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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Well, even though they eventually divorced, I would also include Courtney and Jason and Lily and Tom. Both stayed together well past the expiration date of the show and separated at point even "normal" relationships could expire....... That being said, even 8 successful matches is still nothing to brag about when they have to own responsibility for choosing people like Sean, all the Ryans, Nick, Mia, Molly, Luke, etc.......
  2. Yep. My sleepwear look is Walmart leggings and one of a selection of Disneyland T-shirts. Always has been. And I've been married for 21 years. Oh Elizabeth. I can't decide whether I am impressed at her boldness to just disrobe on camera, or embarrassed for her. Despite that, as much as it pains me to say, I would rather see someone like her that's all in and trying than someone like Deonna who is so uptight and shut down. As we have seen over and over on this show, uptight people are not good candidates for this. At all. And Deonna wasn't ready for this, even more so than Iris. I feel sorry for Greg - he seems so nice and definitely deserves someone nicer than he got. And I think it's going to get old that every time he questions her, she resorts to "No Judgement". What a cop out. I couldn't believe Elizabeth's father. What a creepy tool. How dare he ask Jamie to change his last name? His head is going to explode when he sees how is daughter actually behaves. That is some next level weird codependency right there. Iris might be a daddy's girl, but Elizabeth's relationship with her dad goes beyond that. It's not right. I really, really, really am tired of the virgin thing. Please show, move on. No thoughts about Matt and Amber. Just waiting for the drama........
  3. If loving Jake Murray is wrong, I don't want to be right. I've loved him since the corndog. Shoot, he is a corndog. On a shallow note, I'm glad he's grown his hair back out - where's the headband?!? It's kind of evil, but I so wish someone had told that girl to get going - I would have loved seeing Megan Martin knocked out. One less Wolfpack member would be fine with me. It used to be she was one of the elites, but she is being surpassed by faster, stronger women left and right. She has always been slooooww - it's why I will never expect her to hit a buzzer on Stage One (should she get there). I suspected producer shenanigans, but it seemed like this coarse wasn't as difficult, other than the fifth obstacle. I thought that was why there were so many of the Ninja superstars competing at this location. It really seemed easier for the women. I think they definitely wanted Jessie to complete the coarse. Do the competitors choose which location to compete at, or are they assigned, especially the big names that are automatic? Maybe I'm overthinking this...... What a bummer for Geoff Britton. He seems to take it all in stride though. He definitely needs to spend more time practicing balance obstacles - definitely his Achilles heal... Papal Ninja is an absolutely stupid name, but darn if Sean Bryan didn't win me over on the All Star competition. I can't believe how good he was with his foot still taped up! Maybe it's just as well he can skip the next round to give his ankle a break......
  4. Without getting into another discussion of whether Dave or Amber was worse, is there something about Dave that happened after the show that I don't know about, or is it just Team Amber people still snarking on Dave because they don't like him because last I saw SHE was the one who left. Did stuff come out about him after the show? And again, I don't want a litany of why people don't like Dave, or why it's his fault she left. Just inquiring if something besides what we were shown has come out.........
  5. Thank you @Gem 10, I appreciate your kind words! Unlike Iris, I didn't go around telling people "I'm a virgin!" because even 20 something years ago it wasn't that common, and honestly, I didn't want comments like Elizabeth made (calling Iris a fossil). I did it because of my beliefs, but it was between me and whoever I was dating, and ultimately, Mr. Ilovepie. And although it was probably something Iris needed to disclosed to the experts, I would have asked to keep that private. I definitely wouldn't have wanted it to be the thing that defines me, and frankly, I think it's kind of tacky to make someone's (anyone's really) sexuality their defining trait.
  6. And take the stupid nicknames with you. Cake Ninja? Please....... Plus one here absolutely SICK of the mom angle. It's used on so many shows like it's something special. Give me a break. I wish there was just one mom who doesn't use that as the angle - maybe instead just says I am a kick ass athlete, or I just decided to do this (for myself, not my children), and oh by the way, there are my kids over there........
  7. Well, to be fair, that was a really weird time to be asking him what he "hates" (right after they met for the first time). I mean, it's kind of a given to hate the things you mention; I think he was trying to give insight to his personal pet peeves. What I think would have been hilarious is if he had said people who lack personal responsibility and don't own their shit; then cut to daddy paying her car registration....... I agree. She is easily the most beautiful person ever cast on this show, and Keith is no slouch either..... Speaking of Iris, I am going to weigh in on the virginity thing and am apologizing upfront if it's TMI.......I think it is 100% a religious choice for her; however, I do not think that means she is not/has not been sexually active in some way. When she said "technically a virgin", she qualified that as no penis insertion. That doesn't preclude other sexual activities. I understood exactly what she meant. I grew up in a Christian home where abstinence was preached on the regular starting with the teenage years. I was "technically" a virgin when I got married at 25, but that didn't mean I hadn't explored other "activities" prior to marriage including everything but the "insertion" aspect. In my circle growing up it was jokingly called "Christian Sex", and I think it's pretty common with Christian teens/young adults. Iris seemed like an experienced kisser at any rate. If Keith is as nice as he seems, I really hope this doesn't completely undo them because I like them separately and together and I really hope they can make it work.
  8. Make that fourth wheel if you include the mother. In fact, maybe mom’s position is looking up - now with Jamie she has someone to talk to!
  9. I believe in the preview for next week, Roller is explaining his open shirt policy with the quote “buttons are for gluttons”, which actually elicited the biggest laugh from me this episode.....
  10. I don’t think Iris meant it as a metaphor - I think Keith needs to mentally prepare for seeing Iris on the toilet. Whatever the case, it definitely came across as completely tone deaf for place and time! Your point about true love reminded me of one of my favorite movie quotes from the original Yours, Mine, and Ours. Henry Fonda tells the teenage daughter that true love is not going to bed with a man that proves you’re in love, it’s getting up in the morning and facing the rest of the drudgery of life together (or something like that). I think this is the biggest problem with this show - these people are expecting some fantasy, or like Amber said on Unfiltered, someone to drink coffee with in the morning! What?! Life is not a a Disney movie, but it sure seems like some of them expect that...
  11. You summed up my feelings exactly. Super bummed about Team Fun, but really hoping C&C can pull of the win.
  12. Hands down, no discussion. All three were turds. Right?!? Have they learned nothing from the Bachelor/Bachelorette/BIP franchise?!??
  13. Oh how I love that you just call him basement and we all know what you mean!
  14. I’m telling you, she’s Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka crossed with a wannabe Jessica Rabbit......
  15. Hear hear!!! Full disclosure - I will be turning 47 on Monday, and I wear some form of shimmer eyeshadow almost every day! My sister thinks my catchphrase should be “I love glitter”...... I think it’s funny that all of the makeup discussions are centered around Deonna and Iris, but the one that really struck me was Amber - she doesn’t seem to wear makeup at all in her normal life, but was going full glam at the wedding. I don’t really understand trying to look like a completely different person than you normally are just because it’s your wedding. If you normally wear makeup, it’s not too big of a stretch, bout to go from nothing to glam is weird to me. And the less said about Elizabeth’s the better......
  16. Well you would be strange too if you were the third wheel in a relationship with your husband and daughter....... Seriously - that is one disfunctional family. Mom is almost invisible. Even Jamie ignored her! Elizabeth not knowing how car registration works isn’t funny- it’s pathetic. Shame on dad for enabling that nonsense. I could look at Iris and Keith all day - they are so good looking! I’m wondering if mom’s announcement was less about drama and more to help Keith the condom king to wrap his head around the fact that in order to have sex with his wife, he would be her first. If he cares at all, and I think he does because he seems like a nice guy, that’s a lot more pressure if things don’t work out between them. The previews of Amber and Matt look horrible, I’m not sure if I should believe them or not, but it looks Mia and Tristan levels bad..... Still no read on Deonna and Greg. Their dance was funny, but it’s just one couple too many, and they would have been the one I could do without - we’ll see though. Overall, I would say this is better casting than last season though.....
  17. Wow - that was a slog! I felt like a zombie after three hours of that nonsense! My initial thoughts: If Sam Role and AJ had a baby it would be Elizabeth. God. She is horrible. She reminds me a little of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka: "IIIII want an arranged marriage, Daddy!!!!" Daddy: "Whatever my Elizabeth wants she gets." For the love of God, why couldn't they have matched Matlin the professional organizer with Jamie "Mr. Picky"?!? Doesn't that seem like a better match? Also, uptight>crazy! Iris is absolutely the most gorgeous person cast on this show. When Pastor Cal always cautions that you're not going to get Beyonce or Bradley Cooper, he was wrong in this case! Those two are hotttttt!!!!!! I hope we don't have to hear about her virginity all season. I don't need Sheila "never had an orgasm" part 2. Also, super mean for Elizabeth to call her a fossil just because she hasn't had sex........ I think Amber and Matt look strange next to each other, but they seem to have instant connection, so fingers crossed there. I don't have a problem with him not inviting his parents. If they can't get along, how would he choose who to invite? Maybe it just seemed easier this way to avoid it altogether. Also, he's been traveling in Europe, so maybe he just isn't that close to them? I'm sure we'll hear an explanation when Amber asks where his family is..... Deonna and Greg are my wildcard - I have no idea which way this will go. I will say, every super religious couple on this show has imploded terribly, so that isn't a good precedent. I think he was correct to be concerned she hasn't dated in 10 years - when you're only 30, that means you've never had an adult relationship! Plus, she seemed annoyed when he questioned it. Hmmmm............ Looking forward to discussing this hot mess! I follow lots of shows on this website, but this forum is hands down my favorite! ❤️
  18. I just hope Lifetime doesn't decide to film a spin off detailing the life and times of Dr. Jessica and Jon, you know, one of their "success" stories (barf)........... although if they did, I would probably be watching (hangs head in shame).........
  19. More like, everyone built themselves an 18 ft. wall in their ninja gym. Drew Dreschel even confirmed that as they showed him and others practicing on it.
  20. "This is a voluntary ward! You can just walk out the front door!" Ha Ha Ha!!!! Ken's face in that exchange was hilarious the more Dean talked. "I'll take a knee and a gun for my beliefs." Dean was hilarious this episode. "Dean - get in the house!" "I can't - my lyft is almost here." I loved her eating cheetos in the hospital spouting nonsense. Love her! I hope they give Ann something else to do this season other than fight with her cop gf. Roller has gone from my least favorite character to one of my favorites. "Desna -those people are into some next level shit! They were torturing some lady!" "Where is she?" "In the back seat." I love he is still driving that janky Subaru. This show is so bonkers but I love it!
  21. Seemed like a lot more stuff from the more recent seasons. It made me a little sad to see Jason's toast to Courtney. Still bummed they broke up. I think they really missed it on the awkward moments - Ryan's Handyman/Fireman sexy time with Jaclyn was definitely up there, but maybe I should be happy they saved my eyeballs from having to see that one again......... I forgot how much of a weird vibe there was between Vanessa, Trey and his "girl" friend.....awkward indeed.........
  22. Thank you. The way they structured the U-turns this season was garbage, and completely ruined the drama of it. It only works well when placed after a detour or roadblock. At least then it feels earned by good gameplay. This season it’s just been there to create drama for the sake of drama. There’s already been enough of that with the stupid BB Duckface Sisters. Please, show, no more stunt casting!!! I was happy to see a staggered start that meant something until they got to the place that didn’t open until seven. Ugh. At least there was navigation drama, so that’s something. I thought this was going to be the end of Zen Colin, but hot damn - he even maintained his calm in the face of a non moving bovine! It was kind of a personal Switchback for him, and he nailed it! And Christie FTW - Absolutely not indeed! Maybe my favorite moment this season. I am pretty happy with everyone that’s still racing, but I really hope C&C or Team Fun win.
  23. I didn’t see it that way at all. He was trying to give suggestions to Bishme, but Bishme just stood there shaking his head non responsively. I think he’s shown that he will give more support to the people who will work with him, but if they resist he just shakes his head and walks away. He doesn’t radiate warmth like Tim, but I don’t think that’s necessary in this environment.
  24. Exactly. Or sometimes, just a frown and a “hmmmmm”. I thought there was several times this episode where Christian really earned his paycheck. When he told Hester she needed a solid (even though she ignored him until Nina forced her to do it), when he forced Bishme to pick a design and a fabric and said “ok, you’re making this tomorrow”, when he told Sebastian that Nina asked for a gown - why are you making pants?!, and basically everything he said to Hester. I don’t see anything about what he says to the designers as overreaching since he is there to help them. A lot of times it’s just truth or a brutal reality check. Also, it seems we’ve been shown the designers saying “Christian was right” many times this season. I don’t think there was as much of that with Tim. He sort of functioned more like a cheerleader....saying “follow your viscera” sounds great, but it’s not super useful when you’re stuck, you know?
  25. I personally feel kind of the opposite. While I loved Tim (Until I stopped loving him the last few seasons), I felt many times he was too vague and the designers were left scratching their heads. Not very helpful. I think Christian is just more practical. He does give more specific guidance or suggestions but I think that’s because he is a designer himself, not a teacher. I have loved his approach this season. I’m glad he stayed true to himself and wasn’t just trying to be Tim 2.0. This episode was a heartbreak. It really sucked watching Bishme fall apart, but what a disaster that piece was. And I really didn’t like his other two pieces either. It all looked kind of cheap to me. Garro’s suit was hideous. It still would have been ugly even if it had been tailored correctly. His other “reveal” dress looked a hundred times better without that shiny thing attached. I did love the sequined dress, or maybe I just love Thijin? I am shocked, but I didn’t hate Hester’s stuff. Weirdly, her new outfit was my favorite that she showed. That model sold it, and the styling was perfect. I give her that - she is good at styling. I also think some editing would help make the other pieces look not so “Clueless”, like maybe eliminating the knee socks and using different shoes. I laughed when she said she was ready to “clothe the world” or some such. Good luck with that, sweetie- I think there is a verrrry small percentage of the world who will be lining up for a Hester Sunshine original...... Sebastian was 3 for 3. All beautiful and beautifully made. I really hope he wins.
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