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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I’m sure they’ll get to him. It took a while before Frank was anything more than a mama’s boy suck up.
  2. I see what you mean, but we haven't actually been shown any footage of him saying it and it's just her word that he said it. They would have to at least ask her why she is leaving him and I don't see how they could spin that. Also, she is so vacant I'm not sure there is any footage of her doing anything other than staring glassy eyed or giggling. She just doesn't give off bitch vibes, whereas Heather did from the get go with her icy stare and uptight personality. Is that fair? Absolutely not, but it is what it is.....
  3. My point was not so much about wanting to debate Derek/Heather again, but more that I don't think Kate would be treated crappy if she chose to leave. I always thought Derek was an ass and I had no problem with Heather walking. There are others that I think should have done the same (hello Sonia!), and Kate is one of them. I don't think she will get much if any blow back for leaving that awful bearded asshole.
  4. Maybe I am mis-remembering, but I thought that happened because she told him to stop smoking. Either way, he got a sympathetic edit and she got a bitch edit, and a lot the discussion revolved around the "smoking" (assuming it was pot) being a deal breaker, depending on your feelings about it. That is certainly not happening this time, to the point that one of the "experts" gave a verbal smack down to the offending party multiples times (if you count Unfiltered). Kate is definitely more sympathetic than Heather ever was so I don't think people would fault her for leaving.
  5. Yes and he doesn't always win - remember Mike taking all his winnings (astronaut rules!). I can't remember which episode, but he also did help his brothers when Dad's sandwich got eaten and he intervened when Mike came home for lunch. I still love him. Honestly I love all of them - they have done such a good job making all of them well rounded characters. William with the breakfast was cracking me up. I loved the way Mike talked to him like it was totally normal for him to be in the yard with a campfire making breakfast for everyone! Also, "Is he still crying over the breakup?!?" "Well, it was just 20 minutes ago." I liked how Mike tried to distract him with Dodger talk, and it almost worked!
  6. True, but it was never clear what Derek was smoking, and Heather was pretty unlikeable even before she left him. In this case, we know exactly what Luke did and he is being largely reviled. I think more people are flabbergasted that she is choosing to stay with him when common sense says leave his sorry ass and don't look back.
  7. Yes to this! I could not believe that a Pastor Cal gave Kate and Luke an out and they both stayed! How much are these idiots being paid to take verbal abuse and looking like an asshole on tv? And this is after Tristan and Mia last season! Why?!? I don’t think they legitimately tried to find the best people this season. I think they matched for maximum shitshow. They feel they’ve had a lot of success the last few seasons with at least one couple per season staying together and now all the MAFS babies. I think they think people like the drama when it doesn’t work out, so they were like, eh, we can afford an off season - let’s match a bunch of train wrecks! And Stockholm Syndrome indeed. If someone had said I repulsed them, I would be pissed. I might cry when realizing I’m actually married to the person. But what does Kate do? No reaction other than glazed over look pretty similar to her normal expression. Completely weird. She didn’t seem hurt or angry. Just blank. She seems boring, bland and devoid of personality. Nothing new to add about the bearded douche.... I think the Queen has found her perfect match - someone who will continue to let her be the queen. She runs him and he is happy to let her. I did laugh when Pastor Cal said “there’s trouble ahead and you don’t even see it”..... AJ seems insane to me. I would beat him over the head with that ugly poker picture. Not sure what Steph sees in him other than someone to hold hands with walking down the street.....oh wait..... Considering they are moving into a fully furnished apartment, all the packing was nonsense. It’s six weeks, not your forever house! I would take some clothes and that’s it. I miss the apartment searching from old seasons....
  8. Oh this show. I am no Victorian history buff, nor do I care enough to become one, but this show has become so over the top soap opera that I have to just assume it's a total fiction with a few historical details sprinkled in. I am over it. The only good thing this season is Palmerston. I hate the downstairs people completely, and I always have. At this point, it's just tedious and boring. Don't even get me started on the creepy sister. What stupidity. I think the only thing this episode that was completely accurate was Albert belittling Bertie about his schoolwork. When it's become me scrolling my ipad while I barely watch I think it's time to call it.
  9. Hmmmm....maybe I should take a cue from “Happily Ever After?” and hope for the best, but the track record for this show (not to mention what I’ve seen so far from these people) has taught me otherwise.......
  10. Is the question mark in the title to denote that one couple does not even make it to cohabitation? (Please let it be Kate and Luke!)
  11. You might be right - maybe that’s me looking through a post-911 filter. It still seems crazy, particularly since it’s someone from a group that would be considered a possible threat to the queen.....
  12. I really didn’t like this episode. Victoria is really getting the simpathetic edit on this show now and it’s verged into complete fiction. She is always in the right, always doting on her kids. And we are to believe her ladies maid schleps in a street urchin for an audience with the queen?!? I find that impossible to believe would ever happen in real life. Unless someone here know something I’m to lazy to investigate....... Once again, I couldn’t care less about Francatelli and Nancy. And the sad lady in waiting with the creepy groom who is always watching her. Do.Not.Care. I don’t know how many more seasons this show has left in it, but for me, I’ve like each season a little less than the one before and this one isn’t starting out good.....
  13. I agree! I could not believe Dmitry was top 3 - from the see through top with the nude nip cover to the tragic fringe I thought it was tasteless and tacky! Possibly the worst thing he has ever sent down the runway in my opinion. I also thought AR’s dress was great- tailored perfectly and highlighted the corset really well. I too could see someone wearing that right now. How Anya’s was not in the bottom boggles my mind. Total fug. Django’s deserved B3- what a mess! Despite that, I am fine with Jasper going - his was ugly and dated and he is a sexist tool. Oh, and Michelle- STFU!
  14. I’m pretty sure he said “switched it up”. Maybe someone should rewatch this scene with the CC on so we can put this gripping mystery to rest. 😋
  15. Just like he should stop nagging her to cook for him........
  16. You think??? I think it’s certain that they deliberately do this, going back to season two when Davina said living outside Manhattan was a deal breaker and they matched her with someone who lives in New Jersey. Then you can add Nick the dog lover with Sonia (terrified of dogs), Tom who lives in a bus with Lily who sells high end real estate. The list goes on. I think what really pisses me off is that despite constantly reminding us that these are “legally binding marriages” they do not seem to take any responsibility for the disastrous pairings that frequently occur. Once the selection is made then the success or failure is pushed off completely on the participants with the “experts” strongly encouraging these couples to just work harder even though it’s obvious to everyone that they would be better off calling it quits. I think it’s kind of disgusting actually because it’s clear some of these people are too emotionally fragile and yet they just persist as if these are just stories for a tv show and not these peoples actual real life. Just sick. I have zero respect for Dr. Pepper, Pastor Cal and Dr. Blondie.
  17. The problem for me with Kate's dress is that she picked a dress with a high neckline. She is a busty girl, and that style of neckline looks frumpy on anyone over a B cup. She might not have had a large selection, but she could have found something much more flattering to her own body. I think she doesn't really understand how to dress her body just in general because I've found most of her wardrobe pretty frumpy, and part of it is that she picks crew neck tops which is the exact same problem as the wedding dress. It makes your boobs look huge, but not in a sexy way. I have learned this since birthing two kids and having gone up a cup size myself (Is this TMI?!?). You have to be more careful in picking flattering tops when you have bigger boobs!
  18. Yes it’s pretty sick. Despite his horrible words I feels bad for both Luke and Kate for being put in this situation by these assholes who will take no responsibility for this disastrous pairing.
  19. I totally agree. The problem though is that it’s not Kate’s fault this happened and his words were unnecessarily cruel. I don’t have a problem with him telling her that she isn’t his type, but it’s a step too far to use the words repulsed and dead inside. That’s on him.
  20. Run, Kate, RUN! It’s not ever going to happen. I agree with Dr. Pepper that attraction can grow, but only if a modicum of attraction exists to begin with. That’s not going to occur when you are starting from “repulsed”.... While I appreciate Keith’s willingness to be active for Kristine, enough with the cooking! He’s like a broken record about it! I think they are cute together though, but we’ll see what happens once they get back to reality...... AJ and Steph are winning. The homework drama was a big ball of nothing. Will and Jasmine are boring. I don’t care about the gender roles, fear of heights, mud cleanliness. They are just boring to me, and I can’t figure out why. Will did the homework exactly how a financial analyst would: he made a list. It was very cut and dried - all that was missing was the spreadsheet.
  21. I’m not sure what everyone is seeing with the before and after photos of Luke - to me it just looks like he shaved his head with a 1 or 2 razor which is verrry short. His hairline is the same with or with or without the hair. Unless it’s just that everyone enjoys making fun of this pretentious turd, in that case carry on.......
  22. What a snooze fest! If you condensed the show down to just the actual competition I think you might have 10 minutes of content, maybe 15 if I’m being generous. ANW is only a few months away. I’ll wait for that - sorry The Rock!
  23. Just finished this series - I don’t care if Casey is a lesbian or bi, but I I agree with you 100% re:Izzy. I think she is a manipulative user and a horrible bully. I am also disappointed with Casey because it looks like she is going to cheat on Evan (who I love), which is completely hypocritical after the way she treated her mom for cheating on her dad. Despite this, I enjoy this show and will definitely tune in for season 3!
  24. This is driving me bananas! And it just comes across as lazy for Lifetime to not have re-edited it or even bother to put a disclaimer about the prizes. I mean, in this day and age people know how old this season is and we don’t live in a vacuum. Yet another reason I am glad the franchise is moving back to Bravo....
  25. Now this is how you use seatbelts! I think if Seth Aaron’s “dress” had more resembled his sketch it could have been cool, but he just didn’t get there. I’m bummed because I always love him, but there was no justification for that mess. This show is killing any good feelings I had for Anthony Ryan and Sean. Absolute garbage coming from both of them - they can both go any time. It pains me to say so but Anya made my favorite look this week. Why does Evan Biddell go by Biddell and not Evan? Either way, I enjoy him. I didn’t like that gold peanut wrapper skirt he made, but it did look better as a skirt than pants.....
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