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Everything posted by CrazyInAlabama

  1. Was the Dakar episode a HHI Family edition? Please tell me it's not. And that was just to get publicity for the program, and for no other reason.
  2. There was a horrific attack in Atlanta, several children were shredded by wandering pits, one little kid died. The owner claimed that the black and white coated dog was a border collie, and the animal control actually agreed with that at first. I saw a picture of the animals, and they were giant pits, so I'm assuming crossed with something else. Animal control in Atlanta is useless, there had been numerous complaints about the dogs wandering and being aggressive, and the owner thought he could get the dogs back. Love the reference to Froggy, that's exactly what she sounded like. I loved the plaintiff, and her halterview of "one of the biggest drug busts in North Carolina, ever". I still think she has a course of action against the website that bought her car, because they sold a car that wasn't technically their property, unless they're just a consignment site. The state attorney general's office in NC might have a consumer section the seller of the car could contact about the website's failure to do their job. My assumption in the apartment case, is "Tax Preparation Administrator" is the person that greets people at the tax center a few hours a day, during tax season. My guess is that they come on JJ, or TPC or other court shows that pay (and aren't actors) is because they get a free trip to L.A., a dinner and the judgement is paid by the show. So embarrassment is a small price to pay for a vacation, and not having to pay.
  3. Greene County is taking a break over the winter, but will be back in the spring. I had a tiny bit of sympathy for the man with the mother, and brother, thinking they were out of control like he said. Then the detective told the real story, and I hope the man and his wife get life in prison. The wife only ratted him out, because she's hoping she can claim he terrorized her too, and she can get off easy. The man's lucky that he and his POS wife aren't up on murder charges, because it sounds like the mother and brother were in very bad shape.
  4. What amazes me about cases like the pit bull attack on Friday's episode is that the owners keep trying to claim they're another breed, and they obviously aren't. I looked at the JJ website, and for the viewers that aren't getting Thursday and Friday episodes, they aren't the most exciting reruns. Monday through Wednesday look pretty good though.
  5. My guess is the people who buy the 'guest houses' and have a lot of land, are buying housing for their employees. Or else they want to get their older parents, or their older kids out of the house.
  6. The Nye County case with the man and his wife locking the brother and mother in was horrible. When the detective described their condition, I wanted to cry.
  7. Is Season 30, when Zola Grey-Shepard takes over as the head of general surgery, at Grey-Sloan-Webber-Bailey-O'Malley-Shepard-Fox-Medical Center after being the first medical student to win the Harper Avery Award (or whatever they call it now) four years in a row, and the Nobel Prize?
  8. Yes, the officiant sends in the completed license in Washington. The copy they had was probably just their copy for name changes or whatever else they would use it for, and so they have an official copy.
  9. I wonder if Sean will behave well enough to stay there? Only time will tell, but better realize that no facility has to keep him if he misbehaves. I wonder if his mother ever realized how badly she ruined his life? I guess I'll never know. I'm hoping they put him on a very restricted diet, and he loses weight again. I don't think the production company will work with him again, he's so violent that he's a danger to himself, and others, and I can imagine him getting very angry at any suggestions from the producers. He certainly doesn't take criticism well, and with Dr. Now telling it like it is, I would worry about Dr. Now becoming a target of Sean. I know Dr. Now seems tough, but he's over 70, and small, and someone like Sean could seriously hurt him, so I'm hoping we've seen the last of Sean.
  10. Drug Bust and Jail Time-Woman sells 2008 BMW that is wrecked to Damaged Cars . com, and they resell the salvage titled car to idiot defendant. I wonder why the damaged cars place didn't transfer the title before they sold it? When I trade a car in, the dealership has title in hand, and gets legal title on the spot, so they can resell it. Plaintiff buys car in September 2017, never registers it, then goes to prison for 90 days, and car gets impounded in a drug bust. Former owner gets letter from impound lot, because they're going to charge the real owner for storage and auction shortfall, so they pay to get it out, husband starts working on it, and in June defendant comes for the car. They gave it back to her, and she took it, not sure of the money involved, and plaintiff wants to be reimbursed for damage to car, and still has it. Defendant will sign car title for plaintiff (I think). The defendant says that the drug bust in the car was one of the largest ever in North Carolina, with 5,000 bindles of heroin and cocaine (my spell check doesn't understand drug amounts, or I misspelled 'bindle') seized. At least the dealer had class, and drove the drugs in a BMW. Plaintiff is still pissed she didn't get money for a car that was ripped apart by the DEA, and leaves in a huff, and I hope the car falls apart the first time she sits in it. And I'm guessing that if she actually registers it, that the local police will be pulling her over regularly, since their drug sniffing dogs will smell the residue at a hundred paces. Roof Falls on Daughter's Head-Section 8 tenant (don't know why the plaintiff keeps emphasizing the Section 8 part, don't know why). She says the roof leaked, and before the repair she had roof leaks, and she has a picture of the damaged, expensive electronics she was keeping in a big box. Damaged was a white Wii, play piano, Samsung camera, Samsung tablet, and apparently many other emails full of damaged stuff. The stuff was in a box, because they had newer versions of it too. Love the landlord saying he didn't have to go over, since she could send him pictures and messages about the damages, and I like that. Roof gets replaced, and landlord claims the roofers were supposed to clean up after the roof was done. Plaintiff tries to get all of her violations, and everything else fixed too. When JJ says the plaintiff will not be getting $5k, she starts pouting like a little kid. Landlord/defendant says roofers paid to clean the apartment, and gave tenant plaintiff $100 for laundry. Plaintiff gets $300, and is still looking for the other money. Pit Bull Dog Attack- Plaintiff suing neighbor and former tenant for fence damage, vet bills, because he had two pit/boxer crosses who attacked plaintiff's dog, and destroyed fence between houses. The plaintiff also told the landlady that the fence was being destroyed by the pits, and that's when the landlady talked to the tenant about the dogs being a lease violation. Idiot granddaughter lived there with her kids, and says the dogs were loving, and harmless. If there is any boxer in either animal, then I don't see it. After this attack the defendant landlady evicted him (he was month-by-month). Former landlady said tenant violated the lease by having massive numbers of family living there, including small kids , and the dogs were not legally in the lease, and a week before the attack the landlady called the tenant, and he claimed the dogs were gone. The dogs ripped the plaintiff's dog up, there were over 40 punctures plaintiff's witness (her daughter) saw the attack, and knew the dogs were the tenant next door's animals. I hope the current landlord of the defendant check up on how he's violating their lease, and that the dogs have a history of brutal attacks. When they pass the pictures over to the defendants, none of them seem to care at all. $5k to plaintiff, and JJ says Pit Bull lovers should not write to her about their loving animals. Man Can't Get Ex-wife Out of House Fast Enough-Plaintiff claims wrongful eviction, she only stayed 9 days or so. Since when does being in an abusive relationship mean you dump your kid on grandma permanently? Plaintiff claims she gave him $350, but defendant claims he received nothing. Plaintiff was apparently using the kids as leverage. $300 to plaintiff, and I hate everyone in this case. I love how the Sainted Single Mother who doesn't even have custody, claims her life is so hard. Painful Tooth Extraction Payback-Defendant is daughter of plaintiff. Plaintiff bought car for defendant and registered it (I'm in shock, I think she's the first in a while that actually registered the car), d. moved in with mommy, and Mom loaned defendant money for the dental work she needed. Defendant was supposed to pay mother/plaintiff back for registration and insurance on car, and according to Mom, were supposed to share the car. Defendant claims the grandma paid for the registration, inspection, and other car fees, and plaintiff/mom says no. Defendant needed tooth pulled, and plaintiff paid for it. Defendant claims mom wanted her to take out title loan on car and give mom the money, title loan exists, but mother says she didn't get a penny of it. Nobody gets anything. Defendant has never paid on the title loan, and seems to think someone else is going to pay for this, and it's not happening. I hope we get the video of the Thanksgiving brawl at that house. Next week because of the holiday, seem to be reruns, but maybe they'll be some recent ones, or really fun ones. The local guide says there is one new one Wednesday, but I'm not sure that's right, followed by two days of sports on Thursday and Friday.
  11. Don't these desperate women realize that there are predators out there, and if she's not a target, her kids might be? By the way, the Maestro sex machine on that episode had to be repaired. Apparently it overheats after hours of continuous use, according to online reviews.
  12. I find it ironic that Maggie blurted out about Catherine's diagnois to Jackson, because when Jackson treated her mother he specifically said that he couldn't discuss her mother with her, and had her access blocked so she couldn't snoop into her mother's medical file, because of HIPAA. Maggie had to wait until her mother told her, and Catherine will never have the right to tell about her condition, because of big mouth idiots like Meredith, and Maggie.
  13. I think Jackson is still mad at Maggie saying that messaging his ex, and the woman from the retreat about religious topics is somehow equivalent to cheating on her. I think he's also still mad that Maggie is treating his religious searching as a strange obsession, and thinks he'll get over it. She's so selfish. That was the big pregnancy reveal? Over a patient's body in the operating room? Everyone on this show seems to think even talking to a person of the opposite sex is equivalent to an affair. I guess Webber never left his phone behind anywhere, and someone else answered it. And Glasses and the HAOG or however it's abbreviated, are not an attractive couple at all, more of a big cartoon than a relationship. Couldn't the show runners have found a better match than Glasses? Another night, another couple of HIPAA violations, and violations of the secret of Catherine's condition. That's robbing a person of the chance to tell her family in her own way, and not over the phone, or from a third party that should shut up about other people's business. Was there a cliff hanger cliche that they missed tonight? Stuck elevators, patient in peril in elevator, pregnancy announcement, and over a patient's open body in surgery, new lovers in peril from the storm and electric lines, marriage crisis for Bailey, Richard assuming the worst about his wife, and whatever Meredith dating every man in sight. The only thing they didn't steal from a soap opera is amnesia.
  14. Thanks for the recap. Too bad I missed the crime of the century with the drone destruction, it certainly was more interesting than the STD story between Miss Desperate for a boyfriend, and the STD king of where ever they were from.
  15. I missed the drone taken down by the Disc Player case, and I hope someone fills me in. Cat attacks puppy- I'm glad that old hag doesn't live in my neighborhood, with her pooping dogs, and her attack cat. The plaintiff was walking his puppy, not sure what breed, when the cat attacked the dog. When he got home and looked closer, he discovered the puppy's eye was badly injured. The plaintiff deserved every penny of the $400 + he received for his dog's eye injury, and hope the poor puppy is OK. I'm only sorry attack cat Max didn't get a huge kick from the dog owner, instead of nudged away (actually I'm really hoping that it was a lot harder than he said in court). So the woman's defense is, it isn't really my cat, and even if it is, Max wouldn't hurt anyone. The witness for the defense was totally a liar, and buddies with the old bat. I think it's wonderful that the neighbor ratted out who the cat's owner is, and I don't care why she did it. I can just imagine that old bat is probably walking her dogs on that woman's lawn twice a day now, even though she picks up the poop, that's still obnoxious. And I'm sure that cat is still using everyone else's yard as a litter box, and attacking anything he feels like going after. STD Drama-Plaintiff loaned money to the loser defendant, for a key fob, and she gets that back. Then he told her he had the gift that keeps on giving, gonorrhea, and she probably did too, fortunately she didn't have gonorrhea, but he did tell her he actually didn't have it, and she's a ho. Plaintiff gets $312 (?) , and I'm sure she really wishes she hadn't been that desperate to have a boyfriend like the user defendant. $1,250 to the plaintiff, because of emotional distress, and because the ex is a first class jerk. Dog Destroys $3k Mattress-Plaintiff suing ex roommate for damage to her $3k mattress by the defendant's dog. Defendant brought mattress photos, and claims it was throw up, not another kind of accident on the mattress, and that makes zero difference to me, the mattress is still unsalvageable. The defendant has a big rack, and a very low v-neck dress, did she think she's going to a club? Both d. and p. had dogs. Plaintiff says d.'s dog ruined her expensive mattress. Defendant is still living in the apartment, alone. Plaintiff claims when she came back to the apartment, her mattress had dog poop on it, and the mess had leaked into the mattress. The plaintiff's dog wasn't even in the apartment when the dirty deed happened. The plaintiff received the mattress as a gift, and no proof of what it costs, so she's not getting $3k, but $600. The plaintiff and defendant have a lease until May of 2019, and plaintiff has been paying her half, and will continue to do so, but isn't moving back with nutso defendant.
  16. This morning's case of the pit bull shredding the little Yorkie was too sad to even finish. I was busy working on something else, and I couldn't get there in time to change the channel.
  17. I looked, and thanks to Nolo Law, in California the adverse possession statute is you have to openly use the property for five years, but the big gotcha is you have to pay the taxes on the piece of property for five years also. I think the agreement with the aunt would preclude a successful adverse possession by the loon next door, but it could certainly tie things up in court for endless hearings, and big legal bills, so the woman was very smart to do this now. I was shocked at the five years, most places I've heard of make you maintain, and use the property for 10 years or more. I remember Judge Judy had a true story, her neighbor kept cutting the lawn on a big part of the property that was hers, and next to his property. She told the man that he had no right to do this, and he claimed he was just being a good neighbor. She told him that he could keep doing it, but only if they had a written agreement that he had no claim to the property, the man refused, and she put up a fence.
  18. I still remember one of the original Hawaii episodes, and it might even have been a regular House Hunters episode, before Hawaii Life existed. He was a school teacher, maybe she was too, and they had been renting a converted garage for years, and the rental price stunned me. Then they were looking for a house, I think for $300k or $400k, and they only specified one bedroom, and were worried about getting anything decent for that price. They ended up in a concrete block, that was tiny, and on a lot that was tiny, and needed a lot of work inside and out. The house they ended up with looked almost the same size as my oversized two car garage, and it looked like a total gut job. The prices in Hawaii are insane, and I do get tired of the 'anyone can live here' routine.
  19. "Adverse Possession" is where (depending on the state) you can use and maintain a property, and eventually claim it. I think that's one reason the niece really pushed the junk removal, and so she could start rehabbing the property for eventual sale, at over three times the current value. That was why the agreement with the aunt that had expired so long ago entered into it. Apparently, if I have this correct (and I'm not betting of that either), the man had his junk in the old downstairs former barber shop for a few years, and then he was told to get it out of there, so there was an oral agreement with the aunt that he could have the stuff in the property alley between the buildings, but as the real estate agent niece said, oral agreements are only good for one year, and then have to be written, and are only good for what is written in the contract, and signed by both parties. I'm sure if the loony defendant had kept stuff in the barber shop until the aunt died, he might have just tried to use the building for illegal storage, but with the niece in the picture he couldn't, because she knows the law, and she wants him off the property. I think it was said that the junk on the property line, and over on the aunt's had been there three years, and that's way too short for adverse possession. I feel sorry for the people who had to load the dumpster, because I'm sure that there were all kinds of creatures living in the pile. I'm positive he didn't move his junk, and hope we someday get a follow up to this story.
  20. I think the plaintiff said he only owned three feet from the side of his house, and he had totally blocked the space between the aunt's house, and his house, with his junk, and had built temporary gates front and back to protect his stuff. He tried to claim he owned more land, and that's the point of the diagram he made, and I'm sure that showed a jog in the property line in his favor. I'm just glad he had to get it out of the former barber shop on the bottom of the aunt's house, because I'm sure all of that flammable, rotting stuff was stuffed full in the old store, and that's a huge fire hazard. And the valuable stuff had been out there for years, so he certainly wasn't doing anything but piling up stuff, and more junk there either. How valuable is your stuff, when you don't touch it for three years, sitting outside, and stuffed in an old building before that? Were there old vehicles in the hoard too? Because once they leave there, they have to be either junked, or registered, and since it was California, they have to be running and able to pass the smog test. I'm guessing their future is either stored in some garage, or turned into scrap.
  21. It shows the man who was eliminated this week, and then Duff and Lorraine, and Lorraine turns into a bunch of Lorraines. It's cute, and they keep repeating it on Food Network, and HGTV.
  22. I've seen some horrific San Francisco area hoarder houses on the two TV shows, so I don't think the authorities enforce zoning, and junk accumulation that much. I think they have so many other issues to attend to that I'm betting the fact this man's stuff is way over the 3' of property he owns next to his house, and onto the aunt's property is way down the list. He also built temporary gates to block the area off too. If any of his 'valuable antiques' catch fire, then both buildings may go. I totally loathed his over acting, and gasps of astonishment that he wasn't being treated as the famous artist he thinks he is, when he's had his stuff in the plaintiff's property for years, and finally moved to the space between the two properties and had it there for three years, I think they said three years. If his stuff is so valuable, then I can't believe it all sitting out in the weather for years is increasing the value of it either. I bet a dumpster is the right place for it, and I'm betting he moved virtually nothing either, because I bet his house is floor to ceiling hoard. I hate hoarders, for the way they endanger others with their junk, and for the vermin that move into junk piles. I'm hoping this case brought the fire marshal's attention to this property, and that the way he's piling up stuff inside his house is a fire hazard to houses that are so close together.
  23. I think it was a big scar. I bet the kids are home schooled, and that's why the mother was so concerned with being near neighbors, so the kids can have friends, and she can make some friends too. I'm also guessing that there were other employees of the Max Planck Institute in the same building or area, because a lot of companies seem to get insider deals with complexes. I bet that apartment they picked was their furnished housing with the job, at least for a while.
  24. This is the first time I've watched this, and it's amazing. Everyone on it is likeable, and in spite of their situations aren't blaming the world for everything that needs to change in their life. I'm rooting for all of them. I was amazed at the brother driving down the road, with a stack of pizza boxes on the back seat, and eating going down the road while he's driving. Ordering 10 pizzas is astonishing.
  25. I get such a kick out of Lorraine and Duff on the commercial for this season.
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