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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. It would be appropriate for Bob to end up in that pit since it was his little gift to Norma. With Caleb showing up in the "Previously on Bates Motel" intro, I thought that he would actually be present in this episode. I imagine that Chick will be after him next season. Loved that Dylan called Emma a "freaking warrior." She's probably the best person that he's ever known. Cracked up at Norman telling his mother that they're horrible and he doesn't think that they're healthy. You don't say?
  2. Bates Motel Finale: Cast, Showrunner Dissect That Psycho Cliffhanger Postmortem: Bates Motel Boss on "Giving Birth to the Norman Bates We Know" includes this little tidbit regarding the Dylan/Emma kiss
  3. Thought the Dylan/Emma kiss was very sweet. I totally understood why she might not want the transplant. You're taking such a huge gamble, and if your body rejects the new lungs, it's likely a death sentence. Norma panicking and hitting Norman over the head (and then dragging his body to the basement) was hilarious. I mean, that would be disturbing in real life, but this family is so fucked up. Poor Dylan needs to get out while he still can. I thought that something very bad was going to happen to him when he went down in that basement looking for Norman. Phew, glad he's OK. What was the point of the pit if nobody ended up buried in it? It even had an episode named after it and everything! Hope that this show is renewed. I look forward to next season.
  4. Mainly, I think that Harry would discourage Gordon from dating one of the girls from the store because of how that might look to the other employees. Maybe more of a business issue than anything else. Like, it could lead to resentment against Grace if the employees thought that she was receiving special perks since she was involved with the boss. I'm not sure if Harry would have a problem with the fact that Grace isn't a member of the same "social class" (or whatever you want to call it) as the Selfridges. He obviously thought Rosalie was marrying well, but I'm not sure if he expects his children to marry money or not.
  5. Yes, Mr. Grove continues to be a giant A-hole. At the beginning of the episode, I was wishing they would just kill him off. They tried to redeem him there at the end, but too late! I still hate him. Miss Mardle needs a man like George (why did they have to kill off Florian?!)...a man who is good and sweet and caring. I never really paid much attention to him until last night's episode, but he's pretty great. Seriously do not want him back with Kitty EVER, though. Poor Grace. She isn't wrong that she comes from a very different world than Gordon, and I'm not sure Harry would approve of the relationship, but Grace and Gordon are better people than the whole lot of Selfridges/their significant others. Harry was an adulterer, his girlfriend is a con artist, Vioelette is SUPER obnoxious, Victor is into a bunch of shady stuff, and Rosalie's husband started the season as a gigantic jerk (btw, I just discovered that the actresses who play Rosalie and Violette are real-life sisters Kara and Hannah Tointon. Would have never guessed that). Basically, Gordon should do what he wants and be happy with Grace.
  6. Hmm. I wonder what decision Dylan makes that changes everything. I'm wondering if the very bad violent thing that happens has something to do with that Chick guy getting ripped off. Maybe he's going to beat the crap out of either Caleb or Dylan. Or the very bad violent thing could involve Bradley. I think that she's a goner for sure...her appearance last week seemed pretty pointless. Whatever happens, I think that it's likely that Bradley, Bob, and maybe Caleb all wind up dead. Dylan might get beat up, but I think that he's safe, and so is Emma.
  7. Aww, Russ hugging Milt during the rescue. Maybe this knocked some sense into Russ and made him realize that he needs people in his life, because from next week's preview,
  8. Gabe hitting on the counselor was gross (think that was this episode...hard to remember for sure since I marathoned three episodes to catch up), and I'm not sure why she would ever go there. You, sir, are no charming Pacey Witter! I hate that the show has broken up Max and Taylor. Their relationship was one of the few things that I enjoyed last season, and then the show had to go and ruin that. It looks like things are only going to get worse this season as I see that Love Grant and Taylor's relationship. It's looking like he might actually get more screen time this year with his therapy storyline and the stuff with his friend that he talks to on Skype. Yay! During the bus station scene at the end of the episode, Crash gave Max his drug stash (weed?) because he "wouldn't need it where he was going" or whatever. That was so...random. I thought for sure that Max would get pulled over by the cops, and they would find the drugs in his truck. What is this show's obsession with drugs?
  9. I saw the trailer at the end of the latest episode. So, it looks like Gabe is getting the Pacey Witter treatment (high school boy who sleeps with his teacher). Well, she's a counselor instead of a teacher, but close enough. Also, Max and Carter were shown kissing. Too bad...Carter wasn't bothering me this season, but I'll probably hate her after that. Horrible thing to do to your sister. And just when I thought Crash was gone for good, he shows up with a new haircut and some camouflage. I guess that he's joined the Army, maybe? Ugh, I was so happy to be rid of him. It looks like Gabe's dad might get shot. The preview showed him fighting with Crash's uncle, and then Elizabeth says "shots fired" I think.
  10. I think that the whole storyline with the new Squad guy would have made more sense with PeterMills instead of Otis. Since the guy took the last spot on Squad, if Mills accused him of ducking, it would have looked like he was just angry and making up lies to get the new guy kicked out of the fire house. They would have had to leave out the story part where a spot magically opened up for Mills on Squad, but I think that this would have been my story route preference instead of turning Otis into a jerk. I imagine that the new guy will be gone by the next episode, so really, what was the point of getting rid of Mills?! I like Chili and her positivity, but I wonder whose love interest she is going to become. Probably Kelly...I swear that every woman introduced on this show quickly becomes involved with one of the guys in the fire house.
  11. I'm not sure of the rules here since each forum is different, and I see that this thread allows spoilers, but it seems to be more for speculating, so I'm going to spoiler tag this stuff just in case (I'll remove the spoiler tags if someone tells me that's OK). From this weeks Ask Ausiello column: Question: After this week’s episode of Bates Motel, I’m definitely going to need some Dylan-Emma scoop. They hit me out of nowhere, but I love it! —Nancy Ausiello: I’m with you, Nancypants. I am falling hard for that relationship, which, I was surprised to learn from showrunner Kerry Ehrin, was not preordained. “It was one of those things that came out of the organic life of the show and the actors and the storytelling,” she tells me. “It just started to make sense.” On the scoop front, look for the romance to take a swoon-senational turn in next Monday’s sensational finale. Question: Bates Motel finale scoop, please? —Monica Ausiello: Monday’s closer features the coolest, most significant Psycho homage to date.
  12. I've stopped reading reviews since I pretty much hate this show anymore, so is she watching the show because she thinks the canary cry is awesome or to laugh at it?
  13. I don't use the ignore option because then if people are responding to a post I guess I wouldn't know what they are talking about. Hmm, FurryFury. I wonder if I know exactly who you are talking about because there is one particular poster who shows up in a lot of forums that I visit (NOT HERE, thankfully), and I think that he exists just to irritate people. Whenever there is a popular ship that people in the forum gush about, he insults it talking about how it's juvenile, or bland, or the show is just pandering to teeny boppers, or whatever. Yes, I'm certain that I know who you are speaking of.
  14. This is becoming a not so sanguine place to hang out in anymore. The snark that people are throwing at each other is kind of way over the top, honestly. Like, I get that people don't agree, but there's no need to be rude, geesh.
  15. Basically, if I continue to watch in season 4, I will just have to Eternal Sunshine season 3 from my mind and begin next season like the last thing I watched was Oliver and Felicity on Lian Yu talking about how they both sold the I love you.
  16. I guess that this is what we get for skipping episodes. Apparently we missed all of the parts that would make this make sense. More than anything, I am so bothered by the fact that Diggle and Felicity's last thoughts are that Oliver has abandoned them to die.
  17. I don't understand how Felicity rides off into the sunset with Oliver when he just let them all believe they were fucking dying from a lethal virus (I don't think they know that this is a fake virus, based on Diggle and Felicity's goodbyes). That may be worse than anything else that happened in this entire episode.
  18. Well the writing there just doesn't make sense to me. Maseo killed Tatsu because he was told to, but he risked his life to secretly retrieve Oliver's body and bring him to Tatsu so that she could use her magical herbs to nurse him back to health. This entire season has been full of things like this that don't make any sense. And forget the kidnapping/abandoned baby Sara stuff.
  19. Kidnapping? Unforgivable! Murdering over 500 people? Fine. Totally cool. OK, so my next question is why was Maseo trying to kill Tatsu? Obviously I missed some very important stuff here.
  20. I watched the episode but I'm confused. Why exactly did Tatsu kill Maseo? I think I missed something while typing, maybe?
  21. I've been watching Bates Motel to cheer myself up. Seriously, a show about psycho killer Norman Bates has more happiness than Arrow at the moment. There's even a very cute couple to ship and everything.
  22. They were "Transfer of Ownership" papers, so I guess he just gave her the company.
  23. Well, I mean, it doesn't take any special skills to chuck something like a frisbee.
  24. Apparently Maseo is the one who gave Ra's the Alpha/Omega virus, and we can see on Al Sah-him's face that he's surprised by this fact. More Canary Cry action when Diggle and Laurel are beating up some random thugs, and Diggle brought ear plugs this time. Gross. Ra's informs Nyssa that she will bear a child after she and Al Sah-him are married. So much gross. Al Sah-him heads outside in the dark where he comes upon Malcolm. "You're late" he says to Malcolm, who responds with some quip about Nanda Parbat not being the easiest place to infiltrate. So Oliver isn't brainwashed after all, I guess. Ra's plans to unleash the virus on Starling City, and Malcolm is surprised that things are happening so quickly because he thought that Oliver would have months to dismantle the League from the inside. Oliver knows someone who can help. Thea shows up to visit Roy, er "Jason", and later they have a nice reunion with some making out and sexytimes. Ray transfers ownership of Palmer Tech over to Felicity, but she doesn't know this because she didn't bother to read the paperwork that he had her sign! Malcolm shows up to inform Felicity, Diggle, and Laurel that it's all a charade and Oliver is just pretending with Ra's. There's some truly awful dialogue here...who wrote this episode? Someone is here to help, says Malcolm, and then Tatsu walks in. We are informed that Akio died from the virus. More gross as Ra's tells Nyssa a lovely story about her mother and how she was his concubine. He will kill Nyssa if she doesn't marry Al Sah-him. Tatsu tells Felicity that she needs to fight for him (Oliver), and Felicity is like "there is no him anymore." I'm confused since Malcolm just told them all it was a charade. Felicity decides to go to Nanda Parbat with Malcolm, Diggle, Tatsu, and Laurel. She tells Malcolm that if he betrays them, she'll make sure that the whole world knows that he's alive. Felicity plans to remote ground the plane that Ra's will use to unleash the virus, and a bunch of League members show up. Lots of glimpses of the stunt doubles' faces here. Felicity is working on disabling the airplane when an arrow shoots into her tablet. She flings the tablet at the LoA guy and thinks that it takes him down, but then she realizes that Malcolm is actually the one who took him out. "Oh, not me for once" she says. Haha! The plane takes off, but Ray flies into it, takes it down, and bounces off the ground like a stone skipping on water. He's alive though, just in case you were worried. Tatsu/Katana and Maseo fight and she stabs him and kills him! O..kay. I'm not sure why she did that, hmm. Ra's and Oliver show up and expanded Team Arrow is taken away in chains. Oliver spills the beans that he's betrothed to Nyssa, and he shares a look with Felicity. Diggle and Oliver speak privately, and Oliver says that he had to do something to prove his loyalty to Ra's, but Diggle is pissed that Oliver kidnapped Lyla and left baby Sara all alone without her mother. Malcolm and Ra's are alone, and Ra's has a dagger in Malcolm's face when Malcolm kindly informs Ra's that Oliver is playing him. Thea wakes up, and Roy is gone. He left her a note and took off. Bye Roy! That seemed kind of pointless. Ra's breaks a vile of the virus in the cell that Team Arrow is chained up in. They plead for Oliver to do something, but he just locks the door and walks away. We see Team Arrow in their cell passing out or dying or something as Nyssa and Oliver marry. Nyssa tries to stab Oliver, but he blocks the knife. The ceremony finishes, and all of Team Arrow are knocked out
  25. Where is this virus going to be released? Nanda Parbat? The birth of a major DC superhero begins tonight. I guess that means Thea is getting her mask.
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