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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Yes, I think it will be Oliver and Nyssa as well, and I think that MG has been putting out the wedding hints because he's probably a bit afraid of how people will react. Dude does NOT accurately predict people's reactions ever, so I can understand why he would want to get that out there and warn people. I'd love for people to rip him to shreds on twitter. I can't wait to see the reactions to this episode.
  2. If Barry thinks that the Arrow is a douche, wait until he meets Al Sah-him.
  3. Who is she screaming at, anyways? Ra's Ollie Ghul? He does have access to those special LoA tranq darts now...just sayin.
  4. I hate the predestined BecauseComics! love interest stuff in shows like these. Unfortunately, poor GG has zero romantic/sexual chemistry with any of the females over on The Flash, but I think that there is no chance that Iris is not endgame over there. I truly get when people complain about the romance stuff on Arrow because I just don't care about any of that over on The Flash, and it's become such an unpleasant chore to watch, but I kind of want to see how the Reverse Flash stuff turns out, so I'm torn!
  5. I'm at the point where I'm just filled with so much apathy. I'm left thinking "Really, we're separating Oliver from Team Arrow again? And the city is left in the hands of Diggle & Laurel (but not poor Roy, sadly) again? And Felicity might be visiting Palmer Island again (think MG said something about Ray & Felicity having a nice scene)? And Laurel is training again? I mean, that last one's not such a bad idea, but...been there, done that. I already watched this stuff happen a few months ago, no need for a retread.
  6. In the Laurel thread, people were discussing how they could fix Laurel next season. There is only one way that I could tolerate her. I won't repeat myself since I've discussed it before, but my BIGGEST problems with Laurel are that KC makes some really questionable acting choices, she doesn't seem to understand her character at all (based on interviews), and she always seems to make the wrong emotional choices when selling her scenes (gleeful instead of sad, snarky instead of sympathetic, etc.). So, based on that, the only way to fix Laurel for me would be a complete recasting of the character. Since metahumans exist in Arrow's universe now, we could have a metahuman of the week who goes around changing people's appearances or Freaky Fridaying them, or something like that. The result is that now, maybe we have a Laurel Lance that looks a hell of a lot like Caity Lotz. Never gonna happen, but that's the only thing (besides the character just going away forever) that would work for me and allow me to return to watching the show every week.
  7. I have a way that Laurel could become tolerable to me. Taking to Hopes & Fears thread.
  8. Yeah, but at least we'll all be dead! Silver linings, and all.
  9. Bleh, I don't like any of the spoilers. Brainwashed Evil!Oliver, hard times for Olicity, Diggle/Oliver rift, possible Nyssa/Oliver marriage, more Ra's, etc. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Oliver and Felicity driving off into the sunset in his Porsche. And I'm sure they'll find a way to ruin that, too.
  10. Haha, Okay. I was like, "Man MG, that's pretty damn tacky." We shouldn't give this dude any ideas, though.
  11. Wait...so the newest comic installment references Overwatch, and then he has a little footnote about purchasing his book Overwatch (and this book has nothing to do whatsoever with Arrow). Is that right?
  12. I actually think that Stan and Peggy are gonna happen. Yes! I'm not digging the male clone stuff on Orphan Black. I'm so confused because I can't tell any of them apart, so I don't really know what's going on there. I did love the bit with Helena, the scorpion, and the mangos. "Where are these mangos? I'd like to see these mangos." I don't even think that I really care about any of the Dyad stuff...I just want to watch Alison become a and Helena chat with her scorpion friend. I started watching Bates Motel because of an Emma/Dylan gif that I saw online, and I just looked at Emma's blog entries online (here). I think that this gives me a really clear picture of where that relationship is going, and I think that it's adorable that people leave comments for the actual character of Emma :)
  13. I hope that they didn't kill Doris so that Miss Mardle can get back together with Mr. Grove. He is such an ass! The crap he pulled with getting Gordon to unknowingly sign off on the "racy" window design was just really underhanded. I'm glad that it actually backfired. Gordon continues to be sweet and lovely. I thought it was cute when he asked Grace to be his girl, and she said that she needed to think about it. Paraphrasing here: "Okay, I've thought about it, and the answer is yes." I'm wondering if they are thinking about putting Kitty back together with George (I think they dated briefly, right?). Hope not for his sake...don't think that he has the right type of personality for someone like Kitty (I know that she's married, but her husband has been involved in some shady stuff this season).
  14. Apparently MG released the second page of the hangar scene, and Laurel asks Oliver how long he will be gone. He replies that he doesn't know. I'm not sure that makes sense since he knows that he's going to Nanda Parbat to become the new Ra's, meaning that he may never return to Starling City ever again. Felicity even says that "assuming that this works, someone's going to need to bring Thea back home." He knows that he's not coming back, and Team Arrow knows that he's not coming back, but he tells Laurel that he doesn't know how long he'll be gone. Huh?
  15. So, I liked Jack and Elizabeth last season, but after the season premiere, I kind of want him to run away as fast as he can. Her family is just awful. The oldest sister (Violet?) is totally stuck up and way too serious, and the youngest one is a dinglebat. I thought that some of the family members were completely rude to Jack during the dinner, and it sucked that he had to watch Elizabeth with her guy friend all night long. I know that I'm supposed to find Elizabeth's traits endearing, but it's difficult when I see the single mothers of coal valley raising their children all alone, taking care of their homes, putting food on the table, running a business, and even working in the coal mine (that only happened once, though, I think). I just don't get why Elizabeth is still a terrible cook if Abigail was helping her out last season, and I felt bad that she basically guilted Jack into eating her burnt chicken fried steak! And poor Jack, having to haul her heavy suitcases around when she couldn't even lift one of them. I know that I'm nitpicking...I usually like Elizabeth just fine but she bugged me this episode (especially when she was with her family). I hope that things improve next week because I don't want to be annoyed all season long.
  16. Many of us have repeatedly questioned why Laurel is still here because she's no longer the love interest, she isn't the first or even the better Black Canary (even if the writers try to tell us that Sara was just the "Canary." Ha, whatever), she doesn't offer any unique skills as a vigilante, and she's barely a lawyer anymore. The writers can't figure out what to do with her because she serves no narrative purpose. Her scenes often feel unnecessary because they are, but they have to find some way to fit her in the episode, so they do.
  17. I don't like the phrase "little ray of hope." No Ray. No Little Ray, either, I swear to God Larry!
  18. My problem is that Oliver Queen is the main character and everything revolves around him. If your story isn't tied to him, you don't really serve a purpose. So yeah, they could continue to keep Laurel out of Oliver's orbit, but then she's basically nonessential to the story that Arrow is trying to tell.
  19. So if the show runners actually hate Laurel and are actively trying to humiliate her, how is the audience expected not to hate her too? Mission accomplished, I don't like her. Now what? Don't know that I'd agree with that. Plenty of people over in The Flash forum seem to think that Barry is a gigantic jerk because he has told everyone BUT Iris about his true superhero identity.
  20. The way that she is treated is strange because as the contracted "lead female" on the show, KC probably isn't cheap to keep around. With the way that her scenes are continually cut, the way that she's completely missing from episodes or has minimal screen time all. the. time, and the way that most significant Laurel scenes are usually not group scenes (they are generally limited to Laurel and one other character---usually her father), I wonder if maybe the writing staff just doesn't have confidence in KC's ability to consistently sell her scenes. I mean, there's been some really questionable stuff (the gleeful jacket scene that they couldn't even manage to get one good cut of, the eye-darting scene where Slade dropped the truth-bomb about Oliver's identity, Laurel seizing on the table in the Canaries episode, etc. etc. etc.). Maybe the writing team has discovered that just as they handled CH, it is better to limit the amount of time that Laurel is on the screen. Frankly, I don't think this is working because people who don't like Laurel are angry that she's still here at all, and from what I've seen recently on Laurel fan's tumblr pages, these people are not pleased with her treatment either. They seem pretty pissed that her scenes keep getting cut out of the episodes.
  21. At least Dig gets to be out in the field this time instead of driving the van. Of course, he's going to end up with shattered eardrums, so maybe this isn't a good thing after all.
  22. Are Diggle and Felicity actually going to have a conversation? It's been so long. Here's hoping that Felicity gets to smile next season instead of cry every episode, though. Somebody please gif the hell out of the Canary Cry next week.
  23. I didn't realize that iZombie was doing well in the ratings. Yay! Scandal was quite a trip. Pretty sure that like half of the main characters either committed or sanctioned murder, one character's mother is a terrorist, and don't even get me started on Huck. He was torturing Quinn, pulling out her teeth, and then later he had her mouth duct-taped while he licked her face. I'm not sure who comes up with the ideas for these stories.
  24. Yeah, I have a feeling that if you asked MG about the two candles on tumblr, he'd probably say that they looked pretty. That's it, no particular deep meaning at all.
  25. One that I find myself looking forward to every week is iZombie. It's pretty entertaining. You might give that one a shot. Maybe I should be questioning why people keep watching these shows then. Scandal and the guy who gets off on torturing and chopping up people's bodies...yuck! You're right, there's no denying that these shows are successful, but any time that I hear that a new Shonda Rhimes show is coming, I wonder how quickly the show will turn to shit. Two or three seasons, and then it's a mess. Grey's was fantastic for a few seasons very early on in its run, and I stuck around for the April/Jackson stuff, but I finally just gave up a few months back.
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