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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Thank you! I said this in the forum a week or so ago - I love him but it’s starting to bug me - hopefully the show addresses this soon!
  2. My favorite line too. That being said, this was my least favorite episode. I am not Catholic, but most of my family is/was, and I think a priest stepping down and moving in with a woman would cause a major scandal now, let alone in 1972. I usually like Peg's snark, but I thought the manipulation with the woman's daughter was awful. I mean, she basically said the priest killed her father! I did like her conspiring with the new priest though on how long to let Frank suffer for losing the keys......
  3. @Crazy Bird Lady I totally agree. I actually thought the selling sand story was funny and was a subtle hint to Kate about what Luke really is. And also, sand is a commodity- I used to work for a quarry company and sand was something we did sell. It’s actually quite smart he thought to do that. Off track - I do think Luke’s mom is a nice lady - she was consoling Kate’s mom at the wedding, and to me, she seems genuinely concerned about Kate. I think she knows the truth about Luke’s feelings and she was trying to clue Kate in without being totally cruel. I have no problem with her assertion that this show is a mockery of marriage because it is, but I don’t think she actively schemed with son or anything.
  4. I agree with this - his behavior comes across as very pissy from what they've shown, but he does seem generally happy and overall he seems mature in how he interacts with Steph. I think his behavior isn't that bad, but I am a yeller when angry, and I came from a loud family of yellers. My grandfather used to joke that Hungarians put up walls in their house so they could yell through them! I also married someone who also is loud and angry when frustrated or mad. It doesn't bother me because I am the same. The good thing is that I am not passive aggressive and I don't hold grudges because I get it out then get over it. My husband is the same. (We do discuss things calmly most of the time, but tempers flare sometimes!). All of this is to say, if you are not used to that it probably comes across as worse. He doesn't seem horrible to me, especially since we have only seen snippets and don't completely know what transpired before he snapped. Ok - ready to be flamed - covering my head now!
  5. I think it remains to be seen if Kristine/Keith will be successful; based on her and Keith's vibe on Unfiltered, I think they do make it, at least until Unfiltered was filmed. As for Jasmine, I don't think anyone would be successful with her because of her attitude. She is unwilling to compromise. I just don't think that works on this show, with the exception of Ricky Bobby and Danielle, and that's because he was so besotted with her....... I think it's ironic that Kristine came with the nickname "Queen" because in reality Jasmine has been the one to act like an entitled princess.......
  6. I thought it was very telling when Dr. Pepper was talking about him and the best she could come up with was that Luke could be "very charming", but then said in the same sentence that he is a manipulator, swinging from cruel to nice. He is a sociopath.
  7. I’m gonna go with Tom and Jon, and weirdly for me, Neil.....
  8. You said it - she’s kind of the perfect person for this “experiment” - fun, flexible, willing to compromise (I’m looking at you Jasmine), and open to love someone who might not (definitely won’t be) a super model. In other words, a mature grown up.....
  9. Queen Kristine! I love that she just called it like it is right to Kate’s face: “Luke’s an asshole”. I also like that she didn’t beat around the bush with Keith either: “I’m not your grandma”. Stupid Dr. Jess gave Keith a pass though. Too bad your dad was an ass, that doesn’t justify you treating your wife as a glorified maid/chef. Jasmine is lucky this season has Luke or she would be getting flamed a lot harder than she is. What a piece of work! So let me get this straight: she wants Will to pay (almost) all the bills while she keeps her money because he’s the “provider”, but he doesn’t get to be “head of the household “ because she wants to be in charge?!? Good luck with that Jas, enjoy your swift return to the single life..... Sick of Luke & Kate. Best part was Dr. Pepper straight up calling him a liar and manipulator. And the aforementioned takedown by The Queen.... I can’t believe AJ has become the best guy this season. I admit I love those two - I will be bummed if they don’t make it!
  10. Thanks for the video - I would have done that if I was more tech savvy!
  11. My favorite part was the speech Moira gave Jocelyn about not worrying about her age. It really spoke to me as a 46 yo mom who regularly feels like I’m still 26 😋 Plus, I’m pretty sure that was the impetus for the haircut, although not surprised that’s what she ended up with since she was getting a haircut in a CASINO!
  12. Holy hell. What was Alyssa wearing?!? Add me to the list who thought Biddel should have won. I want that outfit! Oh, and Michele- people who have sensory issues frequently have issues with uncomfortable clothing which an outfit made of CARPET PADDING would certainly be! While well made, I didn’t think Cynthia’s was innovative or avant garde. Or Anthony Ryan’s either for that matter. The judging this season is bananas.
  13. I don’t think it’s an either/or. I am one of ones saying I don’t think he’s abusive. I would certainly not brush it off. I wonder if people are calling it abuse because she seems beaten down by this garbage? I wouldn’t be- I would have given as good as I got and then I would have been out of there after the “Repulsed and Dead Inside” comment. We would have parted ways at the airport after touching down from Costa Rica. Maybe they are forced to continue filming, but I would have pulled a Jon. As far I would be concerned, the experiment would be over. Watching her continue to hit her head against this brick wall is frustrating. She barely registers annoyance let alone rage, which is what I would be feeling. Maybe people’s feelings about the abuse is about how they would feel? In this instance I just don’t think I would care enough about him at that point to be super hurt, and any hopefulness in that situation would have been killed by that comment.
  14. This week on Victoria Saves The Day: Victoria discovers that the tutor is abusing her son, after getting tipped off by her ladies maid! God, this show. All that’s missing for Victoria is a cape.
  15. Ha! I totally forgot that part! He cracks me up!
  16. I love Joey too. I think in many ways he’s the most like Peg - snarky and devious, and the actor who plays him is nailing it. I love Lawrence- he so effortlessly cool and mature. One thing is bothering me about him though- what is he doing since he quit seminary? Have they showed him having a job and I just missed it? It seems weird in some ways that he’s always there.....
  17. Ha! I liked when Peg asked why and Joey said "it's not here". It reminded me of the movie Say Anything when John Cusack asks the guys why if they know so much about women they are spending Friday night hanging at the Gas N Sip. "By Choice, Man!"
  18. I don’t believe you can “make” someone apologize unless you’re willing to accept insincere words, but you can damn sure make sure he knows you think you deserve one...
  19. I can understand being destroyed if someone you “loved beyond reason” said something like Luke said, but would you be destroyed if it was someone you had known less than a week? I think I would be like screw you, two fingers up and I’m out of here. I wouldn’t think I’m being verbally abused. I would just chalk it up to that guy being an asshole. I don’t think I would sustain long term damage. Now if my ex boyfriend I almost married said that, or my husband of 20 years, absolutely. I think this is why I think Kate is somewhat responsible for what is happening to her at this point. She is not responsible for the garbage coming out of Luke, but she did sign up for this knowing it was possible that her partner might not find her attractive and she is choosing to stay and defend him despite two experts and close friends questioning that. She has meekly defended herself but she has not told him in no uncertain terms to keep his nasty opinions of her to himself nor even asked him to apologize. She keeps giving him a pass and it’s so frustrating to watch.
  20. I think we all agree on that. I just think it's a step too far to call him abusive.
  21. I have a hard time calling what Luke is doing abuse. Most what we are discussing here focuses on comments he has made, namely, "I feel repulsed and dead inside", and "I am not attracted to you", and "I think you are drinking too much". Two of these things he is talking about himself; he is not calling her names or doing anything to her. Is it nice? Hell no! But I don't think it's abusive. The alcoholic comment is a manipulative lie, but I still don't think it's abusive. If anything, it's anger inducing and it still says more about him than her..... I still think he came on this show for a paycheck only. I think if he was attracted to the girl the producers chose, great; if not, just play nice and ride it out until the six weeks are up. It's gone horribly wrong for him though because he is not attracted to the girl chosen but she likes him, and she is not content to ride it out but is pushing him to be a real husband. I don't think he considered this possibility and is handling it totally wrong. He is still trying to play nice (hence, the hugs, smiles, etc.) but can't actually stand Kate smothering him and pressuring him and it's coming out. Those stupid "experts" knew what he was when they chose him, hence the title "hustler" at the beginning. I think they set this couple up for drama only with no real expectation that it would work. What is working is that everyone is talking about it, so the show got what it wanted.
  22. It didn't seem out of place to me either the way it was presented, coupled with the fact that Wendy kind of shrugged off that the boys at the theater are earning $1 an hour more than her...... The motor cycle thing was so funny, but I kind of wish they had flashed to what was actually happening vs. how Timmy remembers it. I'm guessing it was just Joey popping wheelies on his bicycle........ It's not just boys that are gross - I live with a 14 year old girl, and at 11/12 she was also guilty of suspect hygiene. Let's just say the hair was frequently dirty and stringy, and if not explicitly told to brush teeth and put on deodorant it would not happen....... I liked Eddie trying to cover his eyes as he picked up his change while the girls were walking by at the end...... Who knew 7-11 would sound much cooler when called "The Sev".....Ha!
  23. Or possibly because he was on tv. There is no way on this earth I would be sharing my sexual fantasy with the entire world....Now that sounds like I am super freaky. Fantastic......😝
  24. Yes she is but the real question is why? She can’t be that invested in a three week old relationship where the guy told her on day 5 he was repulsed by her. I know people think she would get a bitch edit if she leaves but unlike Heather and Davina who are not warm to begin with, or Sheila and Amber, who come off a little cray, she is neither of those things. I think it would be hard to make her out that way. Has anyone here heard the term negging? I think Luke is the king of it.....
  25. I think the “experiment” ended when Dr. Cilona exited stage right. It became a reality tv soap opera only when it moved exclusively to Lifetime...... Despite that, I think it’s pretty telling that two of the three couples from season 1 were successful (I know about Courtney & Jason possibly splitting but they were together for years so I still consider it a successful pairing). I agree that forcing people to say we want to stay married on D day is really stupid when the audience can see that it is not going to work any longer than the reunion show(or possibly as soon as the last drop of champagne has been chugged). It just makes them all look stupid.
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