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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I so agree - when they had prior idols come back and mentor the last season on Fox they were awesome! I thought David Cook, Chris Daughtry, Fantasia and Lauren Alaina did a really good job. I thought I heard Adam Lambert wanted to do it before this iteration started. What a missed opportunity. Someone on the other thread said the live shows were the most expensive to produce, which I don’t really believe, but I think you are onto the real truth of all the money being spent on the judges being the true problem. You can throw in the useless Bobby Bones in there as well...... I don’t think they did a bad job picking this season, but the actual feedback during the lives is atrocious- it’s completely useless. They are as bad as Ellen was. I actually think Mariah and Nicki gave better feedback than these three. I really think it’s best to have a producer like Simon because they don’t give a shit if they are liked. Jimmy Iovine also gave truthful brutal feedback too. Harry was good too because he wasn’t afraid to say when something was bad. I really think that’s missing.
  2. Really? More expensive than taking an entire tv crew on the road? Or sending everyone to the Aulani in Hawaii? I would think this is the cheapest part of the show. Maybe I am just ignorant, but every game show, and even their direct competition The Voice has a studio audience show for the entire season. It seems like a pretty cheap show to produce for ABC compared to any type of scripted show. I think it's more trying to compete with the Voice. They made it very clear that they cared more about the judges than the contestants when they cast the current judges and mentors. The voice has always been about the coaches more than the contestants, and now so is Idol. The way they are eliminating the singers is also more like the Voice as well. They are not trying to find viable talent - they are just producing a show for TV. And yes, I know it's always been a show for TV, but when the original judges were on, it really felt like they were trying to find someone that could become a star. I know the landscape for music is different, but this platform has been rendered meaningless and the winner less special by the way they are winnowing them down, and the way to voting is being done.
  3. I completely agree. If ABC doesn't want to air the show for five months, then at least shorten the audition rounds to a couple weeks, one week for Hollywood and top 24 reveal, One or two weeks for semifinals, then let the top 10 sing, eliminating one per week until top 3. Why can't they do that?!?
  4. She was dressed up in an Ursula costume- the sea witch villain from The Little Mermaid.
  5. I thought this show was dreadful, and I am a Disney fanatic. I think the only ones I liked were Uche and Laine. I really hated what Laci did with I See The Light. It might be my favorite Disney song of all time, it’s sweet and emotional, but she turned it into a boring funeral dirge. I also hated what Alejandro did to that Coco song. I didn’t even recognize it. I am over his mumbling falsetto. I just don’t get it. Oh, and Walker - just awful. That song is so sad, and it’s heart wrenching when Sarah Maclachlan sings it. It was so boring and sanitary the way he sang it - just no emotional depth. The “judges” offer no discernible judging whatsoever. Everyone is great. I am now fast forwarding through their comments because it’s the same “great job!” for everybody. They are all as bad as Ellen was. Even Mariah Carey was better. I can’t believe this season is over in three weeks. They just announced top 10 last week! I freaking hate this format. There should be like 7-8 more weeks. They’re dumping them so quickly I won’t remember or care about any of them two weeks after the show ends. They should have started the season in January like they used to and eliminated one per week after top 10. ABC was so quick to resurrect this show so soon after it ended, and I don’t know why. The one thing it had over the Voice was that it helped many contestants find some measure of success after being on the show. There is no way, with this current format, for that to happen. I am really disappointed with this reboot. I spent many seasons hate watching this show towards the end of the Fox run, and I am pretty much back to that now.
  6. Thank you! That’s all I could think because every single one of them went there, except Tessa, who I thought had the winning look. I mean, these characters could have been literally ANYTHING, and all of them went super hero. I don’t get it. I would have sent Jamal home. He made a suit. What!?! At least Rakan tried to do something interesting. He needs to go next. And even though Venny’s was hideous, I thought he should have been sent to safety first just on the strength of his prior work alone. It pisses me off when someone has one bad week, and Nina starts “questioning their taste level”. It’s even more bullshit coming from the same woman who loved Hester’s plastic pants and juvenile top. I question YOUR taste, Nina. I think this challenge was tricky because once they sketched it and the programmers animated it, they were kind of stuck. Not a lot of room to change your idea, for instance Jamall - the judges were all over him bc his model didn’t look like the animation. Maybe Venny could have improvised something else when he saw how wrong it was going, but he was locked in because of the animation. I feel like Renee is turning into a one way monkey. All her stuff is starting to look the same to me. Well made, but similar. CRANBERRY LYCRA!!!
  7. Here’s the thing - I think all of them would be too much if they were the sole focus, but there’s so many of them it’s just enough. I agree that he’s not the funniest character, but I do enjoy him when he’s interacting with his brothers. My favorites are Eddie and Joey. I also like Lawrence, but it’s starting to drive me crazy wondering if he has a job, and if so, what is it, and if not, why?!? One more thing: I have never seen or heard of that thing William was playing.
  8. I guess, but usually there is some overt advantage to being first, like an earlier flight. This time, there was a big race to the airport for what? Closer seats? Zzzzz....... I think it was a lost opportunity. It seems like they have really scaled back on people booking their own travel, and I miss it, much like the teams driving themselves around. So much organic drama in the show has resulted from these things, and it’s really missing.
  9. I am so glad this show is back, but I agree with whoever before said they wished they would stop with the stunt casting. I do not, nor have I ever, watched BB or Survivor. TAR is actually the ONLY CBS show I watch, so I have no idea who any of those people are, with the exception of the awful Rachel, and only because she has been on TAR. I hope she’s less annoying with her sister than she was with her husband. I think it’s pretty telling that all of the previous racers ended up at the front of the pack, with the exception of the last place team who I seriously cannot remember at all. Like, at all, even after seeing footage from their season. I hope a previous racer wins. I like the Afghanimals, Tyler and Corey, and Funstoppable. I can’t wait for Colin’s zen facade to be challenged. I feel in my bones it’s coming, and I am here for it! And sweet Jesus, what did Christie do to her face? I didn’t even recognize her! I really did not understand the point of digging in the sand if they weren’t going to be on separately timed flights. There was no advantage to finding the clue first.
  10. I think that sucks. They spent two months to get to the top 10 just to dump them as quick as possible. It’s over just as the real competition gets started. What a waste.
  11. Does anyone know how many people per week will be eliminated?
  12. What a weird show. At times it seemed like Ryan Seacrest was just winging it. He is usually so suave, but parts seemed like they were making it up on the fly, like when he was backstage with them and started giving Riley her results but didn't say that was who he was talking about! It just seemed disjointed. I cannot believe they all sang AGAIN. Four hours a week is ridiculous. I long for the half hour results show of old with a horrible group number, Ford contestant commercial, and results. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Where is that show???!!? Overall, I think these are ok picks. I'm not really a fan of Wade's growling or Dimitirius' high pitched drama, but the rest are fine. And there is my problem. I really don't care who wins at this point. I miss Simon.
  13. Honestly, they changed it up from year to year. I think my favorite was when they had a top 12 or something and went from there to voting one off per week. I think that gives viewers a few performances to decide who they like and the contestants time to improve. My favorite contestant of all time was David Cook. If they had the format where you only voted through a couple per group he probably wouldn't have made it, let alone win because he was one of the unknowns until the lives, and then suddenly there was "Hello" and the rest is history. I just think this current format is crap, and I absolutely hate the shortened season. It's over before you even really get to know the people.
  14. I don't think there is an opportunity to nail this song in this format because in order for that song to work like the original, you need the gradual build up from small and intimate to the big chorus at the end. Since they only sing part of the song because of time constraints, it just ends up being jarring when they sing one verse slow and quiet and then just kick right in to the big ending. I personally hate that song for this show. It just doesn't work. And another problem, it just didn't compliment her voice either, so there's that as well........ I also feel if Alejandro wanted to do a Drake song he should have picked "Hold On We're Going Home" instead. I think that would have worked better for him and his vibe.......
  15. Wow. Where is Simon when you need him??? There were several horrid song choices, I cannot believe nobody got called on it. Maybe they should change their job title from judge to cheerleader because they are completely useless in terms of offering constructive feedback. I have no idea what those sounds are coming out of Evelyn’s mouth but it sounds awful. Just no. Still pissed they cut Ryan Hammond and we have to listen to that atrocious “singing”. Some performances are so memorable to me from this show - Hailey Reinhart doing Benny and the Jets is one. Even if he had sounded ok (which he so did not), Eddie would have suffered by comparison. I had to fast forward. Ditto Riley- when I’m nostalgic for Kellie Pickler, I think you’re in trouble. I haven’t seen this many short shorts on Idol since Haley Scarnato....... I think Demetrius, Ashley, Walker, and Alejandro picked the wrong songs. None of them sounded their best. Well, Walker sounded good if he was trying to win Miss America- what the hell was that song choice??!? I wish they would stop comparing Madison to KC - she sounds NOTHING like her, nor does she have her range or fun personality. She did sound good tonight though, probably her best performance to me, anyway. I love the Sara Barellis (sp?) song Alyssa sang, and she sounded pretty good, but she doesn’t have the maturity for it. That song is from the musical Waitress, and I just saw the traveling show in January, and when the actress in the musical sang it I almost cried. There was not enough heartbreak in Alyssa’s performance because she’s only 17. I almost wish Ashley had sang that song instead - I think she could have killed it. Although they sounded good, I thought Laine, Wade and Jeremiah’s songs were forgettable, which leaves..... Uche. For now, I love him. It might get annoying, but he’s charismatic and fun. And Laci. Her voice is unique and her song choices interesting. My two favorites of the night.
  16. Hmmmm....... I don’t believe this is the real story. Can someone clarify the timeline here? According to them, they hooked up 5 months after season 6 ended (officially anyway). I am assuming she was already filming season 7. This doesn’t explain why she was also on Happily Ever After?, Honeymoon Island, or season 8. When were all of these post season 6 shows filmed??!? Suddenly now, there’s too much flack???
  17. You can add “old lady” from Christian to the list of disdain. I think when Nina says something is suburban she just means it’s not fashionable. And I think this was accurate in describing Kovid’s look which to me was the antithesis of fashionable. I completely agree. I didn’t understand it at all- either as a “street” look or any kind of look really. My friend and I were discussing it yesterday and we came to the realization that between the corset and neck brace, coupled with the orthopedic shoes, it just looked like someone who had recently gotten out of the hospital after breaking their back/neck. I thought it was just ugly and weird for the sake of being weird, and his fabrics didn’t go together any better than Jamall’s. Nothing about it said urban street wear to me. I really think Rakan could have benefited from Marni’s styling help this week. If he had made that pant a slouchy jogger (it was juuuussst shy of that to me) with a different shoe and overall styling I think it would have been one of the better looks that actually met the challenge. He does seem resistant to listening to anyone’s advice though.......
  18. If you go to the Bravo Project Runway website you can see all of the looks from the runway.
  19. Well, it was time for Kovid to go, it's just one week too late. His outfit to me read 1970 Sears Catalog. Nothing cool or street about it. I laughed my ass off at Christian and Jamall's interaction: "Oh - you're making a fit and flare and it's a street wear challenge......" I loooove Christian! I hope Jamall is next to go - he has sent nothing but absolute garbage every single week. And his answers were completely nonsensical when he was trying to justify what he was doing.......wft is a 18th century elizabethan puffer dress for street wear?!?? Just nooooooo.......... Tessa can take a seat. Who made her the arbiter of taste when she just sent out an all black yoga outfit I could walk into Target and purchase right now. Hell, maybe Walmart as well........ I really didn't think Rakan's was that bad. I agree with whatever judge said the pants would have been better a little more low rise with pockets, kind of like the pants Karly was wearing, but I actually liked his top and the little bolero. I thought Hester's Barbie outfit was worse - the pink bike shorts with organza topper were an assault to my eyes...... I see why Bishme won, but I was really pulling for Venny - he seemed so moved by meeting Dapper Dan, and I thought his dress was a better choice for the flash sale. Also, he is one of the only designers to really make his "plus" model look awesome. To me, this says that dress is going to look good on a lot of people. I think Bishme won because of the jacket alone because I thought the pants didn't look very good in the crotch region. And maybe I don't know what street is, but I just didn't see it in what Garo made. It was ugly tweed, and I though the corset/neck brace plus hideous sneakers just looked weird.
  20. This isn't really that much different from back in the day when they had a top 24. They sang in groups and only a few from each group went through. It mattered how the contestants were grouped because this format allows some weaker to go through while some stronger to be eliminated depending on the grouping. It's not new though. I think it just used to be that the public voted instead of the judges picking. Overall, I was surprised that the three I would have picked to be eliminated actually were, although I could have subbed any one of them for Riley and been okay too. I think this is the first season that they are truly picking the most talented people and not just people with a story/schtick. My favorites from this group were Walker, Ashley, Laci and weirdly, Uche. I know he's kind of nuts, but he brings something different and for now, I find him entertaining. Laine is definitely playing the Idol game well. I just hate that song he sang.
  21. Yes it always like this. It's honestly the problem with this show. If you look at these forums, most of the discussion centers on the dysfunctional people, who are usually the ones who get divorced. This is why the show will never stop casting (and yes, I do mean casting, not matching) people who should never be chosen to marry a stranger. This show is all kinds of twisted. We all come here to vent or make armchair analysis of people we don't know and only see a few minutes of frankensteined footage of every week. It's part of the fun 😜
  22. Final Thoughts: I am sincerely happy for K&K, but I really don't care that they bought a house. That is not a major surprise, show. Whatever. I liked seeing the pics of AJ & Steph's vacation. They do seem happy. I think when he started talking about the production and she muttered "don't say it" or whatever she said, it was almost like they had discussed it beforehand and it was her signal for him to not get into it. I don't know, but maybe it gave Jasmine closure to be able to turn Will down and save some pride. Will definitely seems happier and more open with other people. When talking to or about Jasmine he kind of just closes up. They are better off apart. Luke is a sociopath. The only true thing that came out of his mouth was when he said Kate was drinking more during the show to deal with how he was treating her. The convo about Halloween was interesting though. It seems they still hang out? WTF he "put her to bed"??? That sounds like good enough friends that she crashed where they were partying?!? Why would she do that????? What a dummy! Also, her dress was seriously fugly. Mother of the bride all the way. I truly am relieved I don't have to see that asshole and her sad mumble mouth anymore. I would be totally happy if Kevin Frazier completely replaced all of the experts. He seemed able to break it down and confront people with honesty in a way those jackasses don't/won't. On to the next season!!!!
  23. Boy, you said it! It seems like most of the people who sign up for this are looking for a fairy tale, and real life just is not. Also, no one is a perfect princess or knight in shining armor. Everyone is just human - imperfect with their own garbage to deal with. Most of these participants don’t seem willing to work it out, even when there is chemistry. This is why I hope AJ & Steph and K&K at least try. With both of these couples, there is chemistry, affection and enjoyment of each other. I hope they can work through the rest together. And @Gem 10, I relate to your Disney situation. My whole extended family is Disneyland freaks, and now my kids as well. We go frequently, and my poor husband, who is not a native Californian, cannot stand it (too crowded, too expensive). He endures and continues to go because we all love it. 😋
  24. I one hundred percent agree with you. Will just wasn’t attracted to her. Whether that was looks, behavior, personality, lifestyle choices, goals,etc., it doesn’t matter. It was never going to happen. He didn’t handle it great, but as we have seen before, including this season, there are much worse ways to handle not being attracted to your match.....
  25. It is Jamall. Although, this week, there were a lot of people making sleeping bag clothes. Considering that, this should have been his challenge, but his outfit was garbage. I don't know how it was safe. I definitely think it was worse than Afa's dress!
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