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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. He spent the entire season telling everyone he talked to that he wasn't attracted to her. I don't want to bring in the reunion in case anyone reading this hasn't seen it, but Deepti didn't need to do anything to make Shake unlikeable - he did that to himself from the get-go - even in the pods he came across as a sleeze. The fact that every single participant loathes him says volumes. And the fact that he wanted to party and didn't seem sad at all at the wedding says he didn't care that she said no. I don't feel sorry for him at all.
  2. Thank you for this. I have read through everyone's comments and I thought I was the only one who was somewhat rooting for Shayne and Natalie until the blowup. They had a natural rapport that the other couples didn't have. The fact that the other participants were so sure they would get married says a lot to me - they were the couple I was most sure was actually going to say yes. I was actually a little sad when she got out of that car and said they had a horrible fight. I knew him striking out at Wrigley was bad news. I totally agree with your assessment. And I think being super drunk and upset allowed all of his feelings about the times Natalie teased him in a mean way (including calling him a piece of shit) just came out. He's definitely got some issues, but I do believe he loved her and was devastated when she said no, and she was equally sad about it. I loved her answer to why she said no though. When she said she was standing with her dad and realized how safe and loved she felt compared to when she stepped up next to Shayne and realized she didn't feel that with him. On the other end, I was so happy to see Deepti say no. She was a straight up boss. I loved when she said one day Shake will realize she is exactly perfect for him, but it will be too late because she will be long gone. Totally cliche, but you go girl! No, really - go and don't look back at that asshole! I am glad Sal got to reject Mal before she rejected him because I was sure she was going to say no. I am glad he realized she didn't love him like he deserved. They both came across as mature about it though, so good for them. I liked their little convo afterwards. So calm. Sal's speech was sweet to her family. And when she said "I might have said yes" when he asked what she would have said if he said yes says everything about why the no from him was the right call. Weirdly, I don't care about either of the successful couples. Neither of them are as sweet and cool as Cam & Lauren. I will be shocked if Nick & Danielle make it for long. She is a ball of insecurity - even she knows it! "You don't know how I acted this whole time" while she was getting ready says how neurotic she was. I did enjoy watching Nick melt into a ball of sweat though. I mean seriously, it was cartoon levels of sweat!
  3. Late to the party, but just came here to vent my disgust for O's attitude and comments to Katina. I was chilled to the bone by the tone and words coming out of his mouth. What a caveman. A week ago I said he was my favorite. Reverse. Lindsey is verbally abusive drunk, Alyssa is a spoiled narcissist acting out, but this guy takes the cake for me. They way he calmly told her to start living up to his standards was scary. I wanted to punch him. Who is he to demand she change for him? You want the floor mopped before bed? You do it! You want a home cooked meal every night? You make it! If your wife doesn't like to cook, she is not obligated to feed you. You are a grown ass man. Take care of yourself. Katina seemed to be doing fine taking care of herself without him. Fuck him.
  4. Wouldn't that be a fun show - they should have a follow up show where they send the wronged participants on a nice vacation after their divorce - they could call it "Divorced at First Sight". At this point, they would have almost as many participants as the mother ship......
  5. Wow - I hadn't seen that! Kind of a weird pair but oh well. I thought Mindy was in Mexico - guess I've lost track!
  6. Is that implying she is dating Ryan now? Is she trying to run the table with these guys - who's next - Gil??? Or are they "just friends"??? ;-p
  7. You are absolutely entitled to have your opinion of why Lindsey is the way she is - my point is that it might not be as simple as "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". I never said Lindsey was special needs. I was using my life experience to explain why I don't necessary lay Lindsey's issues directly at the feet of her parents. And you say "based on what we see of them on a TV show" - well, we haven't seen Lindsey's mother. She is not involved in this show at all. We have no idea what she is like other than what Lindsey says. Based on what we've seen of Lindsey, I don't consider her a reliable source of information.
  8. Speculation and judgement of the participants? Sure. I 100% support analyzing the people on this show - that's why I'm here on this forum! Their unseen parents who have nothing to do with this shit show? I doubt the producers care what the audience thinks about Lindsey's absent mother, and my own life experience has tempered my willingness to judge other people for their kids actions, particularly when the person in question is a grown adult.
  9. I don't think it's fair to judge a person we've never seen and the only thing we know about is from Lindsey, which, consider the source. I would have been prone to think like you and judge parents for kids behavior until I had a special needs kid that has social and behavior issues. You cannot see her issues outwardly - she looks like your average teenager. If you met her, you might think my husband and I are terrible people having raised a rude, uncouth, anti-social kid, but I have spent blood, sweat and tears trying to help this kid with meds and therapy, both for myself and her. Conversely, if you met my son, you would think differently - he's the sweetest, kindest person I know. Yet we are the same people raising completely opposite kids. Many times the apple's behavior has nothing to do with the tree it fell from. Lindsey is a grown woman. Her mother is not responsible for her at this point. The only one responsible for Lindsey's behavior is Lindsey.
  10. I completely agree with your assessment of Olaj - he has been thoughtful, committed and astute about his assessments of others on the show. But I also think the no sex is coming from Katina. If she was open to it, I don't think he would put her off.
  11. I am with you @StatisticalOutlier - what is wrong with these people indeed! I find fault with both Katina and Lindsey in that exchange. Both behaving like assholes IMO. How hard is it to be polite and keep it together for the sake of the group? They made everyone uncomfortable. Everyone. Including me as a viewer. I really wish the producers would stop these group meet ups. Some casts become good friends, but that is not happening with these people. It's hard to watch. If I was Mark, I would not go near these other couples with Lindsey. I would have a stomach ache waiting for the altercation to happen, because you know it's coming. I would be moving in with Chris because I wouldn't want to walk on eggshells all the time waiting for my spouse to verbally abuse me. Because that's how I view it now. Verbal abuse. She is vicious and emasculated him and purposefully embarrassed him in public. I would be out. Mark doesn't deserve that from her at all. No-one does.
  12. It would be awesome if Steve in his decision day speech used the words of her post to explain why he is saying "no".......
  13. You just summed up my feelings exactly - every word you said! I can only guess how uncomfortable Mark was in that situation. Sitting there stressed out his wife is going to start something and then it happens - nightmare time. Lindsey is a crass loudmouth with zero social graces and an inability to read the room. I feel sorry for her because she is always going to be in conflict and have few friends because she constantly alienates everyone around her. Mark's snarky comment was just his frustration bubbling up. Lindsey seems to think because she is nice sometimes that entitles her to be a bitch when she is upset. It doesn't work that way. Her bathroom explosion was completely unhinged. I believe circumstances don't make you what you are, they reveal what you are, and she has been revealed to be crazy. MTS should follow in his pal Chris's footsteps and peace out. Katina is a mean girl. Was Lindsey wrong? Of course. Everyone knows it and is on Katina's side. She doesn't need to be so pissy. It is very immature to not let it go. And with her little minion Alyssa chiming in, it was so Jr. High. Picking on the awkward social outcast is not cool. Oh and Alyssa - Katina could give a crap about you. She is not your friend. You can leave now. And don't think moving to Texas is going to help you unless you change your name and entire look. The internet does exist there. Good luck after this shit show YOU created. And Noi - another immature girl here. I cannot even fathom what happened there. Stomping off and then word vomiting your feelings on social media is so childish. I am glad Steve calmly told her off about it. That whole scene looked more like a dad lecturing his child. She deserved that set down for her behavior though. I really don't think she is ready for a big girl marriage if she thinks this is mature adult behavior. Ugh. Jasmina and Mike had an ok week, but I can't shake the feeling that she is generally uptight and unpleasant. She seems so cold to me. Maybe it's just the way she has been edited, but her friend kind of confirmed it when she said she was a bossy know it all, so........ Once again, this season sucks. Things are going downhill when Olajuwon is the most level headed and mature one in the bunch........
  14. THIS. No way on God's green earth "Isaac" would turn down sex if given the opportunity. He is keeping a united front, but that was all her.....
  15. I don't like overcooked noodles either, but if your relationship can't withstand that, it's never going to work......
  16. This was possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever watched, yet surprisingly funny. My favorite parts: Conan eating the hot sauce and turning red. The magic guy doing a whole show while being interrogated. Marshawn and the "one way mirror" - he really committed! Annie's R-rated drawing and her disguise to meet the pancake king - that mustache! Kumail's walk and sound. This episode didn't have much else, but that alone made it funny. Sharon and Will messing with the dead guy's nipples. I am embarrassed to admit I couldn't stop laughing. Her facial expression when he said "let's agree not to fall in love with each other" - classic! Ken telling the story of Little Red Riding Hood in the different voices. I felt it was all downhill from there -this was my least favorite episode. I like that the chief would tell them if they got it wrong and fire them. By the third episode I was looking for clues and trying to figure it out myself. I hope there is a second season - maybe Terry can find love with the coroner, although maybe not after the tussle for the heart? My only issue is Will seems to be going for Michael Scott levels of awkward. I could do with less of that. It would be hilarious to have a flashback that features Jennifer Anniston.
  17. I think what Natalie is doing is called negging - backhanded compliments as a form of flirting. I think she finds Shayne hot, but I wonder if it's a feeling of insecurity about trusting him after the pod stuff with Shaina and this is her way of holding him at arms length. And Natalie knows what Shaina looks like. I wonder if she is afraid of what he's going to do once he sees her......I do appreciate that he was honest about it bothering him when she was being kind of mean. Iyanna comes across as immature to me - all the giggling coupled with the petite pixie look she has going on reads very young to me. I wonder if that will get old for Jarrett as well..... Danielle is crazy. She picked a fight with Nick for absolutely zero reason. WTF????
  18. What you have described is why I am left still frustrated. Why didn't PC grill her on what she means by "I am still here"? If it's not for the relationship with the spouse, it's useless on this show. She needed to explain why she thought she was entitled to the vacation, apartment, group activities and girl gang when she said in no uncertain terms "I hate him" about her spouse. She needed to be asked exactly when was Chris "disrespectful". Asking her to explain herself when she's accusing him of things isn't disrespect. He is entitled to know how he's being disrespectful if she's accusing him of it! Why was she not confronted with the horrible things they caught her saying on the honeymoon? I wanted PC sitting there with a video and they all watch and he asks her to account for her awful behavior. But no. Chris was all class and took the high road and PC let her off the hook as well. Guess I'll have to get my satisfaction seeing her get flamed here and on the Gram.......
  19. I know this was in response to a post about Alyssa & Chris, but my first thought went to Lindsey and Mark. I can't believe she Marie Kondo'd his childhood plate! I'm sorry, but she's known him for five minutes! She talks to him sometimes like she's his mom. "This Keurig is going - bad for the environment." Ok, she's not wrong, but it's not hers to throw out! I just can't make up my mind about her: Her ride or die attitude about suiting up and heading into the bedbug ridden apartment - yay! Her turning into a condescending boss once they got inside: boo! It's like for every nice thing she does, she turns around and ruins it somehow......
  20. Bwah ha ha!!!!!!!! You win! Boy these two are so dreary to watch together! Nothing happening there AT ALL. And when she said "Now. Michael." in her best teacher voice I was scared. She is COLD. Noi is ridiculous. Very rigid in her thinking and unwilling to compromise. "Can the dog be next to the bed?" "No. In the bed." "I want three children." "You won't consider any other number?" "No." Hey girl, it's not just what you want here! And freaking out about Steve being unemployed - it didn't look like he's living in a cardboard box on the street - his apartment looked fine (led lights notwithstanding - those have to go!). They need to have an in depth conversation about finances before she completely freaks out. He might be totally fine - many people are self employed and support themselves just fine. Olaj can get out of here with his expectations for hot cooked meal every night. I cannot believe she hasn't gone off on him about it because I sure would. I hate cooking. I do it sometimes, but it isn't a passion of mine and I sure as shit don't do it nightly. She seems the same, so why is she letting him say this over and over? When he said he can't keep eating peanut butter on bread, I would have been like, "Let me stop you right there. Feel free to keep doing that because I am sure not making you breakfast every day!" And I don't believe for one minute they haven't had sex. He looked like the cat that ate the canary and she was giving him death glares to keep it together in front of PC. I think there is an understanding to keep it private and he almost spilled the beans..... I felt so bad for MTS. He was sharing his feelings and Lindsey called it bullshit. Okay then. And then she wonders why he's closed off. She steamrolls him! PC nailed it when he said Mark is afraid to talk. He doesn't have the bandwidth in his life to navigate walking on eggshells with her constantly, and her "help" is so overwhelming it's exhausting. I think they do have a natural rapport that could be successful if she just took it down a notch or 20. And finally..... While it was satisfying to see Chris get the final word and give this nutjob the boot, it was not satisfying to see her not get called on the carpet for her awful behavior. He did not stand up for himself when she once again called him "disrespectful". She was not confronted one time for her own disrespectful behavior. I hope she reads every post on social media and see how the world views this "good person". Bye bitch. I hope Chris finds someone nice.
  21. I really hope the "half" is Chris and not ACE. She needs to go back under whatever rock she crawled out from under..... Truth! Both are so dull! They both needed someone with more personality to balance out the seriousness. Together they are zzzzz........Plus, I just don't see any chemistry between them - they both have better personalities when separated - he seems more upbeat with the guys and she is the same with just the girls. This one seems like it was good on paper, bad IRL. I was really rooting for them before the season started, but I just don't think it's a good match. Too bad, because they both seem like nice people.
  22. I only like Jarrett and Iyanna and Danielle and Nick. The rest suck and I will be shocked if they stay together. Bummer - looks like there is no Lauren and Cam this time around, just a bunch of GiGi and Damiens, or worse, Amber and Barnetts.......
  23. This. Shades of Jessica and Mark indeed. She knows that he is not the right choice, but she said yes because she wants to stay on the show and she couldn't have the guy she actually wanted. Zero chance of this succeeding.
  24. Same! Central California here, but so excited to maybe see some places I visit semi-regularly! So happy for them! And their posts on IG with the photos from the above link are so sweet! The announcement is in conjunction with their 2-year anniversary. I just love them.
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