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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I said this on the thread last week that I thought Jason and Miggy are very similar, except for the baby. Clueless can be funny, but too dumb to be believable is not (bananas in the blender, ruining all those bottles). I do like that Will’s daughter is like Leighton M (can’t remember her character’s name), and her son is like Will. Overall though, I still think the kids are too much, and the show would be better if we saw 75% less of them.....
  2. It was, but he was literally drenched in sweat - like the entire back of his shirt was wet! I can only imagine what his legs, ensconced in full pants in that climate, were like. I hate being sweaty like that. I would have quit too. I will give you he is buttoned up and pretty anal. I still would rather deal with him than her. One thing is for certain though - I think we all agree they don’t belong together!
  3. How about when she couldn’t figure out how to chop garlic at the group cooking get together and needed everyone around her to reassure her. That reaction was very immature. My nine year old doesn’t even act like that!
  4. I’m not saying it’s her fault he’s not into her, but she had to know it was a possibility she could end up divorced at the end of this. That is why I am putting some of it on her. I don’t think either one of them looks good in this scenario, but I do think Dave honestly tried and her behavior has been a huge turn off for him. I think if he had been matched with someone less needy and more confident he could have made a successful match if he was attracted to the person. I don’t think she would be successful with anyone because she is needy and selfish. I don’t think he made her insecure; she already was coming into this, and besides, she is like that with other people not just him. Everyone, including Dave, has told her she is over analyzing. He has reassured her a lot and she won’t accept it. Neither of them can be what the other wants or needs. Dave is not going to become a coddling nurturer. He is into brutal honesty. She is not going to suddenly stop second guessing everything he says which just makes him more frustrated and thus more brutal honesty. It’s a vicious cycle at this point and they are just not right for each other. I think we all agree on that. I just don’t view his behavior as negatively as hers.
  5. I think we just are on opposite sides re: Dave. She is partly responsible for the baggage she is getting this time - she signed up for this knowing the odds of a successful match were not great, and she is also actively sabotaging this relationship by her neediness. I don’t think this makes Dave an idiot. I do not feel sorry for her, except for the fact that she just doesn’t see that she is part of her own problem with men.
  6. I know, right? It was like Tristan was grilling Mia on what she had learned like a child! Also, was it my imagination, or was Mia wearing slippers in the park???
  7. @Marsh I think you summed it up correctly. I am definitely in camp #1. I think how you feel about these people is somewhat influenced by your own personality and personal experiences with people like Dave. I am a woman, but I happen to have a personality like Dave, so maybe that is why I don't see a bunch of red flags. I also don't feel he has made her more insecure -I don't think that's even possible with Amber: she was always crazy insecure. I don't think Amber is a bad person, but she needs help big time. Maybe she wouldn't have come across as needy as she does if she had been matched with someone more nurturing, but she would still need help nonetheless. You are correct that #5 doesn't exist! ;-)
  8. Thank you! I couldn't figure out a way to this, but you expressed my exact feeling on all the Dave stuff. He's not the warmest, but that is his personality. I don't think he has some grand scheme to humiliate Amber. It's not his job to constantly reassure her, which seems to be what she expects. Meanwhile, she does absolutely nothing for him other than sex (according to Dave on Unfiltered). He has every right to reject her, just like everyone else does on this show. He has been upfront with her, she doesn't like his answer, so she just keeps pushing. It doesn't make him a bad person because they matched him with a neurotic woman and he doesn't love her. She is exhausting. I think he really tried to make this work, but she just can't let it go and he's fed up. I would be too.
  9. I think this is it exactly - the more she pushes, the more turned off he gets. He is just so frustrated at this point he can't even try to be nice anymore. I think this process is turning both of them into alcoholics.......
  10. Mia and Tristan- lather, rinse, repeat. To borrow from Season 4’s Nick: I DON’T LIKE THEM! Dave and Amber- He was an ass, but she would have made me run screaming from the resort. I know most here think he is cold, insensitive, fill in the blank with your negative adjective, but he doesn’t bother me. She, on the other hand, would drive me insane. Bobby and Danielle- I agree with her that she shouldn’t say I love you just because he has, but for Pete’s sake, say something! I do think they work though because they are both open to doing things for each other that are meaningful to the other person. In the end, I think it’s looking to me like all three will opt to stay together, which is absolutely stupid for two of these. I’m going to be so annoyed at watching the “experts” pass out champagne and pat each other on the back for what a great job they did.....
  11. @qtpye I completely agree with everything you said. The less we see of the kids the better the show would be! It worked pretty well on Everybody Loves Raymond too, and Friends..... Also, I kind of feel like Miggy is a copy of Jason from the Good Place, just with a baby. I think it weird he’s always with these older people he has nothing in common with and not with his own friends/family. I mean, why on earth would he have been with them when they were dropping their kids off for school when his own kid is a baby?
  12. These were my favorite things about the episode. Only this show could make a joke about Manifest Destiny and have it actually work! I loved when Chidi was handed the gun and said "I think it's real." Trevor doesn't bother me, I like Adam Scott best when he's a smarmy jerk. I do think Vicky would have worked better in this scenario though. I was hoping Bad Janet would pop up - she's actually my favorite Bad Place character......
  13. You took the words right out of my mouth! For me, Sharna is the female equivalent of Gleb. Can’t stand her!
  14. Ha! She was a country singer who had a variety show (think Sonny and Cher) in the late seventies. Her two sisters were on the show with her. Kinda makes me wonder who they think the audience for this show is......
  15. I think there is only one reason Tristan stayed, and the color he cared about is green.........
  16. Yeah, you’re probably right on that one, but no way Rory knows who Barbara Mandel is. I mean, I’m 46 and I was little when that show was out. That joke would work if it was 1982, or if Doug had said Kardashians, then probably (I’m guessing Rory’s favorite is Kim). My problem is that all the kids are precocious and just too much. If they wanted that much snark out of the kids they should have made them older tweens or teens, but at this age, it’s just too obnoxious for me.
  17. This is it exactly! Most normal people’s day to day lives are pretty boring. Bobby and Danielle are just living a regular life. Otherwise they end up doing stupid producer induced activities that most people don’t participate in on a regular basis (tantric sex experts, rope obstacle courses,sidewalk cornhole, apple picking, etc....) I think we all know when that nonsense is happening and it’s equally annoying (at least to me anyway). I think for me the gold standard on the show is Jason and Courtney. They got along but were each interesting in their own right - fireman by day, wrestler by night; makeup artist by day, burlesque queen by night.....
  18. Me either - I actually think they are ruining the show for me. I don't think these writers know any kids this age, because they have them saying things that kids this age would never know. For instance, the twins and Shawshank, or Rory knowing anything about the Mandrell sisters. Just not believable at all. I am giving one more episode, but I don't think I can stand anymore of the kids.....
  19. I think you are absolutely right, but it kind of is sick when you think too hard about it - if we know this, that the experts are matching for maximum train wrecks, why are we still watching? I guess we must all love to see it to some degree, or still hold out hope each season they'll do better and we will see at least one happily ever after........It's a little like Charlie Brown and Lucy and the football - maybe this time they'll get it ;-p
  20. @humbleopinion And those teasers for the next episode are never misleading, are they...?
  21. I agree with this. I feel sorry for her because I think this is not the first time she has done that, judging by her “Dallas Douches” comments and the fact that she says Dave is the first guy she’s ever trusted. Everyone seems to think Dave is just with her for the sex, but she was the one who initiated sex first, not him. For all we know, she has the stronger libido in the relationship and the daily sex is mutually desired.....
  22. This! She actually used the phrase "after all I've sacrificed" during one of the TH's. I could not believe she had the gall to utter those words!
  23. You can add Vaughn, Davina (although she got stuck with a real asshole) and Molly to that list as well.....I agree that uptight, tightly wound people do not do well on this show - you'd think the "experts" would realize that by now! I also think they should really explore and evaluate if people will not do well with the cameras because I do think that is a factor for some people too..... I really think the problem with Dave and Amber is that neither is awful, they just got matched with the wrong person. I think if Dave had been matched with a strong, confident woman he would have been much happier; I also think if Amber had been matched with someone more nurturing she would not have been so neurotic. The experts focused on the absolute wrong things - they matched them because they are older and want to start a family, but it's like they didn't even consider basic things like personality!
  24. And yet she had no problem saying “love you” when saying goodbye to her mom. Seems strange since she said her family was not expressive that way.... Also, on an unrelated topic, am I the only one who thinks mini moon sounds stupid? Is that a real thing?!?
  25. I think that is exactly it - there's nothing else interesting about them, no drama at all, just two people saying we get along great - nothing to see here! Not exactly gripping television. Unfortunately, that is the exact conundrum of this show - we want these couples to work out, but when they do, it's kind of boring.......
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