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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I wasn't a fan of Luke until this episode. I actually got teary when he was talking about Nell during the funeral. I have only watched to this episode so far, but I think each episode gets better and better. Shirley is the worst for me - sanctimonious, humorless (and yes I know this isn't a funny show but she is cold) and bullying. I thought it was Nell crawling at the end of the episode, but maybe it is Olivia. I find it hard to tell them apart sometimes....... I second the idea of just do whatever you need to get that red door off, but obviously that's part of the big mystery so of course no one does that.......
  2. I just got around to watching this because I was so annoyed by what happened with Tinashe that I put it off. I am absolutely flabbergasted at what is happening this season - what is with all the women being in the bottom/going home?!? I know no one actually went this week, but still the wrong people in the bottom again! How on earth are Joe and Bobby escaping???? I also find it maddening that the judges are contributing to the problem by underscoring and nitpicking the women - why the hell did Evanna and Mary Lou get those scores - they deserved higher!!! I started off happy with this season because it didn't seem like there was a real obvious front runner, but this is getting ridiculous. I am getting so frustrated by the results that I might dump this one and just stick with the Juniors show which I am weirdly enjoying much more......
  3. Good call! I’d say it’s more like Wonder Years in tone, but it’s still funny. I’d also recommend watching the second episode because the first is a lot of setup and if you’ve seen the commercials you’ve already seen most of the funny parts. I found myself laughing more during the second episode, mostly because I hadn’t already seen it 50 times....
  4. Yes I agree - I remember eating a lot of TV dinners as a kid. My kids have never seen that let alone eaten one! I think it’s funny the couldn’t figure out what to do with the grapes - why on earth would you have to “do” anything with them other than pull them off and eat them?! It’s funny that the mom took the healthiest thing in the house and turned it into something unhealthy....?
  5. Me too unfortunately. I really wanted to like this, but these people do not act like real people at all, and worse, I just didn't find any of this funny. These kids don't just act precocious; they talk like adults in small bodies. It's not funny at all. I was so annoyed at Angie. You know, it's okay for your work to come first sometimes. Explain to Graham that he has to stay at Sophie's party for a while (it was still daylight!) and then they will trick or treat when she is done working. Also, if you left the legs to the spider costume at work, run down to Target or Walmart and buy a freaking replacement! And taking down all the decorations I worked my ass of putting up because my kid said to tone it down? OH HELL NO! I am also appalled that Poppy not only let Rory watch Pretty Woman, but then dressed like a prostitute?!? Beyond inappropriate! Rory looked like Reverend Sharpton to me. The one thing that amused me was that Will was dressed like Taran Killam's SNL character Jebidiah Atkinson. I kept waiting for him to go "NEXT!" :-p This is my last episode. It's just not working for me, especially compared to The Kids Are Alright which I am finding hilarious. I watched them back to back, and it just highlighted how unfunny I found this show.
  6. I agree with this - I grew up in central California in the 70's - fresh produce everywhere! My own family was ranchers who grew almonds and grapes. My husband grew up in Pennsylvania in the 70's, and he said they never had it unless it was in season, and even then it wasn't great because it had to be shipped from far away. This show is set in LA though, so I think it's weird that they don't have ANY fresh produce, but I do remember eating a lot of stuff from cans or frozen as a kid even though it was plentiful where we lived, so who knows? I am watching this and Single Parents, and I have to say, this show is hands down funnier to me than Single Parents. I love how in only two episodes all the kids seem like real people, but on Single Parents, they seem like 30 year olds in kids bodies that were invented in a writer's room. All of these people are real and funny. This is a keeper for me.
  7. I think this is the real issue at heart - I (and some of the others here) don’t feel that Dave is a “real jerk”. I would be fine with most of what he said to Amber that set her off completely because I don’t think he said anything wrong, with the exception being the mini moon, but I don’t think he would have behaved that way if she hadn’t driven him crazy by that point. I don’t mind the tone of how he said anything either because I am married to a “Dave”, but we are fine because I too am a lot like Dave. I think we all agree that Amber is fragile and needs help. I think the main point of dissension is how everyone feels about Dave, and at this point, no one is going to change their mind. I think this my last defense of him, but I have enjoyed the discussion! On to Philly!
  8. I don’t think so, and I don’t think Amber really had a leg to stand on in this issue either. She is the same person who said she didn’t want to live in Dave’s apartment if he had lived there with another woman, and she completely freaked when he was making polite small talk with her brunette friend when they were finishing working out. I would be uncomfortable whether it was my ex or my husband’s ex. It’s just awkward.
  9. I am fine with all of the newcomers. I like Heidi and Tim, and to a lesser extent, Zac, but I don't really watch for them. I also watch the other iterations of the show (All Stars and Juniors) with different Judges and Mentors, and they are fine for me. My biggest hope with them going back to Magical Elves and Bravo is that they go back to giving the designers more time. When the show was on Bravo before most challenges were two day challenges. Since the move to Lifetime, most are one day, and I think the quality has suffered greatly because of it. I also hope the sponsors go back to something more classy. Dixie cups and JCPenney are ok, but they just don't scream high fashion, you know?
  10. Yes to all of this. They are opposites. It was the right call to resist counseling. We as an audience know they should split - why is he a bad guy because he agrees? These “experts” have their own agenda forcing people to stay together so they can brag about it. Amber knew it was over before she sat on that couch. The real assholes here are the experts for trying to give false hope by suggesting counseling for a dead relationship. Both of these people deserve something better than they got, not because either one is bad, but because they don’t belong together.
  11. Perhaps he was honest about his feelings about gym guy but we did not see it because that is not the storyline they wanted to play out with them.
  12. Well that’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back. I think the only thing that would have produced an actual shock was if Jessica had said she’s pregnant with Jon’s baby.... All said, these are the correct outcomes for all these couples. I just wish the show would let it play out more organically and let these fools go their separate ways when it’s obvious they don’t work. Honeymoon Island looks like the antithesis of what this show stands for. Just gross. I’m definitely down for Happily Ever After though!
  13. The list is long of couples that fit this description. By my count, you have Jaclyn and Ryan, Jessica and Ryan, Nick and Sonia, Danielle and Cody, Jackie and Ryan, Dave and Amber and Tristan and Mia. You could also make a case for Trey and Vanessa and Nate and Sheila....... And looking at this list, I think the show should immediately disqualify anyone that comes to casting named Ryan!
  14. I think it's this completely. She is a beautiful girl though, and it kind of broke my heart seeing her cry at the end. I know a lot of people don't like Honey Boo Boo, but the one who bugs me is the Ziegler sister - she obviously has a lot of dance training, I don't care that she's now calling herself a "singer". I think she should have waited a year and competed on the adult version of the show - that would have been more fair than competing against nine and ten year olds (and yes, I know Mandla is 13, but he clearly has no dance training). I loved Skye's girl power speech - so cute! I just wish Mandy would talk to her about pulling so many faces while she's dancing. She's really good, but i find that a little over the top. I think The A Team is the one to beat. She is also extra, but so good I don't care. I didn't even mind the limbo thing with Jordan - he clearly loves working with the kids. Artyon is so stinking cute and they have such a fun relationship with Brandon it makes me smile. This show warms my cynical heart. Kind of the opposite of the adult version, especially after last week's elimination.
  15. You are lucky - I was a teen in the eighties - big hair and makeup applied with a trowel. I spent high school looking like Alexis Carrington ? i agree with everything you said. It’s sad to go somewhere and everyone is looking at what’s going on from behind their phones instead of actually experiencing whatever they paid to experience!
  16. This is veering off topic, but I don't think it's just celebrities people compare themselves to; we live in an era of "instagram models" and thousands of filters and selfies and selfie sticks and how to pose etc. I think people, especially millenials who have grown up in this instagram/twitter/snapchat era, are obsessed with how they look on social media - as proof, just look at the speculation thread for Mia's attempt at image management.
  17. Yes, I can understand Leslie being upset about Daphne but his attitude seems very modern and unrealistic. I admit to not having read the stories this series is based on - did the Leslie/Daphne story line play out that way in real life? Larry is probably my favorite character - he is selfish, but he also shows moments of maturity, and I just like the actor and the way he plays him. I think Margo has also shown growth throughout the series - she's kind of a dim bulb but she seems to have found something she is good at.
  18. I am only through the first two episodes, but in both episodes by the thirty minute mark I was checking how much time was left which is never a good sign. My lord these are some awful people. Too much adultery and smoking! The smoking was ok on mad men because of the era, but seriously I don’t know a single adult who smokes cigarettes regularly. I find it annoying. I don’t know if I’m going to keep watching; these stories are not compelling enough to put up with these characters.
  19. The only thing I can think is that they all live pretty close to each other since they attend the same school? Where I live most kids live in a 1/2-1 mile radius from the school they attend- maybe it’s the same for them and they walked/biked, but it was dark when they left and they are pretty young to be out alone....
  20. Someone should have told that to the last Danielle to grace this show ?
  21. I think this one was the best yet. The kids were a little toned down. I still thought it was a stretch that Rory told Graham has to move to Boise, and Graham replied he didn't want to live in Idaho. I don't think a 7 year old would know that Boise is in Idaho if he didn't live near there. Those Bunny ears girls are cold - what a bunch of mean girls! I liked when they left and Miggy wondered where they were going since they were seven......
  22. On all of the tv's now in my house I have no idea how to change the channel without the remote, so the remotes are golden in our house. Shoot, it was almost a full scale meltdown when the roku remote died - we were all like "how are we going to use the tv now?!???"
  23. I think the funniest parts of this were shown in trailers and previews, so it’s hard to evaluate, but tonally, I like it enough to try a few more episodes. My favorite was the brother saying there was cat poop in the sand box when his brother was shoving his face in it - such a sibling thing to do! Was I the only one who thought the words “Dolphin Smooth” when the mom was shaving Michael Cudlitz?!?
  24. As a person who has been called mean for being honest before, I suppose you are right, but in this case, I think it's called for. For instance, a few seasons ago, Vanessa was insecure that Trey did not actually like her (and they also were having sex). He was nicer than Dave, said all the right things, and they stayed together. By the reunion they were splittsville, and she was heartbroken. I think Dave has saved Amber that much by being totally honest, and I don't think he owes it to her to change his personality or walk on eggshells all the time as he said just to assuage her unending insecurities. Okay, now I am really done. I don't think at this point anyone is going to change their opinions on these people. @Kareem - still waiting for directions to those undies.......
  25. See, this is where we differ, I don't think Dave played games with her, other than the mini moon when he reached his limit of frustration. Where you see games, I see honesty. We obviously just see this through a different lens. I think I'm done defending Dave. I don't think these two are going to make it (nor should they), so regardless of whose fault it is, they are doomed in the long run...... Thanks for the laugh! Can you point me in the right direction on where I can purchase a pair of those undies?!? ;-p
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