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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Ok, maybe more dogs, less Secret Life of Pets! 😜
  2. Wow, that sucked. I HATE this format. It doesn't even look like the same show! I really hate the live audience. It's fine once it's the live show, but it's ridiculous at this point. What a bummer. This show has been tinkered to death until it looks nothing like the original. Unlike most here, I don't hate LAG. I always liked when they had the choreographers on the judging panel, and I have loved Dominic since his season, so he's fine for me. Both are better than Vanessa. I did enjoy Dominic getting up with the moms. He was the best part of that routine. Glad she was sent packing though. I hate when being a mom is someone's defining characteristic though. I just posted the same thing on the current American Ninja Warrior forum a few days ago, and now here. It's always been a problem on Shark Tank. Gah. Enough with the moms - it doesn't make you special or a saint! I liked Dezi the best. I almost always root for the hip hoppers. I am so tired of the contemporary dancers - it always looks the same to me. Gino's "emotional connection" looked so fake to me - I think he needs to dial the pathos back a notch or twenty. After seeing this episode I am not real excited for this season. I was glad it got renewed, but every time they do, it's with another slight format change. It's been frankensteined to death at this point. This might be my last season.
  3. Yeah, it felt like they skipped a few Mega Wall winners, which is really frustrating. I would rather see them (and Bret Sims!) than a bunch of dogs, or maybe a few less backstories. I hate seeing a lengthy backstory on someone who just falls on the second obstacle. Boo hiss!!!! I don't mind Akbar's "moments", but I do like seeing the final list of finishers, and having them both on at the same time was distracting. Is this taking the place of the "Pom Wonderful Run of the Night"?
  4. This a million times. It's so annoying - you aren't a saint and you don't deserve a medal just because you gave birth. Millions of women do it every day. I also hate the "I'm a mom!" story line on Shark Tank. (and I say this as being a mom myself. Twice over - imagine that!). I thought it was so exciting watching Drew beat the Mega Wall and win the speed pass. I thought the race between him and Tyler Gillette would be more exciting than last week with David Campbell and the other guy, but then Tyler fell. Bummer. I couldn't care less about Secret Life of Pets (and I actually have kids that like that franchise - remember: Mom!) but it was sweet that they donated that money to Roo. Good job to both of them. I hated the "Baby Bergies". Gag. I don't even care he got up the Mega Wall. They bug me. Travis Rosen's ankle was gnarly. I had to look away. I am glad he recovered so quickly. I wish they had shown Wing Nut designer's run - I am glad he got through.
  5. Well, I'm not sure I would describe the back that he sewed into his model's hair as "basic". It seemed structurally complicated because he was trying to get a giant fan of lame' to stand up, but what do I know - I can barely sew a button on. I do think he is gifted, and he can clearly tailor clothes. This look went beyond that though to me.
  6. You are no doubt correct, but my comment was less a dig at Bishme and more in response to the person who inferred Sebastian’s dress was not wearable. None of these pieces were “wearable” in practical terms. I’m sure Bishme could have worked it out given more time, or maybe not considering he’s self-taught.....
  7. Well, to be fair, does anyone want to wear a pink lame’ dress that has to be SEWN INTO YOUR HAIR?!? I think this challenge was more about artistic expression than actual wearable clothing. Personally, I would rather wear that color gray than any of the dirt colored strips in Tessa’s outfit. Now that I think about it, the only one of those outfits I would want to wear would be Garro’s, minus the lamp shade component.....
  8. I agree, especially considering a lot of them have a stylist to help them, although if you’re being helped by someone like Marni then it’s possible you will end up being dressed in a Hester Sunshine original or some other ridiculous garment (with a fanny pack worn as a shoulder bag! Genius!) The reality is that all clothing is subjective, but it’s hard to see such garish weird clothing being championed over beautifully well made pieces like what Sebastian has been churning out almost every single week.
  9. Ha! Too true, but I just meant other people outside the judges. I definitely feel like Karlie was flabbergasted that the guest judge was so down on Hester when they all are acting like she’s some kind of genius. Honestly, I cannot fathom what she is still doing in this competition. For me, she made one good thing all season - the picnic outfit from her first win. I didn’t think she deserved the other two wins at all, and I really hated what she made when she had immunity to the point both outfits looked like a joke. The Cardi B exchange was just icing on the cake.
  10. I think that's why I was so amused by the guest judge looking down her nose and saying Hester's clothes are not marketable, and Karlie going "but, but, but....she's won three challenges!" Also, Cardi B's distinctive "No." when asked if she would wear it. I think the real world check shows how ridiculous some of the judging is - it's absolute nonsense and there is really no justification for Hester to be there over some others. It makes them look stupid, and for me, particularly Elaine who has championed Hester and Jamall while turning her nose up at Sebastian. I kind of loved it all. That guest judge should replace Elaine. Common sense: imagine that!!!!
  11. I didn't notice ginger kid made it to the finals - I'm glad for him! I think the new host does seem "on" a little more than Kristine, but maybe it's because she is new - Kristine has been around for a while, so I think she seemed more relaxed because she has a natural rapport with the competitors from knowing them for longer. My husband and I thought maybe autistic kid's mom was wearing a wig - maybe some type of illness? It did look terrible, but we didn't want to judge not knowing her story.......
  12. I think this was a great addition - it 's a little Ninja vs. Ninja, and I like the strategy of trying to decide between getting the Mega Wall money vs. fastest time. Nice to see the Godfather do so well, but I was bummed and kind of shocked that Flip couldn't get up it. I thought for sure he would do it! I loved his little students cheering for him - I feel like he has changed so much since the early days. Definitely one of my favorites now, and the shot of Drew coaching/warming him up was fantastic. I love how they support each other! The most shocking moment for me was when Adam Rayl fell. I actually yelled. He has become one of the best, but I could almost feel it coming because he was going so fast. It seems like almost all of the greats have an early flame out trying to get the fastest time. Drew and Flip should have had a talk with him - they learned from experience that doing that sometimes backfires. Glad he made it through though - I may or may not have a teeny tiny crush on him 😜 The autistic kid was a joy to watch. I have a special needs kid, so it warmed my heart seeing him succeed. I felt bad for the ginger 19 year old that flamed out. He was not destined to be this season's "Kid" I guess, but I'm sure he'll be back. No feelings yet about the new host. It did feel kind of jarring seeing someone else. I could take or leave Kristine, but it still felt weird. I guess Kristine kind of grew on me. Huh. Glad to have the show back. It's my favorite summer show!
  13. Well, three of the final four is correct, so I guess I’m pretty happy. That guest judge was correct. Hester’s “clothes” are unmarketable. I loved her expression when Karlie said, “but she’s won three challenges” - her face looked like, “so what?” Goodbye Tessa. Good riddance. Her outfit looked like a bunch of mud colored scraps. Blech. Sebastian’s dress reminded me so much of Leanne’s winning collection from a million seasons ago, but it still was beautiful. I hope he wins. If not him, then Bishme. I think Garro is talented, but the prize would be more meaningful and help the other two so much more. Garro is already successful. When he said “these feelings coursing through my body” I thought he said corsetting through my body, which would still work for him! 😂 I hope next week is the last time I have to see Hester or her stupid hats. Die plz indeed. (At least as far as this competition is concerned!).
  14. This is exactly my stance as well! Time nonsense indeed. I don't think there is a "right" answer to that stuff because time travel doesn't exist, so at this point it's all speculation anyway. I'm with Ed - I'd rather chew glass than talk about time travel. The shooting stuff is absolutely ridiculous though. Even dumber - all of Alara's rebels just going out to engage them. The Kaylon heads are basically drones - why don't the rebels use drones to battle them? I mean, we do that now and it's only 2019! This is 400 years in the future - why are they so dumb about warfare?!? To me, this is the most stupid thing about this episode. Overall, I thought this season was great. I am not a science nerd or sci-fi fan girl (and no disrespect to those who are, it's just not my thing), so I don't have much of a point of reference to really compare it to other sci-fi shows. I just like it for what it is, and I think the blend of humor, drama and science fiction is pretty great. I am glad it got renewed!
  15. The more I think about it, the more I like this idea - for one thing, you could just place the clue box outside the front of the airport and show them pulling the tab and reading the clue with the start time underneath. It still keeps the integrity of the staggered start. For another thing, it might eliminate the mob of them running through the airport jockeying for postition. It's really rude and obnoxious.
  16. I thought that was a fun addition too! Sean Bryan definitely deserved to win just for bringing the humor, as well as the craziness of his first round hanging upside down. The rest were meh, but I did like Drew telling them what he was going to do, and then the show putting up the list of what he said. I think they need to add something to the giant salmon ladder competition because I think it’s the most boring skill competition - like maybe make it half the size and have it be a race but they have to go up and down? Either way, something different, or like the wall competition, replaced by something else completely. I think my favorite was the foot race (not sure what that’s called). I love Joe! I was so shocked he beat Nicholas and Thomas - what exciting races! He’s so low key compared to some others (I’m looking at you “Island Ninja”) but he’s just consistently great. I think it’s going to be interesting the next couple of seasons - some of the greats are getting a little long in the tooth - I wonder if we’re going to start seeing a changing of the guard a little more like I felt started happening last season. I think it’s interesting that The Kid was featured in a lot of their promos. That said, I am really rooting for Drew to finally beat stage three this year.... Happy my favorite summer show is back!
  17. @green, you expressed it better, but I think that’s really what’s bugging me. It’s turned into a game show with stupid stunt casting and not such a grand adventure. When you compare the old seasons to the newer ones, they feel so much different to me. I think the change has happened over time though and most people don’t notice or care, I guess. It’s just not the same show anymore for me.
  18. I hear what you’re saying, and yes, bunching does happen, but it’s apparent they are being put on one flight together, so why stagger their start times if it’s just to go to the airport and wait for one flight? That is what’s bugging me. I miss everyone booking their own travel and trying to one up other teams by choosing different flights. I loved when people would get to another country and have no idea if they were ahead or behind. The travel aspect of the race (both driving and flying) has basically been removed as a component of the show and it’s just made the show more generic because really they are just transporting them to another location and restarting the race every time. It’s just not as exciting or interesting and it’s disappointing to me.
  19. The spoon feeding of flights has become my obsession this season, and not in a good way. Did Colin and Christie actually have to get up a 1:30 in the morning and go to the airport just to twiddle their thumbs until everyone else showed up??? If that’s the case, then other than the prize for first place there is zero advantage to coming in anything but second to last! If this is the new norm for this show, I wish they would just transport them wherever they are going and then stagger the start times at that point. Like, whoever came in first leaves the airport immediately and they stagger the times out from there based on finish times. Or something. This is bugging me way too much, but it does. Oh, and I detest the HtH too - is there anybody watching who actually likes this??? Major boo that Rachel and her duck lipped sister survived again! Blech! I loved that Floyd immediately figured out how to find someone listening to his song in the club, and I started sweating when I saw them pick the bike hauling task - at least he didn’t have to ride it this time! I’m way too invested in them, and it’s always bad for my enjoyment of this show when I’m rooting thus much for one team. It reminds me of how much I loved the cowboys. If they don’t make it to the end I’m going to be bummed! Ditto Colin and Christie- he really has changed! His dancing to zero music was everything!!! I’m not surprised that we’re down to one BB team, one survivor team, and the rest TAR veterans (I count Rachel as a racer even though Elissa hasn’t done it). Still hoping for an all TAR finish, or maybe Nicole and Victor. I just find them devoid of personality.....
  20. I agree with both statements! I thought this was just ok -definitely not at the top of my favorite Netflix series, for sure. I think Jen and Judy are both horrible. Jen is just straight up unlikeable. I have a hard time with shows where everyone (or at least the main characters) is kind of awful. And I don’t see this as a comedy in any way. I can’t think of one thing in this show that was funny. I’m obviously in the minority here, but I just didn’t love it.
  21. Actually, in season 6 when Irina won, the top three were all women.
  22. I agree! I was so disgusted by her attitude toward that woman - she actually sneered at her when she said pink is her favorite color. Liking black doesn't make you more sophisticated, it just makes you boring and predictable. There are a million shades of pink - I can't believe she is so close minded that she couldn't find one shade of it that they could both live with. How does someone go into design but only wants to work with one color???? And for the three that had never made a custom piece, I find their attitude baffling, particularly Jamall and Tessa. "I don't want to make custom clothes, I want to make what I like and have people come to my aesthetic." How does that work exactly if nobody wants what you make, which I think is a distinct possibility with these two - good luck selling comforters and black aprons.......
  23. STFU Tessa! What a self important bitch! She couldn’t even bend an inch to give a lovely woman a nice dress. It’s just a color Tessa. You won’t die because you made a pink dress. Instead of being mortified by the color, how about being mortified about sending a woman down the runway in an unfinished mess?!? I loved Sebastian’s dress. It was beautiful and exquisitely made. I love that color pink. I’m so glad he won! Elaine can suck it. I think she’s the reason he hasn’t won more, and why Jamall and Hester have. Sebastian isn’t quirky enough for her. I never thought I would say this, but thank God for Nina. The preview for next week is scaring me though. Garro’s was nice too, but it read mother of the bride to me, and weirdly, it seemed kind of like an identical dress (but with a cape) to last week when he was in the bottom, just a better color. I actually thought Bishme had the second place dress. I am relieved Jamall is out. He was not ready. That poor girl. Elaine is high - unlimited promise??? Please. I would say his promise is extremely limited considering his sewing and construction skills, his inability to fit anyone over a size zero, and refusal to make anything that isn’t puffer. Can Hester or Tessa be next please?
  24. I agree with all of this 100 percent. And despite nobody achieving Kelly or Carrie levels of fame, there are still many, many former idols who did gain enough exposure from the show to parlay that into some type of career for themselves, which they probably wouldn't have been able to do without the show. Only a handful (and I am including Adam, Chris Daughtry and JHud) were superstars post show, but Clay, Fantasia, Mandisa, Danny Gokey, Kelly Pickler, Jordin Sparks, Constantine M., Lauren Alaina, Scotty M, Katherine McPhee, Taylor Hicks, David Cook, Philip P. and probably others I just don't remember off the top of my head have managed to have some type of career post idol.... I think the problem is that none of those people were from seasons past season 11, so it's definitely diminishing returns, and unfortunately, this current ABC format sucks for helping anyone achieve anything really post show. It's clear they only care about the show itself, not actually finding and nurturing any true talent which is sad to me. It makes me less invested in the show knowing a month from now I won't remember any of these people or any of these performances.......
  25. Well, that's a problem seeing as I think all three should be replaced (and they can take Bobby Bones with them as well). In true Idol fashion, they should have a pool of replacements and America votes the top three in....... I would value anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who would just speak some truth to the contestants instead of instant standing O's and a tongue bath every single time they sing........
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