If the contract doesn't specify stump removal, then it's not required. Also, it specified in the contract that it was only stuff on the lawn, and the debris wasn't, and stump removal wasn't included, and that's always extra. The whiny defendant claims she got Lyme disease and poison ivy from removing the debris with help. I totally hate the defendant, who expects to get extras for acting incompetent. The judge was going to give the defendant the $400 for renting removal equipment, and gave her a week to supply that, but she never did.
  9. Manscaping-So almost every man I meet is doing this? I really doubt that. I would love to see the two men, and Lori on QVC though. I can't believe I sat there and watched a bunch of people discussing hair grooming for the nether regions like that. BoomBoom Nasal Spray-I'm glad they didn't get a deal, they were obviously just there for publicity. What a strange, niche product. Cake Shake-Charles Barkley really wanted a different product if he wanted a weight loss product. I can see someone downing the Cake Shake, and then finding something to chase it with. The owners were too over the top for me, going for enthusiasm over real evidence that the shake replaces a true meal. Butter Cloth-What a great story, and I hope that Robert really helps them with production, and marketing, because I bet a really comfortable shirt, even at $118, will sell very well.
  10. Yes, that's the look, and I bet during rating sweeps month we'll be seeing it a lot. Then there is the totally alert, unblinking, ready to go face that emerges when he thinks the litigants may start disrespecting the judge, or start a Jerry Springer free for all.
  11. It was really funny. My cable guide listed the Beachfront Renovation for last night as WV, instead of Washington. That was an interesting renovation, but kind of generic. I didn't like the girl's bunk beds though. I wonder how practical the top bunk is long term? The ceiling looked a little low there. I had to laugh when the homeowner said they needed to fix the deck a little, since it was so shaky and rotten before, I'm sure it was virtually all new. It could have been a permitting issue if they admitted they were replacing the entire deck. I'm wondering how the walls, and ceiling in the garage/pickle ball court will be after a few games? The ceiling seemed low to me for that purpose.
  12. My grout is called FlexColor CQ, and comes in a huge, premixed tub. I've had the back splashes for just over six months and the grout is still perfect. The place where I buy tile, also sells carpet, quartz, granite, and all types of tile. They just finished a huge showroom section with all quartz, and LVP click together too, and it's so nice to see 6' x 6' sections of the different LVP options on the floor. There were some customers in there walking over the different types of flooring. It's also much easier to pick quartz from the full slabs they're showing now, instead of from the tiny little samples they had when I bought quartz 10 years ago. The marble look quartz also has a lot of different veining patterns across the slab, when quartz used to be so repetitive, and phony looking. I don't see why house hunters renovation people every use real marble over the lovely, varied quartz patterns that will never stain, or need maintenance.
  13. Pasco has tons of them too. I guess the ones without a police record, who use turn signals, don't drive drunk or drugged, or both, and have a valid license, registration, and insurance are few and far between.
  14. I'm wondering how many of the HHI spouse or significant others are really allowed to get a job in the new country? And why so many HHI buy houses, when I suspect they're not staying forever? I really wonder how many purchases are really just rentals, and are changed to make the tours more interesting. I can't believe the budgets some of the buyers have either. Especially the younger ones, that have huge budgets. I guess some have family money or something, but still the one income family buying something super expensive just seems absurd. The Lisbon episode was very odd, and I really wonder what the back story was. I still remember the episode that showed how fake the HHI episodes are. A member of the architecture or engineering firm that was completing the flame shaped hotel/shopping tower, I think in Dubai. The house hunters looked at a beautiful apartment unfurnished, but it actually had one of the translucent drawer front bureaus that had a red sweater or something in one drawer showing through, and a big ugly bar stool. When they showed the one the people rented there was the same dresser with the same red sweater in the drawer, and the ugly bar stool. The back story was that the people had lived there for a couple of years already, and they hadn't finished moving out yet, so the before shopping picture was actually the after picture. Another one with a big family renting a place in France for the few years they would be there, actually already lived in the one they picked for a few years. No wonder the rooms were perfectly furnished for each kid. I just watch the U.S. and international ones for the houses, and know they're mostly fake. I saw the rerun of the people that were moving from England to Australia, for the husband's job, and the wife was horrible about it. She only wanted whatever the husband wouldn't like, and it was obvious she was livid about the move. You would have thought they were moving to some horrible place, instead of a lovely modern country with millions of great activities, scenery, and great people. And her claims that since the England house was one story, that the two story houses would traumatize the daughters was total garbage. My guess is that eventually the wife hiked her buns back to England without the husband.
  15. And the joy that shows on Byrd's face when he realizes he's supporting the entire family is something to behold.
  16. Since I guess sweeps month has started (November, February, and May), according to my TV cable guide, both episodes each day are new. Time for a lot of bad wigs, worse clothing, and a lot of huge, blurry, stupid tattoos. And probably just as many delusional, desperate losers as usual, times two. They'll have to go some to come up with people worse than the broken arm sister, window smashing family, and the hopping on one leg ex-con, but I'm sure the producers did their best. If my station's preview is accurate (50/50 chance), then one of the first new episode on Monday is a dog one, so some might want to skip.
  17. According to reports, Shelley has gone to the big hoard in the sky, probably still with her 'sister's' frog and other purses dragged behind her. However, my view is she was so evil to her idiot husband and poor children, that she should worry about the purses bursting into flames where she probably ended up.
  18. I think poor Malena had convinced herself that Kelli was on her side, and after the office visit where she said she was quitting her full time job, and Kelli lied to her about making the team, that she thought she would make it. She probably felt betrayed (and she was), and realized that she had made a huge mistake picking the possibility of making DCC over a real job. I also think that Malena realized how manipulated she had been by Kelli, and that she was only kept around for the show, not to ever make the team.
  19. I loved the construction worker hitting the lottery for so much, and retiring to Florida. I knew the instant David said the third place was totally furnished that it was the one he would pick, that's usually a give away. I still loved looking at the other two places, but didn't like the first one, it was too small and cramped for what he wanted. The second was right near the highway, and I didn't like that, or the house either, and there is never a guarantee that all of the amenities will be finished. The third place was lovely, and I know he'll be very happy there. My guess is the reason there seemed to be missing lower teeth is that he had bad teeth for years, and now is getting implants, so the anchors have to heal for quite a while. At least I hope that is what's going on.
  20. Almost anything is smarter than the majority of the people that end up on Live PD. For example, Shep can probably think better than most of the perps he tracks down. I loved the preview where the gave him some of his doggy ice cream. Shep, just like Flex and Lor, certainly figured out that if he demands head scritches, or other attention when the camera is on, he's going to get it.
  21. Conyers! That's such a long commute if you're going to metro Atlanta. That certainly explains the price with the size of the house, and the land with it.
  22. Do they use a big fan for the cameo photography? If they do, then the sleeves are flattened out by the fan for the pictures. They certainly need a fashion photographer to take the pictures, so the cameos are better, and for the calendar pictures too.
  23. I interpreted the police report to mean the gf claimed she saw the tire slashing, and that there were no other witnesses that came forward at the time, supposedly there was an amended police report where the sister (I guess it was sister) reported what she saw, but conveniently it wasn't available in court. However, as Judge Marilyn would say, I wouldn't believe either defendant if their tongues were notarized, and I'm also sure there are plenty of people that would like to slash the tires, and rearrange the faces of the defendants. I truly can't believe the plaintiff said her family pressured her to drop the police report on the brother breaking her arm, and she said they're still family in the halterview. Associating with people like her cretin brother, and allowing her family to talk her out of pressing charges is how you end up on an I.D. channel show as a victim. I felt so sorry for the neighbors who were terrorized by Red, and her mommy, who think someone who dates them is their property forever, and it's appropriate to scare the heck out of people who don't even know the peckerwood they both dated. I just wish we could see a picture of the object of so many feminine hearts. I'm very proud all of us refrained from commenting on Tiara Hooker's name. Though many awful comments did cross my mind.
  24. I'm getting an accent wall in my bedroom (that's what the tile lady calls it, I almost cried when I saw that), and the grout will be the same kind they used on my back splash in the kitchen, and the bath, grout is very pricey (about $200 a bucket), but it never needs sealing, is totally washable, and to me that's worth every penny.
  25. Woman accused of terrorizing house, breaking windows with baseball bats, because she saw video of p. with her boyfriend---P. has the longest blond wig I've ever seen, and d. has phony red hair, and tons of eyeliner. P. is on full, hopefully temporary disability from a back injury, but still spends a lot of her $900 a month on her own appearance, not supporting herself and her kid. P. applied for restraining order, was granted one for three years. Police report says no witnesses, but one witness shows in court (she wasn't in any report), and the other is in jail. Defendant is alleged to take her mom and other relatives with her in the attack on the house, and the window bashing. Neighbor's windows were also bashed out too. Video from neighbor's house shows the defendant, and her mommy was obviously there. A bunch of hooligans terrorized a neighborhood. The pictures of the windows is awful, we're not talking a few cracks, but windows were gone. Plaintiff gets $905. Military teen accused of moving too many people into the rental house-The p. is the cousin who supported most of this financially, and moved in to an apartment with her loser cousin, and her cousin's fiance. Her cousin who had a miscarriage then needs to move in multiple relatives in for support. I bet the apartment had so many people living in it that it looked like a clown car. 17 year old p. wants her security deposit back, and is married to military husband so she supported almost everything financially. The three moved in together, until the military husband graduates basic and gets assigned to a base. P. put up security deposit, and paid first month's rent, since she gets so much housing allowance. After the miscarriage the cousin moved in her mother in, with the mother's new baby. The p. has a new baby, told her cousin that mom and her baby couldn't stay, so mother and baby left, but the cousin's mom and baby moved back in while the plaintiff was out of town for the weekend. That totals six people in a two bedroom, being financed by one person's bank account. P. left and moved out from the apartment into her own place. My guess is that the 17 year old plaintiff wasn't on the lease, just the two loser defendants, because plaintiff was under 21. Plaintiff gets $1055 or so. My Brother Broke My Arm-D. and gf both have freaky, phony red hair that coordinates perfectly. P. claims brother didn't pay for the balance on a car. 2007 Chevy Impala for $3k, and brother only paid a couple of payments. P. claims when she went to talk to the brother about the money for the car and insurance that the brother slammed her arm in the house door, and broke it. The brother also demanded the title, and bill of sale before he paid the car off. P. claims the brother took the bill of sale, and title out of her purse that he ripped off of her arm, and then broke her arm in two places by slamming the door on it. Police report appears from plaintiff, and a another sister witnessed this awful assault. Plaintiff dropped the charges because of family pressure. She also had surgery on her arm, and needed pins in it. These loser defendants have a phony claim that the sister slashed their tires, and loser plaintiff gf claims she saw it. Bull. Plaintiff gets her money, but also says family is family, and they'll get past this. She didn't learn a thing did she? What a lovely family Thanksgiving dinner this group of people must have, complete with the SWAT team arriving by dessert time. Ex Con Hops on One Foot for JJ-D. was in jail for five years. P. had three kids while he was in jail (not his), and loser d. moved back in with p. and kids. Loser d. has no license, and wrecks her car. P. claims she got out of the car, he jumped into the driver's seat, and took the car. Of course, the p.'s story doesn't match her sworn statement to the producers. The joke is that they were supposedly going to the DMV for him to get his license reinstated. Defendant claims p. asked him to drive, and that's when the accident happens. P. arrested on warrant for 2010 traffic ticket, and driving without a license. He went to court, and is paying his court fine, with $350 left. He rear ended some poor woman, and the insurance company dumped the plaintiff's coverage, and the plaintiff got arrested too, apparently stupidity is a crime that she was arrested for. Plaintiff gets nothing, which is exactly what she deserves. JJ has obedient (prison life does that to you) d. hop on one foot, back on the same foot, and then asks him why he would do that just because she told him to.
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