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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. It was horrible! If she wasn't so beat down from being bullied, I wish a little of her personality she had developed in Hawkins with her friends had shown up. I would have loved for her to show a little teen attitude to Dr. Brenner like "Oh my God Dr. Brenner - I cannot believe you shaved my head again! Do you know how long it took me to grow that out?!? And you are NOT my papa - my papa's name is Jim Hopper - YOU are the monster!"
  2. Ha ha THIS! Third Sister seems like a pissed off chihuahua compared to DV. I couldn't believe when they panned back and showed him still around all that lava....... I absolutely loved this episode. That moment when Obi-Wan and DV sensed each other! Man, Obi-Wan needs a Jedi tune-up. Maybe he needs to go see Yoda and get in touch with the Force again? I will say I think watching Clone Wars really adds a different layer to this show - it really shows how developed their relationship was and why Obi-Wan is so broken up over Anakin much more than you can get from just the movies. It also gives a much more in depth glimpse of Anakin as a fully functioning Jedi - he was a bad ass good guy, which makes it even sadder that he turned to the dark side...... I am loving Baby Leia. Not as much as Grogru, but she is wonderful. Great casting. Interesting that DV couldn't sense her too, but maybe because he was so focused on finding Obi-Wan? The light saber fight shown from a distance was beautiful. I didn't think anything could top Mandalorian, especially after Bad Batch and BOBF, but this one is definitely trying.......
  3. "I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!"
  4. We are on the same page @krankydoodle - when the girls walked into that jail I said to my husband in my best Hannibal Lecter voice "Hello Clarice" ;-p Robin and Nancy are the second best dynamic duo after Dustin/Steve. When Nancy said "I think we can out run them" and the inmates were commenting as they took off I laughed. "You dropped your shoe!" And my first thought when Yuri offered coffee was "don't drink anything from him!" I am seriously already over this story line. I really just wish that Yuri had taken the money and picked Hopper up and then the three of them were off to Hawkins together. I'm over this Russian plot. I did laugh when Murray chastised Joyce with "Joyce, there are some things you can be late for, like a dentist appointment. But for what is essentially a hostage exchange I think you need to be on time!
  5. Ok, I've read through all of the comments, but can someone clear this up for me: Jonathan, Nancy and Steve have graduated from high school. Robin is a Junior or Senior, and the kids are freshmen, except Erika who overtly stated she is in 6th grade but I'm convinced is actually a 30 year old woman in a child's body.....
  6. That is so funny - when she was doing that I said to my husband in Edna Mode voice "no capes!" Love Baby Leia and Tough Uncle Owen. Star Wars timeline stuff makes my eye twitch, so I'm just going with all of it and the eye candy that is Ewan McGregor. Seriously, the older he gets, the hotter he is...... Other things I liked: Obi-Wan struuuuuggling big time to use the force. I guess it's just like riding a bike? Obi-Wan watching Luke playing and pretending to race on the back of the building then his anonymous gift. Lovely foreshadowing and so perfectly 10 yo boy - had to remind Obi-Wan of Anakin. Obi-Wan bonding with little Leia. Him buying her the cape and then the gloves because she wanted them. The last shot of Darth Vader in the tank. Kumail Nanjiani - if they keep him as the Peli Motto of this show I will be fine with that.
  7. I wouldn't call Rachel strategic - her strategy was being nice and playing herself. She even said her final ratings were not strategic, but just following her heart, which is how I think all but Alex in the final five played. Otherwise, no way would Frank have won.
  8. I think he way overplayed the "Mama Carol" thing. Personally, I think he would have been more successful playing as himself - he's a nice, good looking guy. I wasn't a fan of his catfishing persona, but I do like "John" - he's one of my favorite catfish. His sex talk with the girls and then with Alyssa was hilarious to me. Other catfish I thought were great were Seaburn/Rebecca, and Lee/River. My point about the Joker was not about Courtney, just the twist. I wish this season had more of that. It seems like they relied on the Spice Girls to be the draw, but they were only there for 4 episodes. This group seems like nice people, but Alyssa and Alex were the only two really playing strategy. Endless chats with not much else is boring, even with the Spice Girls.....
  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices things like this - I watched American Idol this year, and Ryan asked someone else to "Dim the Lights" and I was like "What! Where's Kieran??? Who the hell is this guy dimming the lights??!??" :-p
  10. This is the most delightful aspect of their interactions - Chris remaining cool as a cucumber and that turd Alyssa frantically pedaling to sell her points even though he's not buying any of it, in the most polite way of course. And the calmer he stayed, the more pissed she got. I love it! I didn't watch this reunion, but I might have to check it just to see more of this! Chris FTW!!!!! And even though Alyssa is said turd, she is harmless in the sense that nobody (including Chris) buys her bullshit. It's just ridiculous. The real worst this season are Olajuwon and Lindsey - their behavior is actually damaging to their partners and, for me anyway, very hard to watch. I bailed about a month ago after seeing the "experts" soft pedal on O and Lindsey even though I think both should have been called out for being abusive. Watching two vibrant, fun people wilt in front of my eyes from repeated verbal beat downs from their "spouses" is disgusting to me.
  11. She didn't. I guess these are technically the "audition" rounds, but she had to have been invited to LA for this "audition", so these people have already been vetted by someone to get here. Of course, I'm sure someone was vetting who got in front of the judges in the old format as well; it just felt more like a real audition than it does now.
  12. This season is boring because there is very little strategy, much like season 1. Unlike season 1 though, it suffers because these people just aren't as likeable or fun as Joey and Shooby's bromance, plus it's not new anymore. I knew Carol/John had no shot of winning, but I was bummed he got blocked. Then my next favorite Bru. I really hope Nathan is next. I kind of feel like Bru - who cares if someone is a catfish if they are loyal? An alliance is an alliance no matter who's behind the screen. I wish there was more strategy/alliance flipping this season. Very little of that makes it so boring at this point in the show. This show suffers towards the latter episodes - it always feels unfair when originals leave over people who just showed up. Maybe it would be better to start with everyone there and just block one player an episode until the final five are left? The spice girls was fun, but this season needed more twists like Courtney being the Joker, or when Jack and Lance(can't remember her name) came back into the game as a new player. More of that, less of endless chats.......
  13. Well, I don't know about that - Covid restrictions were dropped in California in February (where I live) and I know other places were even earlier. Plus, American Idol still went to various cities, so why couldn't this show? Also, they don't seem to have any worries about the live audience there in that theater. I just don't think this is about Covid at all. I think it's about being cheap. My issue is that everyone there has already in essence made it past the first audition just by being given the ticket to LA. So if everyone is already pre-selected, fine, but that makes this round superfluous. They should just begin the competition at the choreography round and then have the live shows.
  14. Yes other dancers, but not this staged audience like we have now - it was just the other dancers waiting for their turn and some parents in an auditorium. This feels exactly like the live rounds. No tickets to another city, just "go to choreography".
  15. I know I should be thankful this show came back at all, but this is just not my show. I can't stand JoJo. She's just so extra it's annoying. But even that pales to the complete change in how the initial auditions work. I know they had changed this before the pandemic, but I really miss them going to the different cities and just doing regular auditions with no studio audience. It has lost that organic feel to the audition process. I don't miss the joke auditions, but this just feels so staged and over produced already. I think I would even prefer it if they had pre-selected dancers but no studio audience. It just lessens the reveal and the importance of getting to the live shows when all the shows are live. I miss the old show. I don't know if I'll keep watching this.
  16. This season was a bust. From the head falling off one contestant, the drama queen exploits of Firefly, the Rudy G debacle. Even their Good, Bad Cuddly didn't work out as the three finalists were all from the same group! I do know Cheyenne Jackson from Glee, but the other two, no idea. I have at least heard of The Goldbergs, but I've never watched it. The winner? No idea who she is, no idea who she is married to, just nothing. Kind of a let down honestly. I thought Ring Master should have won, but she should have switched those final songs and sang the Sarah Bareilles song second as it has more gravitas than that dumb Katy Perry song. Still, I kind of love her voice - she should make an album! I'm not going to sweat it though, this show is so stupid it's not worth the brain cells. I'll forget what happened by next week anyway.....
  17. Throw in Katina, and there you have it. 50% of these participants would have looked right at home on that Unmatchables show. It makes me long for the days when there was one Luke or Matt or Chris in the group. Now every single couple has at least one nutjob whose application should have gone right in the old circular file. I've said it before, but this might be it for me. Oh wait, never mind - my home state is finally being featured next.....see you in San Diego!
  18. Thanks - I thought maybe he was Billie Eilish's brother, but I wasn't sure. For the first time ever, I did not watch Idol at all last year, so I didn't see him. I should have recognized him from the Billie Eilish Disney+ show they did, but I was more listening and not watching that......
  19. Sigh..........this was the wrong week for Nicolina to have a bad week. Both songs were shouty and for the first time all season she sounded out of tune and out of control of the song. Bummer. Well, now that my pick is out, I guess I'm rooting for Noah? It pains me to no end to root for a WGWG at this late date, but I like him the best of the three. I just cannot stand Leah. Her personality, her quirkiness, her little girl high pitched slurry voice just don't do it for me. My husband was horrified by what she did to Separate Ways. He was like "turn it off! turn it off! make it stop!!!!" Hunter is just there for me. She always sounds fine, but I just find her boring and I never remember what she sang afterwards. She'll probably be the most successful of this group though win or lose, but I doubt I'll ever hear her again on any station I listen to on Pandora or Sirius. Who the hell was that Finneas guy? Had to FF that nonsense.
  20. I find this fascinating because I never saw any chemistry between the two of them and it made zero sense to me - Sidney seemed so much older and sophisticated compared to Charlotte. I can understand missing the eye candy that is Theo James, but his character was kind of unlikable, so to me no loss. Only was disappointing that it ended on such a cliffhanger, but after it got renewed, I wasn't upset that TJ didn't return. I don't see much chemistry with this season's love interest for her either, so maybe it's the actress? It is definitely a Austen/Bronte blender at this point, and quite frankly, many period piece tropes. It is definitely not the same quality of some of the other adaptations that I've watched on PBS, but it's harmless fluff and I don't mind that either.
  21. I'm sitting here thinking about this, and you know what really pisses me off about this stupid show? Four or five seasons ago, I (and probably most people) would have loved a season that had so many successful couples on DD. The producers are no doubt thinking "well, we gave them what they wanted - more successes". But the problem is that these aren't happy couples, and the happy ending doesn't feel earned in any way when we know these unlikable people should not be together no matter what they say on DD. Instead, it feels completely fake. It actually would have felt more cathartic to see most of them split up after this shit show.
  22. I am sure if O has seen anything on social media about this show he now knows exactly how most people feel about his repulsive behavior and words to his "wife".
  23. This can be the only reason some of these fools last past this expiration date. I would bet real money that it is still not 4/4 by next week. NO WAY. I did not watch because I cannot stand most of these people, but also, I cannot stomach "the experts" patting themselves on the back for what an awesome job they did. Want to bet they are nowhere to be seen next week when we all hear how most of these couples imploded?
  24. Exactly why I peg him as the winner; still, I think he's shown the most creativity with his song choices, and for that, I find him interesting. Plus, he sounds consistently good. I can't believe I've become an apologist for the country guy, but he's won me over. I hate to admit it, but at this point, he's my #2 after Nicolina.
  25. Not only that but didn't Parker not really know who Carrie Underwood was either? SMH....That girl is dumb as a post. She was just not smart enough to pull off playing as her dad. She should have stuck to what she knows - herself. "Carol" having to endure the vagina talk with the girls was hilarious. I'm surprised he didn't get called out on the cake more though. I was expecting Jack levels of embarrassment like the makeup challenge. He's lucky he was an influencer. Don't say you are a baker and not expect some challenge involving cake, especially since that has been on this show before!
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