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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. If Tristan trusted God, he would have waited for God to bring him a perfect mate in God’s time. Instead he took things into his own hands and trusted three “experts” on a basic cable tv show to find him a wife.
  2. I agree! My first thought when they showed them was why are they making Ho Hos? ;-p So now we have your stern Gran, grumpy Dad, sweet aunt, and weird cousin? I liked Prue but still miss Mary. I liked Noel too even though he seems like a strange choice for this show. I've never seen him in anything else. I don't know who Sandi is either and I thought she was forgettable. I didn't think she and Noel worked together as well as Sue and Mel. The rest seemed the same so I can live with the cast changes. I think my favorite part was at the end when Stephen called his mom to tell her he won Star Baker and then he cried telling her Paul shook his hand!
  3. I am totally disgusted by Dr. Jessica's behavior and bullshit justification. This woman spends two minutes at the beginning of every episode listing her "expert" credentials. She is absolutely there in a professional capacity, otherwise, why is she there? Also, if she is not "counseling" the participants, then why are the experts even involved past the matching process? Her behavior on this show is even more reprehensible in light of her relationship with Jon. Every single other couple experiencing conflict she has counseled to work through their issues and stick it out. Even Tristan and lying thieving Mia! The one time she got on her high horse and took a participant to task and recommended parting ways was the one with the guy she is now dating. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, but it looks mighty shady and unethical to me. She needs to be off the show in my opinion. I never thought I would say this, but I long for the days of Dr. Logan the sexologist. Who knew she would be the most professional third chair expert?!?
  4. I agree that there is no sure thing, and even when it looks good on paper there is really no way to account for chemistry. That being said, you certainly can tell when two people absolutely do not belong together. For instance, someone who says I must live in Manhattan matched with someone in New Jersey (Sean and Davina); someone who idealizes a manly man matched with a funny nerd (Sam and Neil); someone extremely afraid of dogs matched with someone who is in love with his giant dogs (Sonia and Nick), and don’t get me started on Jessica and Ryan. All of this to say, they have set most of the couples on this show up for failure by matching for ratings rather than anything else, including common sense, which is pretty reprehensible when you think about it.
  5. Congratulations! My husband and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary in May. 40 years is impressive - maybe you should apply to be one of the experts? Pretty sure you have a better idea of what it takes to make marriage last than Dr. Pepper and crew! ;-p
  6. I agree - Drew's actually coaching and not just offering encouragement. I remember earlier this season one of the girls was struggling to get up the wall and he was giving specific advice on how to push up to the top. He is definitely one of my favorites now which is surprising considering when I first started watching in Season 4 or 5 I loathed him! In the Stage 1 finals the other night Drew and Flip Rodriguez were both talking about how they used to compete to be the fastest finisher, and I think they have both matured since having an early exit because of rushing. They have both grown up a lot in the last few seasons. I enjoyed seeing them training together this last episode.
  7. Or maybe the old adage "A broken clock is right twice a day". I think it's actually just dumb luck.
  8. I don't remember that, but if it's true, it must be awkward now that he is dating Alyssa Beird!
  9. Man that was sad. I can’t believe so many crazy falls! It broke my heart when Joe fell - I’ve loved him since I started started watching during the season of Kacy back when his obnoxious cousin also competed. What a bummer. And the women! Almost as sad about Alyssa and Flex! And what was up with the evening dresses?!!? I didn’t see video of all the guys posing in tuxedos - why are the female athletes doing that nonsense? Totally ludicrous and sexist! Jamie Rahn’s shoeless run is definitely top 10 all time memorable - helped make up for a night of so many shocking exits!
  10. I don’t think he’s on the spectrum - he’s a finance guy. I am also an accountant and I get him. Generally type A, not touchy-feely. Cold hard facts. Basically the opposite of his wife. She needs a lot of validation and he is just not that guy. I wouldn’t be that person either. I think Amber is being ridiculous most of the time, but if I was committed to seeing this through I would have changed the way I deal with her and start vetting every word out of my mouth because every innocuous comment becomes a minefield that could blow up Amber’s insecurities. They both seem like decent people to me, but they are a disastrous couple.
  11. I think she was trying to do this after the perfume comment when she snarked back, "Oh, I guess I should put some more on then" or something like that. It was actually the correct response and he laughed it off too. I think things would be better between them if she just responded that way to him. None of these "fantasies" measured up to last year's pole dancing episode with Shawniece and Jephte. Nothing can compare to Jephte raining bills down and Shawniece sliding down the pole and landing on her ass......
  12. If looks could kill, everyone in that Unfiltered studio would be dead judging from Amber’s facial expression. Definitely not over the 7.5. Oh Dave, so close until you ruined it with the perfume comment. I’m thinking he’s been single for so long because he doesn’t know how to read women. Bonus points to Amber for finally letting something go without turning it into a major drama! Growth! Mia is still nuts but so is her family. The sister is horrible/ tv gold. I think you could have made a drinking game out of every time Tristan said “light lunch”, my new favorite words..... I think Danielle didn’t want to answer those fishbowl questions in a fully lit bedroom with a camera crew. I wouldn’t either.
  13. Or perhaps because of all those factors he decided she is not someone he could fall in love with and answered accordingly. I do not feel he is under any obligation to lie just to make Amber feel better. For all we know, maybe his real answer was actually lower and he bumped it to 7.5 to make her feel better, but he undershot because the other two overdid it. The whole exercise is stupid and mean spirited and only useful for causing drama. For that reason, maybe he should have scored her higher, or maybe Amber should have not been bothered so much. Either way, the real winners are the producers.....
  14. I have only watched this far, but Patty is annoying me. Sometimes she is really smart, and other times incredibly stupid. Bob keeps telling her what to do, and she doesn't listen. It's happened multiple times in just this episode, and it's going to get old quick. Pageant Bob has also done some incredibly dumb things (going to Magnolia's room??!!?) that I just don't find believable. I'll watch a couple more, but that's it. I kind of love Allyssa Milano in this. So far, she is my favorite character.
  15. I recognized pageant Bob from Walking Dead, and DA Bob from Ugly Betty. Why on earth are they both named Bob??? I also thought this was a lot like Drop Dead Gorgeous. I've only watched the first two episodes, but so far, I don't think it's quite as funny or scathing as it wants to be.
  16. I think the problem with Swedish Ninja is that it doesn’t really define who is. Unlike Island Ninja who lives in Hawaii, or Eskimo Ninja who lives in Alaska, Swedish Ninja lives in....Minnesota? It just doesn’t work. I agree with Clarewalks - it would have been better had he called himself something to do with the Salmon Ladder since that is something he’s known for.
  17. I love Joe Moravsky. He’s just seems like a totally normal guy but when he gets on the course he just annihilates it, and he’s so consistently good. I also love Drew Dreschel. I used to think he was cocky but he seems more mature. I like that he cheers on so many other ninjas, even coaching them! Plus, he is so superhuman running the course - he’s like a monkey! One of my favorite backstories from a few years ago was a funny piece they did when he and James McGrath were roommates and it was like the odd couple. Seems they have both grown up a lot! I appreciated how well he took it a couple episodes ago when he fell and Christine acted like it was tragic, and he was just like “well, I made it to Vegas, right?”
  18. My favorites of the night were Hannahlei and Cole’s broadway and Slavik and Gennesey’s Jazz. Despite that, and the fact that I’ve enjoyed most of Slavik and Gennesey’s dances, I thought they should have sent Gennesey home over Magda. Yes, her hip hop was terrible, but I think she is overall a better dancer than Gennessey, and I hate when it just becomes a bunch of contemporary dancers.
  19. I just meant Drew can call himself whatever kind of ninja he wants because he is arguably the best.
  20. This! I was snarking last week on the nap ninja. I like that some of the veterans have nicknames that aren't Fill-In-The-Blank Ninja . I'm not counting Drew "Real Life Ninja" because he is. I like things like Captain NBC, The Weatherman, James The Beast McGrath, The Godfather, etc. Not everyone needs or deserves a nickname and a logo t-shirt and when you're not great it's just stupid. It seems the elite ones (just generally) don't use those type of nicknames, even the newer elites don't, like Flex or The Kid. It only works when it's earned, not just made up. That being said, I do like Island Ninja (although I hope he's learned his lesson about playing to the crowd this year!), Cowboy Ninja, and Kingdom Ninja. I must be evil because every week this show has given me a great laugh at someone that is featured and then fell. This week was the idiot salmon ladder showoff (also with a stupid ninja nickname). What a dumbass! I yelled when Meagan fell - I want a woman to finish a finals course so bad! So many women this year got to the 9th obstacle, or even the 10th. I have my fingers crossed it happens next year!
  21. And maybe if they were casually dating I might agree, but as "the experts" like to say, they are married. I expect my husband to tell me the truth even if I don't like it. She may have low self esteem, but she isn't stupid. She has to know that the situation hasn't been perfect - why would she expect it to be higher? If it was me I would rather know than pretend it's all perfect. Besides, as Dave himself said, it was going to come out on tv anyway - what good would lying do when she's going to find out eventually?
  22. Maybe my wording was harsh. I don't think that outfit was appropriate for someone who is there in a professional capacity. And it was more that stylistically, the dress and shoes were completely mismatched. I honestly think it would look better if Jessica and Jamie switched shoes. The funky purple sandals would go better with Jamie's more casual romper, and the stiletto pumps would look better with the leather dress.......
  23. Dave is definitely getting a hard time - I've seen the words toxic and jerk, and frankly, I just don't see it. That is what I find so fascinating about this forum - we are all watching the same thing and the way people interpret things differently amazes me. The way I see it, Amber has asked him questions and he has answered honestly. He didn't sugar coat or coddle her (that just doesn't seem to be who he is), but that shouldn't be necessary. She is not a child - she is a grown woman who is almost 40! The Jessica Biel and 7.5 rating questions were such non-issues that she made huge deals out of. He seems more baffled by her reactions ("you're mad at half a point?!?") and inability to let it go despite his and other people's reassurances. I don't think he has some grand scheme to alienate her on purpose; she seems to be doing that all on her own. I don't blame him if he's getting frustrated, I just think they are completely mismatched, and she is too immature for marriage and too selfish for a baby. I also don't think he was being mean to call her on the laundry when she said ON CAMERA that she would do it. He wasn't angry or rude about it, but her response was very juvenile. Instead of owning it she basically said she didn't want to be married?!? She seems to be all take and no give and I just can't see why that is his fault.
  24. I find Amber exhausting. Her bs excuse about being scared about having feelings for Dave is a cop out. And if she doesn’t want to do Dave’s laundry she’s in for a rude awakening about how much laundry kids have....Dave seems slightly inflexible, and is not the warmest person but he seems to be trying. I started on team Amber but I think I’m definitely swaying team Dave at this point. Bobby and Danielle were not my favorites the first few episodes, but they are quickly becoming one of my all time favorites, and part of it has been Bobby on Unfiltered. I find him surprisingly genuine and funny. While I appreciate Jessica calling it about either be ready to sign divorce papers or keep the ring on, in this instance I just wish she had said this is too far gone. Of course she doesn’t..... And on the topic of Dr Jessica, the ridiculous leather mini dress with frumpy fugly purple shoes was blowing my mind on Unfiltered. Way to look professional, lady!
  25. I was filled with glee when the Nap Ninja fell - I am so over every single person getting a fill-in-the-blank ninja title and a logo t-shirt! Seriously, if your most interesting quality is that you like to nap, you should just use your name and wear an UnderArmour tank.... Also can’t stand the fireman who fell - he needs to dial back the intensity and screaming. Also hate that he shows up with all his fireman gear Every.Single.Time. We get it. You’re a fireman. I have more respect for the ones who just show up in appropriate attire and kick ass on the course like Drew, Joe, and Daniel Gill (my one exception is Jamie Rahn). There must be something wrong with me because I asked my husband who was the better ninja couple: Chris and Flex or James and Alyssa? He looked at me like I had two heads. I think I am waaay too into this show.....
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