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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Totally agree! I am completely hand waiving the societal norms that would be present in the time period this show is set, but so much about this show is ridiculous anyway. I feel like the ending with Charlotte and Colbourne was a repeat of Season 1 ending with Sidney, only because they don't want to marry off the main gal too quickly. So stupid and contrived. Don't get me started on the situation with Esther. Glad it worked out, but come on. She has her own carriage and a house in town with her husband - why stay in Sanditon and be tormented? She should have left the minute her brother showed up! This whole show is dumb, but I like this genre and keep watching. I just wish it was better.
  2. Finally got to watch this. I enjoyed it for what it is - a shallow period piece with beautiful clothes. l find this is an interesting time and place - i wish they would explore the city more. My biggest annoyance though is the fact that it reads like an American Downton Abbey. I really wish the downstairs characters had just been in the background and there were more upstairs characters to flesh out the "society". For a show about people trying to worm their way into a group, they group was very small. Ada mentioned "the four hundred". We saw what, five families? It just seemed too small to really convey the idea. I feel like there needs to be more primary upstairs characters, and for once, skip the downstairs people. It would serve Oscar right if his boyfriend won Gladys' affection. I hope that plot twist happens. It would be more interesting.
  3. I realize Kelly is on a different network, but there is no reason they can't show footage from those seasons, right? Why I feel like a retrospective talking about the history of the show over the last two decades would have been better. Ryan could have even hosted it.
  4. Thank you! This show is in it's twilight. It really was a big deal when it launched in those early years. This hour long show highlighting these barely famous people from the ABC years was not the tribute this show deserved. Disney now owns Fox too, right? They should have done a gigantic 3 hour retrospective documenting the absolute dominance of it's early years and highlighting the actual stars that the show was able to produce, which is remarkable compared to other singing shows. They should have made it a bigger deal and gotten as many of the actual big names they have launched as possible. Any talk about 20 years without Kelly, Carrie, Adam, Chris and Simon is just a diminished joke. If they were going to bring up the episode featuring Lionel, where was the one where Katy performed and then turned around showing the back of her cape with "Adam Lambert" sown on the back? The only ones here I was excited to see were David (my favorite of all time) and Kris, and Randy and Paula. Where were JLo, Stephen Tyler, Keith Urban, Harry Connick Jr.? I also liked Ryan's wig. Speaking of, as the only one who's been there since day one, there actually should have been an interview with Ryan or something documenting his "Idol Journey". I am very sad that they made such little effort to honor the show. They could have also added an extra episode highlighting the most memorable performances, or most downloaded songs from the show. Or something - anything! This was so half-assed. So many lost opportunities.
  5. Me too. I feel like they give much more specific advice and feedback at the initial auditions and early rounds leading up to the live shows, but once the live shows start, it's just standing ovations and tongue baths..... If I'm paying to see those two live, they better be dancing. I don't care if they sing - the only reason they can charge people for that is because they are famous for dancing!
  6. I just got back from Disneyland on Sunday, so this was a bit of a Deja Vu for me. And exactly why was Derek Hough there? He is a dance expert giving advice on a singing show - what??! And not one person moved around the stage, so whatever advice he gave was useless. But regarding Katy - I feel the same. Her schtick is completely benign, and she seems nice. I like that she doesn't take herself too seriously, but I could see how she might grate on people - seems like a love her or hate her situation. But that costume was awesome - I loved her dinglehopper! Katy's expression when Nicolina was singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls" was perfect. ......speaking of..... Nicolina continues as my #1. Yes it was theatrical, but on Disney Night, I think that's allowed. None of these songs is a current chart topper (except Bruno of course). She sounded awesome as usual. I hated Hunter's version of "I See The Light". It's my favorite Disney song, and she just doesn't have the range Mandy Moore has, and as I hate country, hearing it countrified was not great to me. I actually think Leah would have sounded better singing this. A better song for Hunter from the Tangled soundtrack would have been "Something That I Want" by Grace Potter. It already sounds country adjacent and would have fit her vocal style more. I think Leah restrained herself on "When She Loved Me" and it was her best performance for me, but her voice just doesn't measure up to the bittersweet angelic note that Sarah McLachlan brings to it. I think if Ellie had still been in the competition it would have been the perfect song for her. Jay continues to ascend. He sounded almost as good as last week. Do I think he's winning this thing? Not a shot in hell. I think I've discovered what I don't like about Fritz: Every song he sings sounds exactly the same - doesn't matter what he's singing, he Fritzifies it and it all sounds like the same song. ZZZZ...... Christian singing "Circle of Life" was about as predictable as the judges giving every contestant a standing O. Also ZZZZ..... Not too broken up about the ones going home. A little surprised by Emyrson, but she wasn't a favorite of mine. I think based on tonight only, Lady K should have gone through and Christian should have gone.
  7. I would add Chris if he was still there, but you have just summed up the problem - too many assholes. This show is best when there is ONE villain. When everyone is unlikable, it's insufferable. And most of these people are unlikable.
  8. I blame Ariana Grande for that style of singing. I think the word I needed for Leah is shrill.
  9. Same. He sounds like John Legend to me. I would love to hear him sing something of his. It just feels like an act he is putting on because Luke told him to do it. I am all for making this genre of music more inclusive, but I just don't think he's the one to do it. I absolutely loved Nicolina as usual. And Jay, which is surprising. This is the first time I saw his potential that the judges have been going on about. He was fantastic and understated. Best performance all season for him. It was great to see another side of Nicolina. She needed to do something different than another big ballad and she did Kelly proud. Unlike Tristen who was an absolute disaster with Adam Lambert, and I have no idea what the hell he was doing Monday night. Not one bit surprised he went home. He needed to remember this is still a singing competition - if the flailing impedes the singing settle down! I just cannot stand listening to Emerson or Leah. I don't like the sound of their voices, and the way both of the them dress is very distracting. Why are they dressing Emerson like an old lady? Those pant suits! Bwah ha ha!!!!!!! Leah is just that quirky girl I want to side eye for trying too hard. Emerson sounds too shouty and that slurry cry in her voice is not something I want to hear. She sounds like at least 10 other girls on the radio right now, and I'm over it. Leah on the other hand has such a high pitch goat-like bleaty voice I am immediately cringing as soon as she starts. I just can't . They'll probably be top three with my luck. I still feel like Noah is winning this thing. He continues to surprise with the song choices. So glad he pick John Mayer. I don't like country, but dang it, he's making me like him because of his song choices. It's interesting that Mike is leaning hard into country and still sounds like a phony, but Noah routinely picks non-country songs that immediately sound country because of his voice. I totally want Christian's jacket and Lady K's jumpsuit. I have nowhere to wear them, but I loved them both. ;-p
  10. Olaj has the same mentality. It's all on Katina to change and cater to him. He doesn't need to "grow" nor compromise because his way is the only way.
  11. I said these exact words last night! Glad I'm not the only one who saw it. And much like Donny, completely bland and generic. Oh well....not sorry he's gone, nor Allegra. Ava hurt a little, but she's just too cool for this show. My loathing of Leah continues. She looked great, but there is a quality to her voice that I find irritating. It's very strident and nasally. I have to fast forward. I frequently loathe Fritz, but he basically picked the perfect song for himself - introspective, whiny and soft, so good for him. Lady K continues to pick the most boring karaoke songs. She looked great though, and the teeth give her character. It doesn't bug me. As much as it pains me, Tristan did not live up to Adam's version of What Do You Want from Me. At all. It just reinforced how much work he needs to do - whoever called him the Jr. High version of Adam last week was right. I am glad he got to the next round, but I don't think he'll make it much farther, which seems about right. Huntergirl and Noah are perfectly fine. I'm still sure Noah is going to win this thing, but I think they will both be ok. I just hate country. Also, sorry Mike - you're adorable, but I am FF you too since you are leaning into the country thing. I have to FF Emerson. I cannot stand her nor that horrible Drivers License song. I liked Christian. I am glad he let the song build. He looked great. My girl Nicolina continues to slay. I love her!
  12. Thank you to everyone in the forum who has helped me reach the conclusion that it is absolutely a waste of my time to watch this. I will be back when DD happens. There are just too many horrible people this season. One asshole a season is tolerable, but when half the participants are miserable to watch it's just too long a slog to sit through. Why waste my limited tv time on these fools when there are too many other good shows I am behind on?
  13. Yes! I remember that one! I thought he did a great job this season. I know someone else is writing these, but they would not be the same without his delivery.
  14. Well, this happened. I am sad that they chose Allegra. I was shocked Katy called her name. Why??? And Jay. I knew they weren't going to let the Platinum Ticket winner go even though he has under performed since his initial audition. I don't know what it is that bugs me about him, but he's swirling the drain at this point. He's just not connecting to viewers. Maybe I am the only one, but I am also sad my sweet Ellie is out. Yes Lionel, that lane is full, but she has such a calm, sweet presence and that angelic tone that separates her. Boo...... Also bummed they didn't pick Katyrah. She's another one that has under performed since she did that Whitney song, but I still think she's more polished and has a better voice than Lady K who doesn't do anything interesting to the arrangements and picks boring predictable songs. "Bust Your Windows"???? The song that has been used 20,000 times during Hollywood Week on this show? Zzzzz........ Tristen is obviously polarizing, but seeing Dan make the top 10 free and clear when he is so mediocre, boring and generic, it really doesn't surprise me that Tristen didn't. I am glad they saved him - it would be slightly more boring without him there, YMMV...... My top three in order of preference: 1. Nicolina. Maybe the first contestant I have actually been excited about in years. Love her. 2. Ava. Just a cool chick, interesting song choices, cool voice. No way will she win this show. 3. Tristen. I know, I know, not a chance in hell. I also like Mike and Christian, and I appreciate what Noah is doing, but I hate country, and he has done nothing to shake my feeling he's got this in the bag. I just loathe Leah and Fritz, so of course, they will probably be top 5. But I will be using the FF on them from here on out.
  15. Bwah ha ha!!!!!! Nailed it! But I am totally here for it - I love that kid! Him joking that he forgot he had to go take a test because he's still in high school was hilarious. I think he thinks he's a 30 yo rocker. I kind of love him. I would love Adam Lambert to come on and duet with him. I thought it was overall a great show and the right people went through, with the exception of that bland as oatmeal Dan. He can go anytime. I still maintain that Noah is going to win this thing. He is showing a surprisingly masterful touch at song choice. Picking non-country songs and flipping them is going to seal it for him. I hate country, but I actually admired what he did with that Harry Styles. This is how you play the Idol Game. My top 3 right now are Nicolina, Ava and Tristen. I also like Christian, Ellie and Katyrah. Someone needs to restyle Ellie though - she looked like a kindergartner from 1975! Her voice is angelic - I really want her to sing Gravity by Sara Bareilles - I think she would kill that song. I think Hunter and Noah are locks despite my loathing of country. Lady K looked and sounded great, but she just comes across to me as good karaoke. I don't see her doing anything interesting to the songs. I like Mike, but I just don't hear him as country. I still feel like he's doing it because Luke told him to. Can't make up my mind about Cameron or Cadence. I thought Sage, Emerson and Allegra all sounded horrible, but maybe that was just me? They all have interesting voices, but I didn't like what any of them did to the point I fast forwarded. My least favorites are Dan, Leah and Fritz; alas, I don't think Leah or Fritz are going anywhere.
  16. Really? I absolutely love Faruq and all of his hype before each match - makes it feel like a real fight! ;-p
  17. I totally agree - the flips look exciting, but they did exactly nothing to Tantrum. The footage of Blip flipping that bot over and over in practice shows that it is impervious to that. I am glad they showed the score cards though, because I totally thought Hydra won until I saw the reasoning. There should be some rule that you can't just sit there the whole match and wait for your opponent. I have to admit, as much as I loathe Jake E., seeing Hydra come back from 31st place was pretty amazing. I have never been a fan of that bot, but wow. In fact, the entire tournament was pretty exciting with all of the upsets until this episode. Seeing Minotaur (my emotional favorite with all Daniel Freitas has been through this year) knock out End Game was spectacular. But that match with Minotaur and WD was crap. I totally agree WD should have been counted out. Total garbage decision. No other bots got a time out to be unstuck - why should they? If you're going to do that, let Minotaur go re-attach their wheel while your at it! Grrr..........I am glad Tantrum wiped the floor with them. And shout out to Faruq and his rhymes. The Witch Doctor championship round one was perfection.
  18. Not only all of these things, but her "ride or die" attitude comes with strings - if you piss her off, she's going to remind you of every little thing she's done for you.
  19. You just basically said everything I wanted to say, so I'll just say "ditto". One last thing though: When it was time for the guys to cook, that asshole O just sat there contributing NOTHING. Apparently, it's EVERYONE'S job to cook for him, not just Katina. Where is YOUR growth, dumbass? Why don't YOU learn to cook? Apparently, it's ok for him to throw up his hands and say "I don't know how to cook!" even when it is HIS RESPONSIBILITY, but not ok for Katina to do the same. I swear, there have been some really awful men on this show, but this one really pisses me off more than the others for some reason. His smug, supercilious attitude really enrages me. God, please let there be some sort of comeuppance for him!!!!
  20. I too love a WGWG - just not Fritz or Noah ;-p I think overall the girls are stronger this season. It would be nice if one of them (Nicolina please!) could break through.
  21. Maybe I am on an island (definitely not Oahu sadly) by myself, but I cannot stand Leah or Fritz. At all. Fritz's slurry whiny emo voice and anguished facial expressions - I am over it. And Leah - the sound of her nasally high pitched voice is just nails on a chalk board, and her oh so quirky personality bugs me so much. My favorites this round were Ava, Katyrah and Christian. Noah is a lock to win this thing IMO - he fits the Idol machine winner prototype to a T. So boring though. I liked what Allegra did with the Harry Styles song and she has a cool tone to her voice, but her lane is crowded and I don't know if she can stand out. Sir Blake picked the wrong song, and so did Lady K. I think the Carrie Underwood just ended up being decent karaoke. Her other choice would have made her stand out more. Bad advice from Bebe. OTOH, good advice to Cameron which he completely ignored. He has a cool voice, but I am already getting tired of the frantic running around and back flips. Too bad about Kennedi - I am wondering if they will just eliminate 3 or still 4 now?
  22. I would have loved to see O and Jasmina paired - can you imagine him speaking to her the way he does with Katina? I would love for her to let him have it with her teacher voice that she doesn't like his tone and she will not tolerate him speaking to her in that manner. Can you image the look she would give if he had the nerve to tell her she isn't meeting his wife level?
  23. So glad to see Nicolina on top! That girl slays - she hasn't had a misstep yet. I have really loved all of her song choices and this was no exception. She looked fantastic - loved the glossy high pony tail on her! I also love Tristen. I can't help it. Is he cheese supreme? Absolutely. I am here for it! Also really loved Mike, Ellie and Sage. I don't remember Sage from any point prior to this, but she seems interesting and sounds good so I'm intrigued. I hope Ellie's lack of screen time and quiet personality doesn't sabotage her - she has such a lovely musical tone to her voice, and her ability to play several instruments might produce some interesting song choices and arrangements. Transported indeed. I am happy to see Mike ahead of platinum boy Jay - I like his voice better, and although both are handsome, I think Mike has a maturity that Jay does not. Speaking of..... I do not understand all of the fawning over Jay and Hunter. They are good, but so bland. Both picked boring songs and sounded like they were just singing good karaoke. Nothing original happening there, but I do acknowledge that Hunter is probably primed to be the most successful post-Idol, so I understand them backing her. She just does nothing for me, and the spider eyelashes are distracting. I hope she gets a make under soon. Jacob and Emyrson sound good, but just do nothing for me. Although Jacob is a tenor, I get tired of all the falsetto. Even Sam Smith doesn't do that. I fast forwarded through Danielle, Dan and Scarlet. I cannot stand any of them. I gave them each about 15-20 seconds and then hit the button. Just no. Dan is so bland his name should be vanilla, and the two girls, gah - my ears! Personally I hope the Scarlet and Dan go.
  24. Also, what is the NDA for? What is there to "disclose" that Jamie didn't already share? She is the queen of TMI!
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