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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. I don’t doubt for a minute they got deep...but when June said she was doing 2-3 ounces a DAY? No way. I think June and Geno both being assholes is also completely real, (with or without the drug abuse). I find the script poorly written, poorly acted and the characters are easy to dislike if not downright hate. It’s definitely got the hate-watch factor going for it, though.
  2. Anybody here know what the rules are for the equipment use? It seems sort of arbitrary as long as they use it in some kind of way, even if not for what it was originally intended. NS mentioned in her commentary she thought the coconut opener shouldn’t be used to flatten the chicken and I think it contributed to Tiffani’s loss to Darnell. Fast forward to Antonia using a spaetzle maker as a steamer...crickets. Jet was robbed!
  3. I agree with you 100%. Ru and Ru’s brand will be perceived by some as now being trans-inclusive and mending fences if Gottmik is never read by anyone for looking basically the same, every episode. Same color scheme/same geisha-inspired face, same facial expressions...except the Paris Hilton impersonation. No commentary on growth regarding drag, just confidence in being trans. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  4. They feed on their haters. It’s grist for their mill. I’d be willing to bet most folks hate-watch. Generational Mormon polygamy (looking at you, Christine) is a throwback to the time when polygamists were rounded up and arrested, lots of them moved their families away from Utah and into Canada or Mexico where they would be less likely to get flak from the gubment. When Sister Wives aired their first show in 2010, legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states was still 5 years away. Many states had legalized it, but federal intervention was still a question. I think the network thought it was a great idea to titillate the public’s thoughts on traditional marriage, since it was a political hotbed..and the prospect of legalizing other forms, if same-sex marriage became acceptable. They were successful, since here we are 11 years later, discussing the latest episode...yet, our long suffering Brown family is still on the outs. Lots of grist, there. I can’t get on board with their religious beliefs, personally, but I feel the same way for just about every organized and “acceptable” religion out there, including Scientology. Just because the government says it’s ok, doesn’t mean it’s not a mindless cult. I thank my lucky stars that my parent’s didn’t insist on indoctrinating me into Mormonism, the mainstream kind or the FLDS offshoots, of which there are MANY. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_denominations_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement#Mormon_fundamentalist
  5. One of my favorite shows of all time is South Park. The adults are complete idiots and the kids are the rational ones. This show has been trending that way for a long time. When was the last time Logan appeared on the show? If these idiots (Kody et all) have done anything right it’s to raise their children to NOT follow in their footsteps. I just find it amazing that so many of the adult family members live in a state of fear. They start with the underlying fear of the gubment taking them to jail for polygamy, because that’s their “given” and then they add on their day to day fears. Maybe it’s because I grew up in an anabaptist environment that taught fear was a tool used by the adversary...in other words, fear did not come from God. I understand that folks need to be aware of the risks of bringing home the Covid-19 to family members, especially those who are most at risk...and that would be Janelle, but the rest of it is all soap opera. My daughter graduated from nursing school in December. She had to work in the “COVID” ward for 6 weeks and lived with my 93 year old mother. She would disrobe in the laundry room before entering my mom’s environment, shower and put on clean clothes. Kody could still make his rounds amongst the 4 different houses if he practiced safe protocols. It doesn’t have to be as severe as they make it out to be to visit family, At this point they are merely a soap opera...no one talks about their faith, we don’t see them gathering together for worship services as a family and not for nothing, that’s supposed to be the foundation of their relationship with each other. If they really are down for their polygamist lifestyle then they should be exposing that not just in word but in deed, yet the only mention is if Utah has made some kind of legal decision about it. Christine’s family has been giving the Feds the finger for generations, yet not one peep about it on the show. If I wanted to watch a soap opera about a dysfunctional family I’d watch the Kardashians or one of the “Real Housewives”. This show was supposed to be about a family that bases their lifestyle on polygamy from a religious mandate. None of that has been represented so far this season.
  6. My theory: Meri=50 Janelle=51 Christine=48 Robyn=42 “The average age of menopause is 51, according to WomensHealth.gov. Perimenopause refers to the time leading up to a woman's last period when changes in a woman’s cycle begin to occur. During this transition stage, which may last anywhere from two to eight years, periods may stop and then start up again and because of these shifting tides, a woman is not considered to be in menopause until at least a year has passed since her last period. During perimenopause, levels of both estrogen and progesterone, two female hormones made in the ovaries, begin to plummet, while many women experience mood changes, complete with crying jags. First-time diagnoses of clinical depression reach rates of 16 to 17 percent for women "undergoing the change," while a similar proportion are diagnosed with milder depressive symptoms.”....https://www.medicaldaily.com/crying-and-perimenopause-go-hand-hand-and-now-brain-researchers-discover-why-286492
  7. The thing I caught was that Sol “almost” had to be hospitalized. My youngest daughter had it at 6 months old and actually had to be hospitalized for 6 days. Oxygen tent and the whole works. She is not considered high risk. I have to admit that after the first ten minutes I just couldn’t bring myself to watch the rest. Especially with the “Return of Princess Mariah” theme. Ugh. I usually suck it up and plow through but the utter ridiculousness of the group Zoom meeting at the beginning...I guess I just can’t, anymore. My suspension of disbelief is officially broken with these folks. I don’t believe a word ANY of them says anymore to the point I’m starting to NOT believe: Mariah is gay ANY of them are happy, EVER ”coming out as gay or bisexual” or anything else the kids post on social media, isn’t ratings driven Kody is dissatisfied with all the pushback he gets from his wives a job being on a reality show is a way to do the Lord’s work and turn the general public’s perception of FLDS around
  8. I liked Gottmik’s style and make-up talents at first, but every show Ends up with me liking Gottmik a little less. The Valley-Girl affectation + vocal fry Gottmik speaks with is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I would rather hear Kandy speak quickly and not enunciate while reading the entire dictionary out loud. That being said, I didn’t think they did any better of a job at the challenge than Denali & Olivia Lux. The only thing different about Gottmik’s runway style as “Kandy” from the usual Gottmik runway look was the black space between the two front teeth. Likewise, Kandy looked and moved the same as always, the only “Gottmik” I got was the signature exposed/decorated nipples. Symone did an Amazing job as “Utica”!!! Utica, bless her ginger heart, overcame her fears and performed well with Symone’s talent and guidance. Best pair-up of the night!!! Rounding out my critique: Rosé and Tina are “safe”.😊
  9. I’m not sure if they include the statistics in the opening of how many folks successfully go forward-back in the first few seasons I think they said it was maybe 5%? I realize, by watching this show, more people fail than succeed. Perhaps this season they are focusing on the failures?
  10. Exactly. I had to buy 14/16 tops because I have wide shoulders and long arms. Then, size 6 skirts because of my waist. I shopped men’s jeans/pants because they had inseams longer than 30”...I needed 34-36. I was long waisted and the Newport News catalog used to have long waisted swimsuits I was so grateful for!
  11. I still don’t understand why Dr. Now doesn’t have a rehab facility for food addiction. What’s stopping him? Obviously there are people who, like Tammy, weigh upwards of 600 lbs and don’t/can’t stop eating 4-5 thousand calories a day. Like an alcoholic or drug addict, they are hell bent on killing themselves, albeit slowly, but still on a death journey. The end of the episode, where Tammy talks about going into a rehab facility is probably the most poignant and important scene. She’s unable to adult, successfully. She can’t stop killing herself with food.
  12. Robyn: “It’s confusing to me because I’m like did I just not see what was there right in front of my face? did I fall in love with a culture of a family that really wasn’t real?” Clever girl, that Robyn. ”It’s pure love”...she says regarding the “sister wife” relationship in that they have each other’s backs and fully support and encourage each other in the individual relationships they have with their shared husband. Emotional lesbians-I wonder if they feel the same intense “pure love” connection with their husband, or is he just a stud for procreation purposes?
  13. I realize from a legal standpoint she is considered a competent adult...but realistically I don’t think anyone could argue that she is.
  14. I would disagree. A competent adult does not choose to weigh 665 lbs. A competent adult does not rely on others to provide for every basic need. She’s about as competent as a child...not an adult.
  15. I really wish that this show, as well as the 600 lb life show, would STOP just glossing over the feeder fetish that props up 600+ Lb. people. Not just the feeders that get off on it sexually, like Jerry, but also the feeders that get off on it emotionally, like their relatives and/or “caregivers”. Amy says to Tammy through the window “ I brought you some food!”...they don’t show what was in the bags. She follows up with the comment “wait 5 minutes to get these bags because I don’t want to get COVID.” How does that comment even make sense? How are you going to get COVID from bags you’ve left behind? There’s no logic with these folks...at all.
  16. Exactly what I was thinking!!! Also, Ru corrected her in the werk room-folks of other ethnic backgrounds also have afros. My youngest daughter’s father is 1/2 Mexican and he has an afro.
  17. They are contractually obligated. If, and it’s a big if, in some sort of alternative universe where they had never participated in the “Sister Wives” Reality Show, how would their lives be different? They may not have ever left Lehi. I’m guessing Meri would have never engaged with “Sam”. My Sister Wive’s Closet never would have been a thing. Mariah may still be in the closet. They wouldn’t have as many real estate ventures. Anybody have anything else to add?
  18. I’m not a fan of any organized religion because I think all of them are scams at some level... Fundamentalist Mormons and Muslims seem to be the most vocal about polygamy being an important part of their patriarchal religious practices(scams) and although I’m not an adherent of either, if that’s what they are into, I couldn’t care less. More power to them if grown women choose to believe that their ticket to “heaven” is being enthusiastic about and participating in their chosen religion’s tenets. Robyn probably doesn’t have many monogamist friends, but even if she did she would probably encounter women that feel the need to compete, because many do, regardless of their attitude towards plural marriage. You are blessed to have genuine friends who have your back! I recently lost a friend I thought had my back for 30 years because she became infatuated with my husband of 15 years. I’m not a polygamist so when I found out, I gave them both a choice-me or them. A BIG part of the Fundie Mormon Woman’s religious suffering that will be rewarded by their God is built on their struggle to accept their husband treating another woman as his wife in front of their face. Denying competition by accepting that her husband will be with another wife is one step closer to their heaven. Caring for her and encouraging their relationship, instead of throat punching her and wishing she’d burn in hell immediately is one more step closer to heaven. Justification of their dogma is important to the religiously inclined, regardless of the hoops one has to jump through. Kody: “Honestly I don’t think my wives want to be together that much, because if they did they would. I think they are enjoying it - This sort of independence from each other. Doing My thing, living in My house, hanging out with My kids...oh and I get My husband once in awhile.” In essence, they are living as monogamist women who tolerate (and make light of on National TV) their husband having affairs. That’s actually not that unusual in the monogamist world, minus the TV part, but it makes for a really shitty endorsement for plural marriage.
  19. She wanted a baby like a 6 year old wants a pony. Absolutely no clue or care in the world about taking good care of the pony/baby by providing a healthy environment for it...including before it gets here. I was pretty unhealthy when I got pregnant with my first, for the opposite reason as Amy-I weighed 98 lbs. At 5’8”, that’s a problem. I managed to gain 65 pounds, which is a miracle because I had the severe morning sickness. I forced myself to eat the healthy foods because I wanted a healthy baby, not just A baby. Amy made a comment in the last episode that she was using birth control and it didn’t work...I’m assuming she was using the rhythm method and can’t math.
  20. According to IMDB Juliette Lewis and Claire Danes also auditioned for the part, as well as Rachel McAdams. They also state that Jennifer Aniston, Kim Basinger, Cameron Diaz, Heather Graham, Angelina Jolie, Lisa Kudrow, Helen Mirren, Tatum O'Neal, Gwyneth Paltrow, Michelle Pfeiffer, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Alicia Silverstone, Hilary Swank, and Naomi Watts were considered for the role of Miranda Priestly. Perhaps some of those that didn’t get Miranda’s role were offered Andy’s and turned it down?
  21. What bugs me the most about her is the only part of her face that moves is her chin when she talks...for the love of everything Holy, Giddish, lay off the fillers.
  22. I think it’s a very important part of the storyline that the Buckley’s, while not appearing to be bad people, are not perfect parents. There are many things that parents do out of long held beliefs or ignorance that aren’t intended to harm, but do anyway. My Dad taught my brother to build engines, carpentry, install plumbing and electric safely, cut down trees with a chainsaw, build a sturdy treehouse, etc. Dad enforced the antiquated gender role that “girls don’t hold tools in their hands”. I literally wasn’t allowed to touch them. I struggled with that for awhile-imagine being taught a tool phobia! But the real damage is raising a daughter to believe she HAS to rely on (or pay) a MAN to handle all the “tool” work in life. I know it wasn’t malicious, but before therapy, it was crippling. The writers appear to be throwing in a lot of old school themes with The Buckley Family treatment. (Not approving of Maddie’s choice in Doug) oh, you’re having problems in your marriage? You’ve made your bed, now lie in it. Childhood leukemia survival rates are a LOT better than they were in the 80’s. Looking at it through today’s lens, they might not have chosen to have a savior baby.
  23. You’d think after 5 years together he’d be used to me blurting out laughter, but I just scared the bejesus out of my poor little dog, thanks to this!!!
  24. Agree 100%!!! Recently, someone I know disclosed to me that they have been “microdosing” psilocybin mushrooms daily for several months. I knew that their mood had improved and seemed to be doing better but I was speechless at the revelation. My only experience with psychedelics was decades ago and most definitely not as a daily therapy. I never would have guessed. Like a Miranda warning, they could have cards printed up!!!
  25. I will NEVER understand buying into the “let’s make it look like your ass is on your chest” as if that’s an attractive look. Gross. Her whole relationship drama with Chase and business drama with Ryan has carried the whole season. Predictable and boring.
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