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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I think you might be right. I think looks-wise, Taylor is probably more up his alley.........
  2. They are divorced and Jason is engaged to someone else......
  3. I also miss the gifts that they would send each other before the ceremony. They didn't do it last season or this season. I thought that was a really sweet way to begin with the anonymous notes to each other and little gifts. I miss that........perhaps Katie wouldn't be so reticent if she had receive a gift from Derek and a note to calm her down......
  4. I liked the idea of Up-cycling, but I think they should have given them more time not less for this because it's probably more work to take apart an existing garment than using new bolts of fabric. As it was, there was less time and we see what garbage they were able to produce in the time given. Many were just repurposed rather than making something new. I think that's why so many went for the jackets.
  5. I feel like every season there is one that the judges love and all the viewers hate. Last season it was Hester Sunshine. It feels very Emperor's New Clothes to me, but I am resigned to seeing Victoria's blocky oversexed cutout dresses until the finals..........
  6. I don't watch any of those shows because they don't interest me. This is my main guilty pleasure, and besides Project Runway the only cable reality show I watch. The first season of this show they were calling a "scientific experiment" and it seems they were serious about finding good matches. That is what hooked me. Obviously, that went out the window when it was so popular and they rushed into season 2, and I think it's gone downhill since. I don't like knowing they are recruiting people from dating sites because it seems those people are not really interested in marriage, or to borrow from Bachelor Nation, "here for the right reasons". Maybe I'm wrong, but I think most watch this show wanting to see real people who want to get married. I don't mind some drama but I wish it came from real life situations that arise from two strangers marrying each other and not some storyline the show is pushing. I think that is why people are bummed they don't show the budget conversations or house hunting anymore. Those seem like things strangers who married each other would have to navigate. I agree divorce is not a scandal, but I personally do believe in marriage (I have been married for over 20 years) and it saddens me that it's so cheapened. This show is doing nothing to change that despite their talk about believing in marriage. If they actually cared about that they wouldn't pick some of these people. I am aware this is just a tv show, but I am invested. What can I say? I just wish they would make better matches so some of them have a better shot at making it.
  7. Yet another reason one day challenges are crap. And yet, it mostly just seems like a design choice for a lot of these designers. I went back and looked at the photos from all of the episodes so far, and Melanie, Brittany and Victoria are the worst offenders, but Marquise, Shavi and Dayoung have all done it as well, with Marquise actually winning with that weird skort/short thing. Overall it’s messy, disjointed and inelegant. I am not a fan of that style at all.
  8. My God, so much fug this episode! They could have just as easily sent them to a Men’s Warehouse trash bin since they all picked suits! So boring! I am so tired already of the judges fawning over Victoria. I hate every single thing she has made, and this week was no exception - that was the ugliest frankenstein excuse for a dress. I hated it! Why are there so many designers doing these mismatched blocky asymmetrical pieces this season? I do not like the look of that at all and so many of them are doing it! I guess if I had to pick something I liked this episode, then I would choose Brittney and Geoffrey. At least they made something completely new that was unrecognizable from the original garment. I guess Tyler did too, but his looked cheap and dated, and the styling was atrocious. His model’s shoes made me cringe. His bitchy dig at Karli’s in-laws was the one good thing about this episode. This episode proves why one day challenges are terrible - look at all the uninspired, barely reinvented crap that went down that runway. For the love of Michael Kors, Bravo, please don’t go the way of Lifetime!
  9. Except! This reminds me of a couple of the grooms from prior seasons that are still married: Ricky Bobby was/is extremely close to his mother, even calling her by a weird pet name (“Toots”), and Keith of Keith and Queen Kristine who has basically changed his answer to life to “Whatever Kristine likes/thinks/wants”......Based on these two Beta male mafs specimens, I actually think Austin might be a good candidate if his wife isn’t immediately turned off by the fact that he doesn’t look old enough to vote let alone get married......And if Jessica doesn’t want to pick out his clothes, I’m sure Queen Kristine would come and sort that nonsense for him! 😂(I say all of this with loving snark because I love Bobby and Keith. Bobby is a favorite of mine on IG - he’s pretty funny.)
  10. Aha! Thank you for the explanation of the shriveling mages! I concede that you are probably correct about Yen but it’s still a little hard to buy when she was saying “burn them all” or something like that at the Mage council right before they left for the battle. She wasn’t exactly invested. As much as I’ve enjoyed this show, I don’t think it’s done a great job showing the character motivations, nor the differing timelines. I don’t want to have to come here for explanations of what’s happening in the damn show for it to make sense. The subtle hints were not helpful in making clear the timeline differences until halfway through the season, nor how much time had passed between some of the episodes. If I want to watch a show where I have no idea when stuff is happening I will rewatch Westworld. This show shouldn’t be that difficult. Hopefully this won’t be an issue next season now that they’re all in the same timeline.
  11. This. On what planet does anybody want to give a lap dance to their friends/boss?!???? Is the production going even cheaper this season to the point that they can't even get them strippers now? The whole situation was beyond weird. I really wish they would just let each bride/groom have their own pre-wedding party however they want it to be and with whoever they want. The forced interactions are bizarre and under these circumstances probably a little uncomfortable for some of the people.
  12. I agree with this so much. She has been portrayed as a cynic and outsider (mostly by choice) to all the other mages. She had no problem pushing her eel friends into the water and walking away, and in the later episodes she refused to do what Tissaia asked. Even at the Mage meeting, she seemed like she couldn't care less which side won. Now she is weepy and battling like crazy for her "friends"? It seemed like a complete 180 for the character and coming out of left field considering so far she has only been shown as selfish and doing things only when it benefits herself directly. I did like her blasting the whole field with fire. Are we supposed to think she can do that because she is more powerful than the others because those other mages burnt to a crisp just summoning a fireball.....
  13. Yeah, and does she seriously think the guy who didn't want her until she was unavailable is that guy??? And now that I think about it, not one word from Derek about wanting a family either. Lots about being a romantic, but I didn't hear any yearnings to start a family. This seems like a big fail on the part of the experts as well as he is also pretty young.......
  14. I agree, but sadly, I fear we have already been introduced to Katie's "storyline"......I really feel like one of the MAJOR things theses putzes should be looking at closely is past relationships. This isn't the first time an ex has loomed large in the plot for a participant. I think they should immediately be out of the running if there are still any kind of feelings for someone else happening. I don't know why she wasn't yanked the minute she started spouting off about this guy. Oh wait, never mind. See "storyline" comment above.........
  15. Oh lord, here we go again.....as long as we are snarking on looks, here are my two cents...... Mindy looks closer to 40, but I still feel sorry for her bc no way is Zach in this for twoo luv......he is the most recruitiest recruitment that was ever recruited in the history of this show. I almost laughed when he was trying to come up with a reason he was doing this show when his friends asked him - dude, just say it: you whored yourself out to a basic cable show and agreed to a sham 8 week marriage to get exposure for yourself/business..... Austin is probably in this for the right reasons, but damn, he looks like he’s maybe 18, at most? Lucky for him his bride is nice and not exactly a swimsuit model herself, speaking of..... Taylor is super pretty but I gotta give some side eye to all the swimsuit pics - is it possible she was recruited too? She seems too good to be true....why the hell does she need this show?!? I am already sick of Katie.
  16. I don't know, Zach and Taylor both seem like two people who signed up were recruited for this show to further their Instagram model careers........
  17. Further delineated?!? This was the first episode I realized they were in different timelines! I would have known if I had come to this forum, but I started watching this a few days ago and am just looking at this today. I have not read the books or played the games, so this is completely new for me. I honestly had no idea they were different timelines until this episode made it obvious. If there were hints in the first three episodes, they were verrrry subtle! I honestly don't care though - this show is not exactly Emmy bait, but I love it. I'm just here for the eye candy that is Geralt...........
  18. Man, this show was fantastic - the best new show of the year for me. This episode and episode three are the standouts for me. Things I loved this episode: 1. The idiot stormtroopers. It was a short exchange but they will live on in infamy as the dumbasses who hit Baby Yoda but not a rock three feet away. 2.IG-11 rescuing Baby Yoda. He was awesome in every scene he graced this season. I wish he hadn’t “died”. 3. Carl Weathers. “Do the magic hands!” Drinking shots......love him..... 4. Mando taking down that Tie Fighter with a freaking jet pack! Also, we saw his face! 4. The Armorer being a total badass. I hope we see her again. 5. Every time Baby Yoda is on screen. I want to squeeze him! Him flicking that flame away was everything! Can’t wait for season two. One question: What did Mando do that earned him his signet? Was it rescuing Baby Yoda? Someone with more Star Wars knowledge please enlighten me!
  19. True, but for the reasons I stated above, I don’t think that would include Imogen. I just didn’t find it believable given who she is and the time frame.
  20. Yes to all of this. I think Sergio was able to make the wrapping paper work because of how he used it, and all of the underneath construction. It was a beautiful elegant work of art. I am starting to thaw on him a bit. He is definitely cocky, but he is nice to the other designers. Victoria is this season's Hester Sunshine. Completely tacky and convinced of their own genius, and for some reason the judges love it. No clue why. It's going to get old fast. Those cranberry shoulders looked exactly like they did when Christian hung the entire wreath on the model in the work room. It's not a dress, it's a weapon! My favorites were Sergio, Dayoung, and Nancy. Ok, rant time. Why has Nancy not been in the top 3 yet? My guess is producer driven shenanigans because she is "old". My guess is she will languish in the safe zone mid-pack until she sends out something that lands her in the bottom and then she will be sent packing. I thought Shavi's dress looked absolutely horrible. The model looked like a giant blob with all of those petals despite the "cinched waist". And I don't think it would have looked any better on a thinner model either - it would still look like a red shower loofah. The silhouette behind the screen looked nightmarish and I didn't think it looked much better when she came out. Yes, giant red blob. I am sad Alan and his 'tude are gone. His clothes were kind of atrocious but he added some good commentary. I do think he was the right one though over Tyler because I don't think Tyler deserved to be in the bottom last week, and I do think he has better technical skills than Alan. Hopefully he can turn it around. Also, if you haven't seen Alan's post-elim conversation with Christian, you should find it on SM because it's pretty funny, especially the "special guest"......
  21. I did that this season and it really made it more fun to watch. If you look at this sight and any recaps there are always people who figure it out. It's much more fun to watch without being spoiled, but I admit it's pretty hard to avoid. It's easier if you watch each episode as it airs or shortly after.......
  22. I don't find them annoying either. The whole show is completely ridiculous, so over the top judging seems perfect for the corniness of this show. Jenny is pretty good at guessing and I laughed out loud when Ken actually guessed one right last week (or was it the week before?). I knew Chris the minute they had the vacuum clue, plus his voice is very distinct. I have loved him since Idol, so that was easy. I was pretty sure it was Wayne Brady from the Doogie Howser clue bc of playing NPH's brother on HIMYM. I was rooting for Chris, but I think Wayne's final song put him over the edge. I would have been fine either way. Overall, I thought the talent was better this season. This show is such an easy mindless watch. I appreciate that it's just the studio audience voting and usually the right one goes home, and I like that we get a result at the end of the episode. I'm glad it's coming back soon.
  23. I think the little top underneath is snakeskin print? I liked all three pieces she made separately, but to me, none of it went together. YMMV, obviously.
  24. I think Geoffrey's bigger problem was those horrible yellow pants. I think if he had just added one more alternating black/cheetah to the bottom it would have made a cute dress. He could have ditched the pants altogether. He knew they weren't great and the fit was terrible. But even if he had turned it into a dress, I do agree the combat boots would have been better......
  25. Maybe I am alone here, but I really didn't like Marquise's look at all, let alone for the win. The top reminded me of some horrible 80's fashion, and I really hated that skirt/shorts thing on the bottom. And don't even get me started on these orthopedic sneakers that are having a moment. Talk about fugly! I liked Chelsie, Nancy and Shavi the best. I would have given the win to Nancy just for the jacket alone. I also thought Victoria should have been on the bottom. I'm surprised Nina wasn't spouting about "taste level" because I thought it was tacky and the purse was horrendous. I thought the bottom should have been Veronica, Victoria and Sergio. Speaking of...... What an obnoxious, pretentious tool! That dress was ugly, no matter if you're 25 or 65!
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