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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I am not sure about a prize for the model, but they did have various sizes last season as well. The show did not make a big deal about it. Just pick a card, the model's measurements are there. They might be a size 2 or a size 14. I think it depends on the designer whether or not it's a hindrance - it depends on what they are used to and the type of clothing they make. I like the different size models as it reflects real life, and I appreciate that the show is just normalizing this by not making a big deal about it.
  2. The same stupid mad dash for an upside down card like last season. I was happy to see Thinjin again though!
  3. Huh? We live near Oakland and I go to a few A's games a year, and I have never used a clear bag. I have a small cross body purse I take and they've never said anything about it!
  4. Absolutely! I wholeheartedly agree! One decent couple and 4 hot messes doesn't make me more interested in this, it makes me less interested. But at this point I am completely convinced they pick at least one couple (probably more) for drama only that they know has zero chance of being successful. They gotta loooove the social media exposure for the show when it's a total disaster. Unfortunately, nice people getting along just doesn't generate as much conversation, both here and on sm......
  5. And more divorces. Exactly. This show is so gross, and for all their talk about being proponents of marriage, they are really all about drama rather than making good matches. This really means they don't care about marriage at all and are totally cool with the amount of divorces that occur each season. What is more baffling is why I would expect more from a low rent basic cable tv show. That being said........ They are just doubling down now. Shame on them. They couldn't even come up with THREE decent grooms each season and now there are FIVE???? If at least 3 of these grooms signed up voluntarily I'll eat my shirt. There is no way at least two or three of them were not recruited.......
  6. In other not shocking news, MAFS fan is also posting that Jamie and Beth have split. She is back in North Carolina apparently. I would put a link, but I have never figured out how to do it..... All I can say is, I’m surprised it took this long.....
  7. That’s what I thought too, but then it seems as if they retain everything from the people they are possessing because all of them seem to know everything about the person whose body they take over, and they are able to act like nothing happened. Maybe the original person’s memories (or essence or soul or whatever you want to call it) are still there because of how they do the transfer?
  8. Me too! Just finally finished watching this and it was such a heartbreaker with them. I love the actress playing Casey - she is the star of this show for me, especially this season. I find it especially hard bc Evan is so sweet and Izzy is a mess, and Casey knows this. Overall, I think they handled this situation pretty realistically. I am glad it wasn’t an easy decision for Casey. I liked that she didn’t want to be a cheater like her mom, and I liked her conversation with Evan at the end. It makes me hope they will stay friends bc they do need each other. I really hope Netflix gives this show another season. It has so much heart that is missing from most of their original shows. I would love to see what happens with Casey and explore more of Elsa’s relationship with her mom and reconnecting with Doug, and I think we all need to see Sam and Zahid’s apartment.....
  9. Truer words were never spoken! Except I absolutely think he would have won. I know they implemented the judges picking who went home to prevent another situation like Bobby Bones, but all it succeeded in doing was making it look like even worse producer manipulation. This season still ends as a farce when the arguably best and most popular dancer is sent packing by the judges one week before the final where he would almost certainly have won. And surprise, surprise, all four finalists are going on tour? I’m more pissed about this season than last - Bobby winning sucked but at least that felt honest. This year it’s obvious the producers picked the finalists. They need to let the public decide once it gets to the semifinals- the voting public should decide who goes to the finals, not the judges! This season turned out just as disappointing as last year for me. I don’t think I’d mind if they put it out to pasture at this point......
  10. Definitely not alone. The season became a bust for me with the elimination of James. I just do not enjoy any of the people left.
  11. I hear what you’re saying, but I felt the music was doing the heavy lifting in Kel’s routine. If he had a different song I’m not sure it would have been as emotional, and just on dancing alone, I thought Hannah was better, particularly the lifts. I wish Witney would have removed some of the lifts and let Kel do some dancing that conveyed his message more clearly. Overall though, I do agree that I wish they would drop contemporary.
  12. I love it I love it I love it! That moment when all the Mandalorians flew into view to help him was everything! This show is killing it. It’s insane that a faceless almost silent character is able to convey so much. Was there anything new in the flashbacks to Our Hero’s childhood when his armor was being forged, or was it the same thing as the first time? That was a lot of grubby stormtroopers in that building - exactly what is Werner Herzog playing at here? The still art at the end of the episodes is fantastic. How long until they start selling reproductions of those alongside all the Baby Yoda merch? 😋
  13. Finally caught up watching this, and all I’ve got to say is WHAT THE HELL??? I cannot believe this happened! What utter bullshit in the judging on this stupid show! I really thought before this episode started that all had been righted now that Sean was gone. Guess I was wrong. The season is over for me without James. I wouldn’t have even minded if someone else had won as long as he made the finals but for him to be out in the semis just ruins the season for me. My heart breaks for his family. I know it might be insensitive to say so, but I thought Kel’s contemporary was not good - it was nothing but a bunch of lifts featuring Witney- there was very little dancing on his part. And I didn’t understand what the dancing had to do with his story. I thought Hannah’s contemporary was much more fluid and Alan asked more from her than Witney did from Kel. So of course he gets all tens and she gets nines. Seems par for the course. I honestly do not know why the judges feel the need to prop up someone who clearly does not have the votes to win. Ally has been at the top of the judges leaderboard and STILL ends up in the bottom. She will never win unless there is more fuckery with the judges scores - maybe they will give her all tens and everyone else will get sixes - will that give the producers the ending they so clearly want??? I don’t care who wins now. Kel, I guess? The other three beach wave blondes are interchangeable to me. I wish it had been Kate and James in the final. Blech. Another season ruined.
  14. I think your first sentence says it all - it's just a matter of preference. For me, the first season dragged on aimlessly and the ending was really a non-ending; of course I have no idea if this season will end the same, but I just think the story is tighter and the characters more engaging. My husband and I are keeping up with it whereas the first season took us months to slog through. It felt like a chore to finish it for us. Obviously, this is just my opinion. And the father remarrying and child feeling left out is something that many people (myself included -see my whole post!) can relate to unfortunately. I thought it was a good way to humanize Annie. As far as the shock value, the first season had it as well - remember the massacre in the prison or the one-off where the B&B couple lose their minds? I guess it doesn't bother me because this is billed as a horror show so there is an expectation that there will be some shocks. I am sorry it's not working for you though! At least it's more like an anthology series - maybe you will like the next season better? (If there is one!)
  15. As a child of divorce whose father remarried and started a second family, I can certainly relate to Annie feeling like she was being replaced. It was especially cruel of Rita because she knew how isolated Annie was and how attached she was to her father, and I lost any sympathy for her/them when they moved her into the attic without a thought for her feelings. The book dedication was just the final straw. I am with everyone who finds Annie & Joy more compelling than the not-vampire story line. I'm not sure how that is going to resolve as they keep adding to their numbers, but maybe there is a limit to how many hosts they need based on how many ghosts there are? I was kind of surprised that Ace's brother whose name escapes me did not try to kill or turn Nadia when she came to talk to him........ It's kind of jarring to see Ken Cosgrove as an evil possessed pastor.......... Either way, this season of Castle Rock is vying with Handmaid's Tale Season 1 as the best Hulu original I've seen - I am absolutely loving it!
  16. Back here with more questions: at one point he says the weapons are part of his religion. Does “Mandalorian” refer to a religion, a race of people or a group of trained fighters, or all of the above?
  17. They are definitely together- I follow them on instagram and they post constantly from all corners of the globe. I think it’s funny that article says they are taking a long break from work because from their IG posts it looks like they never work and all they do is travel!
  18. I wish it were so, but sadly, it sure feels like it isn't possible in the world we live in today, which just depresses me to no end. Civil discussion is rare in the era of social media. Thank you for a measured, rational response to Sean Spicer. I couldn't care less about his politics, and I don't care enough about this show to follow any of the celebs or pros on sm. He deserves to leave because he is the worst dancer, but like you implied with your David Ross comparison, it's not the first time someone stayed longer than they should. I at least appreciate that he is trying his best and has a good attitude, plus I love Lindsay. It bothers me more when someone has a terrible attitude. I would rather that person (see Lamar) go before someone who is enjoying the experience and at least trying their best. Speaking of having a good attitude, I was sad to see Karamo go, but he was very gracious about it. What a sweet human being. I encourage anyone who hasn't seen it to watch Queer Eye -it's very heartwarming. He is my favorite on that show!
  19. I gathered that from the exchange between him and Carl Weathers re: the Imperial money: "It still spends"........I just didn't understand who the guy with the Storm Troopers was and the other guy there. Also, what was the significance of the metal rectangle thing that he took to get melted down and turned into a piece of his armor?
  20. Me too! Honestly, I thought it was kind of slow until he got to that planet and hooked up with that droid. He was giving me a slight K-2SO vibe. I hope he gets revived - he was my favorite part! I didn't fully understand what was happening though. I know it's set after Return of the Jedi. Who was the guy who sent him on the mission? Why/how did he have the storm troopers? Is he a leftover Senator of the empire or something? Who were all of those people the Mandalorian and the droid killed/slaughtered? I loved the ending shot - very E.T.! I personally love the once a week format - sometimes I get stressed by all of the episodes dropping at once since I am not really a binge watcher. I don't have time and then I feel overwhelmed. Then I am annoyed because it's just frickin tv and I have enough stress in my life without tv watching becoming another thing to worry about! If it's something popular, then I feel like I have to stay off social media and the internet or I end up getting spoiled.
  21. No mention of what she did, but I think we got a taste of it from the scene on the bus. Also, it's kind of hard to process this from the 2019 perspective when bullying is such a major topic, but that's all I could think of during those scenes - the behavior of the other kids openly mocking a child with learning disabilities would not be as easily tolerated any more than Annie acting out in frustration in the era we live in now. Why didn't anyone from the school mention that Annie had dyslexia? I thought the girl cast as teen Annie was spot on and very similar in looks to Lizzy Caplan. My favorite moment was when she told them "My problem is reading but I can do math just fine" or something like that. I love that Joy located her real mother - can't wait to see what happens now! Revenge for killing him maybe? Or maybe just targeting her to add to the undead crew of whatever they are?
  22. I agree - it's kind of ironic considering that the show is based off of his writings but he is the least interesting character on the show........
  23. I am so glad David won! I thought his Showstopper was fantastic, but I really thought Alice would take it bc of the combo of signature/showstopper. It’s kind of amazing that someone who never won star baker won the whole thing, and also, it really seems like he doesn’t like “sweet” flavors, which is strange for a baking competition. I really loved his measured precision and calm presence all season, and that gorgeous face doesn’t hurt either - sexy nurse indeed! It was hard watching Steph flame out, but she isn’t the first front runner to have this happen. It kind of reminded me of Stephen/Sophie from a couple seasons ago - he was so strong all season and then had a bad final. Same here. Overall I enjoyed this season, mostly because of the bakers. What a lovely group this year! I love the round up at the end showing them meeting up with each other. It’s become one of my favorite things on this show. My favorite this time was Helena and Henry in the bat masks 😊
  24. I think this is a completely reasonable read on the producers expectations regarding casting people like Sean Spicer. They are absolutely courting the controversy- it gets people talking. I don’t think a few “shock” eliminations is a problem either because it happens every single season. The problem was that it went too far last season. I still have hope that Sean’s luck will run out before too long. If he gets to top four, then I am afraid it will be a repeat of last year. I think the internet might explode if that happens...... I think it’s totally within reason that Sailor exits at this stage bc she was an unknown replacement, she seems devoid of much personality (at least for something like this), and I think she was splitting the vote with the other two young, blonde celebs (Lauren and Ally) with pretty equivalent talent. I know I’m a couple weeks behind, but I guess I’m in the minority bc I am actually enjoying this season just for the fact that there is no obvious ringer and there are still 7 celebs that are likeable and decent dancers. I would rather see most be pretty good rather than one awesome, three mediocre and the rest crappy. I enjoy James and Kate the most, and I love Karamo’s enthusiasm, but everyone except Sean is pretty decent, and for that I am a happy. And I loved Erin’s pants, and I kind of love Erin. I think she’s the best co-host this show has ever had. She is kind and encouraging to the participants and I will take her animation any day over someone like the BrookeBot.....
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