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Everything posted by kicotan

  1. But I’m betting you didn’t involve yourself in a polygamy set-up where you and all the other wives pump out as many as you can with one man because heaven as if that’s supporting ANY child’s mental health, and then somehow manage to navigate the pandemic clinging to that principle for dear life, regardless of that man’s actual physical involvement with you and/or your kids. Kody’s wives have impressed upon their children that “living the principle” is more important than the children are, collectively or individually. The children have to suffer the consequences of their mother’s decision to go against what is considered in modern times socially and/or legally acceptable by choosing their religious beliefs over what is in the best interest of their child(ren). Their children are at risk for mental health issues from the git if for no other reason than the GLARING absence of a responsible, loving father. I’m also betting that not ONE of those 18 children will choose to follow their parent’s chosen religion or lifestyle. Lucky for them there are a lot who reject the religion they were exposed to as children so they will have some support in that department.
  2. When I look at ANY of the adults on this show, especially the women, I see religious zealots. They might be hardworking, lazy, mentally ill or completely sane religious zealots, but being zealots, they choose their religion over what’s best for their children. Christine and Janelle are responsible for having 12 of Kody’s children. 12. Unless you are having them in the 1800’s, that doesn’t sound like choosing your kids before anything else to me.
  3. It is their (the adults) excuse for the way they behave and the basic premise of the sideshow they signed up for. They actually believe-Meri, Christine, Janelle, Robyn & Kody that God wants them to live their polygamy lifestyle, legal or not, neglectful of children’s needs or not, difficult or not, etc, else they not be allowed into heaven.
  4. It comes as no surprise to me that the Brown’s version of religion relies on strict compliance to the rules…#1 of those rules being that he is to be followed. Questioned, maybe, but not threatened. I’m not sure how he originally got into it (because I’d have to care), but didn’t the wives grow up watching their own various Moms “keep sweet” so they could get to heaven? Sometimes I hate to admit it, but they DO live in a country that celebrates religious freedom and their natural right to choose whatever path to heaven they see fit, so unless there is outright abuse, one has to turn the other cheek. I feel sorry their children had to/have to go through their mother’s neglect as a result of choosing him to lead them to heaven as well as having a father that rejoices in sharing 1/18th of his fatherly time with them because heaven. That being said, I don’t think Kody is the instigator/brainwasher of Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn that resulted in them choosing a polygamous lifestyle. I imagine they knew full well the future a sister wife could look forward to…to reproduce as much as possible, regardless of financial/physical ability as well as sharing that with ONE husband, they choose to contribute everything and suffer in silence, following his lead, so if/when they don’t, well then he’s been betrayed. Every single one of those bitches could be Sociology Honors Course Thesis offerings at BYU on how NOT to follow the LDS principles even if you DO think Smith was right about living polygamy, legal or not. I’m betting Kody has been this way from the jump…since day one of filming. I don’t think he’s that bright, really, but I think he tried to over emphasize the separation of relationships-physically, in the beginning. Like he thought maybe he’d be some kind of flag waver to legalize polygamy…by showing the viewers the fleeing, the relocation into separate houses, Kody, the responsible hobo, schlepping in between because they can’t even share one kitchen, yadda yadda Polygamy rocks…and then nobody cares about his cause, but the perks of the show….and here we are. Kody melts down as his dream disappears and he fades into the woodwork.
  5. But, and I say this with all the incredulity the question itself deserves, how can a man really be there for his children-ALL of them, when he has 18? Plus, all the mothers of all the children are OVER the MOON when another one added to his brood? He is without a doubt a self centered ass and a terrible father, among other things, however, without willing participants, he would merely be a self centered ass. To me, as a woman and a mother, much worse than him would be those pieces of shit with functional wombs who intentionally partnered with him, becoming mothers to his children, pumping out as many as physically possible, knowing FULL well that so are the other sister wives, until there are more of them than waking hours in a day…ALL so they can please their God and get to heaven. Which is why I don’t respect, believe or feel sorry for ANY of those bitches, Kody included. At all. The kids, I just feel sorry for them.
  6. Exactly-and Sander is hetmansplaining to the audience, interspersed with skits of potential situations, regarding what the appropriate response is. I feel like I’m sitting in the cafeteria with every other girl in school, watching the poorly produced film about sanitary pads and such. Meanwhile, Jazz’s name is still in lights, bless her 💜
  7. Yawn….I used to watch soap operas and the main draw was that they were made up people, in make believe towns, y’know, fiction. I think some people referred to them as their “stories”. This is being sold as “reality”, even listed here in the Candid Reality section, but in truth it is following the soap opera style which is characterized by a permanent cast, a continuing story, emphasis on dialogue instead of action, a slower-than-life pace, and a consistently sentimental or melodramatic treatment. They are all just playing roles. None of them are good at acting. I can’t get emotionally involved to feel sorrow or anger for any of the adults. Main reason? They all went into this arrangement submitting to the authority of ONE man fathering as many kids as they could pump out with their eyes wide open, knowing full well only one of the wives could be “legal”, the rest will be single mothers for the most part and none wanted to ever have him full time. They got exactly what they paid for as Kody reminds us/them every episode. The writers of this shitshow soap opera should watch some Disney flicks for inspirational pointers~The Mouse has pulling heartstrings down to a science.
  8. Im not sure I’d watch an entire episode regarding Jazz being “penetrated”. I thank everything holy she hasn’t pimped herself out already like OctoMom did after her fame started waning. Who knows, though, if the Kardashian’s can build an empire over a “leaked” sex tape… TLC is making good on their promise to be THE Preeminent Circus Sideshow Event of anything broadcast television with “ I Am Shauna Rae” which leaves me wondering whatever happened to the conjoined twins?
  9. Sander’s acting stinks. I kept getting this feeling I was watching a college-project PSA aimed at elementary school kids on what is and is not appropriate when interacting with a trans woman or trans man. Or potentially maybe thinking about dating one. Turning this show into “I am Sander” is really jumping the shark.
  10. Since Kody et al are not supported or endorsed by the AUB anymore, I guess he makes up the rules as he goes about all that stuff, from God’s mouth to his ear. There are many polygamous offshoots of LDS, so who knows, maybe he’s staked a claim on his own version?
  11. I think one of the reasons that psychotherapy is not only recommended, but letters of assessment/successful participation are required for gender reassignment/affirmation surgery is so that any mental health issues are identified, addressed and a plan is in place for the post-surgery mental health of the individual. I also think that it does Jazz and anyone else out there suffering from mental health issues a great disservice to just shrug it off(Dr. Grandpa), insist that it has NOTHING to do with_______(fill in the blank, Jeanette) and/or bleat simplistic solutions ad nauseum (looking at YOU, Zander). A nutritionist is a great start for Jazz to learn about healthy foods and preparation. Unfortunately, it does nothing to address her mental health issues. When I was 15, mom took me to the family dr and announced she thought I had anorexia. My parents had taken me to the hospital more than once for a shot to stop throwing up, because it lasted longer than 24 hours. I was 5’8”, 135 lbs. Dr. looked at me and said “do you MAKE yourself throw up?” To which I answered no, because I didn’t. He looked back at Mom, called her by her first name(they had known each other professionally for years as well as socially) and said “ are you sure you’re just not mad because she isn’t fat like the rest of the family?” Years later I learned that my problem is called “cyclical vomiting” and has nothing to do with the eating disorder anorexia, but they think it has a LOT to do with stress…and even hormones. Post-partum depression, pregnancy “brain”, morning sickness and crying at commercials with cute puppies are all things most folks accept as the potential consequence of the hormones involved with the changes one’s body goes through bringing another human into the world. Perhaps a visit with an endocrinologist might be a good idea, too?
  12. Sounds like Meri’s story arc is she’s been working with an actual professional-therapist, counselor,etc. to learn and implement techniques for positive communication within her interpersonal relationships…since, y’know, she’s in for eternity. In between Janelle and Meri’s conversation we are presented with backstory and a few talking heads of Kody plyg-splaining how it’s all supposed to work in their chosen lifestyle world. After the kids are grown and gone, it’s just the 5 of them and they knew this when they made a sacred vow to join with Kody for eternity. They’ve had plenty of time to figure out what that is supposed to look like and build relationships with each other despite their differences.
  13. Indeed. I am not and never will be a member of Mormonism in any form, but my understanding of the Brown Family’s Sect goes like this: In the Fundi-LDS world that’s exactly what not only Robyn, but the rest of his wives are SUPPOSED to be doing because they willingly, as adults, vowed it to God. Cue Kody’s simmering rage ever since the Catfishing With Meri incident happened. Meri can spin it however she wants, but she intentionally and repeatedly disobeyed him AND broke whatever vows she made to him. Christine & Janelle have both disobeyed his COVID protocol and included their respective children in disobeying his mandate. Now his simmering rage is periodically boiling over. For example: 1. his reactions to Christine-“You’re not social distancing!” and Ysabel-“I didn’t know you were in so much pain”and “sorry, can’t go with you” are veiled references to his extreme frustration that if only ALL of his wives and children would have been obedient to his authority, he would have KNOWN she was in so much pain as he would have spent the time with them they are whining about not getting. 2. Growing up with that many siblings and moms, Ysabel should know she’s getting, at BEST 1/22 of the time he allots out of his life to “wives and children”. She has also grown up watching her moms and siblings accept Kody’s denial of their requests for attention, regardless of situation or excuse, yet continue to obey him and “keep sweet” whether is comes easy or they struggle with their jealousy. Comparing their basic situation with what most consider the “norms” of monogamous pairings is the carrot that fans and haters chase all the way to improving the Brown’s ratings and generating “trending” status on social media platforms. After all, every single adult appearing on the show is invested heavily with TLC and the storylines handed to them to play out.
  14. -Jackie mentioned that “growing old is ugly” and just LOOK at the amount of over processed hair, wigs/extensions, makeup, plastic surgery, inappropriate-for-their-age clothing choices, etc. that Jackie and Jeanette engage in as role models to their daughters and granddaughters. Jazz’s pressure to pass combined with all that emphasis on womanly “perfection” is an incredibly hard “script” to change, thanks to her mom and Grandmom. I think it’s OUTSTANDING and kudos to Ari for obviously rejecting her mother and grandmother’s version of what “looks” feminine plus their extreme vanity- she always shows up with natural hair, minimal if any makeup and a casual, stylish age-appropriate bohemian vibe.
  15. Right? Me too!!! Her punishment time was over, I guess. Exactly this^^^^
  16. According to NC law, the fact they have previously lived together constitutes a “personal relationship”. Attempting to cause bodily injury, or intentionally causing bodily injury with someone in a personal relationship would hinge on prosecutors convincing jurists that it’s reasonable to assume she was aiming the remote at him and intentionally throwing it, which, unlike a pillow, made him bleed, but could have injured him further had she hit his eye, for example. I admit I’m just being nit-picky and also know Buddy vs. Whitney lawsuits will never happen. My guess is they would choose to leave that IN when editing the episode because they want to gloss it over (settling quietly with Buddy) and at the same time, stir shit up.
  17. AHA!!!! And yet, we have the miracle of Whitney Thore and the whole premise of the show: She has sobbed many a time as she Whitsplains to viewers that she has a disease that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for her to be height/weight proportionate, no matter her diet or exercise regimen. On top of THAT she has an eating disorder. She has bloviated on her decision to EMBRACE this horrific diagnosis of lifelong obesity. She has parlayed her unfortunate circumstances into BGDC, a book, 9 seasons of MBFFL, NoBS.com, NoBS at Sea Cruises, NoBSActive App, paid partnerships with UnderArmour, Torrid and FabFitFun, sponsoring products on her IG account for Intima menstrual cups and Uncle Bud’s Hemp, NoBS by Snoga clothing line and public speaking engagements.
  18. Assault would be Whitney communicating to Buddy that she’s fixin’ to physically harm him in some way. Battery is Whitney actually doing it. She could be charged with domestic violence under NC law. Even if he didn’t seek medical attention, if his injuries warranted it, the charges would be more serious or enhanced as well. ”I didn’t mean to hurt him” won’t mean shit.
  19. Agreed. Which is why they missed out on the opportunity to educate about the inconsistency regarding statutory rape laws. Instead of hammering the age of 16 every time St. Olivia had any lines about it, imagine if she could have said something like, I was only 6 months away from it being my choice. Like many, I pine for the days when the writers created episodes that were somewhat relevant to current events, not just soap opera drama revolving around Olivia Benson’s personal life. No. I’m referring to specific statutory rape laws unrelated to marriages, arranged or otherwise. In essence, these were property crimes. In Delaware, specifically, the age of consent to engage in sex was 10, with punishment of the convicted rapist set at 10 years in prison. In 1871, the age of consent was lowered to 7 and the punishment upped to the death penalty for the rapist.
  20. Notice the heavy emphasis on St. Olivia being 16. I don’t think her specific age was ever mentioned before. In New York State, the age of consent was and is 17 and would have been nothing to prosecute, if that’s how old she was. It could have been a teaching moment about the current disparity between age of consent laws, state by state~as well as the unbelievable historical account of it coming to be law in this country. It began as a “property crime” to protect the value of an unmarried WHITE woman’s chastity, which belonged to her father. In 1885, most states age of consent law was 10, in Delaware it was 7. But no, if it doesn’t revolve around St. Olivia, the writers are just at a loss, I guess.
  21. I’m gonna go with both. She’s ALWAYS been shitty to her barnacles, inappropriate and rude to her parents, the mentality of a 13 y/o when it comes to boys and to top it off, wallows in the emotional turmoil, ad infinitum , of her unmanageable PCOS disease that has completely ruined her ability to lose ANY weight, attract the sort of boys she wants, get married and have babies the old fashioned way, exercise for longer than a five minute stretch, etc. Putting the spotlight on that shit was just typical TLC programming by “blessing” us with yet another carnival style freak show to hate-watch.
  22. Every episode devolves into an even worse Soap Opera episode than before. This show has morphed beyond its original premise into the same boring formula as morphed NCIS, L&O SVU and others. It is no longer an interesting story about a case, or a potentially worthwhile endeavor one takes on like losing weight, Fat Girl Dance class or NoBS content/app building. It is now solely based on the ongoing storylines of the major character and their immediate friends & family. Brimming with groan inducing hijinks and scripted dialogue which vaguely utilizes comedic devices in order to appear clever but completely misses the mark. If they would just add some banjo music, it would be Hee-Haw 2.0.
  23. Heyyyyy, nowwww…how many times have we heard about PCOS making it impossible to lose weight, no matter what she does? It’s my unprofessional opinion that the basis of her whacked out behavior/ideas and original inspiration for No-BS is her literal illogical belief that PCOS MAKES her fat and there’s nothing she can do about it. Ymmv, etc.
  24. Walking with someone and helping them to navigate obstacles can be two different things. My point was neither Glenn, brother nor Whitney were there for Babs in a caretaking capacity. It’s not really that dire of a situation for them to even casually think about. She would have been in the same boat going alone with an Uber. if Whitney REALLY wanted to solve the upstairs/downstairs living issue she’d buy them a stairlift as an early Christmas gift. Fake arguing with her parents is better soap opera drama & fodder for the forums, though! LOL I take care of my unforgivingly stubborn 94 y/o mother…we all breathed a GIANT sigh of relief when she voluntarily gave up the keys and gifted her car to my then college student daughter 3 years ago.
  25. I doubt it. It’s merely a storyline she’s participating in. She’s more than likely too self absorbed and barely able to run her own life to concern herself or have the actual ability to be a caregiver to her parents. Remember that scene of her sitting in the car eating popcorn while Babs took a dive miscalculating a curb? Neither her husband nor her son were by her side helping her navigate that curb, either, but she couldn’t even be arsed to get out of the car. I think the only portion that was non-scripted out of the whole episode was Babs’ fall…yet no one is wringing their hands about how they should have been there, at her elbow, helping her navigate that curb.
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