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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I was going to watch this, but reading all of these comments makes me want to skip it - it just seems like the same miscreants, new locale. I keep thinking "well, maybe the producers are going to actually try this time to bolster their success story numbers", but it's been pretty horrid since New Orleans, and that was several seasons ago now. I think it might be time to let it go. Honestly, I'll miss this forum more than the show!
  2. I know that was featured in the trailer, but I still laughed. Each one's reaction perfectly encapsulated their persona. So funny! What I found more far fetched was the three of them crawling through the air vents and popping out in Bunny's apartment...... I hope Gut Milk makes a reappearance sometime in this season.......
  3. I think John would have been better off coming in as himself rather than his mom. No way does an older person win this, either as themself nor as a catfish. The only one who even came close was Lee as "River", but I think Lee tried to play River as close to himself as possible, something that John just couldn't do as his mom. Also, I think he leaned waayyy too hard into the "mom" thing - if he had just mentioned it rather than it being his whole persona I think people would have connected more with "her" and "she" wouldn't have come off as such a catfish. Sometimes his messages read more like a grandma than a middle age mom. But I follow him on IG and he seems fun and cool, I just think this was a bad strategy. Not as bad as "Paul", but still not winnable in the end.
  4. Wow. That ending was great. That battle was one for the books - so satisfying to see Obi-Wan get his force mojo back! And I am glad we got to see Hayden C playing DV - so much has been made of his limited usefulness in this show, but he really played it perfectly here. Add me to the fans of the blending of Anakin/DV voices. Perfection there. I hope if there is a season two we see Obi-Wan and Anakin in flashbacks, and not interacting in the present. I also hope we leave Luke and Leia behind until we see them in ANH. I think it will be harder to make that movie make sense if Obi-Wan interacts with them any more. Both were left perfectly in this episode, and when he told Leia to call on him if she ever needs him it perfectly set up the "Help me Obi-Wan" transmission. Loved her little hair buns and boots and holster :-) I love the actress playing Reva. She was amazing in Queen's Gambit. But Reva was not necessary to this show in any way. They could have made all plots work just using the Grand Inquisitor, and he's a way more interesting character. I do hope there is a season two. I don't think this was as good as Mandalorian, but definitely better than BOBF, but I'm not one to nit pick plot holes. I just love Star Wars and will take it in whatever form they give it to us.
  5. She has been playing the long game, but Obi-Wan tapped into her emotions. I think that unsettled her and put her off her game. I don't think it's plot armor in this instance - he's way more powerful than her, and knew who she was, plus, he had the Grand Inquisitor to tell him she was a traitor. Even without Obi-Wan, I think her time with the Inquisitors was numbered......
  6. That was maybe my favorite moment with Darth Vader. He barely even moved. Just his wrists and hands! And when Reva fired up that double sided whirling light saber and he just calmly took it from her - WHAT! And then broke it in half and gave it back to her! WHAT! So boss! If you are really interested, I follow Nerdist on social media and they break down what the writing is. But I am sure there is no shortage of fan sites that do that as well.....
  7. Some of the Star Wars droids have more personality than the actual actors ;-p IG-11, K2S-O, BB8, R2D2, L3-37 come to mind. RIP Ned-B! If you are watching this, obviously you have D+. In one of Disney Gallery round table discussions of The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni has a very interesting take on why Obi-Wan taking over Anakin's training after the death of Qui-Gon Jinn was disastrous. He basically says that Anakin lost his father figure when Qui-Gon died, and Obi-Wan was more like an older brother. You can really see that in that flashback. His almost flippant "you're still a padawan" kiss off just serves to fuel Anakin's frustration. That fight between Reva and DV was everything!!!!! He was so calm just working her over - he barely moved! So badass!!!!! And coupled with the flashbacks to Obi-Wan teaching him use the force that way - perfection. I do feel bad that Obi-Wan basically manipulated her into attacking DV in that moment when I don't think she would have tried right then without him goading her into it, but I don't think it would matter in the long run when DV knew who she was anyway. She was never going to get him. DV absolutely ripping that ship to shreds with the Force was epic. Love, love, loved it!!!! How dumb was Jimmy Smits in that message? Why even mention Luke at all? How about "I need an update. Call me back." Geez - he's a politician! Be more sly when you are relaying top secret messages! Also, if you are trying to make a quick getaway - why not load everyone into the ship instead of all of them just hovering in the cave until the last minute? But this is just quibbling - I really loved this episode. This show is really killing it with the light saber duels!
  8. YES!!! I remember all of this! My parents and my friends parents made us watch a documentary highlighting how all of these evil bands were satanic! I remember being warned of all the backwards record playing that was secretly encoding satanic messages - the Beatles, KISS, Ozzy and don't even get me started on Hotel California.......good grief....... The jock kid should definitely take up politics after high school. Between the perfect hair and jawline, plus the way he whipped that crowd up in record time, he's like the perfect candidate - I'm guessing he's already a member of Young Republicans.......The kids parents must have been horrified to see the picture being circulated with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas standing next to the supposed murderer. Leave it to Ericka to be the only voice of reason at that meeting. "This is bullshit!" :-0 The Hawkins police definitely need Hopper back. Suzie's family is a hoot. The dad navigating the chaos was hilarious. When he freaked over the sister with the cut throat seizing on the floor, I couldn't stop laughing. I also loved the brother filming her with the little mustache..... Obviously, Dr. Brenner is evil, but every new revelation just makes him worse. Pitting the kids against each other, and letting them fight it out is twisted. I really, really hope he dies for real by the end of this show.
  9. I preferred the seasons when they didn't interact with the other couples (at least on camera) and didn't honeymoon and live together. That is not real life - that is reality show living. I preferred when the emphasis was on each couple trying to get to know their partner, not inter-couple drama. I agree I miss the housing and finance discussions. But all this is forgivable if they would just cast better people! Sadly, I think that ship has sailed.....the "social experiment" has been exchanged for cheap drama.
  10. That actually seems like it would be more useful for the show as it stands now, seeing how the majority of these people will end up divorced rather than married......but I completely agree with you @Yeah No. It's overkill for something that really does not need it. Imagine how much less pissed we would all be if we weren't in a perpetual cycle of having to watch this nonsense? If they actually only showed matching, wedding prep and bachelor/bachelorette parties, weddings, honeymoon, a few weeks of marriage, decision day, reunion? And then NOTHING! I don't care enough about these people to wonder "what they are doing now". When will they learn we only care when they stay married, and I don't mean like Erik and Virginia just for couples cam or Steve and Noi for I have no idea why. The season shouldn't be three times longer than the actual marriage in my mind.....
  11. I love that this show is exploring young Leia and not young Luke. There's much more room with her to create an original backstory. I think that glimpse we got of Luke pretending to fly on top of the house tells us what we need to know about him and his life on Tatooine. We already know he's living pretty much the same existence when Obi-Wan contacts him 10 years later in ANH. I think Obi maybe chose to watch over Luke though because Luke was placed on Anakin's home planet with his own family members. That's more dangerous for Luke if Vader comes looking. Yes Leia is living a more high profile life, but I don't think anyone is questioning her birth parentage and she has (supposedly) more protection being the child of a high profile government leader.
  12. I am with you. I am over this show. They are only married for eight weeks, but we are subjected to watching this shit show for six months and then right into another six month season of hot garbage. It's not even interesting anymore. A bunch of psychos, fame whores, weirdos or sad sacks that need intensive therapy more than they need a spouse. A few are actually ready for marriage, but lately they are never matched with anyone who is equally mature enough and ready to settle down.
  13. This really raises the question of what she knows - how does she know that Darth Vader is Anakin? None of this is clear at this point.
  14. I guess, but if she knows that all of the kids and Jedi were slaughtered by her current master's own hands it doesn't matter what was happening on a macro level, does it? Her beef against Obi-Wan seems very personal. If she knows that Anakin was directly responsible for what happened to her, why is she so mad at Obi-Wan and not Vader? I hope we find out what her motivation is before the end of this season.
  15. I guess, but it doesn't make sense to me that she is this pissed at Obi-Wan and not Darth Vader - he's the one that killed all the kids and forced her into that position to be scavenging on the street. Hopefully we'll find out what her motivation is because at this point I don't understand it.
  16. This made me laugh, and totally agree with your assessment of the Empire. The storm troopers have always been shown to be inept, and we have seen crazy rescues happening right under their noses before (ANH anyone?), so no surprise that it's been going on since the beginning. Ok, I have never been on the Ewan McGregor is sexy train, but this show has changed my mind. He is definitely aging well! I loved this - that little actress is killing it! When Reva decided to play nice cop and she sweetly said "I can tell my dad and he can tell you - we're all on the same side, right? I'LL NEVER TELL YOU!!!!" I loved it. I keep thinking about this - if she was one of the Padawans that escaped, why would she join the Dark Side and fight for the people that tried to murder her? Or is she playing a really, really long game and she's going to flip? I don't get it. There have been some really cool moments with the light sabers on this show. That moment in the dark was awesome, like the scene in episode three with Darth Vader and Obi-Wan fighting in the distance. I love seeing him getting his mojo back. The little moments like when he was trying to move whatever was on the table show he's not at full strength yet.
  17. I am sad to say I really didn't enjoy this season as much. Even though last season had her constantly returning to the bathroom and the party, for some reason this felt more redundant to me with the train. I too missed the interaction of Nadia and Alan. I found his mustache very distracting - it made him look about 20 years older. I don't know why Alan had the story he had - it just made no sense and that saying something for this show. I don't think it's a coincidence that my favorite part was when Alan ended back up in the bathroom with the iconic song playing. I also loved Nadia and Maxine in Germany. It was so sad that she wasn't with Ruth when she died because it seems very much like something flaky her mom would do. Loved Annie Murphy. Really, I love all the characters, so it's a very mixed bag for me. I will be back though if there is a season 3.
  18. I wouldn't call it sneaky - I think it's definitely overt. And I would rank Clone Wars above the prequels in terms of story telling and character development. I watch the D+ Marvel shows, but I haven't seen most of the movies. I am sure it's a richer experience for everyone who has seen all the movies. I feel the same about these shows. I'm not into parsing every sentence to see if it fits "canon" or erases or makes a plot hole for the other shows/movies. I read a Nerdist article on Facebook this morning that gives Quinlan Vos' entire backstory and that was enough for me. I don't think knowing who he is at this point in the story is going affect understanding this episode as a whole. I still stand by my OP that Clone Wars provides a lot more back story to Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, but I don't think people can't enjoy this series without watching it.
  19. It was horrible! If she wasn't so beat down from being bullied, I wish a little of her personality she had developed in Hawkins with her friends had shown up. I would have loved for her to show a little teen attitude to Dr. Brenner like "Oh my God Dr. Brenner - I cannot believe you shaved my head again! Do you know how long it took me to grow that out?!? And you are NOT my papa - my papa's name is Jim Hopper - YOU are the monster!"
  20. Ha ha THIS! Third Sister seems like a pissed off chihuahua compared to DV. I couldn't believe when they panned back and showed him still around all that lava....... I absolutely loved this episode. That moment when Obi-Wan and DV sensed each other! Man, Obi-Wan needs a Jedi tune-up. Maybe he needs to go see Yoda and get in touch with the Force again? I will say I think watching Clone Wars really adds a different layer to this show - it really shows how developed their relationship was and why Obi-Wan is so broken up over Anakin much more than you can get from just the movies. It also gives a much more in depth glimpse of Anakin as a fully functioning Jedi - he was a bad ass good guy, which makes it even sadder that he turned to the dark side...... I am loving Baby Leia. Not as much as Grogru, but she is wonderful. Great casting. Interesting that DV couldn't sense her too, but maybe because he was so focused on finding Obi-Wan? The light saber fight shown from a distance was beautiful. I didn't think anything could top Mandalorian, especially after Bad Batch and BOBF, but this one is definitely trying.......
  21. "I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!"
  22. We are on the same page @krankydoodle - when the girls walked into that jail I said to my husband in my best Hannibal Lecter voice "Hello Clarice" ;-p Robin and Nancy are the second best dynamic duo after Dustin/Steve. When Nancy said "I think we can out run them" and the inmates were commenting as they took off I laughed. "You dropped your shoe!" And my first thought when Yuri offered coffee was "don't drink anything from him!" I am seriously already over this story line. I really just wish that Yuri had taken the money and picked Hopper up and then the three of them were off to Hawkins together. I'm over this Russian plot. I did laugh when Murray chastised Joyce with "Joyce, there are some things you can be late for, like a dentist appointment. But for what is essentially a hostage exchange I think you need to be on time!
  23. Ok, I've read through all of the comments, but can someone clear this up for me: Jonathan, Nancy and Steve have graduated from high school. Robin is a Junior or Senior, and the kids are freshmen, except Erika who overtly stated she is in 6th grade but I'm convinced is actually a 30 year old woman in a child's body.....
  24. That is so funny - when she was doing that I said to my husband in Edna Mode voice "no capes!" Love Baby Leia and Tough Uncle Owen. Star Wars timeline stuff makes my eye twitch, so I'm just going with all of it and the eye candy that is Ewan McGregor. Seriously, the older he gets, the hotter he is...... Other things I liked: Obi-Wan struuuuuggling big time to use the force. I guess it's just like riding a bike? Obi-Wan watching Luke playing and pretending to race on the back of the building then his anonymous gift. Lovely foreshadowing and so perfectly 10 yo boy - had to remind Obi-Wan of Anakin. Obi-Wan bonding with little Leia. Him buying her the cape and then the gloves because she wanted them. The last shot of Darth Vader in the tank. Kumail Nanjiani - if they keep him as the Peli Motto of this show I will be fine with that.
  25. I wouldn't call Rachel strategic - her strategy was being nice and playing herself. She even said her final ratings were not strategic, but just following her heart, which is how I think all but Alex in the final five played. Otherwise, no way would Frank have won.
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