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Everything posted by CrazyInAlabama

  1. Some places animal control doesn't handle livestock, and that's what horses are considered. Livestock complaints might be handled by the Sheriff's office, the state Veterinarian, and might not be handled at all since the horse had food, water, and shelter. I feel sorry for the horse, and think the barn owner did everything she could. If the horse owner cared about the animal, she wouldn't have dumped it, stopped paying, and refused to talk, email, or text the barn owner.
  2. I did like the preview for next week, but they should have had the guts to weed out the weak ones before this.
  3. Taylor T wasn't ready, but she's better than VK, and has a great attitude.
  4. "Can't hold back"? VK, that roll around her waist isn't holding back either.
  5. VK's excuses were pathetic, and I'm sure Jinelle was hurt by the lame excuses VK used. I wonder if Taylor T is shy, and just isn't ready to deal with the press, and interviews?
  6. For a group of people who never shut up, and endlessly hash over all kinds of personal things, they certainly never settle anything do they? I find it hard to believe that an experienced surgeon like Teddy doesn't have the guts to mention something to Owen about her little bundle of joy. I guess the Jackson character is working elsewhere? The disappearing act is stupid, and Maggie again is acting like a 12 year old that got dumped. Totally underwhelmed with the ortho god, since he hasn't done anything that a regular ortho doctor would. I guess he's too busy hitting on everyone in sight to actually do anything exceptional for patients. I missed the reason the bloody nose guy bled out. I love the Coracick (spelling?) character.
  7. Webber's poor secretary was probably another of Roy's victims. They do get rid of a lot of side characters on here don't they? I'm sick of the matchmaker story line.
  8. That top looked like a tube top to me, not just low cut. The whole family of plaintiffs were jerks. I love how they claim someone trimming countert tops and using masks means that they're poisoning the neighbors. If they moved to the country, I'm sure the plaintiffs would be shocked when the coyotes make lunch out of their wandering cats. I bet the spikes were to keep the cats out of the yard, and not possums. So the neighbor plaintiffs thought it was funny that their cats roam the defendant's yard, probably use their yard as a litter box, and the cats wander and sun themselves on their roof? I'm sure when the cats get sick, then the plaintiffs will try to blame that on someone else too, and claim it was poisoned. I feel for the defendants, because their major offense to the plaintiffs seemed to start when the defendant remarried, and continues over everything. I bet the p. wife thought the d. remarried too quickly, or was finding 'companionship' before his wife died, and was mad about who he married. I bet the plaintiff's have rotten relationships with the other neighbors too. The possums I've seen may act tough, or as tough as an animal that looks like Friar Tuck from Robin Hood can, but they are passive. I think the spikes were to keep the cats out of the yard, and I suspect that their chosen litter box is the plaintiff's yard. Off topic I know, but I've had great success making my own aphid spray years ago out of regular household items, that hurt nothing but discouraged aphids. I also make my own weed killer out of lots of salt, and a little dish detergent, and it takes care of the few tough grasses that grow in my tiny flower bed, since they refuse to get pulled out.
  9. I loathed the Roy character. How many people do you get to kill on this show before you're out permanently? He sets a patient on fire, he treats the nosebleed guy like a coke freak, and ignores him to death, and then there was the previous incident. At least Karev stepped up, and dumped him. I hope that's the end of Roy. I hate how everyone on here is yakking about all kinds of personal stuff in front of patients, and families. Dr. Webber is being a jerk, but I'm hoping that works out for the best in the end. Are there any grownups in this hospital? Or is everyone acting like a two year old arguing in the OR, over patients unconscious forms?
  10. Tonight's episode is only rerunning in a few hours, they're no longer repeating the current episode on Saturdays, so time to set the DVR. or make sure you don't miss it.
  11. The chances of a boarding barn owner getting full money for boarding, farrier, vet care, and everything else is about zero. In this case she only got some back board, a little more for the dogs, and didn't even get farrier and other fees. I'm sorry to say I wouldn't have paid for the vet either. Vet care is in the contracts as an owner responsibility, and I doubt a barn owner would have legal authority to call the vet. Most boarding barns I know of have a credit card on file, or the vet does, to authorize treatment if the owner can't be reached. They often have a letter with the vet authorizing treatment up to a certain amount, and what procedures they will and won't do. The sad truth is if the owner had contacted the vet, and arranged payment when the barn owner contacted her at first, then the injury should have been treated before it became life threatening. Many boarding barn owners would have filed a stableman's lien according to their state rules, after a certain number of certified letters, etc., and then in most states either have to sell the horse at public auction, or a private one, and any funds over the lien price would go to the owner, and shortfall of funds owed might be able to go to small claims court, but it depends on the jurisdiction. And there is probably no reserve, so almost anyone could have bought the horse, and there is no guarantee that it would be a good situation for the horse either. There is no way the boarding barn owner would get dog boarding that way either, except by refusing to release the dogs to the owner, and suing for that too. Since it's the horse owner's responsibility, and her consent is required for treatment, and assuming financial responsibility, then the boarding owner could only tell the owner to call a vet, and if she declined, call the humane society or animal control about neglect, but the vets don't have to treat a horse that the owner will not pay for. The barn owner couldn't authorize treatment unless she wanted to foot the bill, and could have been sued by the owner for treating the horse without her consent, and endangered the vet's license. There's a reason the vet, the dentist, and doctor have requirements that you either pay for treatment before leaving, or make financial arrangements. Providers are the first people to get stiffed by deadbeat clients. Taking the horse to the equine specialty clinic ninety minutes away would require a paid hauler, or someone willing to trailer the horse to the vet school, or clinic the owner demanded the boarding owner take him to. They don't work for free either, are hideously expensive, and since the boarder was out of communication, and five months behind on boarding fees, no one would agree to take the horse. I'm surprised the equine vet even agreed to meet the owner at the barn on the day she didn't show for the appointment, if the vet knew she was a deadbeat client. If she couldn't afford to keep him, she should have sold him, and he'd probably be alive today.
  12. Disgusting idiot who shouldn't own a stuffed Chihuahua-Idiot woman, just divorced, moves to be near BF, who got a clue and dumped her. She moves horse and 2 dogs to boarding facility, pays for horse for one month, and boards dogs for one month, but takes the dogs without paying. Boarding stable person didn't get a reply until January after horse got injured, and d. owed five months board, and boarding barn owner told d. horse was injured. D. finally agreed to come back to Idaho from Vegas (she moved in July), and didn't meet vet there, because she took a long lunch break, and was hours late. And d. says she wanted horse taken 90 minutes away to vet school treatment center, and refused to pay board or anything else, including farrier. The only money the p. got from d. was a bad check, and she should have called the police and district attorney to press charges. D. putzed around until horse was untreatable, at which point he was put down, and she's whining about him being her baby, and how much he was worth. P. gets $1786, not the $2500 plus that she was actually owed. I really wish I knew where the defendant lived, so I could kick her in the butt repeatedly. She abandoned the horse, blames everything on the boarding barn owner, and then expects someone to front the money for expensive vet care and transportation after not seeing the animal for six months. I guess the d. thought the boarding facility owner would pay the vet and everything else. If the horse was her baby, then why didn't she see him for five months? Man gets deported, d. owes $2,000. D. has to pay p. $500 she owes her. D. repo'd the car, after non-payment for car. Everyone involved is nuts. A nothing case. I want to know how someone who's not illegal, gets deported, and hasn't come back? D. is a total liar. P. lets three cats run,and still does, and neighbor d. put up spikes on his fence to keep them out of his yard. P. just won't shut up, and is obviously a PITA neighbor. The P. also claim that the d. poisoned them with Malathion insecticide use on the d. tree to get rid of aphids. The d. is a former deputy sheriff, and was a pest control guy before that. The 'crime' was spraying, and the p. had the windows open, they called the city haz mat people. The p. had to get air conditioner cleaned out, drama queen wife called 911 claiming they were poisoned, so the haz mat team showed up. The p.'s are another set of nutso neighbors, and the entire family is loony. Then they're complaining about workers trimming resin countertops without warning them. P. woman apparently didn't like new wife (who has lived there 10 years longer than the p. thinks she has), and the trouble started when the d. remarried. JJ suggests if the p.'s were injured, that they sue Home Depot, and Ortho. And the Ortho they used is the big white jug of spray. I bet living next to the plaintiffs is zero fun, and the chance of the defendants every being able to sell and move is probably zero. The d.'s should sell to the Bobo sisters from the syringe fence case, and they can torture each other, or the former foster parents who are probably no fun either. People like the plaintiff family should live very far out in the countryside, and on a lot of land, so the neighbors don't have to put up with them.
  13. I wonder if the p. and certainly the d. in the Great Pyrenees case forgot to mention the lack of shot record, which means lack of shots in my book. And I'm betting the lack of homeowner's insurance means, the insurance was cancelled because of the dog. Not meaning to post a spoiler, but animal people might want to skip tonight's new case, and tomorrow's new case too. Or at least keep the mute button handy.
  14. I worked for a lot of years as a civilian for the Army, and someone from my management team came for a tour of our facility, and after he asked how long I'd been in civil service I told him, and he thanked me for my service. Fortunately, that's the only time I was in that particularly awkward situation, since I don't think coping with rush hour traffic is exactly the same as combat. I was absolutely embarrassed about the entire incident. I think it's also tacky when the person says it, and obviously doesn't mean anything to them. I had a co-worker that did that, and the look on the combat veterans faces were really amusing. For some reason he was avoided by a lot of the customers after the first interaction. Once the rest of us found out we stopped that. The cancelled wedding case was so ludicrous, that woman was desperate to land him, and was a fool from the first loan or whatever it was. She certainly didn't have any proof did she? That man is such a loser, and certainly thinks he's the universe's gift to women. However, I'm glad that p. didn't get money for her venue reservation, and her wedding dress, and is lucky she didn't actually marry him, because the divorce would have cost her a bundle. The car case was ridiculous, and I think the p. deserved a big punch in the nose. The TV case, I hope the defendant did just leave the TVs on his lawn, because I bet someone picked them up instantly, and is even now putting them in their illegal apartment, to claim with their valuable household goods when they get evicted, or when their car gets repo'd with the TVs in it.
  15. Let me explain it another way. (If anyone is squeamish, stop reading now) With the aid of her tongue piercing, which is supposed to add to the act, she didn't have intercourse, but oral sex. Then he would give her the food that was killing her. And I suspect Herburt did all the moving. I have to go throw up now.
  16. Todays new show-Couch surfing girl moves in with a family friend, he wants her out, she takes most of her stuff to mommy, and grandma's houses, and leaves two big screen TVs behind forever. I love how the defendant was sued for putting the TV's out, after the couch surfing bimbo left the TV's behind, sent him at least one very nasty email/text. Then he called mommy to pick the TV's up because he put them on the lawn, and d. was standing next to them. Mommy made every excuse in the book for not picking the TV's up, including her disability, but I'm sure the d. would have put them in the car for her, and he got sick of excuses, left them on the lawn and the TV's disappeared. The bimbo girl was asked the question we all want to know, from Judge M, How can someone who's couch surfing afford two huge new TV's?, Bimbo couch surfer had enough makeup to cover a small country, eyeliner all over the place, microbladed brows, and is still mooching? I'm glad the defendant didn't have to pay, and the bimbo and her mother were outraged, and I enjoyed their outrage.
  17. My guess is that Kitty might get some money as "Technical Director" but mostly makes her bucks from the prep classes, choreography, and the finals coaching and everything else being associated with DCC generates. I'm sure if she wasn't associated with DCC, and wasn't doing prep classes, then her dance studio would take a big hit. I'm betting the guest choreographers are like the judges, and do it for the publicity. I can't wait for tonight's show.
  18. I wonder who Herburt moved on to, and who gives him sex for food now?
  19. I just watched a repeat, where a dog owner was suing for vet bills for an attack on her dog that required stitches. The defendant lost, the minimal bills were paid, and Doug asked him if he still took his dog to the dog park, and he said, yes, because "My dog never bit anyone". Who wants to bet his dog has nailed a lot of people and animals, and the idiot could stand there while the dog mauled another dog, and still say his dog didn't do it.
  20. I looked at the California mandated reporter statutes, and lots of jobs are mandated reporters. However, under psychologists it said something about licensed, and Dr. Phil hasn't had a license for years, and it was in Texas, not California. He is listed on the Texas psychologist rolls as 'retired', and never had a license in California. He may have been a mandated reporter, but he isn't now, because the California state board that governs psychologists said his show was entertainment, and not therapy, and didn't require a license.
  21. I seem to recall that there are two pair of boots, one custom one for performances, and then more off the shelf ones for practicing. I'm not sure that's the truth, but I do remember someone saying that a long time ago. Maybe that's why VK kicked hers off, because they run big or something. Maybe the boots are made for a certain thickness of socks, and hers were thinner? I can't wait for this week's episode. It should be interesting. Since there are so many cuts and so few episodes left this season. I wonder if we'll see all of the cuts?
  22. Lisa's rerun is on tonight. Knowing the outcome still doesn't diminish the moments of Dr. Now finding the potato chip bag in her folds at the hospital. This is also the one where the Mobile F.D. people need eight men to get her out of the bed, reinforce the ramp, and yells "Hit Me Daddy" as they're loading her in the stretcher, and she's eating a big bowl of fruit loops at the time too. Her daughter Danielle is the one who hears Dr. Now's diet, and won't open her mother's Coke and says the diet starts now. And her companion Herburt is still a trip. This is also the one with the bad ass nutritionist visit, and that woman certainly knew what she was talking about. Her death is sad, though not unexpected. The nutritionist is on now, and you know that poor Herburt either had to go buy more, or go dumpster diving for all of the stuff that Lisa said was his. She says she traded Herburt food for sex, but claims it was his food. That's not how that arrangement works either. Some articles said she used to be a heroin addict, and I bet that was all involved with the brother's death. Herburt keeps stroking her face when she gets upset, and I'd like to hit him. I can't believe they took her to the hospital for a weight in, instead of Dr. Now's office, but I guess she couldn't stand up for the weigh in. She just said she wasn't hungry, and Dr. Now said that wasn't a problem. She gained 29 lbs, instead of losing 30. Not a record, but ridiculous anyway. This was when she got put in the hospital for the leg infection, and it's when Dr. Now found the potato chip wrapper in the folds. She's also the one who knew she gained a bunch, and went to the ER instead with pain, instead of going to Dr. Now's office at the end. That's when Dr. Now looks like an enraged gerbil, and I was cheering right along with every word.
  23. Nick, Adam and Dale worked for a company that was apparently bought out by a bigger company, and only Nick still works there. Dale has another job with another company, and Adam is going to support himself marketing, and publicizing his family, and they sell t shirts and other things, and someone on here said they can make a bunch with a Youtube channel of their own. ' The business they invested in with three other couples is Rush Cycle, a spinning franchise. Danielle works there a lot with management, scheduling, marketing, and supervision. They also took out a second mortgage for over $100k, to finance the cycle studio partnership.
  24. I knew two people, about 20 years ago, and they were both at a very expensive college, both living with their kids in student family housing, had nice cars, vacations, were on multiple bowling leagues (and they were embezzling from all of them too), and everything was financed by student loans. I'm sure they were the private loans too, since they must have borrowed way above the federal loan program limits. They were total scammers too, and I doubt they ever graduated either. The part that stunned me about the dog bite case today was the idiot plaintiff's insistence that the bite never happened, and he claimed not to know if the dog had shots. If I was bitten by a strange dog, and no one knew if it had shots or not, I would have called 911, and a lawyer also. The delivery man was lucky the dog only nailed his hand.
  25. During the Lake Charles visit when Adam was talking about his depression, the dad mentioned something about getting more help in League City soon, so I bet when he retires, Adam's mom and dad are going to move there too. I'm sure by the Hawaii trip, Adam already was unemployed, and so was Dale, and Dale got another job after. I'm sure the entire empty plane garbage was filmed before anyone ever left Houston, or at one of the other airports, and they had a ton of help getting between planes. Depending on the airline, if you're connecting flight is late, or changed gates there are airline personnel at the gate telling people what gate to go to, and how to get there, at least at the ones I've been at. I'm sure a high profile, TV related sponsored trip like this one involved many airline people busting their butts to get all of the cast and crew to their connecting flight. Adam, a typical metrosexual guy, and I wish he would lay off at the gym, before his muscles explode. I wish he would stop whining about everything. I'm still irritated about the screaming match about Hazel's eyes a few episodes ago, because that was obviously pushing for ratings, and definitely over the top.
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