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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Very true. In the context of this show I am just not sure if Iris is super conservative, just uncomfortable being made to discuss her sex life with Keith on camera, or completely unsure because she just doesn't know due to lack of experience. And when I say"uncomfortable discussing their sex life", I mean that specifically because we all know Iris is very open about discussing her virginity. I mean really, how can she answer favorite sex position? It's a stupid thing to ask a virgin and I think it was really mean spirited for the producers to put her in that position because obviously she has no answer for that. I'm not sure what she could have said in that situation - maybe play it off as a joke or be like "Hmmmm......not sure yet, but I guess we'll find out soon!" (wink wink!)
  2. @gonecrackers - you are absolutely correct, and I would never advocate someone doing something against their will! I was more referring to the mirror comment re: doggy style. I think if you are that uncomfortable about it, best to stick to something enjoyable for everyone. Perhaps I was being too flippant about it, and if so, I apologize!
  3. What!?! That is insane - where are these people?!? At the risk of TMI, I am married to someone who likes this, and it’s definitely not my favorite, but geez, it’s literally minutes of my life. If someone found it dehumanizing, it won’t last forever- get it on and then turn around, and whaddayaknow - there’s your partners face! 🙄
  4. Maybe Dr. Viviana's battery had a low charge and she's plugged in at the studio until Decision Day..........
  5. I think you summed this up perfectly. I don’t think she likes discussing this stuff on camera, and I really don’t know what her response should have been on sex position questions - I think it was kind of cruel for the show to do that to her. I mean, most of Amber and Matt’s questions were relationship based - they only did that to deliberately keep the “Iris is a Virgin” storyline going. I truly hope she and Keith are having a real discussion in private about her real timeline for having sex because this is not sustainable. I hope it’s just that she’s waiting until after decision day. She wouldn’t be the first (Jamie O being the poster child for post decision day coitus).
  6. Pretty sure it was nothing more than the fact that they both like basketball, which, you know, is a rock solid foundation to build upon...........
  7. Where to start, where to start....... I don't know what to make about Iris - I can't decide if she's too uptight for sex, uncomfortable about discussing it in front of cameras, or just waiting until after decision day. Either way, we now know Iris will never be accusing Keith of just doing Caucasian Sex. I agree with whoever said that it was insensitive to ask her about sex positions when they know she has no opinion........Despite the sex stuff, I still like them. I actually got teary when they showed his Grandma at their wedding. My grandma died unexpectedly on Thanksgiving last year, so maybe that's why...... I think Deonna and Gregg are doing great. I really think they are going to make it. She's not the warmest, but I think she's trying. The 10 compliments was sweet......... Jamie and Beth need to call it a day. Just because Dr. Pepper says be kind, I don't think that cures them automatically. They both go for the jugular when angry. That's not going to change over night, and Jamie is sulky and passive aggressive and Beth is spoiled, mean, and not used to someone who calls her on her shit. They are both horrible and would need regular couples therapy to improve, which is clearly not happening. I did laugh at the sexy dance, so there's at least that......and P.S. - those dogs totally love Jamie more than Beth........ Amber, Amber, Amber..........change your name to doormat. I was so mad watching her cave at his pathetic excuses. He looked like a deer in the headlights or a trapped animal when both Amber and Dr. Pepper were lecturing him. I am pissed neither called him on why he didn't answer her calls or texts when he was gone for ALMOST 24 HOURS! Total bullshit. I am with whoever said he is the worst. He is a liar and he's using her for sex. Disgusting, like Luke levels of disgusting. It's almost worse because he is saying the right things, but his behavior is garbage. I feel bad for Amber, but she needs therapy, like yesterday. Her mom left a long time ago. Help is out there girl, and I don't mean these idiotic "experts"!
  8. I agree some are easier than others, but I still think it's more fair to award someone who got to the eighth obstacle over someone who only got to the third. I don't think there is really any totally fair way to do it other than just saying the top 12 is the top 12 and the only women getting to Vegas are the ones who legitimately made into into the top 12.
  9. I just cant believe this! Considering the push from the show for more young competitors, I just don't understand it - he is young AND a known all-star for them. Unbelievable! I agree that something has to be done with how they choose which women advance to the finals. I think the stupidity of the current method has been highlighted especially in the last two weeks where 2 women are going that didn't even hit the warped wall, and this week two eliminated that made it to the eighth obstacle! I personally feel the fairest would be to take the top 12 women overall based on who got the farthest the fastest, regardless of which city they competed in. I think that would result in the strongest field of women going to the finals. I also find Maggie and her stupid bow annoying, but damn, she definitely deserved to make it over the two from last week! I was so excited to see Karsten hit a buzzer. I love his mother. I think this was the most evenly matched power tower race. I like The Kid, but I was hoping Daniel would beat him. He is practically the poster child of why that safety pass is valuable....... And again, now that multiple moms have made it up the wall, I hope we don't have to hear about it anymore..........
  10. I think making Iris answer sex questions is in the same league as the wedding announcer calling for Matt's mom at the wedding. Totally uncalled for.........
  11. He was asked about her height, then he hedged slightly, and then admitted he was disappointed. I don't recall if he said anything else about it. Either way, his initial thought at seeing her was disappointment.......
  12. I agree, and that right there is the problem. Matt said on Unfiltered that he was disappointed when he saw her at the wedding. If he was disappointed with how she looked at the wedding, how much more when they returned home and she went back to her "normal" look!
  13. True Amber can't be 5'10", but she could at least comb her hair. And while Iris does wear lounge clothes when she is home, she does dress up and pull together a look when it's required. Plus, I think she spends a lot of time on her hair. And I love it. Amber's go to is stringy hair and super casual at all times. I couldn't believe the sweatshirt she wore to her Aunt's house. It wasn't even cute - just a plain old sweatshirt that looked like something I could get at Walmart........
  14. I would rather they changed it to all women who make it up the wall or farther advance to Vegas.........
  15. Or, you know, speak up and tell him what is or isn't working for her, so to speak. Good sex doesn't just magically happen for a lot of people like in the movies........
  16. Ha! It reminds me of Friends when they played that game for the apartment and the question was "What is Rachel's Favorite Movie?" Answer: Dangerous Liaisons. "What is Rachel's ACTUAL Favorite Movie?" Answer: Weekend at Bernies.......
  17. Ha! Too true, but I guess I meant well adjusted on a sliding scale relative to people on this show. At this point, Jamie & Elizabeth make Greg and Deonna look like the most normal couple on the planet....... And we are more than a few episodes in - this was episode 7. I’m hoping we are at least halfway (please God!). It’s actually kind of amazing that all four were mostly getting along by the the halfway point. Usually at least one couple has imploded by this point.....although it’s not looking good for half the people after this week........
  18. Ugh. I think this forum confirms why they cast people like Elizabeth (or Luke, or Mia, etc.) - look how many comments there are for the episodes prior to this week. Sub 300 vs over 400 here. Sadly, the drama is more interesting than happy well adjusted people getting along. And which couple has generated the least discussion? The ones who were getting along by the end of the episode! Curse this stupid show! I guess I always hope for true love, but stay for the shit show.... 😋
  19. And his wedding ring. Don’t forget his wedding ring!
  20. You are welcome- there are so few spoilers out there these days that this has just become an extra topic for discussing random stuff about the show. I almost was worried I would get warned about saying it! 😋
  21. My son was so ecstatic that he took off his shirt, waved it in the air and dance around the living room. Tombstone is the bot we love to hate. It was awesome seeing it go down in flames!
  22. This is true. My problem with Iris is that she doesn't seem to be able to compromise and she has a lot of strange rules that would drive me crazy. Good luck with that Keith. For instance: Did she inform the guests which bathroom sink was the "hand washing sink" when they arrived so that her "face washing sink" was not sullied?!? Also true. and this is my problem with Lemonade-gate: It was rude if they just pulled out juice from the fridge without asking anyone, but it doesn't excuse Iris from her abominable rudeness to them in return. If she cared at all about making a good impression on her "husband" Keith's brothers (biological or chosen) this is not the way to do it. She was straight up rude to their guests and made everyone uncomfortable with the awkwardness of it, and that is what really bothers me the most. Time and place, Iris, time and place..........
  23. I think you are dead on that he wants to escape - every comment seems to point in that direction. But I think he does not know how to gracefully extricate himself from this situation. I think he was flattered from the get go by the attention and was trying to play along, hence saying all the right things and the sex. Now a couple weeks in and he can see how clingy and all-in she is to the point he can't even get alone time in the bathroom. Not to mention she is looking more and more scraggly every time we see her which I am sure is a turn off to someone who admitted being "disappointed" in her appearance at the wedding (which was the best she has look all season!). He doesn't seem the brightest either. I think having sex with her was a terrible mistake. He is at least smart enough to realize he cannot bail without looking like an ass, and the subtle hints are not discouraging her either, so maybe he's just giving up and exploding the situation since nothing else is working.
  24. Oh geez, I don't remember, but MAFSfan is asserting that Courtney was still insisting that she and Jason were separated when she was seen with this other guy, but there are other posts that show them still together. If you have IG you can follow and see it......
  25. Add me to the list who hated the theme song change. I queued this up all hyped to hear it, and then what?!? That dreary remake? Oh no. And I like Chrissy Hines, but no. Just no. I had the cd from the tv show a million years ago, but I feel like downloading the original just to hear it. I must be in the minority, but I think Jason Dohring looks great. And I will always love LoVe. And Keith. And Wallace. And the rest of the Oh Niners.......
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